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A Persona Note Of Thanks..

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Guest IT Manager

Using at least 8 nicks, the jomtien bamboo cutter has single-handedly made Thaivisa the most popular forum on life in Thailand ever.

Keep going bkkcharlie, nokna, tiny, et al. We appreciate the efforts you are putting in enormously. Also the foreigners you planned to "buld" houses for are appreciative of the savings they are makingby using properly qulaified locals, rather than yourself.


Guest IT Manager

The current access numbers... from him alone have been staggering. Can't imagine what his customer with the new "marble pool" is getting done for his money

The current access numbers... from him alone have been staggering.

I am going to have to press you for more information. By access numbers I assume you mean the number of people coming to the site.

How do you know they are all coming to read his stuff and not something else?

Guest IT Manager

No he isn't Khun Boom. No access is available from Oahu. Dennis Pennis, not sure.

Access yes, to the site. As to his posts, many are reading, few reply.


They're all reading it - but no one has anything to say? It's so popular that I haven't seen it come up on the board for days.

I think you're making a big leap to assert that because visits to this site are up, everyone's coming to read the fictional account of a disaffected teacher's life in Bangkok.

That doesn't say much about this site or its readers. You sell us short, IT.

The builder's ''diary'' makes a virtue of the fact that he doesn't fit in. Maybe some readers like that, because they themselves are having problems adjusting.

If so, that's odd, because westerners on these boards seem at pains to stress the opposite: how culturally in tune they are, how they are more Thai than Thai.

I don't believe that either. I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle.

If this website is succeeding it's by virtue of the efforts of many people, including the b*llshit artists.

Guest IT Manager

For the record, I wasn't tlaking about site visits in general. I was talking about his visits. Do try and read carefully Mrentoul

"has single-handedly made Thaivisa the most popular forum on life in Thailand ever..."

I never mentioned other people. I said single handedly... He spends as much time here as I do. :o

Access yes, to the site.
I think your English needs work. Access to the site, you said: not the number of people reading his stuff.

Single-handedly means he alone has been responsible for making thai-visa.com so successful...and we know that's not true, don't we?

Let's take another look at what you said:

has single-handedly made Thaivisa the most popular forum on life in Thailand ever

Get it, yet?

A few weeks ago you said opportunities in your household to speak English were few and far between. At the time I wasn't sure how many points to award you on my cr%pometer.

Now I suspect you might have been telling the truth.

Guest IT Manager

Thanks Mike. Big nights are something I don't do a lot of. Enjoyed your recent writing in the paper too.


The next question is "why?"

For my part, I was surfing one evening, half way drunk and rather cheesed off. Then I read the semi-literate ramblings of this loser and thought: if I hadn't had my moment of clarity some 15 years ago, I'd be just like him: nursing a hangover in some dingy teacher's room and wondering how I was going to pay the rent for my squalid little concrete box next week. His posts cheered me up immensely.

If the majority of the readers are seeking a little light relief, then Nokna has done a great job. If he attracts so many readers because they share his miserable existence, perhaps it's time to hang a "No riff raff" sign at the index page for this site.

If he attracts so many readers because they share his miserable existence, perhaps it's time to hang a "No riff raff" sign at the index page for this site.

Pat and I have been waging a ''no riff-raff'' campaign for some time, but it seems to have little effect.

How many hits has he had: 1500 or so? Come back to me when he hits the 10,000 mark.

I know a bad thread when I see one. Pick up any page, and if attracts as many disjointed, off-topic ramblings as that one has (and the one on marrying bargirls), then I am wasting my time.


I am struggling to understand theses post(s). Is this concerning a builder whos services are far from good. Ideally everyone should construct their own house. Thanks again to advice re. Electricity.


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