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Thai Court Sentences Briton To 21 Years For Having Sex With Minors


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All the 'latter day SAINTS' have come out in force as usual. Hope they don't go stoning all the paediatricians at Bangkok and Pattaya International Hospital.

The heavy sentences were, however, completely justified and I hope they act as a deterrent to other weak minded individuals living or holidaying in Thailand.

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42 years for a 50-yo mother. long sentence but appropriate. hopefully she will come to terms with her bad karma so she can face the hell she'll be in during the next life. its going to be quite a few centuries for her to make up for that one. you would think a Thai mother could see the wrong in it.

as for the farang, yea, that's pretty bad to be banging children. he'll only spend 5 years in a Thai klink, which should be enough time to get quite a lot of objects stuffed up his arse.

Wrong. He will serve 15 years minimal in a Thai jail and then serve the rest of his term in his home country as per Treaty.

People don't get things shoved up their arse's in Thai prisons. Unfortunately it is not the same as back home and sex just does not happen in Thai prisons.

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Why did it take over 6 years for this to come out? How DID it finally come out? Was the Brit guy blackmailed and stopped paying? This is a good thing what happened here. I am just concerned about the chances of having to do with an 18 or 19 year old girl, perfectly consensual, who is still underage in Thai Law. Some relative or friend in attendance, who informs the Police if and when he or she chooses...

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42 years for a 50-yo mother. long sentence but appropriate. hopefully she will come to terms with her bad karma so she can face the hell she'll be in during the next life. its going to be quite a few centuries for her to make up for that one. you would think a Thai mother could see the wrong in it.

as for the farang, yea, that's pretty bad to be banging children. he'll only spend 5 years in a Thai klink, which should be enough time to get quite a lot of objects stuffed up his arse.

Wrong. He will serve 15 years minimal in a Thai jail and then serve the rest of his term in his home country as per Treaty.

People don't get things shoved up their arse's in Thai prisons. Unfortunately it is not the same as back home and sex just does not happen in Thai prisons.

You may be right but the katoeys are quite popular in the men's prisons. There is no such thing as a legal sex change in Thailand and they are obliged to serve their sentences in male prisons much to the delight of the other prisoners.

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This has been going on forever, and suddenly an example of a harse sentence, some pretty harsh comments on here as well, but nothing will be done about the trafficking Ive seen guys trying to get minors into hotel rooms in Pattaya, the rececption called me while reading the paper to ask if I thought the girl was the one in the photo copied id picture that this guy was trying to get into his room, I said I dont know the pic was not good . they let the guy take her in, I suspect she was about 13 its rife in the land of smiles you guys all know this ,I know of one guy who was set up by a mother her under age daughter and her police boyfriend and relieved of 100k bht in buri ram, they were running a nice profitable bussines.

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Back in my good old days In England I would get a phone call from a chief constable with information on the paedophiles that would get of because of some technicality in the court cases and they are 100% guilty.


Well me and some underground buddies would pick these guys up and have fun with them for two or three days and depending on how bad these people are they couldn't ever do anything wrong or harm children again!!!

I really f**king hope someone like me is around to do these things in Thailand jap.gif

So what you are saying is that, complicit with the chief of police (which force? Does this happen a lot in the one patch or are all CPOs in on it?), that you sought out innocent (as there is no way you can be sure 100% they are guilty unless you were there) people to victomise and abuse because you vigilanty little brain told you it was a good thing - goos enough to boast about it here at least. The UK courts rarely allow caces to fall apart because of technicalities - this only usually happens if there was serious miscondust (like falsified evidence) - technicalities can cause evdince to be dismissed, but unlilke in some other countries, this is not necessarily reason to fold the case.

To be honest, this is not true in the least is it - it's just your little fantasy now, isn't it?

The sentances meets the crime here - both parties will probably end their days in prison - in the UK (following 15 years transfer) he will be on the sex offenders register, lose his passport and be registerd for the rest of his life - assuming he lives until parole.

Sex with minors (what in the USA is called statatory rape) is an emotive crime - but in this country we see fradsters getting 20 years (Sondhi) and people like this getting long sentances, drug dealers and possessors getting life sentances, and yet murders get bail (<deleted>?) and short sentances. Topsy-turvy world, eh? (whcih victim would you rather be: have had sex under the age of consent - which here can be 15, 18 or 20 depending on the law use; buy drugs from a dealer; watch someone be in posession of drugs; give some one a loan where their assets were exagerated; or be killed? - I know which I'd like least!)

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Back in my good old days In England I would get a phone call from a chief constable with information on the paedophiles that would get of because of some technicality in the court cases and they are 100% guilty.


Well me and some underground buddies would pick these guys up and have fun with them for two or three days and depending on how bad these people are they couldn't ever do anything wrong or harm children again!!!

I really f**king hope someone like me is around to do these things in Thailand jap.gif

I hope these guys you mutilated were guilty not like the Guildford 4 and the Birmingham 6

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Never loose sight of the fact that this type of thing happens globally, not just in Thailand.

It happens in what some like to refer to as civilised society

These type of heinous crimes are committed in the UK USA France Belgium Sweden Italy Spain and more.

Also as in Thailand many children are bought and sold used and abused and then discarded by rich and powerful men in the USA and Europe

Edited by ARBEZ
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In my opnion any man that does this should have a tatoo across his forehead that reads "I am a child rapest".

Probably such a tatoo would be taken as a joke on account of the remedial spelling of the 6 letter word 'rapist'. But I agree with your sentiments.

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This has been going on forever, and suddenly an example of a harse sentence, some pretty harsh comments on here as well, but nothing will be done about the trafficking Ive seen guys trying to get minors into hotel rooms in Pattaya, the rececption called me while reading the paper to ask if I thought the girl was the one in the photo copied id picture that this guy was trying to get into his room, I said I dont know the pic was not good . they let the guy take her in, I suspect she was about 13 its rife in the land of smiles you guys all know this ,I know of one guy who was set up by a mother her under age daughter and her police boyfriend and relieved of 100k bht in buri ram, they were running a nice profitable bussines.

'set up'...The guy would have suspected she was underage... he just thought he would get away with it..

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Back in my good old days In England I would get a phone call from a chief constable with information on the paedophiles that would get of because of some technicality in the court cases and they are 100% guilty.


Well me and some underground buddies would pick these guys up and have fun with them for two or three days and depending on how bad these people are they couldn't ever do anything wrong or harm children again!!!

I really f**king hope someone like me is around to do these things in Thailand jap.gif

Rightio!!!!!! No need to doubt any of that!

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21 years + castration would have been more appropriate for the Brit.

As for the Mother, no doubt she will be out in a few days, with a few bribes.

All very well to gloat but this stuff happens every day and only people of no consequence without that much money like this farang and the pitiful mother are ever punished. Young boys and girls are procured and raped every day by politicians, senior policemen, military officers and wealthy businessmen. For them it will be business as usual and this verdict and sentence won't make a blind bit of difference.

Not always he case. According to a very infuencial Thai Lawyer I know personally it is never that easy, once you hit the headlines for something of this nature the chances of anyone taking money to let you go are about zero. They are not going to risk their careers for a high profile Child molester no matter how much money he has. Let's say this guy was rich and walked where does he go? The paparazi would be all over him like a rash questions would be asked and heads would roll.

The smart ones, take their money anway and leave them in the jail ro rot.

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In my opnion any man that does this should have a tatoo across his forehead that reads "I am a child rapest".

Or alternatively a tattoo reading ' I am a child rapist '

' I Rape Kids'

would fit on a forehead better.

In any case appropriate sentences considering they will eventually be shortened.

Child molesters don't get an easy time in stir,

mothers that pimp their daughters can't have it much better.

Som nom na, they made their beds let them molder in them.

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Pedophile are quite emotionally ill people, at least in the respect of their sexual desires.

Parents of children and other adults that procure and/or sell their own children or those of others are in my opinion more reprehensible since it is not mental illness but greed and lack of morality or honor that motivates them.

Wouldn't surprise me if the mother saw nothing wrong with what she did.

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