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The southbound carriageway of the 122 bypass is being resurfaced so be aware and ready to slow down. I saw the work going on between Sawanvittee 64 turnoff and 3005 turn off. People from KPP who are obliged to take this route in particluar should take note, to you N/S means " NO STOPPING."

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Nice to see your both back. Must have seemed like home from home for the pair of you Ex up north with the burning and you south with Pattaya fumes. Hope you had a nice time.

The news.

I had to go to N/Smog last week don't panic only as far as the bypass they had a sale on at one of the super store's and my French chef wanted a new cooker hob & hood. So I got first hand experience of the B/P still digging up same what a shamble's.

I see well according to the BKK Post that N/Smog has applied for heritage status, seem's it's all down to the new flood barrier that is going to be surrounding the place some 3mt high in place's. Thailand version of the Berlin wall allegedly. I just perchance happen to know of a couple of graffiti artist's that would brighten it up. Here's a thought a hunt scene maybe??? don't poo poo the idea out of hand the bright red coat's, Irish woof hounds, not to mention Horses in full flight should brighten the old grey Concrete up no end. Sorry to hear that your so called beach is a goner this year, I don't know first hand of course it's just that the river Ping here is up again big time so by now you should be getting it. Cant see it getting any better to soon as the dam in Tak is still over 70% full and they want to get it down to 45% by the end of April.

H/M K.P.P.



News from up in the backwoods is always interesting to us more advanced folks. have VCR's reached your part of the world yet?

The PM has apparently told the wall builders that they had better have it already for 31st May so that might mean a test run from Tak hope you will be ok at KPP. By the way I heard a rumour that KPP has applied for twinning with Peyton Place, very apt I thought.

Must go and see how the 122 is coming along soon, the quicker we can get you past our beloved metropolis the better eh?


We do not have graffiti artists here, much more refined people in NS, I did not realize you had a problem with artistic criminals up there, see what you can, a bit of keel hauling might work. Have to admit we do have a problem with motor cyclists here who can ride without looking where they are going, it takes a few well chosen anglo saxon words to switch them on even though they do not understand, some can also go into stand by in 4 wheeled machines as Bill found out, there is no proof that the perpertratures are from NS, likely from the north and switched off on the way.

The PM's flood defences sound inpresive, I think it will be called "The wall that Yinglook built for the people who live in Paradise" ( even though there is no Batemans Beers in NS-except in my house!). At the end of the wall will be a sign which says "flood water this way >"


We do not have graffiti artists here, much more refined people in NS, I did not realize you had a problem with artistic criminals up there, see what you can, a bit of keel hauling might work. Have to admit we do have a problem with motor cyclists here who can ride without looking where they are going, it takes a few well chosen anglo saxon words to switch them on even though they do not understand, some can also go into stand by in 4 wheeled machines as Bill found out, there is no proof that the perpertratures are from NS, likely from the north and switched off on the way.

The PM's flood defences sound inpresive, I think it will be called "The wall that Yinglook built for the people who live in Paradise" ( even though there is no Batemans Beers in NS-except in my house!). At the end of the wall will be a sign which says "flood water this way >"

Of course we don't have any graffiti peep's here they have all been locked up but we could let some out for day release.

News on the wall of (Berlin wall quote) shame, very appropriate name for N/Smog me think's. I hear that they will be erecting guard tower's every 100mt that's to try and stop the Mass Exodus that will obviously occur. Now here's a thought I think it might be a good idea if you lot got your hand's on the book The Great escape and start digging. They named their tunnel's Tom Dick and Harry, Tip, that might be a bit to advanced for you so just try 1.2.3.

No worries Ex we never get flooded. Re Peyton Place that was all about Class Privilege, but it did include a lower class mob that lived over the track's and as we don't have a railway here must mean the N/Smog peep's so it's very apt.

Might be a good idea to have a gander at the 122 take some snap's will be a good reminder in later year's, you will be able to show the kid's what life was/is like out side the Iron Curtain.

There is of course a bright side to all this the traffic will lesson might even some day's be able to see across the road.

H/M K.P.P.



I see the captured KPP spies are still on display at the Big C crossroads, SE corner outside the bike shop, one appear to be dressed in red riding gear, cheap though it is, worth a trip to see their distress!


For the last 2 days, probably more the BIG C crossroads has been a nightmare with traffic blocking it up even though they know there is no prospect of clearing the area. It seems worst going south and stacking up northwards. Anyone who has to come to town I would suggest you leave the main highway as soon as possible and find an alternative route. If you are heading south or north and you do not need to go through town then I strongly advise you to use the 122 by pass.

There are some roadworks on the U-Turn under the bridge over the river which may not be helping but I suspect there are others as well on the main route through and as mentioned selfish driving standards.


I see the captured KPP spies are still on display at the Big C crossroads, SE corner outside the bike shop, one appear to be dressed in red riding gear, cheap though it is, worth a trip to see their distress!

As I have said before they not Upper Class peep's we wouldn't be seen dead in N/Smog, and a far as wanting to bypass the bypass even if you had several fox's raiding the full dustbins that abound there the hunt just wouldn't be temped.

I now see that you have got even more traffic = more fume's. I've got it now they are all coming to see the new sight's to-wit the wall of shame and getting blocked in behind all the cement mixer's.

Not having seen this horrendous sight how's it going. I cant really work it out I believe that it's going up to stop the river's overflowing into the so called Metropolis, that's all well and good but what happen's to all the rain water that will build up filling all the sewer's with no ware for it to go. Or are they going to put large pumps in them to fire all the sludge over the wall to make some sort spectacle like the Trevi fountain. Sound's like the Yingluck Pot Luck idea is going to be a bit of a Miss Mash, only time will tell but it doesn't look to promising.

Not to sure if Doctor's sell Tiger but you could ask on one of your weekly de-coking trip's.

H/M K.P.P.



Stay away unless you have to do an immigration run the traffic is awful, if you want alternative directions to the Immigration I will try and post for you all, do not head for the BIG C crossroads its a nightmare!

Let me know where you coming from, the road number and I will try and help you out, if you are com ing from the north down the route 1 I would suggest you do a U TURN whenh you see the SHELL Garage on the northbound carriageway and after 80 yards turn left, this is the rout 3005. When you get to the traffic lights, turn left, when you se the market on the right take the next left, this is SAWANVITTEE you will pass the University then look for the POLICE STATION on the opposite direction, turn down the left hand side of the station, Immigration is about 100 yrards down on the right hand side, (49) If you need IMMIGRATION.

The traffic is the worst I have ssen here.


Been up to town today and the BIG C crossroads is again at a log jam going south. North bound the top surface is off the road so road works are starting on both sides of the traffic lights, stay away from this area its a nightmare, use the 122 by-pass.


Traffic flowing south past BIG C much easier, but northbound with the re-surfacing its not good and Herman used to say "Its a must to avoid."


The road works on the route 1 north from BIG C traffic lights continue, top surface off and lots of dust so be aware, its also going on further north on the southbound carriageway where they appear to be rebuilding a bridge. On the 122 by pass work continues and seems ok but no road markings and when you come to any form of bridge they have not been touched so the surface changes drastically and abrubtly until you re join the new surface.


The road works on the route 1 north from BIG C traffic lights continue, top surface off and lots of dust so be aware, its also going on further north on the southbound carriageway where they appear to be rebuilding a bridge. On the 122 by pass work continues and seems ok but no road markings and when you come to any form of bridge they have not been touched so the surface changes drastically and abrubtly until you re join the new surface.

Well life seem's the usual intolerable norm in N/Smog. If it's any consolation I had to go to Chiang Mai yesterday and the traffic is even worse there + the fire smog fume's EEEEEK. It reminded me of England every other peep's was A non Thai.

H/M K.P.P.



Monday was an excellent day for me, one that will make even the strongest real ale officienados weep like children for to celebrate the Gunners stealing a wonderful victory in Liverpool I reached for the special bottle and the lady I enjoyed it, yes she said it was "Aloi!"

It arrived by special courier in the later days of february and the empty bottle now lives with other empty bottles of Batemans' XXXB and Hall and Woodhouse's Blandfor Fly, so now you are all licking your lips the very special elixir was Bateman'sVictory Ale, puts all the beers to shame. The price, of course, keeps the Thai offerings in the ring.


Still have seen no work on the proposed 10m high flood barrier, if anyone has please let us know, the PM assured us it would be in place by 31st May! Perhaps there is shortage of cement, sand and blend 285!


Still have seen no work on the proposed 10m high flood barrier, if anyone has please let us know, the PM assured us it would be in place by 31st May! Perhaps there is shortage of cement, sand and blend 285!

10mt I thought it was only going to be 3mt. I must ask is there ever going to be any sunlight there poking through the haze. No need to answer as I already know the answer.

H/M K.P.P.



FRed you are right on this one I am sure it should be 3M, but us imperial folks here still think in the long measure, then of course it depends where you measure the metres from, there has been some work under the bridges ( of sighs) but it looks like 1m at best a continuation of the promenade from down river and I cant see them geting to the 2nd bridge in under 2 months can you?


Top surface of the road both sides of the BIG C junction in NS today southbound route 1, its really bad if you are trying to turn off route 1 and cross the northbound carriageway, or, heading north and crossing into NS.


FRed you are right on this one I am sure it should be 3M, but us imperial folks here still think in the long measure, then of course it depends where you measure the metres from, there has been some work under the bridges ( of sighs) but it looks like 1m at best a continuation of the promenade from down river and I cant see them geting to the 2nd bridge in under 2 months can you?

There was a bit in the BKK Post the other day and it turn's out that the new flood plain (2 mil: + ria) is to be located to the north east of N/Smog how that's going to help I don't know, we can all work out what's going to happen, will it stop N/Smog from flooding H/M think's no chance. Maybe they should put the Great wall of China north of the Buddha forsaken place. Just south of the Bypass would suit nicely.

H/M K.P.P.



FRed you are right on this one I am sure it should be 3M, but us imperial folks here still think in the long measure, then of course it depends where you measure the metres from, there has been some work under the bridges ( of sighs) but it looks like 1m at best a continuation of the promenade from down river and I cant see them geting to the 2nd bridge in under 2 months can you?

There was a bit in the BKK Post the other day and it turn's out that the new flood plain (2 mil: + ria) is to be located to the north east of N/Smog how that's going to help I don't know, we can all work out what's going to happen, will it stop N/Smog from flooding H/M think's no chance. Maybe they should put the Great wall of China north of the Buddha forsaken place. Just south of the Bypass would suit nicely.

H/M K.P.P.


Got the old brain in motion, as we all know the land south (Either side of the 1/32) of N/Smog flood's Big time every year so now they are going to put in a flood plain to the N/E, that would make N/Smog a bit like a desert island. This get's better by the day. Start thinking of what record's you would like just in case your ever asked if you would like to go on Desert Island Disc's.

Bill you know the tent's that are being erected in K.P.P by the Red + for the unfortunate's in N/Smog this year, just a thought the way thing's are going we might be able to charge. Thai's would be free but the Farang's could pay big time after all they are all Millionairs and that mob are definately not playing with a full deck.




If at first you dont suceed, try again next year! Well we were on an island last year so have all the records. I think we will have to have a collective monk thoughts to turn the water back to whence it came!

By the way I found a couple of sandwiches by the route 1, not from your picnic box are they? That would account for you rum thoughtsgiggle.gif . Still no Sang Som in Big C if anyone is interested and the road works continue at a snails pace on the route 1 northbound and southbound north of the bridge, take care of your suspension.


If at first you dont suceed, try again next year! Well we were on an island last year so have all the records. I think we will have to have a collective monk thoughts to turn the water back to whence it came!

By the way I found a couple of sandwiches by the route 1, not from your picnic box are they? That would account for you rum thoughtsgiggle.gif . Still no Sang Som in Big C if anyone is interested and the road works continue at a snails pace on the route 1 northbound and southbound north of the bridge, take care of your suspension.

Yesterday found me going to Phitsanulok had to chastise some of the local's re the chef's new kitchen. Tip dont try it on you moped's unless you have lot's of time. I found myself humming a song to-wit Barbra Streisand's Run Wild from the Guilty LP, why had that come into my head I thought, then it hit me when I got to the chorus "out on the edge of time for you are an Island" It's that N/Smog rearing it's ugly head yet again I mused, almost spoilt my day.

How can the H/M help out in their hour of need I know never mind about the odd monk get one of the lower class to dress up as King Canute stick him on a plastic chair in front of the flood plain sorted.

Not going to well there is it, road's buggered big time now I hear that Big C has no Sang Som what is the world read N/Smog coming to.

Re the sandwiches if they were cucumber crust's cut orrrf could have been, anyway glad to hear that you didn't go hungry on your visa trip.

Next time you have to do a run if you give us a day's notice we can arrange to have doggy bag for you to pick up at the Bus Station, if your a good boy it might even contain a packet of cheese and onion Crisp's. Don't poo poo the idear out of hand at least it will save you from scavenging for scrap's along the 1.

H/M K.P.P.



Is it right that in KPP they fill the holes in the road with horse manure? It smelt a bit ripe last time and the heat haze coming off it was, well far more than what I am used too, still I must say a jolly good idea having horse-drawn baht buses, must be a big techological leap for you boys from the back woods eh!


Is it right that in KPP they fill the holes in the road with horse manure? It smelt a bit ripe last time and the heat haze coming off it was, well far more than what I am used too, still I must say a jolly good idea having horse-drawn baht buses, must be a big techological leap for you boys from the back woods eh!

What hole's, we are not N/Smog you know anyway when we are out exercising the steed's we very seldom cross road's it's called open space's, we have peep's following on behind just in case of a mishap their called pooper scooper's. I didn't want to tell you this but it's one of the job's that farang's can do it can also be a way of getting some extra income not to mention a work visa. There is always the added bonus of being able to attend the Hunt ball, of course you would have to stand outside the gate's but think of it no more searching for scrap's as anything left over would be your's. That's of course if the Wolf Hound's don't get them first. After several year's if you work hard you could even get promoted. Just think of how it would look on your Visa application head Pooper Scooper could open many door's, anyway load's better than I live in N/Smog.

H/M K.P.P.



Is it right that in KPP they fill the holes in the road with horse manure? It smelt a bit ripe last time and the heat haze coming off it was, well far more than what I am used too, still I must say a jolly good idea having horse-drawn baht buses, must be a big techological leap for you boys from the back woods eh!

What hole's, we are not N/Smog you know anyway when we are out exercising the steed's we very seldom cross road's it's called open space's, we have peep's following on behind just in case of a mishap their called pooper scooper's. I didn't want to tell you this but it's one of the job's that farang's can do it can also be a way of getting some extra income not to mention a work visa. There is always the added bonus of being able to attend the Hunt ball, of course you would have to stand outside the gate's but think of it no more searching for scrap's as anything left over would be your's. That's of course if the Wolf Hound's don't get them first. After several year's if you work hard you could even get promoted. Just think of how it would look on your Visa application head Pooper Scooper could open many door's, anyway load's better than I live in N/Smog.

H/M K.P.P.


I think you have smeeling some of that sugar cane again its interferring with the grey matter, I prescribe a bottle of Tiger (52bts in Tesco) to be taken after meals, when you have finished the bottle you can do what you wish with it, but do enjoy the contents.

Now been out on the bike today to see whats happening down the 122 by pass, well the surface is coming along very well, still some work to do but the surface is going to give your motorists a really smooth road, I was amazed at the job they are doing it really is excellent I just hope it lasts, for now conragulations are in order for the road workers, still bits of single carriageway in operation though.


So they are building the great wall of China /NS. Next thing the tour operators will be starting tours.

Yes a circular tour, down the by pass and then back into N/S from the north, sstop a quick bite, then down to the University to watch the talent for a bit, out to Boraphet for a boat trip, see the aquarium, crocodiles and the cheeky monkeys ( not the ones from KPP) . Back into town for a bit of shopping, then a walk down the prom before a slap up meal and Karaoke at any number of establishments. Wow another wonderful day in paradise, Nakhon Sawan could be become the new Pattaya ( with out the adult entertainment ). Get your tickets quick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So they are building the great wall of China /NS. Next thing the tour operators will be starting tours.

Yes a circular tour, down the by pass and then back into N/S from the north, sstop a quick bite, then down to the University to watch the talent for a bit, out to Boraphet for a boat trip, see the aquarium, crocodiles and the cheeky monkeys ( not the ones from KPP) . Back into town for a bit of shopping, then a walk down the prom before a slap up meal and Karaoke at any number of establishments. Wow another wonderful day in paradise, Nakhon Sawan could be become the new Pattaya ( with out the adult entertainment ). Get your tickets quick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There you go again Dave Get your ticket's quick for what I would like to ask. Please allow me to update peep's on what the trip would be like. Go to the Bus Station pick up your bus if you can find it through the haze/smog then set orrrf, there will be some sort of commentary if it can be heard above the coughing wheezing and spluttering of the tourist's.

Head's north to the Bypass turn's left and after a few km turn's left again back into N.Smog town. It doesn't rearlly matter where you go as you wont be able to see anything due to the Diesel smoke that will be belching out of the lorries and pick up's. The hole trip is some 10km long take's about 4 hour's that's because of the traffic jams. Then as you alight from the bus you will all hold hand's (No it's not some sort of local dance) it's the only way you can find your way out of the Bus station.

If I was you Dave I would book a very small bus as I cant see many taker's.

Forgot to mention the Pattaya bit all you will want is a few tattooed pony tailed peep's and you'll be away. You already have the traffic, fume's, no beach, what else do you need ??? Ah a few Russian's maybe, now there's a thought.

H/M. K.P.P.


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