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Illegal Billboards To Be Demolished: Bangkok Metropolitan Administration


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Billboards to go

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- BMA (Bangkok Metropolitan Administration) deputy governor Theerachon Manomaipibul yesterday ordered 148 illegal billboards to be demolished in 15 days, fearing summer storms could hit the city.

Lat Krabang district was home to the highest number of illegal billboards with 22, followed by Bang Kapi and Prawet with 14 signs each.

Advertisers met with the city public works department to seek solutions to the threat of billboards collapsing in storms, then Theerachon said he had instructed district officials to remove 148 illegal signs - 118 installed without permission and 30 modified illegally.

The demolition orders could be appealed by the owners, but the city would ask them to make sure the signs were secure in case of high winds during the appeal period. There were 989 billboards (697 on land and 292 on buildings), including the 148 illegal signs, he said.


-- The Nation 2012-03-06

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The billboard is illegal, but the owners can appeal the decision to remove it? Remarkable. laugh.png

They may belong to somebody "important," or "connected," or willing to pay to have the status of their sign "reconsidered,"

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I believe you can even appeal such things in the US or Europe. To appeal does not mean you will win it will mean the case is reviewed again if you think you have been treated unfair.

I won't say there is no corruption but the process of appeal is a normal process.

And yes im against those big dangerous bill boards too.

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Hmm - I wish they had remembered that new enormous LED billboard hanging next to the Si Rat expressway - that dam_n thing is blinding at night (been up a couple of months now - think they lit it up in december)

It's that bad I've been wondering if I should take the exit, work out which building it's sitting on top of and do some "creative" rewiring. Should make quite a show and improve road safety.

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They may however be blocking the view of some grey, mouldy old buildings that haven't been painted for 30 years, so there may be some hidden benefits.

True! I noticed when they demolished one billboard (to build the airportlink makkasan station) that you can now see one 6 story building that has a 5-8 degree lean from front to back - scary..... On the bright side I saw yesterday the building next to it (adjoining wall) behind the Phetchaburi MRT entrance is about to open as a hotel.....

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remove ALL billboard of Bangkok ......... that would be the best to do ....

Agreed. Bangkok is shamefully littered with banal and mind-numbing advertising hoardings. I can understand being advertised at when I open a magazine or turn on a TV, but driving down the road? When did I sign up for that?

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The billboard is illegal, but the owners can appeal the decision to remove it? Remarkable. laugh.png

Not remarkable at all. BMA thinks they are illegal, but if owner disagrees he can appeal, probably to a court. Same in UK, USA and most other countries. In UK council can demand that illegal building be taken down, but the owner can still appeal, as the council decision may wrong. Not sure why you can'd understand this. Unless you're being pedantic about the use of language.

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fearing summer storms could hit the city.

Yeah. Only "legal" ones are storm-proof ones.

Re-read the article. It doesn't say that at all. But illegal ones are usually less safe because they have not been constructed properly. But all owners have been asked to check them.

Also, the less billboards, the less chance of damage. So take the illegal ones down and the place will be safer. Quite simple to understand.

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Re-read the article. It doesn't say that at all. But illegal ones are usually less safe because they have not been constructed properly. But all owners have been asked to check them.

Re-read the header first.

I hardly see ANY safety standarts followers here in LOS - legal or illegal. More than that: "legal" ones cares less.

If so - what is the bloody difference, except the amount to pay? Storm-proof?? C'mon, gimme a break. Just today I saw the burned FICO ("legal" one), and yesterday I passed a failed Hopewell bridge somewhere around Chatchak (a "govt project", fully "legal" somehow).

Wake up. TiT.

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The billboard is illegal, but the owners can appeal the decision to remove it? Remarkable. laugh.png

Not remarkable at all. BMA thinks they are illegal, but if owner disagrees he can appeal, probably to a court. Same in UK, USA and most other countries. In UK council can demand that illegal building be taken down, but the owner can still appeal, as the council decision may wrong. Not sure why you can'd understand this. Unless you're being pedantic about the use of language.

These billboards are in the UK?

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