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Iphone 4S Invalid Sim Issue


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I know that this is a widespread issue from checking every possible thread on Google.

However, I wanted to know if anyone else in Thailand is experiencing this?

Usually... it happens in the morning or sometimes after coming into a low-signal area. The signal totally drops off and a "INVALID SIM" message shows up on the screen.

Sometimes... "SIM failure" or something along the lines of "unrecognized SIM" also shows up.

Mine is a OEM Truemove phone 64GB White.

The issue is solved by rebooting the phone but this can happen on average 3-4 times a day.

IF you are going to slam Apple products (and ask me to go Android or get a Galaxy SII), kindly please don't reply. I am merely trying to gauge how widespread the issue is in Thailand before I ask for a new phone.

The issue seems to be with IOS 5.0.1. but one can always try asking for a new phone.


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Based on a huge number of posts in the pantip forum it seems like this problem is widespread here. If you are comfortable with Google search/translate, search iphone 4s invalid SIM site:pantip.com

Sample response from a DTAC employee:

The iphone4S the problem is not compatible with Micro SIM models in the market to iPhone 4S can not read the SIM is.

and make it display the "No Service" or "Invalid SIM" or "SIM not valid" on the Restore firmware.

from version 5.0.1 (9A405) (version from the factory) is version 5.0.1 (9A406), a version that fixes this problem.

the Restore firmware to make the Application, Music, Video, Ringtone, so I should be back up and Sync with.

iTune. Restore firmware before I can use it if it is not fb willing to coordinate and deliver a check for more.

by interfering with your HeavenKnight number of active + link to this post and I will not.

Edited by lomatopo
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Hi lomatopo...

Thanks for the response.

To date... I have performed the following:

- restore to version 5.0.1 (9A406)

- tape on SIM card

- Reset Network

- Reset ALL settings

- Remove, clean, reinsert SIM (when phone is off)

- On/OFF PUK settings

I purposely left the history settings on my Chrome browser on so that the threads I read are darkened... and I have read at least the first 10 pages of each of the following searches:

"iphone 4s invalid SIM"

"iphone 4s invalid SIM fix"

"iphone 4 S invalid SIM"

"iphone 4 S invalid SIM fix"

"iphone4 s SIM failure"

"iphone 4 S signal loss"

... and couple of other variations including inserting "Truemove" where appropriate.


Time to turn on the charm with the counter ladies at the TrueMove shop to get a new phone... sigh!

Thanks Apple... I still love your products but this is a real b!tch!

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I purposely left the history settings on my Chrome browser on so that the threads I read are darkened... and I have read at least the first 10 pages of each of the following searches:

"iphone 4s invalid SIM"

"iphone 4s invalid SIM fix"

"iphone 4 S invalid SIM"

"iphone 4 S invalid SIM fix"

"iphone4 s SIM failure"

"iphone 4 S signal loss"

... and couple of other variations including inserting "Truemove" where appropriate.


Time to turn on the charm with the counter ladies at the TrueMove shop to get a new phone... sigh!

Thanks Apple... I still love your products but this is a real b!tch!

FWIW, my reply was meant to address your specific questions:

I wanted to know if anyone else in Thailand is experiencing this?


I am merely trying to gauge how widespread the issue is in Thailand before I ask for a new phone.

by mentioning that you could search a local Thai forum like pantip, by adding "site:pantip.com" to your search query, to get a feel for how many people have this problem here in Thailand. Then you can use Google Translate to potentially get a sense of the types of work-arounds or experiences local people have. Pantip, and other Thai forums, have many company employees participating so sometimes you can refine an approach, supplementing the charm, for resolving a particular issue. Again, based on the results of the suggested search it appears that DTAC, AIS and TrueMove customers are all affected.

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Am with TrueMove H too... dont get me wrong... LOVE IT!

Big diff from E or 3G.

Anyway, talked to iPhone care center... told me issues to 3 different people... recommended to get new SIM.

Went to Silom True shop and got new SIM... will update again... I'd give it 24hrs... it happens so frequently that I only need 24hrs to know if there is an issue... sigh!

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but I suggest getting a new handset. As not every phone is affected, it is most likely a bad batch.

You are 100% right... and I know that too... unfortunately, we are in AmazingThailand!

Am from the US so IF there was an Apple store or genius bar... one could get in and get a new handset, no questions asked...

Unfortunately in Thailand, this is what needs to happen... GO THRU THE MOTION...

Call the True call center...

Tell them my SIM failure issue..

They say "Get new SM card" and I, like a good boy, go get a new SIM...

iPhone fails again...

Call the True call center...

Tell them I ALREADY got a new SIM card...but still have issues...

They say "bring you handset to True shop"...

OK...(knowing full well that error cannot be replicated on the stop)

Lucky I work close to the Silom True shop so now... when it fails... I have to do the 10min walk to the True shop...

My plan?

If I show up enough times... call the True call center enough times... a new handset should be on the way...

Why does this plan sux?

Well... I love Thailand, I love iPhone (except the lemon ones) and so I have to "deal with it"...


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Can you buy a 49 baht SIM from DTAC/Happy or AIS/One-2-Call just to eliminate the TrueMove H aspect of this issue?

Did you buy the phone from TrueMove H?

And are there a lot of "bad batches" of phones? Even one "bad batch" sounds a little disconcerting given that one expects a certain level of quality from Apple products.

If it is a problem with the phone wouldn't Apple Thailand provide warranty replacement/service?

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Can you buy a 49 baht SIM from DTAC/Happy or AIS/One-2-Call just to eliminate the TrueMove H aspect of this issue?

I did with a AIS SIM...same issue.

Did you buy the phone from TrueMove H?


And are there a lot of "bad batches" of phones? Even one "bad batch" sounds a little disconcerting given that one expects a certain level of quality from Apple products.


If it is a problem with the phone wouldn't Apple Thailand provide warranty replacement/service?

There lies the challenge... there is NO Apple Thailand.

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So you're saying there is no Apple Thailand wholly owned subsidiary? That would seem to violate the many protectionist laws in place preventing foreign investment.

And if you buy an iPhone, or any Apple stuff, from one of those fancy Apple stores in every shopping mall who provides warranty replacement and/or service? Apple U.S.A.? That doesn't make sense?

Your phone must be less than 1 year old so still covered by the iPhone 4/4S Limited Warranty.


which references: Apple South Asia (Thailand) Limited 25th Floor, Suite B2, Siam Tower,989 Rama 1 Road, Pataumwan, Bangkok, 10330

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I bit the bullet and called some number listed on the so-called "Apple Thailand" website.

Its an overseas number so its long distance... ha!

Anyway... it is a non-Thai, sounds like Singapore accent, call center and they were nice.

I was asked to try the restore to "new" one more time to see if it fixes the issue.

MOST IMPORTANTLY... I was given a case number... and as soon as the "restore to new" does not resolve it, they will arrange a 1-on-1 swap by telling TrueMove to give me a new phone...

At least... am getting somewhere now...

Edited by roadrunerboi
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Thanks for keeping us updated. I have to say I am surprised, both at the apparent lack of quality, and at the response to customers. I wonder if this is some design flaw, or maybe Apple ( or their suppliers' suppliers) is struggling to meet demand and falling back on the old saying, "ship sh*t before you ship short". There do seem to be a lot of people, here in the Thai forums, talking about this issue, and roadrunnerboi clearly found many, many web pages apparently referencing this issue. Definitely a red-flag.

Hopefully a new handset will work acceptably.

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I bit the bullet and called some number listed on the so-called "Apple Thailand" website. Its an overseas number so its long distance... ha! Anyway... it is a non-Thai, sounds like Singapore accent, call center and they were nice. I was asked to try the restore to "new" one more time to see if it fixes the issue. MOST IMPORTANTLY... I was given a case number... and as soon as the "restore to new" does not resolve it, they will arrange a 1-on-1 swap by telling TrueMove to give me a new phone... At least... am getting somewhere now...

God to hear!

Once you get past the 'carrier roadblock', the rest is pretty easy.

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Good news is - I just got a new handset (at least it looks new).


I did a restore to a NEW profile (like Apple Care told me to) and I thought that it fixed the issue. But... less than 12 hrs later... same "nice" error message showed up.... sigh.

Called Apple Care in Singapore... talked to 3 different people, supervisor came on... told him my story AGAIN!

He asks me to walk to True Silom again... so I take the walk and watch the syts stroll around during lunch time...

Arrive at the shop, the Apple Care supervisor calls the phone and tells True to give me a new handset there and then no questions asked.

(I figured there must be some special verification system they use to identify themselves or is "just another voice" over the phone)

Anyway... they give me a new handset, transfer my contacts, wipe my old phone... and am off...

Wish me luck guys... fingers crossed!

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Gee, that's bad luck! Although your plight probably has the haters salivating, rest assured that Apple will keep replacing until you get one that works.

They're out here - I have not had this message once in the 44 days that I've had my 4S (nor has my mate on his which was bought the same time), and I have changed SIM's often (for SMS verification on my Oz number and the like).

Hopefully, though, this one will work properly!

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Heck the haters... in everything, there is a level of tolerance for failure...

So far, it has been good... had the weekend golfing at Cha-am and still systems go...

Am keeping my fingers crossed but it looks good so far.

TrueMove and Apple have been great! No complains here and am on my 4th iPhone and 2nd iPad.

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  • 5 months later...

have the iphone 4s (5.1.1 (9B206) model: MC918LL from the USA. Using TRUE MOVE, unjailbroken, but CLEV Chipped (the true move mini sim slides into a small chip that is piggy backed into the phone to allow you to use true without jailbreaking the phone.

Invalid Sim and Missing Sim and now Sim Failure have happened twice now. the phone was on the desk yesterday as i was typing a text message, got the Sim Failure. tried all kinds of things for hours trying to fix the phone, remove the chip, turn off, on, replace, blow it out, plane mode, reset network settings, multiple reboots, even tried someone elses true move mini sim card, no luck.

i took it back to the phone store where i bought the piggy back chip and true move sim and they fixed it. all they said was they rebooted the phone. i don't get it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So you didn't reboot the phone beforehand? I reckon they realised the CLEV chip was dodgy and they replaced it, saying they just rebooted the phone to save face...

I still have not had the invalid SIM issue with my 4S since posting back in February (above). I'm with TrueMove H in Thailand, but have used the phone with local carriers in Hong Kong, Macau, and now Australia with no invalid SIM issues.

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