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Transsexual Thai Air Hostesses: Gimmick Or Equality?


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Genes can play tricks on the body.

He was born as a man, and he will live with that, and die with that - regardless his "cut-offs" and wearing girlie things. That's it.

A simple, purest haraam (حرام).

i believe nature sometimes mixes things

And I believe in human's idiocity, short-thinking and selfish.

Doing such of things as "transfer yourself" has nothing to do with nature, it is just a common excuse (I've read'em a thousand times).

And you have a premium on such knowledge? No one really cares what you think, after branding them with idiocity. I don't know what the Arabic text is for - to prove that you are bigotted about such issues - like the countries who persecute and even murder such people? Who cares if someone feels they belong to the opposite sex to which they were born? The only issue that remains as far as I am concerned is to be accepting and unthreatened about it. Personally, I often feel that these transgender people are more comfortable with who they are than gay men at times, who are still trying to be a man...
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So this is turning into a general GLBT bashing thread. How predictable. The intolerance and ignorance is stunning.

Would you tell me even one reason - why must I tolerate their idea more than my own?

Will you tolerate if your beloved growing son says one day "Dad, I want my balls cut out, and I wanna huge silicone tits!"

Will you say "Ok son, lets do that tomorrow morning then!"?

Just yes or no? No bashes here.

I would say yes. who gives a sh*t

Yes, lets go and get ya a dress and be done with it. It doesn't threaten my own manhood.
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Personally, I have no problem with it at all and think it should be supported. BUT, unfortunately I doubt its a good marketing ploy.

There are way too many Western men who dislike gays and/or trans-sexuals. The Western world is (generally) far less tolerant than Thailand.

This airline only flies to Asian locations at the moment. They attract mostly curiosity with Asians, just look at all the Chinese tour buses in front of the various transgender cabaret shows, so I don't think it will be a problem. This could be a good business decision.

They could have some nasty incidents flying to certain countries though

What about layovers? Airlines typically room crew together. Where do you put such confusiion? Whose rights take precedence? What about public restrooms? The civilized world has laws.

Hahaha, I wonder if you have EVER been to Thailand...? The girls are most comfortable with their 'big sisters' and would be less threatened by them than a straight man (for obvious reasons)... NOT an issue! :D
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Have to say; imo, most transwhatevers (trevors, I call them), are from disfunctional or mixed up, or disasterous backgrounds, most have serious issues and many are quite unstable and can be unpredictable at times, especially under stressful circumstances. By "most" , I mean , almost all of them . . . Been here in Thailand a long time and have a lot of experience to make comment from, be wary, be warned. I would certainly feel better with a normal person offering services, and I certainly would prefer the choice to Not be served by a trevor, he would put me off my food. And to close, one last thought; they are still blokes, nomatter how much you dress em up . . . (I've seen about six of them pull up thier sleaves and suddenly become men again, due to a heated agressive situation, and after the fight; straight back to then limp wristed girlie behaviour . . . Totally in a soapopera dream life, totally not real, totally not women . . . ) Yuk. !!!

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Hiw many very old "trevors" (transexuals) do you see around, even in Thailand, even in Pattaya, seems they give up the skirt somewhere between 40-50 tops, they just seem to revert back to men as they get older, like all of them . . . That says something about how wise thier choices were in youth, if both in the wrong body, then why do they almost all change back, even most who had had the chop, still revert back . . . Think about it . . . Its pretty clear that something is mixed up during those uneasy teenage years (again, the broken home, touchy uncle, drunk father, or other of many issues which seem to almost always be part of the equation)

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Hiw many very old "trevors" (transexuals) do you see around, even in Thailand, even in Pattaya, seems they give up the skirt somewhere between 40-50 tops, they just seem to revert back to men as they get older, like all of them . . . That says something about how wise thier choices were in youth, if both in the wrong body, then why do they almost all change back, even most who had had the chop, still revert back . . . Think about it . . . Its pretty clear that something is mixed up during those uneasy teenage years (again, the broken home, touchy uncle, drunk father, or other of many issues which seem to almost always be part of the equation)

You call them Trevors?rolleyes.gif

Not particularly clevers ...

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Wait a second there. Thai society (not unique in this) has traditionally PRESSURED trans people into ghetto professions like entertainment of various kinds. Things are improving but not quickly enough. You know the idea ... tolerance for all as long as you accept your place. That's why this airline allowing trans people to work for them, gimmick as it might be, is news.

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You may learn the number and variety of transsexuality, hermaphroditism and homosexuality beneath your “Gods” own creatures is far bigger than that of cardinals in the Vatican.

All of'em produces no offsprings. As well as cardinals, AFAIK. smile.png

And this is the way Nature clears itself after "unsuccessful useless tries".

If Nature 'clears itself' how come there are still gays and trans around? Surely they'd all have died out? Here's a clue. The vast majority of gays and trans have straight parents so Nature seems to think that there might be some value in them if it keeps producing them.

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Don't argue with them Jingthing, they are coming across as retards...........I don't know why people bother with other people's sexuality.

When I have been propositioned by gay men in the past I regard it as a compliment, it's an invitation I turn down, but a compliment none the less.

As for bothering with other people's sexuality, I've got enough on my plate dealing with my own proclivities to be bothered concerning myself with anyone else.

By the look's of this topic I'm in a minority ermm.gif

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I think it is brilliant marketing for PC Air, it also allows these folks an opportunity to work in a field that is customer service oriented and feel good they are making a contribution to society after all it is their dream and right.

Now for all the hate posts, I am so grateful I was raised to accept everyone and everything-do you really think you will change anyones mind with your strong words ? Anyway I'm a happy person so I wont let you get me down.

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I think it is brilliant marketing for PC Air, it also allows these folks an opportunity to work in a field that is customer service oriented and feel good they are making a contribution to society after all it is their dream and right.

Now for all the hate posts, I am so grateful I was raised to accept everyone and everything-do you really think you will change anyones mind with your strong words ? Anyway I'm a happy person so I wont let you get me down.


I'm going back to the General Forum, you get a better class of abuse over there.

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Wanted, secretary, under 30, must be female, attractive

As long as adverts are written like this, it shows that no one here understands equality anyway.

Seriously? That was an ad? I remember a bloke from Australia was in all sorts of trouble for advertising for waitresses - "Uniform supplied, to size 10 only"

Go to any of the online sites listing jobs in Thailand and you will be quite surprised. The example given by TaH is quite tame compared to some. Thailand either has no discrimination laws or they are upheld like the rest of the legal code in country, i.e.; not at all.

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I've often wondered what transexuals/ladyboys do when they get old, ugly and no one wants to have sex with them. How do they live? How do they support them selves? What do they do with the natural occurance of facial hair as they get older? I'm not bashing, rather wondering. Seems to me being one is such a waste. To each his own I guess.

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I've often wondered what transexuals/ladyboys do when they get old, ugly and no one wants to have sex with them. How do they live? How do they support them selves? What do they do with the natural occurance of facial hair as they get older? I'm not bashing, rather wondering. Seems to me being one is such a waste. To each his own I guess.

All kinds of people get old, dude.


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Unfortunately, I think it is just a marketing gag.

Though: it shouldn't be!

As long as someone is qualified -in whatever way- for a job and can "deliver", no one actually should care if they are men, women, transgenders or martians.

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  • Re the following quote:

'I've often wondered what transexuals/ladyboys do when they get old, ugly and no one wants to have sex with them. How do they live? How do they support them selves? What do they do with the natural occurance of facial hair as they get older?'

OMG. Look at the average sexpat! And look in the mirror, perhaps!

I think this is a great idea. I support it wholeheartedly.

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I will say the best employee i have had in the 6 years of employing Thai staff was a lady boy waitress. On time, worked from start to close and never complained. The female staff a disaster, always.

There are a lot of negative comments here about the TS's in Thailand. They probably would not get a second look from a TS that was not a working girl anyway. My guess is, the haters have barfined a ladyboy and did not know it until later. hahaha.

Transsexuals are part of life here in Thailand. I have one as a neighbor and she/he is married to a Thai man. She/he is a very nice person. How she lives her life is certainly no business of mine. and, how I live my life is no business of hers.

Live and let live.

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Right, I asked my wifes' friend last night (a khatoey) and the response was that it is a gimmick of course and it just makes advertising for the airline, in his opinion the ladyboys will never get a fair shake in Thailand. When I mentioned equality he just laughed and said they won't employ any ugly ladyboys. Fair point!

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Tried to explain it above but it just doesn't 'take'. As in ant and bee colonies, the genetic closeness of the (many) non-reproducing individuals makes it rewarding for them to cooperate in the success of the (few) breeding individuals. That's a more extreme example than in humans, where the non-reproducing (gay) population is so much smaller. And it's not an error. You straight folks need people like us to be your great artists, philosophers, entertainers, doctors, engineers, writers, dramatists, etc. How would you have time, with your children and all?

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Right, I asked my wifes' friend last night (a khatoey) and the response was that it is a gimmick of course and it just makes advertising for the airline, in his opinion the ladyboys will never get a fair shake in Thailand. When I mentioned equality he just laughed and said they won't employ any ugly ladyboys. Fair point!

You're right of course, but then again airlines rarely employ old, ugly women either.

Living on Phuket, I often see khatoeys working in shops. It still takes me a little by suprise (you just don't see that in the West), but it is good to see that they are not always pushed into the entertainment industry.

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Right, I asked my wifes' friend last night (a khatoey) and the response was that it is a gimmick of course and it just makes advertising for the airline, in his opinion the ladyboys will never get a fair shake in Thailand. When I mentioned equality he just laughed and said they won't employ any ugly ladyboys. Fair point!

You're right of course, but then again airlines rarely employ old, ugly women either.

Living on Phuket, I often see khatoeys working in shops. It still takes me a little by suprise (you just don't see that in the West), but it is good to see that they are not always pushed into the entertainment industry.

I beg to differ. In some cosmopolitan areas of the U.S. anyway, sometimes you do see transgender people in such roles.
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Right, I asked my wifes' friend last night (a khatoey) and the response was that it is a gimmick of course and it just makes advertising for the airline, in his opinion the ladyboys will never get a fair shake in Thailand. When I mentioned equality he just laughed and said they won't employ any ugly ladyboys. Fair point!

You're right of course, but then again airlines rarely employ old, ugly women either.

Living on Phuket, I often see khatoeys working in shops. It still takes me a little by suprise (you just don't see that in the West), but it is good to see that they are not always pushed into the entertainment industry.

I beg to differ. In some cosmopolitan areas of the U.S. anyway, sometimes you do see transgender people in such roles.

I don't doubt that you are right.

Living in England and working in London I never saw a transgender person working in a shop etc. But, it could well be that England is more 'backwards' than cosmopolitan areas of the US.

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Right, I asked my wifes' friend last night (a khatoey) and the response was that it is a gimmick of course and it just makes advertising for the airline, in his opinion the ladyboys will never get a fair shake in Thailand. When I mentioned equality he just laughed and said they won't employ any ugly ladyboys. Fair point!

You're right of course, but then again airlines rarely employ old, ugly women either.

Ever flown with United? biggrin.png

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