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Female Thai Student Claims Lecturer Gives Attractive Students Better Grades


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Back home, the best looking girls are not usually the best students, but in Thailand I usually found opposite to be true. Most of the prettier ones actually earn better grades. Why I don't know.

Blethered if l know either, BUT l lie. intheclub.gif

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maybe a less sexy outfit might help ..... wai.gif

Instead of complain focus on learning then may be they will overcome the stigma

iIn my classes, studding is always second to using, Iphone and Ipads or surfing Facebook

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maybe a less sexy outfit might help ..... wai.gif

Instead of complain focus on learning then may be they will overcome the stigma

iIn my classes, studding is always second to using, Iphone and Ipads or surfing Facebook


a. The wood framework of a wall or partition.

b. Lumber cut for studs.

2. Something with which a surface is studded

Na, I think I,ll stick to the iPod.

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she is just jealous for not looking as good as the others and that she can't get the attention of the lecturer.

Likely the disgruntled student wanted something that was beyond her "natural" ability, so she filed a complaint.

Wow, some of you guys have a problem. Blaming the victim, and speculating that she was the one at fault in this case, really is the pits. annoyed.gif

Victim? A rather harsh description with no evidence to back up the student's claim.

Until proven, this student's claims are just that, baseless unless proven, which I seriously doubt will take place. OTOH, the professor's career is most likely finished, done, kaput.

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she is just jealous for not looking as good as the others and that she can't get the attention of the lecturer.

What a sad comment on your part...!!

Well spotted, think he also wears those chrome lens shades so the girlies don't know what he's looking at. giggle.gif

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"A female student at the Sunundha Rajabhat University has submitted a complaint with the dean against an Education Faculty lecturer who she claimed based his grades on the attractiveness of the students."

Yes, its true. Same goes for foreign teachers. The students' evaluation will always go in favor of a young good looking guy, instead of an "old fart" where they'll actually learn MUCH more.."But no need yet to wear socks in your trousers, if you're "small minded". jap.gif

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You think that is harsh? Read the rest of the posts, jumping promptly to the conclusion she was at fault.mPerhaps you'd like to comment on their harshness. As far as I know, we are all using the same info to form our opinions, right? Where is the evidence justifying suggestions she is at fault? Pure speculation. I was disappointed at how meanspirited and unsympathetic some comments were. And the ensuing posts have not changed my feeling, sorry.

she is just jealous for not looking as good as the others and that she can't get the attention of the lecturer.

Likely the disgruntled student wanted something that was beyond her "natural" ability, so she filed a complaint.

Wow, some of you guys have a problem. Blaming the victim, and speculating that she was the one at fault in this case, really is the pits. annoyed.gif

Victim? A rather harsh description with no evidence to back up the student's claim.

Until proven, this student's claims are just that, baseless unless proven, which I seriously doubt will take place. OTOH, the professor's career is most likely finished, done, kaput.

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You think that is harsh? Read the rest of the posts, jumping promptly to the conclusion she was at fault.mPerhaps you'd like to comment on their harshness. As far as I know, we are all using the same info to form our opinions, right? Where is the evidence justifying suggestions she is at fault? Pure speculation. I was disappointed at how meanspirited and unsympathetic some comments were. And the ensuing posts have not changed my feeling, sorry.

she is just jealous for not looking as good as the others and that she can't get the attention of the lecturer.

Likely the disgruntled student wanted something that was beyond her "natural" ability, so she filed a complaint.

Wow, some of you guys have a problem. Blaming the victim, and speculating that she was the one at fault in this case, really is the pits. annoyed.gif

Victim? A rather harsh description with no evidence to back up the student's claim.

Until proven, this student's claims are just that, baseless unless proven, which I seriously doubt will take place. OTOH, the professor's career is most likely finished, done, kaput.

You have jumped to the conclusion that her statements are in fact true, without any evidence to substantiate her claims.

I have no opinion on this case one way or the other. While you state that she is a "victim" without anything to substantiate your position or her claims. Odd position for some whose nic is Reasonableman.

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one should never go fishing off the company wharf.......

I did catch a couple of Cod. intheclub.gif

What, no red snappers?

I did here through the grapevine though that Tansam caught a couple of orange roughys...these are edible

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If this is true it's too bad that the other students won't come forward to substaniate her claim, however if she is just po'd that he isn't treating her with the same attention that's even worse. Without witnesses or anyone to back up her claim she is in for a long up hill battle and probably even a worse grade than she's got. I'm assuming her grade isn't that great since she is bringing this up. I wonder if the prof helps male students at all or if they have to be attractive too.

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Not right but welcome to the real world studentswai.gif

That's dead right! I remember when I was teaching business English at UTCC (มหาวิทยาลัยหอการค้าไทย) in Bangers years ago, we traded grades for happy endings on more than one occasion. The students were pretty fit as I remember, as can be seen form this youtube clip from UTCC:

the mind boggles!passifier.gif

Anyway, teaching is a mug's game and the money is rubbish, so if the teacher in question got caught with his pants down, time to move on!

I prefer working on Oil Rigs myself, except the students aren't quite so lovely as at UTCC!


Sorry to state the obvious but it seems you are addmitting to fraud in return for sexual favours, which may or may not have been with someone of the legal age of consent. Maybe working on the rigs, far away, is a good idea !

It is understandable why many Thais have developed an opinion regarding the quality of foreign teachers.

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This sort of thing is not restricted to universities. A Thai friend of mine told me recently that at his regular government school he and some of his fellow students were always puzzled when scholarships were awarded because they were often given to the most unlikely male recipient. It was only when my friend started discreetly asking around that he learned the truth: the school director gave some of the precious scholarships to the better looking boys who would take care of his sexual desires. This seems to have been the routine for several years until about three years ago when the director concerned retired.

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I was thinking of giving Thai mummy a Grade A, but my sister-in-law said, "No, give it to me!" So I duly gave her one, and then in-stepped brother-in-law!. :(

He said, "My wife doesn't need a grade A, but can be on-top for 40,000Bt, without being recognised, so could you duly put her from behind a little, like an A-?"

I obliged, but then Papa stepped in and said, "Hey, my niece has a short skirt and pointy ones, can she have a Grade A?"

I again duly obliged, but then the trouble started. :(

The police stepped in, a fight broke out, I was hitting mother in-law with a stick, Pops jumped in and hit niece with a hard blouse, and all hell broke loose!

It was only then that I woke up, realised I had been dreaming about short skirts, and Judy was a Punch from a reality.

I had been dreaming of Punch and Judy. ;)


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Probably a waste of time trying to lift the intellectual (not to mention ethical) tone of this discussion but here goes:

1. This is a serious issue which can ruin the lives of students and the reputations of teachers

2. It is also a problem with people crossing over from the so-called real (business) world to universities, where there are different power relationships, duty of care, vulnerabilities, etc., and therefore different ethical standards. The same applies to many of the unprofessional and unvetted part timers.

3. As for blaming the student because of what she might wear, well that reminds me of the disgusting defence used by rapists and mullahs.

4. The teacher is obviously a completely unethical idiot and deserves to be kicked out. However, he reflects the moral standards of the surrounding community and culture.

5. Teachers need to be not only ethical but vigilant about perceptions e.g. over many years, a teacher is at risk of being accused of something, sometime. Therefore, make sure you not only never do anything unethical, but no one could ever think you would.

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Probably a waste of time trying to lift the intellectual (not to mention ethical) tone of this discussion but here goes:

1. This is a serious issue which can ruin the lives of students and the reputations of teachers

2. It is also a problem with people crossing over from the so-called real (business) world to universities, where there are different power relationships, duty of care, vulnerabilities, etc., and therefore different ethical standards. The same applies to many of the unprofessional and unvetted part timers.

3. As for blaming the student because of what she might wear, well that reminds me of the disgusting defence used by rapists and mullahs.

4. The teacher is obviously a completely unethical idiot and deserves to be kicked out. However, he reflects the moral standards of the surrounding community and culture.

5. Teachers need to be not only ethical but vigilant about perceptions e.g. over many years, a teacher is at risk of being accused of something, sometime. Therefore, make sure you not only never do anything unethical, but no one could ever think you would.

Are you stating the obvious for professionals, or giving guidance for back-packers?

For back-packers there are no professional "qualified" teachers, so please leave the rest of us qualifiers out of your perceptions please.



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Probably a waste of time trying to lift the intellectual (not to mention ethical) tone of this discussion but here goes:

1. This is a serious issue which can ruin the lives of students and the reputations of teachers

2. It is also a problem with people crossing over from the so-called real (business) world to universities, where there are different power relationships, duty of care, vulnerabilities, etc., and therefore different ethical standards. The same applies to many of the unprofessional and unvetted part timers.

3. As for blaming the student because of what she might wear, well that reminds me of the disgusting defence used by rapists and mullahs.

4. The teacher is obviously a completely unethical idiot and deserves to be kicked out. However, he reflects the moral standards of the surrounding community and culture.

5. Teachers need to be not only ethical but vigilant about perceptions e.g. over many years, a teacher is at risk of being accused of something, sometime. Therefore, make sure you not only never do anything unethical, but no one could ever think you would.

Are you stating the obvious for professionals, or giving guidance for back-packers?

For back-packers there are no professional "qualified" teachers, so please leave the rest of us qualifiers out of your perceptions please.



not sure how you construed your backpacker reference out ot this.

Obviously, arguing that its an issue not to be trivialised, where blaming the victim is a disgusting response, that professional ethics are essential and not always to be found and pointing out the dangers to all, including professional, teachers.

However, as said in the opening sentence, my expectations of readers and sober responses are not high.

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Whats new ??? office staff pay for a step up in grade, get a perfect grade in English at an American university,(when your English is dreadful) pay the boss a nice hefty sum to enroll in the BIB, stuff your mattress full of notes working for government, receive money to vote.....seemingly it's rare to attain your dues through merit.

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We had to give an old computer to the girlfriends lecturer to 'ensure' she passed. Its just the way dirty old Thailand works (dirty being her words and not mine; I though she was talking about the streets of Bangkok but she was referring to way things are done here). Guess you live with it or burst a blood vessel every time it winds you up?

I have to admit those Thai femail university student uniforms are enough to excite any man! In fact I recon THEY must have been designed by a man!

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My guess is this student has some legitimate complaints but none that rise to the level of sexual harassment claims be levied against the teacher. It appears at this time she is the only one to complain even though the other students have been told they can come forward with reports of misconduct anonymously. However, I have no doubt more attractive people (both males and females) often get treated differently in life. Again only guessing based on assumptions from the article but I would think this is a good thing to be discussed at the school to make teachers more aware that they need to consciously be aware of how their libido may control their giving some people more attention than others. On the other hand, unless there is truly gross misconduct going on, somebody should tell this student, "welcome to the world of being an adult where things are not fair and the rich, powerful and attractive people get treated differently" but more power to her for bringing this up and making a complaint as long as she isn't exaggerating or making up some details (inappropriate touching) to help build her case.

It may also be the way the article was written but I do find it a little odd that she claims the better looking girls are getting treated better but then in the same claim it appears it is the better looking girls being sexually harassed. Also a but curious how a teacher can give better grades for being attractive if grades are largely based on test results.

I am glad this is going to be discussed at the school and make teacher more aware of their actions but hope the results are not tarnishing the name of a good teacher or having this girl become an outcast to her peers and staff. But we just really don't know, could be this teacher is doing a lot more bad stuff this girls doesn't even know about and her complaint will cause other students to come forward but somehow I doubt this is the case ... probably just a teacher who easily is sucked in to the attention a pretty and sexy young girl gives him causing him to in fact pay more attention to these "prettier" students.

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I have to admit those Thai femail university student uniforms are enough to excite any man! In fact I recon THEY must have been designed by a man!

I've always wondered also if the schools require the girls to wear blouses that are one size too small.

In all seriousness, I think it is the age of the girls and the fact they had much more restrictions on dress before university level. So, many of them go out of their way to wear that uniform in the sexiest way possible. Then again, the cut of those shirts the way they go in at the waist and flair out a bit at the hips .... really does appear they are designed to show off the female figure.

On thing odd about the uniforms is the girls all wear belts. I believe it is a requirement. But the skirts have no belt loops and if you look from behind you will see that almost all the girls use those square paper clip things to hold the belt to the top of their skirt. You would think at some point they would realize there is a deign flaw if one needs to incorporate a paperclip into the uniform.

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