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The Price Of Gold Sky-rockets Here In Pattaya.


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At this time of year with the festive season almost upon us, many of us are searching for presents to give to our loved ones and friends. Many of us opt for jewelry including gold necklaces, rings and bracelets. If you were thinking of purchasing gold, we would like to suggest to you to buy early because the price of gold has significantly increased over the last few months and has finally broken the 10,000 Baht per 1 Baht of Gold mark. The current price of Gold here in Pattaya is a staggering 10,200 Baht. In some cases, if the Gold item requires extra workmanship, the price will currently rise to as much as 10,550 Baht. It is expected that the price will further rise and to give you some idea of how the price has increased, four months ago, the price was 8,200 baht.

Pattaya City News 9.12 2005.

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The price of gold is standard all over the Kingdom.

Just to give you an idea, it was 5000 baht for 1 baht weight about 10 years ago. So, the recent price rises have been rather quickly accelerating.

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A Thai lady entered a Pattaya jeweller`s shop and said " You sell Boyfriend diamond ring, him buy for me yesterday, but is wrong size."

"No problem madam, we can adjust the finger size easily".

" Oh, you no understand, you sell him five carat size and I take ten carat size". :o

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God, I must be a sentimental softie, my father-in-law bought me a lovely intricate 2 baht gold necklace at one of the famous gold shops in bangkok when my husband and I got married. I'd feel wrong selling it now (16 years later :o )

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The Gold price has been creeping up constantly day to day for a while now - will it peak around Chinese New Year - a time when prices traditionally rise due to demand?

Its was in the late 4000's in 99.

I was thinking about buying the wife some for Christmas / New year and still might have to bite the bullet.

She does want something else though! This morning she asked me on the phone what time it was as we were speaking from Thailand to Europe (have to decide where we will/can live next year).

I told her the time and said, "I forget you do not wear a watch - do you want one for Christmas?"

Her, "OK Mickey Mouse watch"

Me, "You not want Rolex like mine?" (excuse at the ready for a positive answer)

Her, "No ugly"

Me, "Ok then Mickey Mouse but you have to send a letter to Santa Claus asking him for it"

I then explained this concept and she said, "OK I send letter and ask for watch and 10 kilo Diamond if Sants bring what you ask for - Belgium (I work in Belgium) very famous for diamond" followed by manic giggles

No flies on that one ;-)))

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Go for it while it so high.   :D

Not sure what my wife would say to that Doc....... :D:D

Very tempting though as most of her substantial stash was bought at between

6-7K Baht.... :o:D

My style: any mention of gold provokes a fist kick right into the face (her face).

Has never happened but ready to do.

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Go for it while it so high.   :D

Not sure what my wife would say to that Doc....... :D:D

Very tempting though as most of her substantial stash was bought at between

6-7K Baht.... :o:D

My style: any mention of gold provokes a fist kick right into the face (her face).

Has never happened but ready to do.

Good job she doesn`t mention diamonds then :D

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Go for it while it so high.   :D

Not sure what my wife would say to that Doc....... :D:D

Very tempting though as most of her substantial stash was bought at between

6-7K Baht.... :o:D

My style: any mention of gold provokes a fist kick right into the face (her face).

Has never happened but ready to do.

Good job she doesn`t mention diamonds then :D

Might be. Nothing on her other than a Rip Curl surf watch from Oz. Diamonds? I would just explode if ever presented with the idea of any jewerly.

Might my my fault but tatoos and gold just not go.

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Go for it while it so high.   :D

Not sure what my wife would say to that Doc....... :D:D

Very tempting though as most of her substantial stash was bought at between

6-7K Baht.... :o:D

My style: any mention of gold provokes a fist kick right into the face (her face).

Has never happened but ready to do.

Good job she doesn`t mention diamonds then :D

Might be. Nothing on her other than a Rip Curl surf watch from Oz. Diamonds? I would just explode if ever presented with the idea of any jewerly.

Might my my fault but tatoos and gold just not go.

I`ve seen many a person sporting tattoos and wearing gold and looking fine :D

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My style: any mention of gold provokes a fist kick right into the face (her face).

Has never happened but ready to do.

Good job she doesn`t mention diamonds then :D

Might be. Nothing on her other than a Rip Curl surf watch from Oz. Diamonds? I would just explode if ever presented with the idea of any jewerly.

Might my my fault but tatoos and gold just not go.

"...explode if ever presented with the idea of any jewerly." :D

"Fist kick right into the face"? :D

What kind of freak are you, TTM? :o:D

Edited by zzap
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