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High Level Of Toxins Found In Residents Of Northern Thailand


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Study finds North rural people with high toxins

The Nation


CHIANG MAI: -- High levels of a toxin contained in the harmful haze that is currently blanketing nine upper northern provinces have been found in the urine of people who live near areas where burning and forestfires are common.

Chiang Mai University's Research Institute for Health and Science studied the health impact of haze in the upper northern provinces on residents during the past three years. It found that atmospheric levels of small particles caused by forest and bush fires in areas outside towns were two to three times higher than those in urban areas, depending on weather conditions.

A senior researcher on pollution and environmental health, Tippawan Prapamonton, said her team of researchers collected urine samples from both adults and children living in urban areas and those outside urban areas in the upper north.

They found that the level of PAH, a widespread pollutant released during the burning of gasoline, oil, charcoal and garbage, was 13 times higher in urine samples collected in nonurban areas than in samples from urban areas.

Meanwhile, the number of children suffering from respiratory disease has increased drastically, Tippawan said.

"We have handed our findings to the Chiang Mai governor for use in resolving the health problems due to haze and pollution," she said.

Chiang Mai authorities plan to install devices to monitor smoke and smallparticle levels in eight provinces in the Upper North in a bid to resolve the haze problem in the long term.

However, atmospheric levels of fineparticle dust, or PM 10, in Chiang Rai province's Mae Sai district were measured at 384 micrograms per cubic metre, which is above safe levels.

About 150 people per day reported suffering from respiratory diseases. About 300,000 masks have been sent to the nine upper North provinces to prevent further health risks.

Lamphun governor Surachai Khanarsa said he would strictly enforce the law and mete out strong punishment to those who illegally burn bush and forestland.

Many tourist groups have cancelled their plans to visit attractions in the North, especially in Mae Sai district, due to the haze situation, affecting local businesses including restaurants and hotels.


-- The Nation 2012-03-10

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That authorities are enforcing the law and getting "tough" is ABSOLUTE B*S*

I drive up and down between Phrao and Chiang Mai every other day or so.

For example, on that stretch of road (95 KM) there's 5 police check-points.

Each check-point is manned by officers 24/7

I can tell because their motorbikes and cars are parked in front and the airco's are running.

At night lights and aTV are on.

On that same stretch of road (yesterday for instance) there we're 5 great fires burning each the size of at least 500 sqm....

The cars of the arsonists where parked on the hard shoulder and the men where clearly visible in the forest, setting the fires ablaze.

(I wanted to stop and take pictures, but my BF said they might get agressive so we kept moving)

Only 1Km further down the road we were stopped by police at one of those check-points,..... to check our TAX and Insurance papers !?!?!?!

On the other side of the road where also 2 motorbikes stopped and got fined for NO HELMET !!!!!!

We continued and saw the other fires going on as they are since 3 weeks.

At night we stay in the Phrao "valley" and we could see all the hill tops surrounding us in fire.

Police is doing NOTHING!!!!

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<"Chiang Mai authorities plan to install devices to monitor smoke and small particle levels in eight provinces in the Upper North in a bid to resolve the haze problem in the long term.">

Typical response. Great idea .... to install a device to monitor the problem so in the long term it will be stopped. What a load of sh*t. They already have millions of monitoring devices which are called eyes and noses and throats ... nothing else needed except some determination and resolve ..... jap.gif

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"Chiang Mai authorities plan to install devices to monitor smoke and small particle levels in eight provinces in the Upper North in a bid to resolve the haze problem in the long term."

PLAN to install: Planing? How long will it take before they are actually installed?

TO MONITOR?: Then Chiang Mai University's Research Institute for Health and Science study is not complete and/or reliable enough to motivate the Northern powers that be to do something about the problem?

MONITOR THE PROBLEM WILL RESOLVE IT IN THE LONG TERM? No! but it will give the appearance that the big wigs "care" about the little people. Image is everything.

Any similarities with the traits of a Third World mentality is not purely coincidental.

Curious to hear the rebuttal of the usual apologists.

Edited by pisico
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Police is doing NOTHING!!!!

KhunVee i find your statement unfair, we should see things from both parts and once this is done, i am sure that we will find out that they are more than likely taking an active role even on this, wherever there are some easy money rolling in they have their hands into it.

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went out today saw more fires, keeps going on, it's all BS just as much as this article is, how do you know the toxins arn't from something else??

BS indeed! Just inhaled the delicious trash and plastic smoke of about all my neighbors! Mai pen rai! It's not unhealthy according to the villagers! That half of them has respiratory problems is explained as culture!

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'Chiang Mai authorities plan to install devices to monitor smoke and smallparticle levels in eight provinces in the Upper North in a bid to resolve the haze problem in the long term.'

They're making it rather easy on themselves, since there are already monitoring devices in all eight Upper North provinces (Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lamphang, Lamphun, Mae Hong Son, Nan, Payao,and Phrae) since several years back. These have not 'resolved the haze problem' yet, nor will they or a thousand more 'devices'.

The burning that is going on is already illegal, as far as I know, The problem is that Thailand's 140,000 policemen have no discernible interest in doing their job, i.e. enforce the law. Maybe the famous Pol. Capt. Chalerm, who will eradicate drug abuse within a year, could get just a few of these policemen out of their air-conditioned offices to do some work for a change.

/ Priceless

Next year after they have eradicated the drug problem in Thailand they can eradicate the smog problem and the year after the corruption problem.

Aren't we lucky to have them here on are side.

Thailand will be the hub of honest hard working BIB

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'Chiang Mai authorities plan to install devices to monitor smoke and smallparticle levels in eight provinces in the Upper North in a bid to resolve the haze problem in the long term.'

They're making it rather easy on themselves, since there are already monitoring devices in all eight Upper North provinces (Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lamphang, Lamphun, Mae Hong Son, Nan, Payao,and Phrae) since several years back. These have not 'resolved the haze problem' yet, nor will they or a thousand more 'devices'.

The burning that is going on is already illegal, as far as I know, The problem is that Thailand's 140,000 policemen have no discernible interest in doing their job, i.e. enforce the law. Maybe the famous Pol. Capt. Chalerm, who will eradicate drug abuse within a year, could get just a few of these policemen out of their air-conditioned offices to do some work for a change.

/ Priceless

Next year after they have eradicated the drug problem in Thailand they can eradicate the smog problem and the year after the corruption problem.

Aren't we lucky to have them here on are side.

Thailand will be the hub of honest hard working BIB

How much "tea money per device"? good opportunity to fill the pocket...

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I had considered moving North for a year or so but this has definitely put me off. It used to be bad enough in areas where they burned the sugar cane.

Maybe I will go visit when the air is clearer and leave it at that.

Seems to me the authorities here are all smoke and mirrors.

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ah thailand... floods from august till november, trash burning all year long, forest fires jan - feb - march each year

what a nice place

rain could solve this problem, right ?

isn't there somebody claiming thai invented cloud raining on demand ?

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I and some of my friends ride bicycles in the 250-400km per week range. After a great deal of research I found a product that I believe greatly mitigates the effect of this smoke, and provides untold other health benefits.

In order to substantiate the efficacy of this product on this problem I did some extensive research into the smoke situation in Chiang Mai. I must say despite some criticism here the OP was mostly correct about the causes of the smoke and the type of carcinogens involved, (PAH's). He may have simplified in places to make it more understandable. I did some of the same but to a lesser extent. I posted my research here https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BzdiHOCJvtD9VlFNR01rRXZRYzY0NmFwdjFsZm41dw

My original intent was to also take into account the problems caused by vehicular emissions, including Cadmium (cut short), and Carbon Black, (omitted). I cited a couple of references on Cadmium.

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