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Thailand Post Inspects All Parcels To Deter Parcel Bombing


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Bad move Thailand...picking-up the habits of the age-old gov't scam.."action-reaction-solution" This can be celarly seen in the U.S.A.; ridiculous measures (i.e. homeland security, T.S.A.) put in place to curtail so-called terrorism. If terrorism is on the rise, it is either gov't-sponsored terrorism or what may be deemed as justified aggressive-defence or retribution against those (U.S. military-allies) that have killed, maimed, tortured countless citizens in countries such as: Iraq and Afghanistan . What would you do or become if someone killed your family members for no justification or reason? I believe that Thailand is now being targeted for economic and political reason, especially recently, why?

Have American and Israeli efforts to pin international terrorism on Iran just gone global? A series of bomb attacks apparently on Israeli diplomats in India and Georgia are now being linked with blasts in the Thai capital, Bangkok, for which it is reported that three Iranian men have been arrested.

Israel is claiming that the explosive devices recovered in Thailand are the same “sticky bombs” that were used in the attacks in New Delhi and Tbilisi, and that is proof that an Iranian terror network is conducting an assassination campaign against its foreign diplomats.

“The attempted terrorist attack in Bangkok proves once again that Iran and its proxies continue to perpetrate terror,” said Ehud Barak, Israel’s defence minister.

Thai police have named one of the men injured in the blasts on Tuesday in Bangkok as an Iranian national. It is reported that two other men arrested, one in the Thai capital and another detained after he flew to Malaysia, are also Iranian.

The Thai authorities have so far declined to comment on claims that the group is part of an international terror network. The assailants in the Indian and Georgian attacks are unknown. However, Israel has claimed that those apparent assassination attempts against its diplomats on Monday in New Delhi and Tbilisi were the work of Iranian-linked Hezbollah, operating out of Lebanon.

Nevertheless, the latest incidents this week will doubtless fuel repeated assertions by Western governments that Iran is a “rogue state” presenting a threat to international security, in particular with regard to harbouring sinister “nuclear weapons ambitions”. Taken together, it purports to justify the US/NATO/Israeli war plans towards Iran. It is believed that Washington has given Israeli a tacit green light to launch pre-emptive military strikes against the Islamic Republic. In this context, the latest claims emanating from Tel Aviv that its foreign diplomats are being targeted for assassination by Iran could provide a fatal trigger for long-held war plans.

But a closer look at the latest blast incidents raises serious questions about the credibility of such claims, and indeed could suggest that they are part of a false flag campaign to set Iran up for imminent attack; such as the case with Iraq (proven to be an unwarranted invasion of country-a grave crime against humanity which America is still to be hel accountable for)

For a start the explosive devices apparently used in Thailand, India and Georgia were so-called sticky bombs, devices that can be magnetically attached to vehicles for targeted assassination of individuals. In the New Delhi attack, a motorcyclist rode up to the Israeli diplomat’s car and attached the bomb. In the Tbilisi incident, the device was apparently stuck underneath the vehicle’s chassis. None of the diplomats alleged targeted were seriously injured in the attacks.

But this method of assassination has been used previously with devastating effect in the murder of four Iranian nuclear scientists in separate attacks. The latest Iranian victim of assassination was 32-year-old Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan who was killed when motorcycle assailants planted a sticky bomb on his car in Tehran last month. The Iranian government has claimed with credible reasoning that the assassination campaign against its scientists is the work of American and Israeli intelligence. The American and Israeli use of Iranian nationals as proxy agents to execute such a campaign is a proven modus operandi.

Iran has strongly denied any involvement in the latest terror incidents in India, Georgia and Thailand, as well as the alleged bomb plot against the Saudi diplomat in Washington. There is plausible credibility in Iran’s denials. What would Iran gain from such action, only grief and trouble?

This is especially true with regard to India and Thailand. Both Asian countries have become major trading partners with Tehran in recent years. India, along with China, is Iran’s biggest customer for its vital oil industry.

Thailand is of growing importance as a trading partner with Iran for oil, mining, heavy industry, services, technology and agriculture especially after both countries set up a joint business council five years ago.

For Iran to carry out such attacks, as is being claimed, would be like shooting itself in the foot, particularly because both Asian countries have refused to join in the US-led campaign to isolate Iran economically and diplomatically.

Put the other way round, it is much more in the interest of Washington and Israel to destabilize relations between Iran and its Asian partners. The repercussions from the blasts in India would appear to be having that desired effect.

Take this Reuters reports: Up to now India has not gone along with new financial sanctions imposed by the United States and European Union to punish Iran over its disputed nuclear programme. Instead, New Delhi has come up with elaborate trade and barter arrangements to pay for oil supplies. However, the president of the All India Rice Exporters’ Association said Monday’s attack on the wife of an Israeli diplomat in the Indian capital will damage trade with Iran and may complicate efforts to resolve an impasse over Iranian defaults on payments for rice imports worth around $150 million. “The attack and its political fallout have clearly vitiated the atmosphere. Traders who were already losing money due to payment defaults will be extremely wary of continuing their trade with buyers in Iran,” Vijay Setia told Reuters.

So add it up. Bomb teams with proven US/Israeli assassination expertise and methodology; target countries that are major Iranian partners; desired effect of further isolating Iran internationally; and, to cap it all, a long sought-after pretext for Israel to attack Iran with America’s blessing.

When logic and facts coincide like this, it’s usually more prudent to engage in reason than to indulge in lurid claims.

Very well written and correct intel. Finally, someone with a brain reporting the facts. Thank you.

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what do they mean by inspecting all parcels?

This is possibly an attempt to officially legalize mail theft, as someone probably realize that many fellow countrymen are into it, with this clever move they will attract their simpathy/votes.

In this case however it is not racially motivated, as i spoke with many thais that had the same problem....

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Whoa !!!!

I do not want some grubby little fingers feeling my sexy lingerie. My new XXL size basque and g-strings. Grubby little fingers playing with my stockings and suspender belt.

They are mine for the privacy of my bedroom.

And what I and my lady get up to is no-one's business :P

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what do they mean by inspecting all parcels? By opening them or observing? Don't they know that most postal bombs are design to go off when its being open?

Then they will find them, job done, new policy successful!

Personally, I think the postage will be electronically searched (drug/explosive/firearm sniffers) and only suspicious packages will be open. As many posters have pointed out, it would be impossible for them to manually search every parcel going through the system.

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what do they mean by inspecting all parcels? By opening them or observing? Don't they know that most postal bombs are design to go off when its being open?

Yes, of course they know that. Why do you think they wouldn't be aware?

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This policy is totally unrealistic. They dont have the technology or professionalism of the Australian Customs and postal services to check every box or use sniffer dogs on every piece luggage.

The Thais will open the boxes and rummage around doing more harm than good.

It wont happen. Theyre too corrupt and set in their ways to change.Another stupid idea destined for the HUB dust bin.

Well, I have seen many improvements in the past over 20 years that I've lived here, and I can imagine that they have the same technology and methods for checking postal parcels as some Western countries. I would even imagine that they have staff and officers trained in the West.

Thailand is a developing country, but it is developing rapidly. Don't underestimate them, I'd say.

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So we will see someone ordering a replacement transformer for a Fender guitar amp be hauled into jail, because some Post Office Employee has, no a clue what the explanation he gets, of what it is, actually means.

I've seen similar with FedX, the post is not as likely to be... as worldly.

The guitar amp can be used as a detonator to set off a bomb.

Just like the poor Arab guy caught with a house full of fertiliser. He is not even a farmer.

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I'm Amazed at this. Where do you live WyattEarp ? I use eBay a lot, I have had hundreds of parcels delivered from all over the world and none had ever gone missing.

Recentlly I have been restoring an old Merc and buying many parts on eBay, sometimes as many as 3 parcels per DAY for the last few months, still nothing has ever gone missing.

If you are losing 50% of your post then the problem may still be the post office but I'd suggest it's a local thing. Send yourself a couple of those cheap GPS trackers and see where they end up !!

I often buy stuff on Ebay but only about 50% of unregistered parcels ever make it here.

So far vendors or Paypal issue refunds but if that number is going to be any worse it will become more and more difficult to find anyone who will ship to Thailand. It is bad enough as it is.

Hmm, but is customs picking up on the car parts and making you pay the duty? If not, then they weren't inspected. (foreign car parts attract a high rate of duty whether new or used)


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So we will see someone ordering a replacement transformer for a Fender guitar amp be hauled into jail, because some Post Office Employee has, no a clue what the explanation he gets, of what it is, actually means.

I've seen similar with FedX, the post is not as likely to be... as worldly.

The guitar amp can be used as a detonator to set off a bomb.

Just like the poor Arab guy caught with a house full of fertiliser. He is not even a farmer.

A guitar amp could be used to deliver power to the detonator to set off a bomb. So could a fridge. Prefered method would be a battery which you can legally purchase in any 7/11; no need to use the post system in that case wai.gif

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Bad move Thailand...picking-up the habits of the age-old gov't scam.."action-reaction-solution" This can be celarly seen in the U.S.A.; ridiculous measures (i.e. homeland security, T.S.A.) put in place to curtail so-called terrorism. If terrorism is on the rise, it is either gov't-sponsored terrorism or what may be deemed as justified aggressive-defence or retribution against those (U.S. military-allies) that have killed, maimed, tortured countless citizens in countries such as: Iraq and Afghanistan . What would you do or become if someone killed your family members for no justification or reason? I believe that Thailand is now being targeted for economic and political reason, especially recently, why?

Have American and Israeli efforts to pin international terrorism on Iran just gone global? A series of bomb attacks apparently on Israeli diplomats in India and Georgia are now being linked with blasts in the Thai capital, Bangkok, for which it is reported that three Iranian men have been arrested.

Israel is claiming that the explosive devices recovered in Thailand are the same “sticky bombs” that were used in the attacks in New Delhi and Tbilisi, and that is proof that an Iranian terror network is conducting an assassination campaign against its foreign diplomats.

“The attempted terrorist attack in Bangkok proves once again that Iran and its proxies continue to perpetrate terror,” said Ehud Barak, Israel’s defence minister.

Thai police have named one of the men injured in the blasts on Tuesday in Bangkok as an Iranian national. It is reported that two other men arrested, one in the Thai capital and another detained after he flew to Malaysia, are also Iranian.

The Thai authorities have so far declined to comment on claims that the group is part of an international terror network. The assailants in the Indian and Georgian attacks are unknown. However, Israel has claimed that those apparent assassination attempts against its diplomats on Monday in New Delhi and Tbilisi were the work of Iranian-linked Hezbollah, operating out of Lebanon.

Nevertheless, the latest incidents this week will doubtless fuel repeated assertions by Western governments that Iran is a “rogue state” presenting a threat to international security, in particular with regard to harbouring sinister “nuclear weapons ambitions”. Taken together, it purports to justify the US/NATO/Israeli war plans towards Iran. It is believed that Washington has given Israeli a tacit green light to launch pre-emptive military strikes against the Islamic Republic. In this context, the latest claims emanating from Tel Aviv that its foreign diplomats are being targeted for assassination by Iran could provide a fatal trigger for long-held war plans.

But a closer look at the latest blast incidents raises serious questions about the credibility of such claims, and indeed could suggest that they are part of a false flag campaign to set Iran up for imminent attack; such as the case with Iraq (proven to be an unwarranted invasion of country-a grave crime against humanity which America is still to be hel accountable for)

For a start the explosive devices apparently used in Thailand, India and Georgia were so-called sticky bombs, devices that can be magnetically attached to vehicles for targeted assassination of individuals. In the New Delhi attack, a motorcyclist rode up to the Israeli diplomat’s car and attached the bomb. In the Tbilisi incident, the device was apparently stuck underneath the vehicle’s chassis. None of the diplomats alleged targeted were seriously injured in the attacks.

But this method of assassination has been used previously with devastating effect in the murder of four Iranian nuclear scientists in separate attacks. The latest Iranian victim of assassination was 32-year-old Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan who was killed when motorcycle assailants planted a sticky bomb on his car in Tehran last month. The Iranian government has claimed with credible reasoning that the assassination campaign against its scientists is the work of American and Israeli intelligence. The American and Israeli use of Iranian nationals as proxy agents to execute such a campaign is a proven modus operandi.

Iran has strongly denied any involvement in the latest terror incidents in India, Georgia and Thailand, as well as the alleged bomb plot against the Saudi diplomat in Washington. There is plausible credibility in Iran’s denials. What would Iran gain from such action, only grief and trouble?

This is especially true with regard to India and Thailand. Both Asian countries have become major trading partners with Tehran in recent years. India, along with China, is Iran’s biggest customer for its vital oil industry.

Thailand is of growing importance as a trading partner with Iran for oil, mining, heavy industry, services, technology and agriculture especially after both countries set up a joint business council five years ago.

For Iran to carry out such attacks, as is being claimed, would be like shooting itself in the foot, particularly because both Asian countries have refused to join in the US-led campaign to isolate Iran economically and diplomatically.

Put the other way round, it is much more in the interest of Washington and Israel to destabilize relations between Iran and its Asian partners. The repercussions from the blasts in India would appear to be having that desired effect.

Take this Reuters reports: Up to now India has not gone along with new financial sanctions imposed by the United States and European Union to punish Iran over its disputed nuclear programme. Instead, New Delhi has come up with elaborate trade and barter arrangements to pay for oil supplies. However, the president of the All India Rice Exporters’ Association said Monday’s attack on the wife of an Israeli diplomat in the Indian capital will damage trade with Iran and may complicate efforts to resolve an impasse over Iranian defaults on payments for rice imports worth around $150 million. “The attack and its political fallout have clearly vitiated the atmosphere. Traders who were already losing money due to payment defaults will be extremely wary of continuing their trade with buyers in Iran,” Vijay Setia told Reuters.

So add it up. Bomb teams with proven US/Israeli assassination expertise and methodology; target countries that are major Iranian partners; desired effect of further isolating Iran internationally; and, to cap it all, a long sought-after pretext for Israel to attack Iran with America’s blessing.

When logic and facts coincide like this, it’s usually more prudent to engage in reason than to indulge in lurid claims.

Very well written and correct intel. Finally, someone with a brain reporting the facts. Thank you.

You are welcome and forgive me for the typos. Interesting to note as well that, "Counter-Terrorism Bureau calls on Israeli tourists to steer clear of Thailand's capital after Hezbollah militant is arrested on suspicion of planning a terror attack." If it were any kind of real terrorist attack, no one would expect it, such as the successful hits that were made in Iran recently, in different scenarios:

Nov. 12th explosion at missile base in Bidganeh kills key figure in missile program

July 2011 Iranian nuclear scientist assissinated in Tehran

Early 2010 computer virus hits uranium enrichment facilities in Natanz

Oct. 2010 explosion at missile base in Khorramabad

Nov. 28th blast at alleged nuclear weapons facility in Isfahan

Must be Hezbollah militants attacking within Iran as well. It could not possibly be American/Israeli joint terrorist operations within the region. I would be labelled a terrorist for stating so. Where are the headlines for these aforementioned terrorist events in Iran?

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Impossible to inspect every single parcel...

Parcel and tax theft will increase...

Customs - the most corrupt agency in Thailand has just been given a license to steal.

No so, the Australian custom and postal services scan and screen every overseas parcel and letter coming in to the country,

yeah that's just overseas mail not all domestic, the article suggests that Thai government wants to have ALL mail screened, including domestic, now that I find virtually impossible too..

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Impossible to inspect every single parcel...

Parcel and tax theft will increase...

Customs - the most corrupt agency in Thailand has just been given a license to steal.

No so, the Australian custom and postal services scan and screen every overseas parcel and letter coming in to the country,

If you knew what I send to Australia without any problem you would feel stupid to say that :-)

No country in the world can monitor all parcels, this is pure bullsxit. Are they going to employ 10000 officers to do this job ? Or buy billion baht of machines ? So funny that anyone can believe this story !

Don't you think that US security is the tightest in the world ? And don't you know that tons of drug still make it through border every year ?

I'm still laughing :-)

Drugs make into the US via various means, I wouldn't think anyone would be that stupid to mail drugs into the US? have you tried and did it work?

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There sure seem to be a lot of people posting here that want to bash the Thai post office.

For my two baht worth i have always had very good service from Thai Post office. Never had a problem with any package mailed domestically (don't do international packages) and all the letters mailed to me from abroad or from me to abroad have arrived no problems.

Mailing packages, suitcases, motorbikes or whatever you want to mail domestically is quite easy and inexpensive...I am still amazed that i can just take a suitcase to the post office and they will "mail" it without me having to put it in a cardboard box etc. Try that in USA and see what they tell you.

Hi, just a quick q about domestic mail, do they have pre-paid satchels like say 500 grams, 1K etc, where you can buy a few bags, then drop them at post boxes at your convenience as they do in Australia? never really noticed this in Thailand before, well never needed to mail anything until now.. thanks in advance. cowboy.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...


Just lost a repaired cell phone in mail. Many friends report same so I know it is rampant. For me 25% packages disappear. Agreed.... they are just too corrupt to give them this carte blanche license to pilfer!

Impossible to inspect every single parcel...

Parcel and tax theft will increase...

Customs - the most corrupt agency in Thailand has just been given a license to steal.


You were right Mates!

In 15 years I send may be 100 parcels,everything delivered,nothing missing!My word!

And now - times have changed;this month:

one parcel is missing

another arived,with half contents stolen - all expensive sweets gone.

I read it as a message:do not send,we have to much work with your stupid parcels;send your family WesternUnion MTCN number instead.

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