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Chalerm Files Defamation Suit Against Four Newspapers On Drunk Allegation


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Deputy PM Files Defamation Suit on Drunk Allegation

BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobumrung has filed a defamation suit against four newspapers for publishing allegations that he was drunk during Friday’s parliamentary session.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobumrung has appointed his lawyer Opas Sroyson to file a defamation complaint with the Samaedum Police against four newspapers for publishing allegations that he was drunk during Friday’s parliamentary session. The four newspapers sued are Thai Post, Thairat, Siamrat, and Naewna.

Chalerm will consider whether to file defamation suits against those who make the allegations, namely Democrat spokesperson Chawanont Intarakomalsut, and Democrat MP from Samut Songkram Rangsima Rodrasmee.

Chalerm had protested during Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva’s speech on the charter amendment in Parliament on Friday but his words were slurred leading Democrat MP Rangsima to question to the House speaker whether Chalerm was drunk and to call for a breathalyzer test.

The minister is considering a civil suit as well and said he will not negotiate if the newspapers do not publish an apology.


-- Tan Network 2012-02-27


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Democrats show liquor bottles

The Nation


Evidence of MPs' drinking, they say; push for ethical conduct hearing

BANGKOK: -- Democrat MP Boonyod Sooktinthai yesterday brought empty liquor bottles found in a garbage dumpster at Parliament as proof of lawmakers drinking - but he stopped short of pointing a finger at Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung.

"I believe the bottles were linked to MPs and Cabinet members," he said.

Boonyod said he suspected Chalerm had alcoholic drinks in his private office located in the House because he appeared drunk during the charter debate last Friday.

He said empty bottles, including vodka, sherry, wine coolers and soda water, were proof of drinking inside Parliament although there was no evidence of links to Chalerm.

"The kind of bottles found indicated drinking done by lawmakers and not their drivers and aides."

However, he said he had heard tales about lawmakers sneaking liquor in to drink during the House session. Drinking often went on in private offices so that it was not recorded on security cameras.

This week, Democrat MP Rangsima Rodrasamee is expected to raise the issue of Chalerm drinking on duty at the weekly meeting of opposition whips in order to pave the way for a hearing by the House committee on ethical conduct.

Rangsima will also ask Chalerm to explain his conduct during the House question-and-answer session.

"It is a disgrace that Chalerm could not deliver a closing statement on charter change because he was drunk," she said.

Speaking in his defence, Chalerm said he drank alcohol but said that he was not drunk.

He insisted he had had an amicable discussion with Rangsima on Friday, and denied he was angry after being accused of being inebriated.

"I am not drunk but taken to love drink," he was seen saying to Rangsima in a loud voice during a live broadcast.

He said he would sue the Democrats if they continued to make allegations of him being drunk.

He also dispatched lawyer Opas Soyson to file a complaint against four newspapers Thai Post, Thai Rath, Siam Rath and Naew Na at Samae Dam police station, calling for police to launch an investigation into what he described as a smear campaign. The lawyer submitted reports from the newspapers as evidence.

Premier Yingluck Shinawatra said she had not had time to check with Chalerm in order to ask about his conduct. She said she would not intervene in the matter so as to allow a parliamentary hearing on Chalerm's conduct to run its course. "It is up to the Democrats to decide whether to initiate an ethical hearing."

Ombudsman Siracha Charoenpanij said his office had no mandate to probe Chalerm unless a complaint on ethical conduct was lodged. If reports about Chalerm's drinking were true, then this was, at least, inappropriate and may violate ethical standards for office holders.


-- The Nation 2012-02-27

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Another winner for freedom of speech! I'll drink to that!

For all the legal eagles on the forum, where do the papers stand, when they are quoting what was said in a parlimentary sitting (comments by Democrat MP Rangsima)?

It would seem to be easy money for MP's to just get pissed up and wait for someone to comment on their actions before filing defamation suits against the newspapers picking up the story. Notice there is no suit against the politicians as yet.

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The newspapers simply reported what was part of the public record from parliament.

How can this be defamation from the newspapers point of view?

Bullying comes to mind drunk.gif .

Of course it is bullying, but how on earth can anyone claim that there is a right to sue the newspapers for defamation??????????

These types of laws that exist here annoy the hell out of me, because they actively serve to keep the status quo to the detriment of society at large, but NO political party of any political persuasion will EVER change them. Why I can guess, but is there NO ONE who cares about making the system better in this country?

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Yingluck Refuses to Comment on Chalerm Being Drunk During Parliamentary Debate

BANGKOK: -- The prime minister has declined to comment on allegations that a deputy prime minister was drunk during the charter amendment debate, as she has not talked to the deputy prime minister yet.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra refused to comment regarding Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung's being drunk during parliament's charter amendment debate, at which he showed inappropriate behavior as well as during the consideration of the draft amendments to the constitution.

Meanwhile, Democrat MPs have investigated the trash bin and found a large number of empty liquor and soda water bottles, so that they will propose that the House committee on ethics investigate the matter.

Yingluck said that she has yet to talk to Chalerm about the allegations. However, she said that everyone must respect the parliament's regulations. She added that the opposition has the right to examine Chalerm.

Democrat party list MP Boonyod Sukthinthai disclosed that a large number of empty liquor and soda water bottles have been found in the parliament’s garbage disposal area.

There were 20 bottles of soda water and alcholic beverages. The manager of the Parliament’s canteen confirmed that no alcoholic beverages are sold on the premises, leading Boonyod to believe that some MPs must be drinking alcohol during the interim of the meeting.

The opposition whip will discuss this matter and they will propose that the House Committee on Ethics investigate the matter and determine whether Charlerm will face further dispensary action.


-- Tan Network 2012-02-27


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The newspapers simply reported what was part of the public record from parliament.

How can this be defamation from the newspapers point of view?

Bullying comes to mind drunk.gif .

Of course it is bullying, but how on earth can anyone claim that there is a right to sue the newspapers for defamation??????????

These types of laws that exist here annoy the hell out of me, because they actively serve to keep the status quo to the detriment of society at large, but NO political party of any political persuasion will EVER change them. Why I can guess, but is there NO ONE who cares about making the system better in this country?

Chalerm is just following in the foot steps of his dear leader.

Thaksin sues Democrat, three newspapers

Published on June 14, 2006

In the civil lawsuit, Thaksin also named the three papers as legal entities as co-defendants and demanded the eight defendants to jointly pay him Bt800 million as compensations for the damages to his reputation.

The Nation

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The newspapers simply reported what was part of the public record from parliament.

How can this be defamation from the newspapers point of view?

Bullying comes to mind drunk.gif .

Of course it is bullying, but how on earth can anyone claim that there is a right to sue the newspapers for defamation??????????

These types of laws that exist here annoy the hell out of me, because they actively serve to keep the status quo to the detriment of society at large, but NO political party of any political persuasion will EVER change them. Why I can guess, but is there NO ONE who cares about making the system better in this country?

Chalerm is just following in the foot steps of his dear leader.

Thaksin sues Democrat, three newspapers

Published on June 14, 2006

In the civil lawsuit, Thaksin also named the three papers as legal entities as co-defendants and demanded the eight defendants to jointly pay him Bt800 million as compensations for the damages to his reputation.

The Nation

So why didn't dear Abhisit change these laws since they are completely idiotic????

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... I wonder if Thais will ever stand-up for themselves and hold these dispicable entitled inbreds accountable for their appalling low-class behaviors ... how shameful for Thailand.

... and, how proud the Thais must be of what they've created for themselves ... but, or course, Thai cultural values prevent any changes to this sordid public display.

... along with the rest of civilized society, I cannot wait to see the video on YouTube ... in this age of techology (and infamous Thai political skullduggery), the video simply cannot be kept from us too long.

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How bad must the situation be for the democrats if they have to sniff through his houses' garbage?

Admittedly, he often gives a drunk impression, but really: with a dude like Chalerm, aren't there much

worse things to find than a few bottles of alcohol?

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"It's a normal thing for a man to drink liquor. I see nothing wrong with that." - Chalerm

Yes, it is wrong if you are an MP at WORK!!! Not only that, goverment offices are declared no alcohol zones.

Bullying comes to mind

He has been a bully for a long time. A dog does not stop barking and biting once started.

Only one solution for mad dogs...

In any other country, the evidence of his misconduct should be enough for impeachment/dismissal.

However, this is Thailand and he is Chalerm.

Nobody in this country has the guts or power to take him down. And he knows it.

Cinderrella fears him and so do the rest of the House.

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Of course it is bullying, but how on earth can anyone claim that there is a right to sue the newspapers for defamation??????????

These types of laws that exist here annoy the hell out of me, because they actively serve to keep the status quo to the detriment of society at large, but NO political party of any political persuasion will EVER change them. Why I can guess, but is there NO ONE who cares about making the system better in this country?

one can sue when a story is intentionally misleading. Read the original stories. The newspapers have a duty to check their facts. Are you even aware of what the accusation is based upon? One Democrat MP shouted out an allegation.

The Democrats then went looking through the trash(a possibly illegal act if done on the House property without a search warrant as it was the "property" of the house).

The Democrats made the assumption it belonged to Chalerm. What exactly did they find?

Democrat list MP Boonyod Sukthinthai showed photos of 20 bottles of soda water, two small bottles of spirits and five bottles of wine cooler drinks.

That's an awful lot of soda water. How many people were at this alleged meeting? 5 people? 10 people? 20 people? That is an important part of the story.

What we have is an unsubstantiated allegation and the manner that it was reported was intended to embarass and to defame the Deputy PM.

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"It's a normal thing for a man to drink liquor. I see nothing wrong with that." - Chalerm

Yes, it is wrong if you are an MP at WORK!!! Not only that, goverment offices are declared no alcohol zones.

Bullying comes to mind

He has been a bully for a long time. A dog does not stop barking and biting once started.

Only one solution for mad dogs...

In any other country, the evidence of his misconduct should be enough for impeachment/dismissal.

However, this is Thailand and he is Chalerm.

Nobody in this country has the guts or power to take him down. And he knows it.

Cinderrella fears him and so do the rest of the House.

And can I just point out how poignant your signature is.

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Of course it is bullying, but how on earth can anyone claim that there is a right to sue the newspapers for defamation??????????

These types of laws that exist here annoy the hell out of me, because they actively serve to keep the status quo to the detriment of society at large, but NO political party of any political persuasion will EVER change them. Why I can guess, but is there NO ONE who cares about making the system better in this country?

one can sue when a story is intentionally misleading. Read the original stories. The newspapers have a duty to check their facts. Are you even aware of what the accusation is based upon? One Democrat MP shouted out an allegation.

The Democrats then went looking through the trash(a possibly illegal act if done on the House property without a search warrant as it was the "property" of the house).

The Democrats made the assumption it belonged to Chalerm. What exactly did they find?

Democrat list MP Boonyod Sukthinthai showed photos of 20 bottles of soda water, two small bottles of spirits and five bottles of wine cooler drinks.

That's an awful lot of soda water. How many people were at this alleged meeting? 5 people? 10 people? 20 people? That is an important part of the story.

What we have is an unsubstantiated allegation and the manner that it was reported was intended to embarass and to defame the Deputy PM.

Whistling past the graveyard again I see.

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As this country sinks lower and lower, those given the responsibility for running the country seem to put more effort into bickering with each other rather than face the real issues facing Thailand.

Pretty sad when MP's rummage through the rubbish to look for empty beer and soda bottles.

Its as if there isn't anything more important to be getting on with.

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As this country sinks lower and lower, those given the responsibility for running the country seem to put more effort into bickering with each other rather than face the real issues facing Thailand.

Pretty sad when MP's rummage through the rubbish to look for empty beer and soda bottles.

Its as if there isn't anything more important to be getting on with.

Maybe they're just trying to inspire confidence in foreign investors.

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Very, very small men like Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobumrung file defamation suits. Real men are not too affected by slander, and realize that when they are major goombahs, like this circus buffoon is, that people are going to slander you. This tiny man has such thin skin, everything bothers him. His self esteem is so low, that this kind of nonsense is necessary for him. Hopefully, he will disappear from politics, and do the entire country a favor. We would all like to see him disappear from our lives.

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Chalerm is the living proof that nobody of the Thai establishment gives a rats ass about Thailand and their people. Where Abhisit happily employed a brothel owner as minister of commerce, an unqualified nurse as minister of ICT and did business with a possible rapist and gambler like Sanan, Yingluck does not seem to grasp that you cannot make a man minister of justice who helped his son flee the country after being suspected of killing a policeman.

People like Chalerm are a disgrace and an insult to any voter left or right.

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