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Strawberry Explosion


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Ian's right that the strawberries aren't much tasty. But Mrs T, an inveterate bargain hunter, can't resist the price when they're in season. So she's devised a way to use them that works for us: smoothies.

Here's her redcipe:

strawberries and yellow mangos (which are also in season at this time) + a bit of sugar (if needed in case the mango is not sweet enough) + yoghyurt + Milk + a pinch of salt + ice. Blend.

I like to spike mine with vodka, strictly for non medicinal reasons.


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What You Don't Know About Strawberries Could Kill You

Methyl iodide is used by scientists for the delightful purpose of intentionally inducing cancer in lab animals. Cancer is not just this chemical's side effect; it's its job. And now, that Methyl iodide is on your strawberries!

As a matter of fact, Strawberries are one of the most poisonous foods in the produce section — if you aren't buying According to a study by the Environmental Working Group, strawberries rank as one of the dirtiest fruits and vegetables, readily absorbing the noxious chemicals that are used to grow them conventionally and exposing the consumer — and far more so the field workers who grow them — to up to 54 known carcinogens, among other toxins. And as if that's not enough, now conventional strawberries have Methyl iodide on them. Yum!

Geeze, Thats in America.... I wonder how Thailand is for chemicals violin.gif


Edited by HaleySabai
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I had a nice strawberry (20 ft. by 20 ft) patch near a 2 acre vegatable garden. never had the need to use pesticides on the former. Birds would take a few and some looked as if the rats/mice had nibbled on them, but normal pests in the garden did not seem to bother the strawberries. I did plant onions and garlic around them, so this may have had some effect. Not sure what or why pesticides are being used on the strawberrys here, if that is the case.

The Royal farms claim to be organic so they might be a good source for clean fruit and veggies.

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"organic" has become a much loaded word these days. True organics simply can't be cultivated to an economy of scale.Too labour and time intensive.

As 'Slapout' said his strawberry plot was 20x20, delicious,with bits and bites taken out of them by birds et...now thats organic.

We have a Royal Project outlet near us and I do buy produce from and it is very good.... but not 100% organic.... you really need your own garden for that.

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The OP was about what to do with them, assuming you've got one's you like and aren't scared off by the chemicals.

Jam's a great way to go, but if you're keeping them more than a few weeks you need to get the proper canning jars (back home "Mason" jars) and sterilize them first. Personally if I had a freezer with spare room I'd use a bit less sugar, not cook them too long and put them into ziplocks once they've cooled down, nice for pancakes, with ice cream, in shakes etc.

Note that the Royal Project sells a litre of "100% pure" strawberry syrup for around ß70, available year-round, pretty hard to beat that - although it seems to have a lot of sugar in it if that's a concern.

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strawberry-guava martinis!!!

Take two strawberries--smash them add sugar, vodka, and guava juice--shake... you can add the ingredients to your liking...they're soo good..maybe make some pitchers of this and have a party :D

also you could make strawberry mojitos or caipirinhas...yes mixed drinks go well with strawberries

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