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Support Or Against The Death Penalty For Stray Dogs?


Support or against the death penalty for stray dogs?  

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This is a general reflection of the Thai people and government in general. Nothing ,but nothing ever gets done,whoever is in power has to be pushed to the extreme to get any decisions,and then they are imposed from outsiders. I think the Thais are getting worse,.....staring at the wall for hours on end seems to be the way forward,either I'm getting smarter ,which for one moment I do not think so,or the Thais surrounding me are getting thicker,which maybe true.

Leave the dogs alone,ultimately they will end up smarter than the people,and Thailand will become a sort of Taliban,no canine controlled country

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Why not round em up and export them to Vietnam or Korea.. Feed and fatten them for a few weeks first. Gotta be a money spinner. While they are rounding them up they can include my neighbors yapping mutts too.. Barking dogs are worse than noisy Karaoke places..

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yes get rid of them for their own sake as well do gooders r a pita ...pain in the axxx .these so called animal lovers cause more harm than good ...the dogs cause traffic accidents spread disease .and just generally cause mayhem

a jewellery store on beach rd had a vicious dog that actually bit a paying customer ..i couldnt believe it the shop assistants couldnt understand what all the fuss was about ..tit and why the woman cancelled the sale ..at present in tarlac in the pi there is a rabies scare and they have lots less in terms of numbers

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Generally they are well regarded by the locals and ex-pats too. All that needs to happen is a well orchestrated castration/spaying operation,not too hard to achieve,cost effective and would sort the problem out quite rapidly

This is the appropriate, humane solution.

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Spaying would appear the best option. However, that would pose logisitical and financial issues. For want of a better phrase, It would take the efforts of someone in the govournment of gives a toss... And there lies the issue, no one cares.

That would be totally unacceptable. If the feral dogs were rounded up and spayed they could eventually die out and no more cute puppies. Even feral dogs have cute puppies.

Edited by tropo
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Apparently stray dogs do not exist in the philippines as they eat them. Problem solved. Next time a Thai asks for "a loan," I'll tell them I know where they can get the food for the entire village.

There are no feral or stray dogs in the Philippines as they soon become food. Our family's pet was run over by a car and a neighbour offered 200 pesos to purchase it to eat - that should explain the situation over there.

Most people on here seem to be under the impression these soi dogs are strays. Most are not strays - they are feral dogs. They are the offspring of domestic dogs which breed on the streets and parks.,

Although they live in the streets, they are loved by many. In my street they are well fed by Thais and sometimes Farang who consider them pets. In the park areas around the Big Buddha on Pratumnak Hill there are hundreds of these feral dogs and many feral cats living and breeding. They are all fed by Thais who usually bring the food around in the late afternoon. You may have seen a large group of these dogs in the late afternoon on the left going down the hill. They are waiting for their food brought by well-to-do Thais in nice cars.

They are pets, so I would suggest it is better to just leave them be.

They're not pets. That pack of feral vermin on Pratumnak is the one that surrounded me when I was doing nothing more than walking past. I would appeal to anyone who feeds them to stop doing so. That's what causes them to congregate in particular areas.

If anyone wants a pet dog, fine, have one. I've got two. But leave the feral dogs alone. I mean, no one goes out in their fancy car to feed the rat population, do they?

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Generally they are well regarded by the locals and ex-pats too. All that needs to happen is a well orchestrated castration/spaying operation,not too hard to achieve,cost effective and would sort the problem out quite rapidly

But in that a comprehensive euthanasia program is needed for the old and very sick to reduce numbers and help prevent further spread of disease and relieve suffering, it's unavoidable.

Oh I'm sorry! Wrong thread, I thought we were talking about the expats in Thailand!! giggle.gif

Seriously though the above is true regarding the stray dogs too..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Spaying would appear the best option. However, that would pose logisitical and financial issues. For want of a better phrase, It would take the efforts of someone in the govournment of gives a toss... And there lies the issue, no one cares.

That would be totally unacceptable. If the feral dogs were rounded up and spayed they could eventually die out and no more cute puppies. Even feral dogs have cute puppies.

It's a vicious cycle, a bit like welfare families..

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"Part of Thai culture" ... really? I don't know any better and you may well be correct, but then again I can't recall seeing dogs painted/carved/celebrated next to say the elephant.


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In my Moo Ban there is a Thai person who lived in Europe for twenty years - has a large dog that is never exercised and left on its own for approx 14 hours a day. Barks loudly throughout the night. When approached to take some action (very politely) to reduce barking was advised "my dog, not your business". I suggest same attitude prevails with Soi dogs, loved by many Thais and westerners, but with zero responsibility for hygiene and noise pollution.

Unfortunately I do not believe the dog population can be reduced in the near term due to the current lack of responsibility/action by the Thai authorities

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I suggest same attitude prevails with Soi dogs, loved by many Thais and westerners, but with zero responsibility

Mate, talk for yourself before making such statements!

Personally i adopted 2 stray dogs and currently still taking good care of them, this includes having paid from my own pockets to make sure they will not moltiplicate their numbers, i also do lots( well, just much more of anyone else around here at least) to take care of what is around, not because my neighbours are people which deserve this, but i still do!

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Please note I said "many" of course there are exceptions by individauls, but in the bigger picture will not make any difference until changes are made in Thai law for the Amphor/Tambon, not forgetting culture. Even in major tourist areas local dogs are permitted to defecate on the beaches, wander through restaurants begging for food and being feed by westerners and Thais from their tables etc. However living in Thailand requires compromise/patience and this topic is one.

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As long as I have been around Thailand, over 30 years now Soi dogs have been a problem! Thai's will do nothing about them - it's a Buddhist thing, they might be reborn as a stray dog?

I have dogs, I would enjoy taking them for walks but wherever you go that appears quite, invariably from amongst the garbage stray dogs appear! The majority are filthy, noisy wild beasts, our ancestors would have killed them!

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. I suggest same attitude prevails with Soi dogs, loved by many Thais and westerners, but with zero responsibility for hygiene and noise pollution.

One of the problems many Westerners have is letting noises bother them. Get used to them - it'll make your stay in Thailand far more pleasant. In the Philippines I can sleep perfectly well with a dozen cocks crowing outside my window from 4 am - with the right mental approach you can get used to sounds.

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Mate, talk for yourself before making such statements!

Personally i adopted 2 stray dogs and currently still taking good care of them, this includes having paid from my own pockets to make sure they will not moltiplicate their numbers, i also do lots( well, just much more of anyone else around here at least) to take care of what is around, not because my neighbours are people which deserve this, but i still do!

They really don't need looking after. They are not stray pets - they were born on the streets - it's the life they know. If they were looked after too well they would become a bigger problem.

If you fancy one as a personal pet - that's fine, but don't expect anyone to appreciate your efforts.

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. I suggest same attitude prevails with Soi dogs, loved by many Thais and westerners, but with zero responsibility for hygiene and noise pollution.

One of the problems many Westerners have is letting noises bother them. Get used to them - it'll make your stay in Thailand far more pleasant. In the Philippines I can sleep perfectly well with a dozen cocks crowing outside my window from 4 am - with the right mental approach you can get used to sounds.

BUT, we are not all deaf like youself eh. Well, perhaps just a little eh, coffee1.gif .

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As long as I have been around Thailand, over 30 years now Soi dogs have been a problem! Thai's will do nothing about them - it's a Buddhist thing, they might be reborn as a stray dog?

I have dogs, I would enjoy taking them for walks but wherever you go that appears quite, invariably from amongst the garbage stray dogs appear! The majority are filthy, noisy wild beasts, our ancestors would have killed them!

Our ancestors would have killed anything that moved , they were filthy , noisy wild beasts by all accounts , and probably reincarnated as stray dogs .

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but don't expect anyone to appreciate your efforts.

Yes i am quite familiar with this local trait, if you show proper manners and respect, or just being nice or give away something, usually they will just think that you are stupid and they are being clever, trying to take even more and ready to give you a free stab at your back at the earliest opportunity, but all with a smile in their face eh!

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. I suggest same attitude prevails with Soi dogs, loved by many Thais and westerners, but with zero responsibility for hygiene and noise pollution.

One of the problems many Westerners have is letting noises bother them. Get used to them - it'll make your stay in Thailand far more pleasant. In the Philippines I can sleep perfectly well with a dozen cocks crowing outside my window from 4 am - with the right mental approach you can get used to sounds.

BUT, we are not all deaf like youself eh. Well, perhaps just a little eh, coffee1.gif .

I hear the noises, I just don't listen to them. The biggest problem with noises is attitude.

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. I suggest same attitude prevails with Soi dogs, loved by many Thais and westerners, but with zero responsibility for hygiene and noise pollution.

One of the problems many Westerners have is letting noises bother them. Get used to them - it'll make your stay in Thailand far more pleasant. In the Philippines I can sleep perfectly well with a dozen cocks crowing outside my window from 4 am - with the right mental approach you can get used to sounds.

BUT, we are not all deaf like youself eh. Well, perhaps just a little eh, coffee1.gif .

I hear the noises, I just don't listen to them. The biggest problem with noises is attitude.

Lucky you, most people are normal

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I hear the noises, I just don't listen to them. The biggest problem with noises is attitude.

Lucky you, most people are normal

Normal people should be able to adapt to a new environment. Perhaps you're below-normal???

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Spaying would be the most acceptable but also the most expensive. Who would pay for it?

A massive cull would be the most effective.

My daughter is a vet.....vet's do a lot of free work anyplace in the world. I asked her to check out Thailand and she then told me that Thailand will not allow non thai vet's to do ANYTHING in Thailand without a work permit even if it free. She told me many vet's from around the world would love to come to Thailand and take care of the street problem the dogs cause ( in a nice way...not kill them, just no more baby dogs) .....Her group was totally rejected to do this.....this is Thailand. Her group moved on to Cambodia...cambodia was very happy to invite them to Cambodia to help out...
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The current lady I am with takes scraps of food left over from dinner to feed to a stray near where she works. She really seems to feel for that dog.

I have visited a few temples where there are dozens and dozens of stray dogs too and they all seem to be given food.

That tells me that a lot of Thai people may feel sorry for these animals.

For me, I would put down ANY dog that attacks a human.

As for the rest of these stray dogs I'd consider putting down those that appear to be suffering but let those healthier ones live out their lives.

Oddly enough I see very little sign of dog sh*t on the streets even with so many dogs about. I think that is down to the Thai residents cleaning the streets outside of their homes.

So I voted not sure because there are not enough options for me.

Edited by pattayadingo
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I asked a friend of mine why there were so many stray dogs and he said "It's to keep down the number of rats and cats. If the rat population got out of hand the government would have to do something, so they leave the cats to eat the rats, the dogs to eat the cats, and cars help keep the numbers of dogs down."

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I have visited a few temples where there are dozens and dozens of stray dogs too and they all seem to be given food.

That tells me that a lot of Thai people may feel sorry for these animals.

To put things into perspective... where I live there are many dogs (perhaps a dozen or so) living on the doorstep of the local 7Eleven and Family Mart stores. You often have to step over sleeping dogs to enter the store - these are very busy stores mainly servicing Russian tourists. If big investment store owners are quite happy to have feral dogs polluting their own front door what chance is there of a wide scale clean-up?

The Thai people love them - it's their country - we're just going to have to live with it - they're not going anywhere fast. Spaying them is a silly suggestion because that would suggest that the Thais consider them a problem and want them gone. They don't - and they love the puppies even more.

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I asked a friend of mine why there were so many stray dogs and he said "It's to keep down the number of rats and cats. If the rat population got out of hand the government would have to do something, so they leave the cats to eat the rats, the dogs to eat the cats, and cars help keep the numbers of dogs down."

Dogs don't eat cats. It's a common misconception that Dogs hate cats. Mostly they do because their human owner makes them. In nature (as on Thai streets) cats and dogs get on fine together.

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I think a point being missed is the noise, especially at night, I have no problem with dogs, but the sometimes insesent (sp) barking every time someone comes near them drives me mad at times

Then we should cull the karaoke singers? :)

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