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Purchased A Condo... Law Of The Land

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Hi, I have a Will & Last Testament made up here in Australia that states that if I were to kick the bucket my parents would get all that I own....

I recently purchased a condo as foriegn owned in thailand, not owned by a company.

My lawyer proceeded to tell me that I should check the thai laws out when it comes to wills, he used a technical legal term, which basically means it falls into the 'LAW OF THE LAND'. My will here in Australia doesnt mean shit and that whatever the rules are in thailand overrule this.

So, I am not married to a thai and dont plan on getting married, Should I have a Will & Last Testament written up in thailand to cover my arse with thai law ?


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Thanks for the information, I also emailed Pattaya Property, and they replied with this info:

It is very wise to have a Will & Last Testament here in Thailand and something most of my buyers have. Please feel free to call into our office when you are back in Pattaya and I will point you in the direction of a good lawyer. They charge less than 10,000 Baht and are very easily drafted up.

Gonna get it sorted when Im next in town...

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I heard a second hand story about a farang who bought a condo here in Thailand before he married a Thai. After being legally married and living in the condo for a number of years, he passed away. According to the story (?) his children from a previous marriage and who do not live in Thailand inherited the condo per Thai law. (?). His children were not sympathetic to his Thai wife and forced her to move out. The children then sold the condo and his Thai wife got nothing.

Could this be true?

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I heard a second hand story about a farang who bought a condo here in Thailand before he married a Thai. After being legally married and living in the condo for a number of years, he passed away. According to the story (?) his children from a previous marriage and who do not live in Thailand inherited the condo per Thai law. (?). His children were not sympathetic to his Thai wife and forced her to move out. The children then sold the condo and his Thai wife got nothing.

Could this be true?

It could be and 6 months ago I would have agreed. However I know a first hand story which originally followed this line but then changed when a Pattaya law firm was involved. Basically guy left most things to his ex UK partner but nothing specific about the condo as he bought after they had effectively separated and he had not got round to changing his will.

Originally family and ex were told that condo proceeds would go to the father but recently they were told by the Pattaya law firm that the proceeds would go to the ex - and no she had not been in touch but the family had and the decision was based on the probate.

So anyway I am confused. However if the OP does not marry or sire children then I would have thought his original will would stand?

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Don't know about the will but have read recently that condo's inherited by a farrang can only be kept if the new owners can prove that they have brought into the thailandd money equal to the current market value of the property.

So without transfering a large sum into Thailand they would be forced to sell the condo within 1 year or have it taken by the government.

Full details on a recent thread.

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