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Been with Servage.net for years. 14 months webhosting at 90GBP. Have had no issues with them at all, but would like to see what else is out there. Particularly any cheaper/good value options. Any recommendations?

Thank you in advance!

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I just moved my Godaddy VPS to Amazon EC2 Singapore today.

Godaddy could work, but if there is an problem, they are really incompetent to help and fix the problems.

I still use them for DNS, which seems to work well.

EC2 has a one year free tier for micro server http://aws.amazon.com/free/ I put my drupal websites on it and at least when testing, the performance was pretty good. I actually was planing to buy a small server instance, but seems that I don't need that at the moment.

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I just moved my Godaddy VPS to Amazon EC2 Singapore today.

Godaddy could work, but if there is an problem, they are really incompetent to help and fix the problems.

I still use them for DNS, which seems to work well.

EC2 has a one year free tier for micro server. I put my drupal websites on it and at least when testing, the performance was pretty good. I actually was planing to buy a small server instance, but seems that I don't need that at the moment.

Thanks Oilinky for mensioning that one year free tier for micro server of EC2. I had a look and it looks interesting. I like to test it and copy one of my joomla! sites on it. Are you sure that it will be free for one year as long as I use it for test only by myself? The pricing seems so complicated (and my English is not that good). Is it easy to cancel?

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I just moved my Godaddy VPS to Amazon EC2 Singapore today.

Godaddy could work, but if there is an problem, they are really incompetent to help and fix the problems.

I still use them for DNS, which seems to work well.

EC2 has a one year free tier for micro server. I put my drupal websites on it and at least when testing, the performance was pretty good. I actually was planing to buy a small server instance, but seems that I don't need that at the moment.

Thanks Oilinky for mensioning that one year free tier for micro server of EC2. I had a look and it looks interesting. I like to test it and copy one of my joomla! sites on it. Are you sure that it will be free for one year as long as I use it for test only by myself? The pricing seems so complicated (and my English is not that good). Is it easy to cancel?

At least that's what they state, well for linux and within reasonable bandwidth limits. I guess for windows that's not possible as they have to pay fees for the microsoft for it. When you Launch an instance, there are marks which AMI's can be used with free tier. I'm using Amazon Ubuntu.

The pricing is simply horrifying. But then again, the whole server or server farm can easily be modified to needs. For testing is's possible to launch an new service within minutes and then put them to 'sleep'.

Remember to use EBS volume for your static data as the /mnt disk empties every time you stop the server.

This is one drupal site I'm running on micro instance on Singapore site. Light site, but you can see if the latency is good enough for you.

// MOD EDIT: Link to own website removed as per forum rule #10 //

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I use godaddy to renew my url only, it is about $10 a year.

To me it really depends were you want your servers located. I had a hard time finding a hosting company with servers physically located in Thailand because I wanted my pages to load quickly as it is most of the traffic is coming from here. Some of my larger pages load instantly with almost no latency, I could not do this with the hosting companies located overseas. The company I use is porar.com they have been very stable since using them about 3 years now. There customer support is good but their english is not. I just send very basic worded emails if i need something.

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Hawkhost is the way to go, been with 'em 4 years and love 'em. Cheap, great value and service, no overloaded servers, full facilities. And if you ask they'll put your site on the Singpore server, quite fast from Thailand.

Wonder why Thai hosts are so overpriced. BTW, I tried one Malaysia webhost. Turned out to have Thai reliability. ;) Maybe others are better, dunno.

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There are two main things that put me off hosting in Thailand:

1. Reliability and attitude to security, maintenance and customer service, which is (I apologise in advance to the sensitive and patriotically inclined) simply absolutely crap and third rate.

2. Legal issues: Frankly I think its just good practice to put your website in a different country to the one you live in, regardless of where that is. And in Thailand, if someone publishes something lese majesteish on your site you personally can get in very bloody hot water, even if you personally had absolutely nothing to do with it, as some recent cases demonstrate.

Absolute worst thing you can do: Buy your domain off a local reseller and host on a local shared webserver. That's what I did with my first couple of websites, and I will never, ever do it again.

If you "need" local hosting, the nearest sane alternative is Singapore.

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I too have witnessed some bad business practice of local hosting companies around Pattaya, mostly just registering domains in not the owners name. Be


You can't go wrong with checking out hosting companies on webhostingtalk.com but many of the low low price companies are low price for a reason. Two

middle of the road pricing companies I know and can refer are the following:

http://www.reliablehosting.com (which is also StrongVPN)

and http://www.nationalnet.com

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While it is true there are some unscrupulous hosting companies who try to hold the real owner ransom with the domain name registrations, in most cases it is just laziness to get the address details from the owner and add them into the system. In any case, as long as the company are in charge of your domain they can change the registration back to themselves anytime they like so having the domain registered in your name is really no guarantee.

If you don't feel comfortable with your designer/hosting company, find another one. There are plenty of good and honest companies in Pattaya to pick from.

Btw. if it happens to you that someone tries to hold your domain ransom, and you can prove you paid for the domain, you can normally contact the registrar directly and have them give you control of the domain. But you'd need a proper receipt or something that clearly proves you paid for it, not just a note on the back of a tissue.

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Hawkhost is the way to go, been with 'em 4 years and love 'em. Cheap, great value and service, no overloaded servers, full facilities. And if you ask they'll put your site on the Singpore server, quite fast from Thailand.

Wonder why Thai hosts are so overpriced. BTW, I tried one Malaysia webhost. Turned out to have Thai reliability. wink.png Maybe others are better, dunno.

I also have two accounts with Hawkhost. They use litespeed servers at selected datacenters which decreases the page download time, giving you good SEO points. If you are signing up for your first account with them there are 50-60% off coupons which is how i paid, my second account i used a 40% off coupon.

They also run cpanel and you get shell access if you need it. You can have Addon domains and subdomains also. As mentioned the Singapore server is fast in Thailand, although im on the Seatle server which has a higher percentage of nerds which will guarantee uptime.

Godaddy's interface is probably the worst one ive come across, Hostgator customer service is ran by a bunch of stressed out newbs, I wouldnt go there either (use to work there and they force you to take 5 live customer support sessions at the same time or you get fired) FYI Hostgator doesnt actually own their own servers, they rent space at 'The Planet' located in Dallas.

Always keep domain registrars and servers at separate companies.

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