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Thaksin Addresses On Video Link To Red Shirts


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There are a lot of dreamers posting here who won't face up to the fact that Thaksin is running the country in a far more effective manner than the Democrats did. The concrete results that his party are able to deliver make the Democrats look sick in comparison. We have already seen implementation of many of PTPs election promises, and at the same time drastic measures introduced to deal with the flooding problem, which the Democrats did absolutely nothing about. In the near future we will see the start of the tablet program and high speed rail along with many other policies to improve the lives of the Thai people. The sooner he returns to lead the country the better off the country will be. There will be the inevitable bleating and protests from the yellows, but now that the reds are well organised and highly mobile they will marginalize any attempt to create unrest. Once Thaksin has again proven himself to be by far the best leader available his misguided detractors will quickly diminish.

yawn and yawn

As with others living in a false reality, the truth often bores. I recommend seeing a certified psychologist.

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The guys with the tools need to eavesdrop and record this maniac's phone calls. If proof were found that he instructed Yingluck to do anything, and she followed it through, then she would be ousted immediately, and this whole shambles of an organised red-shirt govenment would be disbanded once and for all!


Are you implying that so far there has been no proof that Mr T has instructed Yingluck to do something and she has followed through with it?

Say it ain't so!!!

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The one who treated you did a piss-poor job, so your recommendation would be worthless. Any ideas about the Constitution yet? Still waiting for your reply. YOUR reply, not your minder.

There are a lot of dreamers posting here who won't face up to the fact that Thaksin is running the country in a far more effective manner than the Democrats did. The concrete results that his party are able to deliver make the Democrats look sick in comparison. We have already seen implementation of many of PTPs election promises, and at the same time drastic measures introduced to deal with the flooding problem, which the Democrats did absolutely nothing about. In the near future we will see the start of the tablet program and high speed rail along with many other policies to improve the lives of the Thai people. The sooner he returns to lead the country the better off the country will be. There will be the inevitable bleating and protests from the yellows, but now that the reds are well organised and highly mobile they will marginalize any attempt to create unrest. Once Thaksin has again proven himself to be by far the best leader available his misguided detractors will quickly diminish.

yawn and yawn

As with others living in a false reality, the truth often bores. I recommend seeing a certified psychologist.

Edited by Reasonableman
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The guys with the tools need to eavesdrop and record this maniac's phone calls. If proof were found that he instructed Yingluck to do anything, and she followed it through, then she would be ousted immediately, and this whole shambles of an organised red-shirt govenment would be disbanded once and for all!



Are you implying that so far there has been no proof that Mr T has instructed Yingluck to do something and she has followed through with it?

Say it ain't so!!!

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Its somewhat academic, since probably none of us farang can vote, and were neither involved in elections or their outcomes, or coups, but many have suffered as "collateral damage". The political protagonists seem interested in little more than their narrow selfish agendas, and others be damned.

Yay, the entire population is gonna get paid, at last. Looking forward to that. What are all these years of suffering from destructive political BS worth? Must be megabaht, surely?

Surely worth a coup? ;)


Edited by Reasonableman
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Your ignorance is only matched by your stupidity. If all you can see is yellow and red, you are sadly color-blind. Silly silly bird poo man. Yawn. Zzzzz Waste of time. Zzzzz

The one who treated you did a piss-poor job, so your recommendation would be worthless. Any ideas about the Constitution yet? Still waiting for your reply. YOUR reply, not your minder.

What question?

I find it amusing how you coup loving yellow shirted freaks abuse Thaksin supporters as ignorant, uneducated and unworthy of a vote, but the fact is that many of the most respected Thai academics, business people, civic leaders, artists.... both inside and outside of the country, are avid supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra. Kind of sinks your 'they are just paid 500 baht' theory doesn't it. Better come up with one that actually holds water.

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I forgot, which poster was it that often wrote that Red Shirts wasn't about Thaksin and he had very little or nothing to do with the movement anymore? Since he mentioned he wasn't going to support the movement if it could be proven that Thaksin wasn't phased out...

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The one who treated you did a piss-poor job, so your recommendation would be worthless. Any ideas about the Constitution yet? Still waiting for your reply. YOUR reply, not your minder.

What question?

I find it amusing how you coup loving yellow shirted freaks abuse Thaksin supporters as ignorant, uneducated and unworthy of a vote, but the fact is that many of the most respected Thai academics, business people, civic leaders, artists.... both inside and outside of the country, are avid supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra. Kind of sinks your 'they are just paid 500 baht' theory doesn't it. Better come up with one that actually holds water.

Congratulations you finally got some thing rite.

YES he does pay some a lot more than 500 Baht.

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There are a lot of dreamers posting here who won't face up to the fact that Thaksin is running the country in a far more effective manner than the Democrats did. The concrete results that his party are able to deliver make the Democrats look sick in comparison. We have already seen implementation of many of PTPs election promises, and at the same time drastic measures introduced to deal with the flooding problem, which the Democrats did absolutely nothing about. In the near future we will see the start of the tablet program and high speed rail along with many other policies to improve the lives of the Thai people. The sooner he returns to lead the country the better off the country will be. There will be the inevitable bleating and protests from the yellows, but now that the reds are well organised and highly mobile they will marginalize any attempt to create unrest. Once Thaksin has again proven himself to be by far the best leader available his misguided detractors will quickly diminish.

"now that the reds are well organised and highly mobile they will marginalize any attempt to create unrest."

"they will marginalize any attempt to create unrest"

Are you saying that they are more organized than they were in 2010.

Marginalize unrest are they going to keep their mouth shut and stay at home. That would work.

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It seems k. Thaksin in his phone-in has said many a fine thing, including he would try to help bail applications for his red shirt supporters still in prison. As k. Thaksin has gone on record more than a year ago, not to know any red-shirts, I can only assume that with the special trips organized for red-shirts to visit him in Dubai, by now he does know a few. Still I'm surprised that any of those visitors would seem to be in prison huh.png

Edited by rubl
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Every megalomania needs his ego feeding? Taksins red army?

Thaksin ego to be Thailand first president is as largeas the wart on my toe.

Has anyone heard of a puppet government? This is what Thailand has at the moment. Big Brother could not yet get back in control so little sister has to do it for him- That is unitl he can gain his demi-god status to rival anyone. Thaksin is taking plays right out of Hitler's play book and the poor people can't see it because they were not taught about it in the Government controled schools. One has to be on the outside looking in to see what is going to happen. It is a shame because Thailand is still a wonderful country, but netherless they should learn about World History.

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Why can't Thaksin stopping wanting to be the President of Thailand.

Thais must not allowed this evil dictator of parliment to return.

Oh he will attempt be do so and when a certain event happens in future , near or not so near, and he makes his moves with PTP passing legislation there will be unrest which will make the events of 2010 seem pretty small.

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A few back and forth bickering posts have been removed from view. Keep it civil guys and please abide by forum rules:

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There are a lot of dreamers posting here who won't face up to the fact that Thaksin is running the country in a far more effective manner than the Democrats did. The concrete results that his party are able to deliver make the Democrats look sick in comparison. We have already seen implementation of many of PTPs election promises, and at the same time drastic measures introduced to deal with the flooding problem, which the Democrats did absolutely nothing about. In the near future we will see the start of the tablet program and high speed rail along with many other policies to improve the lives of the Thai people. The sooner he returns to lead the country the better off the country will be. There will be the inevitable bleating and protests from the yellows, but now that the reds are well organised and highly mobile they will marginalize any attempt to create unrest. Once Thaksin has again proven himself to be by far the best leader available his misguided detractors will quickly diminish.

Although I agree with you that the dems didn't do all that good of a job running the country, there is a big difference in what a government can get done when they have a majority government and when they are held together by a coalition.

The people who don't like Thaksin will never change their minds about his character. Many see him as a robin hood figure taking from the rich and giving to the poor. No one in their right mind would see that as such a bad thing. However when he steal from the rich give half to the poor and keep the other half for himself, there are going to be a lot of people who will see that as greed/graft/corruption/theft, and they will want to see justice.

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There are a lot of dreamers posting here who won't face up to the fact that Thaksin is running the country in a far more effective manner than the Democrats did. The concrete results that his party are able to deliver make the Democrats look sick in comparison. We have already seen implementation of many of PTPs election promises, and at the same time drastic measures introduced to deal with the flooding problem, which the Democrats did absolutely nothing about. In the near future we will see the start of the tablet program and high speed rail along with many other policies to improve the lives of the Thai people. The sooner he returns to lead the country the better off the country will be. There will be the inevitable bleating and protests from the yellows, but now that the reds are well organised and highly mobile they will marginalize any attempt to create unrest. Once Thaksin has again proven himself to be by far the best leader available his misguided detractors will quickly diminish.

Although I agree with you that the dems didn't do all that good of a job running the country, there is a big difference in what a government can get done when they have a majority government and when they are held together by a coalition.

The people who don't like Thaksin will never change their minds about his character. Many see him as a robin hood figure taking from the rich and giving to the poor. No one in their right mind would see that as such a bad thing. However when he steal from the rich give half to the poor and keep the other half for himself, there are going to be a lot of people who will see that as greed/graft/corruption/theft, and they will want to see justice.

Are you suggesting that Robin Hood and his gang did not take a cut?

How on earth do you think they managed to play music, wine and dine all day all night?

Running such a big operation and feed all thoses men, women and children cost money, even in sherwood forest.

Edited by sparebox2
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There are a lot of dreamers posting here who won't face up to the fact that Thaksin is running the country in a far more effective manner than the Democrats did. The concrete results that his party are able to deliver make the Democrats look sick in comparison. We have already seen implementation of many of PTPs election promises, and at the same time drastic measures introduced to deal with the flooding problem, which the Democrats did absolutely nothing about. In the near future we will see the start of the tablet program and high speed rail along with many other policies to improve the lives of the Thai people. The sooner he returns to lead the country the better off the country will be. There will be the inevitable bleating and protests from the yellows, but now that the reds are well organised and highly mobile they will marginalize any attempt to create unrest. Once Thaksin has again proven himself to be by far the best leader available his misguided detractors will quickly diminish.

Although I agree with you that the dems didn't do all that good of a job running the country, there is a big difference in what a government can get done when they have a majority government and when they are held together by a coalition.

The people who don't like Thaksin will never change their minds about his character. Many see him as a robin hood figure taking from the rich and giving to the poor. No one in their right mind would see that as such a bad thing. However when he steal from the rich give half to the poor and keep the other half for himself, there are going to be a lot of people who will see that as greed/graft/corruption/theft, and they will want to see justice.

Are you suggesting that Robin Hood and his gang did not take a cut?

How on earth do you their they managed to play music, wine and dine all day all night?

Running such a big operation and feed all thoses men, women and children cost money, even in sherwood forest.

This is known as "administration costs." With some charities they account for 90% of the funds donated.

BTW 1 Why did Robin Hood steal from the rich? What have the poor got that's worth stealing?

BTW 2 The whole Robin Hood myth is a distortion of history. "Evil" Prince John levied harsh taxes to pay for "Good King Richard's (the Lionheart)" ransom when he was imprisoned on the way back from the Crusades. In his 10-year reign, Richard was almost totally absent, and his crusades and ransom near sent the country bankrupt.

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There are a lot of dreamers posting here who won't face up to the fact that Thaksin is running the country in a far more effective manner than the Democrats did. The concrete results that his party are able to deliver make the Democrats look sick in comparison. We have already seen implementation of many of PTPs election promises, and at the same time drastic measures introduced to deal with the flooding problem, which the Democrats did absolutely nothing about. In the near future we will see the start of the tablet program and high speed rail along with many other policies to improve the lives of the Thai people. The sooner he returns to lead the country the better off the country will be. There will be the inevitable bleating and protests from the yellows, but now that the reds are well organised and highly mobile they will marginalize any attempt to create unrest. Once Thaksin has again proven himself to be by far the best leader available his misguided detractors will quickly diminish.

Although I agree with you that the dems didn't do all that good of a job running the country, there is a big difference in what a government can get done when they have a majority government and when they are held together by a coalition.

The people who don't like Thaksin will never change their minds about his character. Many see him as a robin hood figure taking from the rich and giving to the poor. No one in their right mind would see that as such a bad thing. However when he steal from the rich give half to the poor and keep the other half for himself, there are going to be a lot of people who will see that as greed/graft/corruption/theft, and they will want to see justice.

Are you suggesting that Robin Hood and his gang did not take a cut?

How on earth do you their they managed to play music, wine and dine all day all night?

Running such a big operation and feed all thoses men, women and children cost money, even in sherwood forest.

This is known as "administration costs." With some charities they account for 90% of the funds donated.

BTW 1 Why did Robin Hood steal from the rich? What have the poor got that's worth stealing?

BTW 2 The whole Robin Hood myth is a distortion of history. "Evil" Prince John levied harsh taxes to pay for "Good King Richard's (the Lionheart)" ransom when he was imprisoned on the way back from the Crusades. In his 10-year reign, Richard was almost totally absent, and his crusades and ransom near sent the country bankrupt.

Actually Robin hood was robbing the tax collectors and giving the money back so in a way it was not stealing as he was giving the money back and considered a hero... as according to wiki tacksins grandfather made his living as a tax "farmer" so maybe there is some merit in the comparison.... giggle.gif

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There are a lot of dreamers posting here who won't face up to the fact that Thaksin is running the country in a far more effective manner than the Democrats did. The concrete results that his party are able to deliver make the Democrats look sick in comparison. We have already seen implementation of many of PTPs election promises, and at the same time drastic measures introduced to deal with the flooding problem, which the Democrats did absolutely nothing about. In the near future we will see the start of the tablet program and high speed rail along with many other policies to improve the lives of the Thai people. The sooner he returns to lead the country the better off the country will be. There will be the inevitable bleating and protests from the yellows, but now that the reds are well organised and highly mobile they will marginalize any attempt to create unrest. Once Thaksin has again proven himself to be by far the best leader available his misguided detractors will quickly diminish.

Although I agree with you that the dems didn't do all that good of a job running the country, there is a big difference in what a government can get done when they have a majority government and when they are held together by a coalition.

The people who don't like Thaksin will never change their minds about his character. Many see him as a robin hood figure taking from the rich and giving to the poor. No one in their right mind would see that as such a bad thing. However when he steal from the rich give half to the poor and keep the other half for himself, there are going to be a lot of people who will see that as greed/graft/corruption/theft, and they will want to see justice.

Are you suggesting that Robin Hood and his gang did not take a cut?

How on earth do you their they managed to play music, wine and dine all day all night?

Running such a big operation and feed all thoses men, women and children cost money, even in sherwood forest.

This is known as "administration costs." With some charities they account for 90% of the funds donated.

BTW 1 Why did Robin Hood steal from the rich? What have the poor got that's worth stealing?

BTW 2 The whole Robin Hood myth is a distortion of history. "Evil" Prince John levied harsh taxes to pay for "Good King Richard's (the Lionheart)" ransom when he was imprisoned on the way back from the Crusades. In his 10-year reign, Richard was almost totally absent, and his crusades and ransom near sent the country bankrupt.

Strange you should mention that. I just heard it the other day in Pattaya. Prince John actually saved England from going bankrupt due to the spending of King Richard the Lion heart.

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"In addition, he pledged that the government would become more efficient at solving problems."

Plenty of room for improvement.

Wouldn't it be so much easier if the de facto PM just did his video links in Parliament so everyone knew what was going on?

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Strange you should mention that. I just heard it the other day in Pattaya. Prince John actually saved England from going bankrupt due to the spending of King Richard the Lion heart.

Richard was imprisoned by Leopold V of Austria whom he had severely annoyed in the Holy Lands. His ransom was huge.

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There are a lot of dreamers posting here who won't face up to the fact that Thaksin is running the country in a far more effective manner than the Democrats did. The concrete results that his party are able to deliver make the Democrats look sick in comparison. We have already seen implementation of many of PTPs election promises, and at the same time drastic measures introduced to deal with the flooding problem, which the Democrats did absolutely nothing about. In the near future we will see the start of the tablet program and high speed rail along with many other policies to improve the lives of the Thai people. The sooner he returns to lead the country the better off the country will be. There will be the inevitable bleating and protests from the yellows, but now that the reds are well organised and highly mobile they will marginalize any attempt to create unrest. Once Thaksin has again proven himself to be by far the best leader available his misguided detractors will quickly diminish.

Although I agree with you that the dems didn't do all that good of a job running the country, there is a big difference in what a government can get done when they have a majority government and when they are held together by a coalition.

The people who don't like Thaksin will never change their minds about his character. Many see him as a robin hood figure taking from the rich and giving to the poor. No one in their right mind would see that as such a bad thing. However when he steal from the rich give half to the poor and keep the other half for himself, there are going to be a lot of people who will see that as greed/graft/corruption/theft, and they will want to see justice.

Are you suggesting that Robin Hood and his gang did not take a cut?

How on earth do you think they managed to play music, wine and dine all day all night?

Running such a big operation and feed all thoses men, women and children cost money, even in sherwood forest.

Actually I didn't suggest that at all. You obviously didn't read my whole post. I am in complete agreeance with you..

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There are a lot of dreamers posting here who won't face up to the fact that Thaksin is running the country in a far more effective manner than the Democrats did. The concrete results that his party are able to deliver make the Democrats look sick in comparison. We have already seen implementation of many of PTPs election promises, and at the same time drastic measures introduced to deal with the flooding problem, which the Democrats did absolutely nothing about. In the near future we will see the start of the tablet program and high speed rail along with many other policies to improve the lives of the Thai people. The sooner he returns to lead the country the better off the country will be. There will be the inevitable bleating and protests from the yellows, but now that the reds are well organised and highly mobile they will marginalize any attempt to create unrest. Once Thaksin has again proven himself to be by far the best leader available his misguided detractors will quickly diminish.

Quote ...We have already seen implementation of many of PTPs election promises, .......

- 300Baht minimum wage for all, surely bought a lot of votes, not yet implemented, confusion still abounds and the pm has openly said that it could be 3 years before some people see it, in other words doing more damage than good in terms of income gap

- 15,000Baht minimum start salary, surely bought a lot of votes, not yet implemented, total confusion still abounds. Lots of unprofessional attempts by raising allowances etc to some salaries just made it all worse

- Tablets for school kids, surely bought a lot of votes, not yet implemented, total confusion still abounds and it's possible the early issues will have operating software which hasn't been properly designed etc. Still confusion about internet services etc., and even worse, many teachers have very little It or software knowledge and don't know how to integrate the tablets into learning and no .sign of any training for the teachers.

- Food prices, pork, eggs guaranteed to be controlled and kept low, surely bought a lot of votes, prices now out of control and quite high

- Lots of knee jerk reaction to the floods, fast announcements of flood walls etc, but no research or national planning , but real big budgets for the sticky fingers.

- No announcements whatever about education reform

- No announcements whatever about policy to really make serious inroads into reducing the income gap and get a large % of Thais way above the survival line

- Cancellation of the free medical scheme..................... with the poor now having to pay

Yep, real progress

Now now, you are forgetting the tax cut to rich people, the corporate tax was slashed by the PTP government from 30 to 23% faster than you can say "widening income gap".

Haven't noticed much trickling down the economy, I did notice lots of new, red license plate luxury cars though.

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He may be a good man in his own definition and some others. But if he truly wants peace in thailand, he should encourage his followers to study hard and help reunite the country and find a new leader(rather than his family members) so they can bring about new ideas (instead of his own ideas). I am not so happy with Abhisit or the other politicians, but Thailand definitely needs to walk a new path.

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