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Meeting Atm Thai Girls


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I live here for a while now, and everygirl I meet wants money! They are not ashamed to ask for money. Everygirl I met wanted to have money. I got so sick, that I stopped contacting them. They are super annoying.

This never happened to me when I stay in onnut, all the girls there never wanted any money. Ok for dinner, but nothing more. But here is just outrageous!!

I mean what is going on. I think in onnut the girls are trained, and they know that this does not fly with foreginers, at least with me. So they dont ask, but in Ramkhamheng, it is just disasterous. It is all about money.

And these girls work in shops, they are not prostitutes.

I am so sick of this work taking care. I just want to leave. Is this the reality for thai men, everygirl wants money from them? But in onnut they dont ask because they know falang don't like this.

Here is scenario, in Ramkhamheng they always mention shopping, and if I take care them....... how much money i make, how rich I am, what hotel I stay etc....

In on nut, they never asked me that, they come my room, we hang out, ........ and then they go home. But here it is weird. I am moving away from ramkhamheng but I think girls have different manners in different bangkok areas.

I think ramkhamhaeng is a very poor non educated area even though they have uni there.

I need opinions from thai men, do you take care everygirl, like pay her all the time? Do they ask you for money everytime?

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Ramkamhaeng is an area that has two universities

They spend all their money on Tuition, so they have

no money for anythng else.

I have been led to believe that Ramkam Uni is a Uni.

that caters to many less well off students with lower

tiotion fees at that.

That makes is a less well of area as they have to live

in the less well off rooms

All in all there is a lot of less well of people in the area

you live ... so that is what you get. Give them credit for

being upfront and telling you they are poor and want

your money.

I live in Ramkamhaeng and love it here. The scenery is

fantastic with Ramkam Uni and ABAC

Not many farangs, just drunk Thai men, no competition :)

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If your age difference is +10 years to the girls you are trying to get stop complaining. Don't assume just because you are a farang they want you and will do it for nothing they like any other in the world most likely have standards. It does not sound like you own a house but a room. I am no expert of Thai girls<long term GF who does not ask for money so never had to bother chasing other women> but you can expect a woman to have expectations. You want that red snapper for free what separates you from the locals? Again I don't get the point of complaining about women who place self worth on what they have. As the above poster put it stop fishing in the sewers for crocodiles.

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u can go online, talk with them for a while, find out their background, educations, use your 7th sense and then maybe, maybe can take them for a dinner...

personally i dont think fishing from street will get good results, but good luck with that...

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