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I have always wanted two have two super-powers...

be able to fly and have a special coat that make invisible ( the same as the girl in dungeons and dragons...

if you could have superpowers which will you have...

Edited by Glauka
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To be able to speak all the world's languages.

To be able to sing  :D  :D  :D

super powers---be able to sing? :D

I mean you can wish anything I mean ANYTHING! be able to sing? :D

You haven't heard my voice :D:D

yes maybe good power... :o

if you sing beautifully maybe...you can make everybody to fall sleep and then...


I´ve got the point now about singing... :burp::D

Edited by Glauka
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Wow! Some special ones from BambinA - How about being able to understand how a woman's mind works. And if I can have a second one (as most people seem to be choosing 2)... Nah, maybe one is enough when it's this difficult!!!

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I can already fly. That's boring.

I would love to have X-ray vision. That way I could see right through the top that BambinA is wearing and not have to rely on my imagination.  :o

I don´t have X- ray vision and I don´t need it because even though I cannot see through bambinas top, I can see through mine...and what I can see...IS PRETTY GOOD! :D

Edited by Glauka
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I can already fly. That's boring.

I would love to have X-ray vision. That way I could see right through the top that BambinA is wearing and not have to rely on my imagination.  :o

I don´t have X- ray vision and I don´t need it because even though I cannot see through bambinas top, I can see through mine...and what I can see...IS PRETTY GOOD! :D

Ok - waiting for a cleavage shot in a lowcut top now!!! :D

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Lots of good replies here. I would only wish to have one superpower that pretty much could encompass everything. I would want to have the ability to just think of something, no matter what it is, and have it happen. I think of a pile of money in my hands and it happens. I want time to stand-still and it happens. Anything at all that I would want. Thats all you need! :o

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i am happy enough with no super powers

a super alarm clock would be more use to me.

I would like to be able to desintagrate all alarm clocks...

and also I would like to be world president ...

1st...Nobody wakes up before 8.30 a.m

2nd...NObody works on Saturdays :o

Edited by Glauka
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My Superpower would be for anyone to do whatever I asked - as long as I said "Please".

"Mr Bush, please sign the Kyoto treaty"

"Mr Gates, please give me a million dollars"

"Mrs Beckham, please.........don't sing any more" :o

On the subject of the Stopping time power, there was a great book (and not-so-great film) which covered this called "The girl, the gold watch and everything". It isn't that easy to master!

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