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People have advised here for others who live outside the U.K. to apply to Hull for visas. I noted on my application pack today that it now clearly states you must be a U.K. resident.

As said above, apologies if this has been mentioned before, but I do not read this forum everyday :)


I think you'll find it is dependent on what type of Visa is required.

The quoted text available on download 'Aba' Visa Application Pack from Hull states, 'Visa applications are accepted only from persons who are residing in the UK at the time of application.'


Yes, it has been mentioned before but there is no harm in mentioning this important change again. Send the application from the UK, with a return envelope with a UK address.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



A "UK RESIDENT" means different things to different organizations. HMRC will bend over backwards to say you are so they can have your money! For Insurance purposes it seems you have to be "residing in the UK for more than 3 months" what they dont say is that is 3 months prior to applying so dont think because you were born there eons ago or have bank accounts, UK address counts it does not.

In this case it looks like sending are from the UK and it being delivered back to a UK address looks the best option and then if you are have and begining and end in Thailand best to involve DHL or similar.

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