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If You Had A Bad Accident


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I have had three significant crashes, two of which I could have done nothing about the other was just me being dumb.

It is the crashes that came out of nowhere that shook my confidence the most. One was a runaway car (no driver) that collected me while I was driving 80 Kmh with a passenger on a busy road. The other unavoidable crash was because a pedestrian ran in front of me looking the other way. Hitting a person is really scary because you think you are going to kill them. I laid my bike down, but the bike still got her. She managed to get less injuries than me though. And my foot seems permenantly affected; my bike was never the same either.

I still ride, but I ride very safe and boring now.

Edited by canuckamuck
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Interesting replies, the dedicated ones don't stop riding.Live to Ride.

Only had one bad crash, a GSXR110R I was riding hit a car at 110Kmh that pulled out onto a highway. I went across 4 lanes to avoid but she still managed to get me. Very lucky as most of the cars in that area are big 4wd wagons and this was a small 4door sedan. Went over the top and landed up the road 32.2 Mtrs. Spent 9 months in a wheelchair and was a bit shy to ride for 18months! Plenty of titanium all down my left side.

Have had a few minor accidents, in 1973 hit a kangaroo doing 100Kmh, just lots of grazes and nothing broken, only thing was it was a mates bike, the $ cost to repair it for him hurt more than the prang !

Now have 5 bikes and touch wood no accidents since moving to Thailand 6 yrs ago.

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