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Koh Phangan Airport

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Where is Sanam bin Nam?

I live in KPG since 1999 and believe me, every year somebody, well informed and/or connected, start to talk about a new airport, the swamp close to the hospital, Chaloklum (where?), Than Sadet, Thomng Nai Pan, taken from the sea somewhere, etc etc, Not only farang, also Thai have some important knowledge about a MacDonald, a new Tesco, A bigC, a small Makro, KFC, etc etc

None of these happen. But don't give up hope ;-)

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I did report on this several months ago.... although I think Party Girl has been listening to to many bar rumours....about size anyway! rolleyes.gifbiggrin.png

Not anywhere close to 747 jumbos, but for the elite class with small jets, and supposedly somewhere towards Tong Nai Pan... ? That's what I was told by one who is involved with this... to what extent I am really not sure....

I heard recently that the road to Tong Nai Pan is being or has now been concreted... all the way ?? I've not been there except by boat and that was a few years ago now...

Time will tell, whether myth or fact! smile.png

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I did report on this several months ago.... although I think Party Girl has been listening to to many bar rumours....about size anyway! rolleyes.gifbiggrin.png

Not anywhere close to 747 jumbos, but for the elite class with small jets, and supposedly somewhere towards Tong Nai Pan... ? That's what I was told by one who is involved with this... to what extent I am really not sure....

I heard recently that the road to Tong Nai Pan is being or has now been concreted... all the way ?? I've not been there except by boat and that was a few years ago now...

Time will tell, whether myth or fact! smile.png

Well, keep on haveing fun lads, just remmeber you read it here first ! coffee1.gif

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maybe it's going to be an airport on reclaimed beach land. the size of the structure lends itself perfectly to incorporating the bridge between pan yang and samui along with the new airport.

two birds with one stone and all.

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completely right, top floor the runways, below an 8 lane highway, below that a walker/bicycle plexiglas tube, the fish walk, below that

Now there's a plan! biggrin.png all the way from Chong Mong to Haad Rin... then shuttle bus to TNP ???? laugh.pngThat will keep BKK airlines happy!

Or perhaps they will used the retiring Brit Harrier Jets, they don't need a runway! ph34r.pngwhistling.gif

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keep talking about it coz it aint gonna happen .why would people with there elite class jets even think of coming to phangan !!!! just coz theres a couple five star hotels which aint that special anyway... this island is not a five star destination and never will be....

talk of airports here is only to try and get investors to by villas ect thinking that coz an airport is coming there investments will go up and so on ...!!!!!!!!!

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I wonder how well these jets land on steep hills? As far as I am aware there is not any continuous flat area anywhere near TNP for a plane to land.

A little practicality at last!

We had problems designing a safe approach at TNP for a seaplane 'cos of the high ground.

There are a few areas to the South of KP where a small strip could be built but wouldn't have thought it would be

cost effective.

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Work on clearing and leveling the land between Than Sadet and Thong Nai Pan Yai for the new (relatively short) runway is proceeding at a steady pace. I'm almost surprised that this isn't making the news, but I guess since the airport is going to be for a small airline it's not that big a deal.

The new wide highway leading to Thong Nai Pan (as well as the large roundabout at the Than Sadet turnoff and completed dirt road to Bottle Beach) now makes sense.

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Work on clearing and leveling the land between Than Sadet and Thong Nai Pan Yai for the new (relatively short) runway is proceeding at a steady pace. I'm almost surprised that this isn't making the news, but I guess since the airport is going to be for a small airline it's not that big a deal.

The new wide highway leading to Thong Nai Pan (as well as the large roundabout at the Than Sadet turnoff and completed dirt road to Bottle Beach) now makes sense.

Crikey. I hope that they have some spare rubber bands for those planes. giggle.gif

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Work on clearing and leveling the land between Than Sadet and Thong Nai Pan Yai for the new (relatively short) runway is proceeding at a steady pace. I'm almost surprised that this isn't making the news, but I guess since the airport is going to be for a small airline it's not that big a deal.

The new wide highway leading to Thong Nai Pan (as well as the large roundabout at the Than Sadet turnoff and completed dirt road to Bottle Beach) now makes sense.

Thanks Jose for clearing a few things up!

Now I know that the people who have told me about this, is true! ohmy.pngA short runway for short planes! wink.png

But a round about too? ..... that will have many people confused and going in circles....rolleyes.gifcheesy.gif

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I wonder how well these jets land on steep hills? As far as I am aware there is not any continuous flat area anywhere near TNP for a plane to land.

I did not say anything about jets.....I also mentioned landing strip. I am not living on Phangan, but next time you are around Tansadet waterfall near Kung Bungalow, have a look if you can spot the clearing (or the started clearing) of a 1.5 km long area.

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I wonder how well these jets land on steep hills? As far as I am aware there is not any continuous flat area anywhere near TNP for a plane to land.

I did not say anything about jets.....I also mentioned landing strip. I am not living on Phangan, but next time you are around Tansadet waterfall near Kung Bungalow, have a look if you can spot the clearing (or the started clearing) of a 1.5 km long area.

Here's a wild guess...There is a very expensive/large property built on the top of the mountain nearby to Thong Sadet. Easily visible from the sea and is really an eyesore.

I think that it has been built in the National Park Area so obviously the owner has no compunction about breaking any rules. Probably a politician who carries a lot of kudos.

I reckon that if anything the land will be a private airstrip to serve this mansion.

If it is an airstrip it will be a nightmare to land and take off even for a STOL aircraft because

of the turbulence from the mountains and variable wind directions.

Samui Coconut is there any clearway at either end of the strip or is it all trees and high ground?ermm.gif

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The ATR 72-200 turbo-prop plane operated by airlines such as NOK AIR, can according to the manufacturer, take off with a maximum payload with a runway of only 1091 metres. A 1,500 metre runway would, on this basis, be perfectly sufficient to allow a small commercial passenger operation to operate.

This said the clearing in the jungle might of course be the start of the golf course, as this is something else (like the airport), which has been in the 'planning stages' for many years.

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Work on clearing and leveling the land between Than Sadet and Thong Nai Pan Yai for the new (relatively short) runway is proceeding at a steady pace. I'm almost surprised that this isn't making the news, but I guess since the airport is going to be for a small airline it's not that big a deal.

The new wide highway leading to Thong Nai Pan (as well as the large roundabout at the Than Sadet turnoff and completed dirt road to Bottle Beach) now makes sense.

Thanks Jose...but I'm feelin' the blues over this news...unsure.png

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Am in the US as there is an illness in the family, but just asked the hubby and he said it is not at Than Sadet but at Nam Tok and its for very small planes. He didn't give an opinion one way or the other (short email from a tired man late at night) but I was always under the impression that entire area was national forest.

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...just asked the hubby and he said it is not at Than Sadet but at Nam Tok and its for very small planes.

I doubt it. I go to Nam Tok waterfall and beach at least once a week, and although they are cementing some of the road there (and someone has wiped out all the forest on a small hillside), I see no evidence of any airstrip building (or construction trucks) going on around the area.

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The ATR 72-200 turbo-prop plane operated by airlines such as NOK AIR, can according to the manufacturer, take off with a maximum payload with a runway of only 1091 metres. A 1,500 metre runway would, on this basis, be perfectly sufficient to allow a small commercial passenger operation to operate.

This said the clearing in the jungle might of course be the start of the golf course, as this is something else (like the airport), which has been in the 'planning stages' for many years.

A 1500M runway assumes that there are no obstacles in the approach and departure path. So, no it is not safe to operate a commercial service unless

you can clear all the trees, mountains etc by 50ft throughout the climb gradient with an engine shut down.

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The only planes that could land on Phanghan are Harrier jump jets

Or the ones which are presently used between Chiang Mai and Pai. coffee1.gif

Rather prickly this morning arn't we SC!!

I was thinking though that a 30 seat Cessna could probably be used as a service to Koh Phanghan.

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