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Bangkok Governor Ensures Safety After Triple Blast Incident


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yep this will do the trick.. you will now have more than one angle shot of the terrorist blowing up whatever he chooses including himself.

The answer is to spend the money on getting a decent counter intelligence section going and liaise and take stock and have credibility in international counter intelligence circles.

Instead of the "it will never happen in Thailand bs" ( witness that goose who made statements re Pattaya a few weeks ago) start getting into the 21st century and get a few good men trained overseas and heading up a smart division.

Its just so Thai to think the solution is to install more security cameras....I mean the terrorists arent going to hold up a sign saying " In exactly 20 minutes I will detonate a bomb" are they and they aren't like lurking in dark shadows with big moustaches overcoats and trilbies.... however they will note the stupidity of publicly announcing that security and bag checks will occur between hours of 4 pm and 8:30 pm on Khao San road... wake up Thailand.. you are not immune and this thinking that we are Thai, this doesn't happen here.. well guess what it has and it will again.

Best you can hope for with additional security cameras is location of your favourite somtam cart and maybe identify which BIB is raking in the most tea money.

Well pit. You should get a job with the government, they seriosly need help.

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Extra cameras won't actually stop the explosions. It will just mean that there will be more video of the perps in the days and weeks prior to incidents. That won't stop the perps leaving the country either, as there will be so much video to watch, it'll be weeks before anyone is actually identified.

Why not give the authorities some credit, they had identified, published photos and arrested seemingly all (or at least most ) of the players within a few hours of the last incident.

And please don't respond with a cute remark about it being easy to arrest a legless berk, or similar........

They should get credit for doing a good job.

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You may well be right. It seemed they had set up surveillance via ctv for some time, with pix of them and others entering and leaving the house. Nevertheless, when it all went tits up, one gets as far as Malaysia, and another seems to be back in Iran. Win some lose some.

Extra cameras won't actually stop the explosions. It will just mean that there will be more video of the perps in the days and weeks prior to incidents. That won't stop the perps leaving the country either, as there will be so much video to watch, it'll be weeks before anyone is actually identified.

Why not give the authorities some credit, they had identified, published photos and arrested seemingly all (or at least most ) of the players within a few hours of the last incident.

And please don't respond with a cute remark about it being easy to arrest a legless berk, or similar........

They should get credit for doing a good job.

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