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Scum Tuk-Tuk Driver Ripped Me Off


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The Tuk Tuk driver did not rip off the OP.

It`s standard practise here in Thailand that most un-metred taxis charge fare per passenger and not a rate from A to B regardless of how many passengers are onboard travelling on the journey.

I cannot understand what the OP is whining on about. GET REAL.

That isn't at all standard practice for tuk tuks in Bangkok. You've just been getting scammed and not realizing it if you've been agreeing to a price and then paying that price for each person. You'd have to be a real idiot to agree to pay per person in Bangkok when you could just take a taxi. No Thai person would agree to 50 baht for a ride and then hand them 150 if there were 3 people. What a joke. The tuk tuk ripped off the OP (if this was in Bangkok), there is no question at all about that. That's what they do. Tuk tuks rip people off, especially foreigners who don't know how things work and what prices should be. Stay away from them and use taxis.

Edited by DP25
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Thailand, one of the best countries in the world to get a street wise education. If your a fast leaner it isn't going to cost you much, if your slow it's going to be an expensive course and as the locals say "up to you".

First visa is an ED visa. Then you go home and realise that everyone is doing it.

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The Op made an agreement before getting in the tuk tuk, and was rightly annoyed at the outcome.

This has nothing to do with the money - it has everything to do with feeling cheated.

There is no mistake about this situation, the tuk tuk driver cheated the Op out of 50 baht. Yes, only 50 baht, big deal right? But I'm sure we all have our principles.

If faced with the same circumstances I bring into question the serenity even the most imperturbable of characters.

The simple difference is perhaps that these characters ‘let the issue go’ and won’t post about it.

Well, some should thank the Op for posting this as its given many ‘members’ (and the double entendre is valid in this case) to bully him.

This has nothing to do with being a cheap Charlie or considering what these poor tuk tuk drivers live on, it is simply about principle. No one likes to be cheated.

For this very reason, I always aim to carry change. Taxi's all over Thailand (and other countries) try the no change game too.

I’m sure that if a more established member posted a similar thread there would not be the same number of responses attempting to ridicule a new member.


I don't think he was cheated at all. He made a terrible deal, failing to define the terms of the deal before he accepted it. Had he clarified the terms he would not be in this position and indeed might have been quoted the full 2 pax fare.

Don't hate the players, hate the game.

The OP made a terrible deal because the didn't negotiate the price for each rider? Nonsense. When was the last time you negotiated taxi fare for each rider in the taxi?

I have had the same scam run on me before and the tuk tuk driver got what we originally negotiated, not the inflated price.

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^ Ok. I'll bite. At what monetary level does a rip off become a rip off?

Nothing to bite here.

I am just saying: isn't it a bit of "crying over nothing"?

It's a night out on the town, <deleted>!

Should you really be counting 50 Baht and call it a rip off?

Just saying!

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, of course, of when it is a rip off!

a hustle is a hustle ,the amount is not important and you KNOW he would never have the balls to do that to a

thai man and his wife (wait until they are at the destination and demand double fare becase there was 2 persons )

its another case of a farang being scammed by a crooked thai and people are saying its only a 50 or 100thb scam

so its not important ,not all farangs are millionaires (some may have a salary as low as a mid range thai ) and being cheated leaves a bad taste in your mouth even if you are

rich enough to afford it

but where does it end ? how many times per day can you be cheated and overcharged 50thb ?? these small time scammers rely on the fact that minor crime is a pain in the ass to report and it will waste more time and money doing something about it than any possible positive outcome could achieve

everyone who thinks its cool for farangs to be ripped off by tuk tuk drivers ?? <deleted> ,blaming the victim for the crime ?

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no he shouldnt have to have had change ,the bkk taxi should be able to break a 100 thb note ,its not signifigant money thesedays when a bowl of soup costs 30-50 thb or a beer in the 7-11 costs about 50 thb

if a thai man got in it ,he would have got 50 thb change

or the taxi would be forced to go get change

failing that ,they could go to the police station but the taxi would never take it that far with a thai man

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OP must be new to Bangkok. First lesson is never take a tuk tuk in Bangkok.

There are metered taxis everywhere and still you choose a tuk tuk ?

I use them all the time. When its raining, when I have lots of shopping.

I pay 20 Baht and never haggle. That is in Bangkok.

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Don't take tuk tuks in Bangkok. Most will overcharge or scam foreigners if they get the chance. Just stay away from them. Even if you know the prices they still try it. I was greatly satisfied a couple months ago when a tuk tuk was trying to overcharge me and a police officer walked up and gave him parking ticket for being stopped where he shouldn't have been. If he'd taken me at the right price to start with we would have left already and no ticket for him cool.png

This. I've never understood the appeal of tuktuks. They can't beat the traffic like motorbike taxis, and they are neither as comfortable nor metered like regular taxis.

i mean, what is the point ?

Only time they are useful if you transport something big. That is why Thais use them.

Westerners are usually big.

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Don't take tuk tuks in Bangkok. Most will overcharge or scam foreigners if they get the chance. Just stay away from them. Even if you know the prices they still try it. I was greatly satisfied a couple months ago when a tuk tuk was trying to overcharge me and a police officer walked up and gave him parking ticket for being stopped where he shouldn't have been. If he'd taken me at the right price to start with we would have left already and no ticket for him cool.png

This. I've never understood the appeal of tuktuks. They can't beat the traffic like motorbike taxis, and they are neither as comfortable nor metered like regular taxis.

i mean, what is the point ?

Only time they are useful if you transport something big. That is why Thais use them.

Westerners are usually big.

there are 3 seats in the back of an average taxi ,i think most westerners could squeeze themselves in

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Westerners are usually big.

there are 3 seats in the back of an average taxi ,i think most westerners could squeeze themselves in

The driver'll stop and throw you out if you start squeezing yourself when you're in a taxi.

Not such a problem in a tuk tuk, wehre you might unexpectedly come out onto the main road


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i like the fact that the OP is very coy about his companion. He refers to the passengers simply as me + 1. Could it be that his companion was a temporary and remunerated girlfriend for a night perhaps?

If so, his self-righteous anger at 'Thais taking advantage of foreigners with no shame' would seem rather hypocritical to say the least.

Is his rage due to that he was outwitted by an isaan tuk tuk driver in front of someone he was trying to impress?

Do you feel he committed a sin or did something immoral?

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71 posts about a 50 baht tuktuk charge.

thai visa through and through.

Exactly. Everyone knows Tuk Tuks try to rip you off. Taxis don't and motorcycles don't. So avoid Tuk Tuk and go with better alternative.

Or you could of course make a huge scene out of $2 then go on Thaivisa, probably at least a bit drunk, and make a bad spelled, irate post.

Strong priorities.

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This. I've never understood the appeal of tuktuks. They can't beat the traffic like motorbike taxis, and they are neither as comfortable nor metered like regular taxis.

i mean, what is the point ?

Other then the 1st couple of times we took tuk-tuk for the sake of novelty for my Filipina wife and baby, there is no poin to do so, unless....

You do not have a truck/pickup and needs to tansport something like a refrigertator or a sofa and did not want to wait for the delivery schedule of the store. This is when the tuk-tuk comes into a class of its own. Even when the product is too big to get inside the tuk-tuk, the driver can find a way.

  • ref was tied to the back where there was a collapsible ledge that could be let down to support the ref.
  • Sofa was tied on top of the roof

Prety handy, I must say and not bad for 120-150baht.

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I hope the OP learned from this experience. The rule is with both tuk tuks and motorcycle taxis, if you don't have exact change, don't go. Period. Your odds of getting change back from these guys are questionable. And once they have your cash, you are at a disadvantage.

That doesn't mean they all try and come up with scams to keep your change, but enough of them do that it isn't worth taking the risk.

Consider this a valuable lesson that you learned for the bargain price of only 50 baht. Expecting change back is a risky proposition. If you had simply handed the guy 50 baht and walked away the driver would have simply accepted it.

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I was in New York last Autumn (Fall) and got into a cab from Newark Airport to Manhanttan. The fair on the meter showed $82 dollars (I know he was driving all over), I gave him a crisp $100 dollar bill. No change, not even a blink of shame for taking the change. He was acting like it was some kind of tip.

The moral of story is either count out the exact amount to the penny or stop whinging. You don't earn your living in a taxi or tuk tuk, so give them a break. No doubt a British Tourist (ha ha) will throw up in their vehicles at some point or maybe a Frenchie will run off without paying with garlic round his neck. My point being this, dont stereotype people, people are people and from what I have seen of the Thai, theres more good than bad.

Watch how you go, I hope you had fun with your +1, I bet she didnt give you change, but I bet she gave you something else though. smile.png

Edited by autan
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I was in New York last Autumn (Fall) and got into a cab from Newark Airport to Manhanttan. The fair on the meter showed $82 dollars (I know he was driving all over), I gave him a crisp $100 dollar bill. No change, not even a blink of shame for taking the change. He was acting like it was some kind of tip.

The moral of story is either count out the exact amount to the penny or stop whinging. You don't earn your living in a taxi or tuk tuk, so give them a break. No doubt a British Tourist (ha ha) will throw up in their vehicles at some point or maybe a Frenchie will run off without paying with garlic round his neck. My point being this, dont stereotype people, people are people and from what I have seen of the Thai, theres more good than bad.

Watch how you go, I hope you had fun with your +1, I bet she didnt give you change, but I bet she gave you something else though. smile.png

You assume the +1 was a 'she' :lol:

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Am I the only one to find 'Scum' in the topic disturbing?

Am I the only one to find 'Scum' in the topic disturbing?

No, it's outrageous. What would he say about something serious? It's not right and quite embarrassing

I'm not being belligerent, but...

Maybe he was just in a bad mood after a disappointing or unpleasantly surprising evening with his +1, but was too shy to complain about that directly. Though for the avoidance of doubt, he should then have started his post with "And another thing!"


Edit: That may be blindingly obvious, but apologies for blethering on oblivious.

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i like the fact that the OP is very coy about his companion. He refers to the passengers simply as me + 1. Could it be that his companion was a temporary and remunerated girlfriend for a night perhaps?

If so, his self-righteous anger at 'Thais taking advantage of foreigners with no shame' would seem rather hypocritical to say the least.

Is his rage due to that he was outwitted by an isaan tuk tuk driver in front of someone he was trying to impress?

Do you feel he committed a sin or did something immoral?

Nope. I couldnt give a dam_n what he does.

I was just musing that it's ironic that he was accusing the tuk tuk driver of taking advantage of him with no shame (his words), when he is pretty much doing the same to his +1

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i like the fact that the OP is very coy about his companion. He refers to the passengers simply as me + 1. Could it be that his companion was a temporary and remunerated girlfriend for a night perhaps?

If so, his self-righteous anger at 'Thais taking advantage of foreigners with no shame' would seem rather hypocritical to say the least.

Is his rage due to that he was outwitted by an isaan tuk tuk driver in front of someone he was trying to impress?

Do you feel he committed a sin or did something immoral?

Nope. I couldnt give a dam_n what he does.

I was just musing that it's ironic that he was accusing the tuk tuk driver of taking advantage of him with no shame (his words), when he is pretty much doing the same to his +1

Maybe he paid the going rate as reqeusted in that case, and both parties came out out of it as they expected, satisfied with a job well done and suitably remunerated. Depending on one's moral standpoint, I think that is quite different to allowing the customer to misinterpret the basis of pricing... It would be like a gogo bar not making clear that the bar fine was only to allow the lady to take the rest of the evening off from her salaried employment, and any further activities should be separately contracted with her (which would, of course, be illegal in Thailand, though the bar is unlikely to point that out... since it is none of their business what you do with your newfound friend when she is released from her salaried obligations)


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i like the fact that the OP is very coy about his companion. He refers to the passengers simply as me + 1. Could it be that his companion was a temporary and remunerated girlfriend for a night perhaps?

If so, his self-righteous anger at 'Thais taking advantage of foreigners with no shame' would seem rather hypocritical to say the least.

Is his rage due to that he was outwitted by an isaan tuk tuk driver in front of someone he was trying to impress?

Do you feel he committed a sin or did something immoral?

Nope. I couldnt give a dam_n what he does.

I was just musing that it's ironic that he was accusing the tuk tuk driver of taking advantage of him with no shame (his words), when he is pretty much doing the same to his +1

Maybe he paid the going rate as reqeusted in that case, and both parties came out out of it as they expected, satisfied with a job well done and suitably remunerated. Depending on one's moral standpoint, I think that is quite different to allowing the customer to misinterpret the basis of pricing... It would be like a gogo bar not making clear that the bar fine was only to allow the lady to take the rest of the evening off from her salaried employment, and any further activities should be separately contracted with her (which would, of course, be illegal in Thailand, though the bar is unlikely to point that out... since it is none of their business what you do with your newfound friend when she is released from her salaried obligations)


You danced around that issue nicely. Well done old chap. theblether would give you points for not breaking the forum rules.

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You danced around that issue nicely. Well done old chap. theblether would give you points for not breaking the forum rules.

I'm no Captain Kirk, to boldly blether where bulls would baulk ... or I'd be off like a banned on the run instead of staying to romance like a chancing dancer


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StreetCowboy, nicely said, and Ian..nice that you're back on.

I've been away a bit, returned to the Pacific Northwest that Ian loves, but sadly no tuk-tuks here.

And Op...50baht??

Get over it !!


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In this case nobody can decide unless the OP gives us more details, how far was the journey, what time of night was it etc. I think what the people who're defending the tuk-tuk driver are trying to point out is did the OP expect too cheap a price? how many people here have taken a taxi or tuk-tuk for two people in Bangkok and only paid Bt50 ?

By the way I hate tuk-tuks too and that is why I never use them, if I want cheap travel I take a bus .

Why would the distance of the journey have to do with it, or what time of night, or anything else. The price was agreed, then after the journey the driver decided to add in the extra clause of the price being for each. They had an agreement and the driver changed it.

It isn't the amount that matters, it's the principle, and even if it was 1 satang over the agreed price it is still being ripped off. What may be a negligible amount to a farang can be quite a good earner for the driver if he does a few of them a day.

Is everyone happy with paying 500 baht at an ATM to withdraw funds if they have an overseas account? It's only a few dollars so shouldn't be a worry should it? I'm sure we're all over the moon about something like that. Even though you know the price I think that is still a rip off.

The price wasn't agreed though was it? it was still open to interpretation (1 person or 2) the OP was sloppy in not getting that specified. The distance and time are also important in deciding if they were ripped off or not - would you be happy driving somebody 20 or 30 miles at 2am for Bt50. I'm asking if the OP expected too much.

If you're paying Bt500 for ATM fees then I suggest you check other posts on TV, I certainly don't pay that and if you are, yes you're being ripped off.

Yes the price was agreed, it was 50 baht. If it was open to interpretation then it was ok to just pay the 50 baht. The driver could not complain as he too was sloppy. The distance has nothing to do with it. If the price is agreed then it is a rip off if it is more..

Yes, my mistake with the 500 baht ATM, I think it is more like 200 baht.

We used a Tuk Tuk the other day. My girlfriend haggled the price, at the end of the journey we paid the original agreed price not double.

As for who would take a Tuk Tuk? me I love them. I have even considered buying one myself.


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StreetCowboy, nicely said, and Ian..nice that you're back on.

I've been away a bit, returned to the Pacific Northwest that Ian loves, but sadly no tuk-tuks here.

And Op...50baht??

Get over it !!


No tuk-tuks?

That must have been a bitter blow. Did you buy a bike?

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The rule is with both tuk tuks and motorcycle taxis, if you don't have exact change, don't go. Period. Your odds of getting change back from these guys are questionable. And once they have your cash, you are at a disadvantage.

I get a motorbike at least once, often twice a day, to and from the BTS to go to work. I do usually have the correct change, but I reckon on average 1 day per week I'll get caught with only a 100 Baht note. Every time I've got the correct change back. Occasionally the guy will ask me how much the journey normally costs (I'm guessing if they don't do regular trips around the area) and, again, every time they'll take me on my word and give me back the correct change. A very honest bunch on the whole.

Tuk Tuks, I'll agree, less trustworthy. And on the odd rare occasion I've encountered a metered taxi who doesn't have change (or claims he doesn't), however this seems to be getting less and less common these days.

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