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2012 All Food Related.Restaurants,Recipes, Suggestions Etc... Best Pizza, Hamburger,Thai Food, Seafood,European Food.......

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It's a sausage for God's sake 280 baht???????????????????????????cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

So I ask myself, would I pay 280 for a chilli dog? I would.... but not often because it's costly. I've been looking into this market for some time because there are none (zero) US style hotdog stands around and I think the market could support it in various locations around Samui. We have all seen the guys/ gals push their roti or pancake stands into town of an evening and they manage to make a living off it. I'm looking at 120 for a standard dog with onions and relish which I think is still a little high and would like to get it down to 99 which means serious bulk buying (I'd need a big freezer) or make some of the stuff myself which I would rather not do. Chilli dog I could knock out at 150 but that needs to come down to 119 which is not easy given the cost of beef. Looking at 50% pork and 50% buffalo mince as a substitute.

Right now I'm designing the stand because I'll have to have them built, no venders in Thailand sell them and heaven only knows what the import tax would be if I shipped them over from the states. Found a fella in 'Nam who sell them but he charges 40k each which it way over the top since I'd then have to pay for shipping and most likely import tax too. 3 sheets of 2*1 zintec http://www.stannssheetmetal.co.uk/sheet-metal-materials-zintec.htm along with a tig http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_tungsten_arc_welding and I could make one myself for 10k.

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It's a sausage for God's sake 280 baht???????????????????????????cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Depends how good they are

The boss had the English banger - 200 baht - very good. I had the Chili Size - burger, onion, chili, cheese (no bun) and the quality was very good. With fries - more than enough. 260 baht with the fries

As notmyself said - I would not being going there every week - but it's good enough to go now and again. Certainly the best tasting burger that I have had after 12 years here. (And no - I do not want to go to Lamai, Maenam or Nathon for a burger!)

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Fixed duplicates.

It's a sausage for God's sake 280 baht???????????????????????????cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Depends how good they are

The boss had the English banger - 200 baht - very good. I had the Chili Size - burger, onion, chili, cheese (no bun) and the quality was very good. With fries - more than enough. 260 baht with the fries

As notmyself said - I would not being going there every week - but it's good enough to go now and again. Certainly the best tasting burger that I have had after 12 years here. (And no - I do not want to go to Lamai, Maenam or Nathon for a burger!)

Its credibilty as a great burger lies in the comparisn to the burger at Petcharat Marina. Pricing is very similar. Treat yourself and let us know. thumbsup.gif

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Firstly I have no affiliation or commercial interest in this message, this is for the benefit of those that love a good Sunday roast.

Just thought i'd let you know that the Lazy Coconut is doing Sunday roast again from the You & Me restaurant near the traffic lights in Maenam, virtually opposite 7/11.

We went today and it is exactly the same super tasty roast we used to love before at the Coconut.

WOW ! Thats great news. Lazy Coconut roasts were the best.

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For the best Spare Ribs try Steward's cooking at Jordans Bar Maenam walking street, its a meal and a half. Also he does a 'mean' Liver & Bacon all at reasonable prices.

For the best Spare Ribs try Steward's cooking at Jordans Bar Maenam walking street, its a meal and a half. Also he does a 'mean' Liver & Bacon all at reasonable prices.

+1. I recommended Jordans Bar for Ribs a few pages back in this thread. Stewart cooks them to perfection. But, saying that, everything I have ever eaten at Jordans has been top notch. I thoroughly suggest you check them out for yourselves.

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I am looking for a good and genuine Indian Restaurant in Samui, with great roti naan, paratha...the bread is what I love the most wink.png

I guess the ones in Chaweng are too touristy to be good,

Any Idea?


Babu's Indian Hot, Soi Maenam Resort Road, Maenam, just turn after Santi Buri resort. (going anti clock wise! on ring road) Will deliver, but suggest you go by and try first ... has a good following of expats wanting take out or delivery.

Havelii Ban Rak is good too... I think they are doing delivery now too... One right side, but cannot remember the "cross street"

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I am looking for a good and genuine Indian Restaurant in Samui, with great roti naan, paratha...the bread is what I love the most wink.png

I guess the ones in Chaweng are too touristy to be good,

Any Idea?


Babu's Indian Hot, Soi Maenam Resort Road, Maenam, just turn after Santi Buri resort. (going anti clock wise! on ring road) Will deliver, but suggest you go by and try first ... has a good following of expats wanting take out or delivery.

Havelii Ban Rak is good too... I think they are doing delivery now too... One right side, but cannot remember the "cross street"

Thanks for all tips, I tried for lunch, Havelli on Bangkrak, I would say was okeish, the bread was good but slightly overcooked...but one meal is not enough to judge one place, so I guess I ll go back...next try, the one in Choengmon since I live nearby.

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Is anyone selling beef ribs (long) on the island?

Sorry for my ignorance, but what is Ribs Long ?


As opposed to short ribs

Short ribs (UK cut: Thin Rib) (Commonly known in UK as 'Jacob's Ladder' ) are a popular cut of beef. Beef short ribs are larger and usually more tender and meatier than their pork counterpart, pork spare ribs. Short ribs are cut from the rib and plate primals and a small corner of the square-cut chuck


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  • 2 weeks later...

In my search for the Great Britsh Breakfast - I took some friends to Angela's Bakery for a 'hangover' cure. burp.gif

Absolutely brilliant Breakfast. licklips.gif

Tea/coffee, juice, toasted home made bread, 2 tasty cumberland sausages, a load of bacon, 2 eggs, tomato, beans, mushrooms and onions.

Very very tasty. Full marks from all of us. I think it was only about 290 baht. We did not need to eat for the rest of the day. thumbsup.gif

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