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Cruelty To Stray Dogs In Bangkok


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I've only lived in Bangkok for a few months but I've witnessed on at least 3 occasions, Bangkokians showing what I consider cruelty towards street dogs. Today I was walking down my road when I noticed a guy crouching next to a sleeping dog and laughing while he tied it's legs together. Now I'm an animal lover and this kind of thing doesn't compute in my brain so in anger, I pushed the guy away. He didn't like that very much and proceeded to shout and gesture at me in Thai. Then out of nowhere he walks up to me and punches me in the face! Before I could react, he was running full speed in the opposite direction.

Maybe it's a coincidence that I've seen a few of these incidents or maybe it's the area I live in that explains it (A farangless part of N Bangkok). Does anyone else notice cruelty like this in Bangkok?

Now I have a black eye which I'll have to claim is a very large mosquito bite to my students on Monday :).

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I'm surprised the dog didn't sense anything wrong at all. I thought dog has a keen sense of smell, and surely, it would have noticed something is wrong? Was the dog under anesthesia?

You could have shouted at him first as a warning. I guess the lucky thing is that he only presented to you a punch. It could have been worse.

What about the 3 other occasions? What happened?

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I'm surprised the dog didn't sense anything wrong at all. I thought dog has a keen sense of smell, and surely, it would have noticed something is wrong? Was the dog under anesthesia?

You could have shouted at him first as a warning. I guess the lucky thing is that he only presented to you a punch. It could have been worse.

What about the 3 other occasions? What happened?

Its ok they were only shooting, stabbing and nail bombing.

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I'm surprised the dog didn't sense anything wrong at all. I thought dog has a keen sense of smell, and surely, it would have noticed something is wrong? Was the dog under anesthesia?

You could have shouted at him first as a warning. I guess the lucky thing is that he only presented to you a punch. It could have been worse.

What about the 3 other occasions? What happened?

Kicking a dog to get rid of it, giving a hungry dog a chili as a joke and holding a dog by it's tail as it tries to walk away. I'm sure a lot of people here would consider these events to be minor/funny but not me.

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You are right. Better shoot those ugly noisy creatures. Worse than rats.

Those "ugly noisy creatures" as you put it, are the ones that chase the ghosts away, allowing you to sleep at night.

Next time you are pissed off at the effin noise thank your lucky stars the local soi dogs are protecting your humble abode.

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I'm surprised the dog didn't sense anything wrong at all. I thought dog has a keen sense of smell, and surely, it would have noticed something is wrong? Was the dog under anesthesia?

You could have shouted at him first as a warning. I guess the lucky thing is that he only presented to you a punch. It could have been worse.

What about the 3 other occasions? What happened?

Kicking a dog to get rid of it, giving a hungry dog a chili as a joke and holding a dog by it's tail as it tries to walk away. I'm sure a lot of people here would consider these events to be minor/funny but not me.

That all is pretty minor, and the guy that hit you is probably mentally ill. I thought this would be a lot worse. You might notice most of the countries in the region don't even have stray dogs because they all get poisoned or eaten. Even in Thailand near the Laos border people will round up stray dogs and ship them to Vietnam to sell for food.

In my country stray dogs are all collected and killed by animal control. If your dog gets out without a collar you better be quick in finding it or it is dead.

You also see a lot of people displaying kindness towards stray dogs. People will buy food from street vendors and feed them. The garbage men in my soi take the left over fish out of the trash and give it to the stray cats. I've seen stray dogs in Bangkok wearing casts, and even a couple wearing wheels due to leg injuries. I've seen a lot of the same dogs living in the same spot for years, a lot of them quite fat too.

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I don't condone violence to stray dogs but it does benefit us in a way as most are pretty scared of us as a result, unless they are together in a pack at night. I have a pack of strays who claimed the territory where I live and after coming home one night and getting barked at by the pack I now feed them whatever scraps I have. Now they all come running to me with their tails wagging whenever they see me.

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I hate any form of cruelty.. Especially to those who can't fight back..

But I also hate the packs of stray dogs at night when they get a bit of bravado, like the pack on the beach on Samet..

They should all be humanly destroyed as should all vermin..

Thais being Buddhist all things have a right to life.

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I hate any form of cruelty.. Especially to those who can't fight back..

But I also hate the packs of stray dogs at night when they get a bit of bravado, like the pack on the beach on Samet..

They should all be humanly destroyed as should all vermin..

Thais being Buddhist all things have a right to life.

Yes, but I'm not Buddhist and I wrote that I thought they should all be destroyed, not what Thais think..

But would these be the same Thai Buddhists that the OP was talking about? A right to life as long as it is a tormented one?

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I'm surprised the dog didn't sense anything wrong at all. I thought dog has a keen sense of smell, and surely, it would have noticed something is wrong? Was the dog under anesthesia?

You could have shouted at him first as a warning. I guess the lucky thing is that he only presented to you a punch. It could have been worse.

What about the 3 other occasions? What happened?

Kicking a dog to get rid of it, giving a hungry dog a chili as a joke and holding a dog by it's tail as it tries to walk away. I'm sure a lot of people here would consider these events to be minor/funny but not me.

I hold my dog by its tail often to play with him, and i do laugh when the greedy bastard eats some moo with chillies that fell of my plate before i get a chance to clean it. (would not give it on purpouse) But to me as a dog lover those incidents seem minor

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Nice story to come, I am a total dog lover having owned two wonderful pets.

I cannot abide cruelty towards them, or any animal for that matter.

On my firs visit to Pattaya, about twelve years ago, I often sat at those grubby but fun bars not far up on the right in Naklua Road, opposite my hotel.

There was a pretty and young bitch (as in female dog) that stayed around the bar I used. It's life lived in agony because of a serious deep flea problem. Constantly scratching, it's flesh was bleeding and looked infected in places.

After three visits to the bar, I could stand this no longer and told the bar girls that I intended to get it to a vet. Despite warnings that I would be bitten, my mind was working out a means to succeed.

The bar-girls were caring and helpful although puzzled as why I should want to spend "many, many, bah"t in that way. Truly, they proved as caring as me. One ran to the shop for a lead (Tescos then?,) one prepared a plate of meat and one set about finding a vet on an upstairs computer they had. To my surpise there were about eleven vetinary clinics or vetinary practitioners in Pattaya. One was on the Naklua Road. Weary of bites (and fleas) I fed and watered the little thing, stroked it and slipped the collar on to mild appaluse. No real resistence, the poor thing was still too busy scratching. I took the dog for a short walk.

I did not know it, but one injection is all that is needed to rid a dog of this hell and 200 baht wasn't a bad price to pay. The lady vet was very caring too. Improvement was within the hour and this was proven when I saw my little friend the next day. The infections were sprayed for another 100 baht.

I felt like St. Francis of Assisi and was thinking of releasing all the caged sparrows as my next task. I was a minor celebrity in that little bar, with rewarding consequences.

Summary, most Thai love their Soi dogs and the vetinary facilities in LOS ain't as bad as it may seem with all these strays roaming the streets.

Edited by Beechboy
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You pushed a Thai guy and he shouted at you, then out of nowhere, he punched you in the face.

You haven't been in Thailand long have you?

laugh.png No, only two months.

Put this down as a lesson to you, as noble as your intentions where, Things like can get escalated out of proportion when it comes to Thai males and you could have ended up getting the sh*t kicked out of you or worse.

Thai males do not take well to criticism, certainly from a farang and the fact you pushed him away, suprised its only a black eye you got

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Those injections are great but they have to be repeated every month / two months.

I leant a bit here and I work as an anaesthetist and should have known more. I subsequently read up on it though.

The lady vet actually said six months, but I supose it varies. The reason some dogs suffer more from this than others is because they are allergic to the flea spittle involved in the bite. This is more prevalent in younger dogs and can disappear as they mature. I have deduced that the injection may have included a combination of anti-biotic and anti-histamine. The latter explaing the rapid onset of healing. I could be wide of the mark.

All dogs suffer from fleas, it is those that have the allergy that suffer the most and deserve teatment.

Edited by Beechboy
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It is inhumane to deliberately torture the dogs, and equally it is upsetting to see how many are starving and seriously injured. I know of a group in Chiang Mai similar to the RSPCA which are neutering the Soi dogs.

The Balinese also believe that the dogs scare away ghosts at night, but recently they have started to cull them as they were getting to nuisance proportions. The Thais are not above quietly culling the dogs too, especially if they show flashes of temper.

Anyway, the stooopid!! thing the OP did was to get aggressive with the Thai guy, I hope he learned a lesson from that, next time he could be nursing something far worse than a "mosquito bite".

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Don´t serial killers start out with torturing animals? So those of you who do sympathize with such a low-life, maybe you should go and get checked. Just a friendly advice.

It´s one thing not to like a certain animal , a totally different thing hurting someone as defenseless as that.

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Posted 2012-02-25 21:10:00

Now I'm an animal lover and this kind of thing doesn't compute in my brain so in anger, I pushed the guy away. He didn't like that very much and proceeded to shout and gesture at me in Thai. Then out of nowhere he walks up to me and punches me in the face! Before I could react, he was running full speed in the opposite direction.

The Thai guy then confesses to the police that he punched you in self defence to prevent further physical provocation by crazy farang agression

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