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International community to resume nuclear talks with Iran


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You certainly won't hear any Iranian saying such an absurd thing either.

As far as the inspections, they are most UNSATISFACTORY inspections indeed!

Yes because they are not absurd like those others always claiming such nonsense as a reason for unprovoked attacks on a peaceful nation wink.png

Perhaps but.... Unsatisfactory inspections still trump NO INSPECTIONS at all like those nuclear capable jobs next door wink.png

So funny & consistent though....Those who take no part in treaties want to enforce them....

Those who allow no inspections want to complain that the inspections of others is not strict enough....Yup you cant make this stuff up...insanity is Israel's reality

Edited by flying
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The world is quite aware of Iran's repeated threats to Israel's existence as the world's one and only Jewish state, and its intention to help the Palestinians take over the entire joint. These aren't secrets but openly stated policies. Israel is correct to be worried about Iran. It would indeed be totally insane for them not to be very concerned.

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considering it's location.. israel is always going to have to be very concerned, all the time.

Then perhaps they should try a different tact because the way it has been going about things lately certainly isn't working.

They keep doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result........

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Yes because they are not absurd like those others always claiming such nonsense as a reason for unprovoked attacks on a peaceful nation

You might drop the constant references to Iran as a "peaceful nation". They are the biggest state sponsors of terrorism in the world and everyone knows it, so it makes it a little too obvious that all that Iran is innocent-as--a-lamb rhetoric is nothing but spin.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Betting that the leadership of Iran are going to make a "rational" choice could easily be a HUGE mistake for the whole world that would be impossible to take back.

So the alternative?

It is always funny to see those who claim that others are an existential threat & should be bombed 1st BEFORE they act.

This preemptive crap is just another word for unprovoked attack. They ...the attackers are in fact the existential threat to others.

By the very same token a very good case can be made against those that have Nukes (with no talks/inspections)...yet are threatening others?

This thread is about International Community talks with Iran about their Nuclear program.

To which they have submitted many times to inspections.

We cannot talk about it without bringing up the antagonistic behavior of Israel. Yet when has Israel ever talked to the International

Community about their nuclear programs?

Israel is not an existential threat to Iran. You certainly won't hear any Iranian leaders saying such an absurd thing either. There is no rhetoric from Israel to end Iran as a country and help non-Persians take it over from the Persians. It is no doubt true the Israel and most of the west would love to see the radical regime in Iran changed though, but that is hardly a threat to the existence of the nation state of Iran or it's nature as an Islamic republic.

As far as the inspections, they are most UNSATISFACTORY inspections indeed!

However, the IAEA chief noted, Iran may have also engaged in activities linked to the development of nuclear weapons. "There may be other facilities which are not declared, and we have the indication or information that Iran has engaged in activities relevant to the development of nuclear explosive devices."

"Congratulations Mr. Netanyahu, my first question is that does the beginning of the large train line's construction confirm the announcement of the dissident Syrian Intelligence Office that you will strike Lebanon?"

In reply, Netanyahu stated:

"Yes, and it is not a secret that it will happen with U.S.-Gulf support and that is why they have been warned, but before you ask, you have a look at the new map of the world and see that there is no nation with this name."

Die Zeit interview of the Israeli Prime Minister

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"Congratulations Mr. Netanyahu, my first question is that does the beginning of the large train line's construction confirm the announcement of the dissident Syrian Intelligence Office that you will strike Lebanon?"

In reply, Netanyahu stated:

"Yes, and it is not a secret that it will happen with U.S.-Gulf support and that is why they have been warned, but before you ask, you have a look at the new map of the world and see that there is no nation with this name."

Die Zeit interview of the Israeli Prime Minister

Do you have a link for that? Probably not, can't find the story on Die Zeit.

According to the so called story (few versions on the net) he said that on 22nd February at a press conference in Switzerland (it was probably Scotty who beamed him there, as at the same time he was giving a speech back home). No idea what train construction project is that supposed to be - as Israel's railway system is currently plagued by accidents and strikes, this is rather amusing.

As far as I can tell this originated from the Lebanese press, and gathered momentum (even getting the president of Lebanon to comment :-)) without verifying the details.

Don't let the facts confuse you.

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"Congratulations Mr. Netanyahu, my first question is that does the beginning of the large train line's construction confirm the announcement of the dissident Syrian Intelligence Office that you will strike Lebanon?"

In reply, Netanyahu stated:

"Yes, and it is not a secret that it will happen with U.S.-Gulf support and that is why they have been warned, but before you ask, you have a look at the new map of the world and see that there is no nation with this name."

Die Zeit interview of the Israeli Prime Minister

Do you have a link for that? Probably not, can't find the story on Die Zeit.

According to the so called story (few versions on the net) he said that on 22nd February at a press conference in Switzerland (it was probably Scotty who beamed him there, as at the same time he was giving a speech back home). No idea what train construction project is that supposed to be - as Israel's railway system is currently plagued by accidents and strikes, this is rather amusing.

As far as I can tell this originated from the Lebanese press, and gathered momentum (even getting the president of Lebanon to comment :-)) without verifying the details.

Don't let the facts confuse you.

The point is, one is clearly a misquote and the other may be as well. I can't say that Die Zeit posted this correctly or that it was translated correctly or that it even appeared anywhere for that matter.

The fact is, I know for sure that A--------d was misquoted but I see it here on one of these threads pretty much every day. As far as I am concerned, anyone who continues to refer to the misquote discredits himself and his opinion.

I am certain that either state leader would be happy to see the other state disappear. Not a secret and anybody trying to make a different case might be very suspect. During my time in the business, we would have been very happy for the Soviet Union to disappear but that was another story for another time. It certainly was no secret and nothing required a Himmler type effort to propagandize it. Himmler was the guy who said, "If you tell a big enough lie and repeat it often enough, the people will believe it."

Why would you think I don't have a link? I guess it is because you would like to discredit the source if I do happen to have one. The source doesn't matter but I will post it. What the crazy Iranian said and is misquoted repeatedly about is public record to include a complete transcript of the speech in a word for word translation from Farsi to English. At least tens of sources using Farsi scholars.

Nobody really cares what was claimed to have been said by Netanyahu. I certainly don't but here is the source so you and the source police can enjoy yourselves. I have made a dozen posts today using Israeli newspapers and get the same kind of responses. The sacred cow is in the middle of the street and he ain't movin any time soon.


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A large number of off-topic posts as well as replies to those quotes have been removed. Stay on the topic, or you will find yourself on a suspension.

There are plenty of topics which come through the World News section which address the off-topic issues brought up. Post them in the appropriate topic .

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Actually there are a good number of language experts that maintain that he was not misquoted and besides that, there have been plenty of other threats, but that is only one reason to object to Iran's nuclear program. There is also, the liklihood that Saudi Arabia will get nukes if Iran has the capability - followed by every other unstable country in the region.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Just wanting to share this excellent article focusing on the emotional aspects of this horrendous conflict:

This is an instance where the emotional factor—the influence of tragic history and memory—trumps pure science in evaluating possible scenarios in this probably insoluble situation.


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Just wanting to share this excellent article focusing on the emotional aspects of this horrendous conflict:

This is an instance where the emotional factor—the influence of tragic history and memory—trumps pure science in evaluating possible scenarios in this probably insoluble situation.


i didn't see much about the emotional factor in that article... it just looked like 'reasons why israel should be worried about iran' to my eyes.

obviously a biased article.

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From 1600GMT Swift banking facilities are to be withdrawn from Iran, so they will be cut off from the banking system. According to the BBC news today the Belguim based Swift will cut the link on saturday at 1600GMT. This will be a big wake up call, presumably the only way trade can be done will either be in goods, services or gold.

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This will be a big wake up call, presumably the only way trade can be done will either be in goods, services or gold.

That actually could be a head start on the new world order wink.png

But as history shows none are allowed to sell oil in anything but USD

If one should try they will be suddenly thought to hold WMD's

or be a rouge terrorist or in need of UN bombing...

Anyone who has tried is no longer with us.

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That actually could be a head start on the new world order wink.png

But as history shows none are allowed to sell oil in anything but USD

If one should try they will be suddenly thought to hold WMD's

or be a rouge terrorist or in need of UN bombing...

Anyone who has tried is no longer with us.

That is a very misleading post.

Not really.........IMHO coincidence 3x?

Saddam said he would sell oil in Euros



It was not long after that he was deemed to no longer be a "friend"

Gaddafi said no more oil for Britain/France & would sell not in USD to China & Russia

Libya was Europe's largest supplier

UN soon bombed him to kingdom come.


It was not long ago that Iran moved to sell oil outside of USD

Look where Iran is headed today?


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From 1600GMT Swift banking facilities are to be withdrawn from Iran, so they will be cut off from the banking system. According to the BBC news today the Belguim based Swift will cut the link on saturday at 1600GMT. This will be a big wake up call, presumably the only way trade can be done will either be in goods, services or gold.

Hmm ,A pretty Draconian collective punishment against not only a "peaceful" Govt but the ordinary Iranian citizen too ,for SBF to adopt something so severe its quite obvious they must be somewhat dubious of Iran's actual intentions .
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Yes, all true about his qualifications, but plenty of other people with simular qualifications and experience disagree with him, so there is nothing to say that he is right and they are wrong. Betting that the leadership of Iran are going to make a "rational" choice could easily be a HUGE mistake for the whole world that would be impossible to take back.

In Senate testimony on Jan. 31, James R. Clapper Jr., the director of national intelligence, stated explicitly that American officials believe that Iran is preserving its options for a nuclear weapon, but said there was no evidence that it had made a decision on making a concerted push to build a weapon. David H. Petraeus, the C.I.A. director, concurred with that view at the same hearing. Other senior United States officials, including Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have made similar statements in recent television appearances.

The current and the Mossad Chief before Dagan largely concur with these positions.


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Just wanting to share this excellent article focusing on the emotional aspects of this horrendous conflict:

This is an instance where the emotional factor—the influence of tragic history and memory—trumps pure science in evaluating possible scenarios in this probably insoluble situation.


I was interested in the article until I came to this particular paragraph:

The assumption in this scenario is that the Israelis would see no alternative but to accept the inevitability of possession of nuclear weapons in the hands of an apocalyptically minded group of theocrats which has recurrently threatened to annihilate them. That the emotional memory of the Holocaust and the horrific consequences of the failure to take threats of annihilation seriously in the ’30s would not dispose them to act, no matter what “science” suggested about their ability to deter the threat.

Not very objective. I could probably find a paragraph on Jihad.com that would clearly be in dispute. And, I never do Source Police.

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It doesn't look very hopeful that any talks between the international community and Iran

are going to stop the inevitable chaos

Brent At $126 As Israel Security Cabinet Votes 8 To 6 To Attack Iran

"Israeli political sources believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a majority Cabinet support Israeli military action against Iran without American approval.”


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Biased towards common sense.

no, biased as in from a jewish perspective written by a jewish person.... you know? that kinda biased.

Yeah, sure thing, dude. Any political analysis by a Jewish person on middle east issues is always worthless. Got it! Brilliant point.
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From 1600GMT Swift banking facilities are to be withdrawn from Iran, so they will be cut off from the banking system. According to the BBC news today the Belguim based Swift will cut the link on saturday at 1600GMT. This will be a big wake up call, presumably the only way trade can be done will either be in goods, services or gold.

so now iran will not be able to pay for food and will be pushed into a corner as they try to starve the iran nation,but they will not bite and attack anyone.

i wonder what will happen if any nation like russia or china trys to send food medical aid to help the iran nation,they will be attacked and murdered in open international waters,like the aid ferry from turkey.

some how i dont think so.

prey for the kids over there they always suffer

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Biased towards common sense.

no, biased as in from a jewish perspective written by a jewish person.... you know? that kinda biased.

Yeah, sure thing, dude. Any political analysis by a Jewish person on middle east issues is always worthless. Got it! Brilliant point.

yeah... dude.

'worthless' is your word not mine, along with the blatant fabrication and complete misrepesentation of what i was saying, a usual (and not clever in the slightest) tactic used on this forum. ie you telling me what my ("brilliant") point was.

i said it was an article written from a biased perspective... and it is, so either deal with it or make up something else about what i'm 'really' saying...

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no i didn't base it just on the fact that he was jewish, i read the article... it was the content of the article that made me think it was biased... i didn't know he was jewish until after i read and checked

so don't brand me a racist, as that's an extremely offensive thing to call someone.

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no i didn't base it just on the fact that he was jewish, i read the article... it was the content of the article that made me think it was biased... i didn't know he was jewish until after i read and checked

so don't brand me a racist, as that's an extremely offensive thing to call someone.

Then you shouldn't have said the exact opposite. I did not call you a racist. I don't know you. I only know what you write. Read what I actually wrote.
, biased as in from a jewish perspective written by a jewish person

You cannot blame readers for actually reading what you write. We cannot read your mind. All we have is what you write. Got it now?

Regarding the article with the apparent "Jewish problem" I would have very much appreciated some relevant comments about the actual CONTENT of the article.

BTW, you originally said you didn't find much talk about the emotional factor in the article. A quick superficial search for the word emotion in the three page article (leaving out headline text) shows TWELVE instances of it.

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