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Bkk Airport Immigration Deploys 70 Female Riot Police To Help Speed Up Lines


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Old Sailor: All that stuff went the same way as Empire when the UK ditched its colonies and focused on Europe instead. About the same time as the European Butter fiasco, and a major blow to the sheep/wool industry, etc., as I recall. It didn't go down well, since Australians fought 2 World Wars for the so-called Mother Country. So, if your grandparents were born in Britain, but your parents not, you had no residential rights in the UK, but still got to call HRH your Queen and the Governor General her/his Representative. The GG had the power to dismiss a government at that time. Off-topic, but quite surprised you did not know already.

Yes i knew, but am still "pissed off" I was actually born in the UK and served in Brit armed forces in Korea and Malaysia. Saw the "light" and immigrated to the lucky country in the late 50's.

Congratulations on your insight at such a tender age. Australia in the 50s, "underpopulated", undeveloped, unpolluted. Great days! wink.png

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it may be a touch naughty but as I flew to Hong Kong on sunday I took one look at the line of people which stretched from the door to immigration all the way down to B- check in desks, went to the front and spoke to the immigration guy with the most amount of lumps of metal on his shirt and told him I would miss my flight if I joined the cue. He said 'go to first class and tell them it is ok" so I did that, walked straight past the people there and said "the captain told me it is ok to come here" and I was through in about 2 minutes. Job done smile.png

(and that was for a flight leaving before 8am!)

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it may be a touch naughty but as I flew to Hong Kong on sunday I took one look at the line of people which stretched from the door to immigration all the way down to B- check in desks, went to the front and spoke to the immigration guy with the most amount of lumps of metal on his shirt and told him I would miss my flight if I joined the cue. He said 'go to first class and tell them it is ok" so I did that, walked straight past the people there and said "the captain told me it is ok to come here" and I was through in about 2 minutes. Job done smile.png

(and that was for a flight leaving before 8am!)

Where the heck is the first class immigration lines???? I must be in a total fog as I get in line because I have gone through immigration countless times and have never seen a first class line.

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Fact is, if the 70 riot police are going to be dealing with visa's and stamps: check whether you got the correct stamp. At least the first few months.

Furthermore.........at the moment: 1045 immigration employees? Amazing....what are they doing and more important, where are they?

1045 staff, 40hrs a week (5 8hrs shifts), 4 weeks absent a year on vacation, public holidays, staff training, being sick, makes it 229 staff in average for each hour of the year. That is for arrival & departure and most likely all backoffice duties.

And this simple calculation does not take extra off times into account when it comes to shift changes. Simply not enough staff, even the 1300+ number is tight.

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The immigration lines at Swampy are no different (possibly better) than the standard security lines you need to go through in the US at any of the big airports. But also like the US, the lines are more intimidating than the actual wait. Of all the people saying they have been in line for 45-minutes, I bet the vast majority are great exaggerations. Even when immigration lines were longer and I ran into a rare incident where in coming immigration lines went all the way down the ramp and into the arrival hallway .. I was only in line about 30 or 40 -minutes (I know for sure I was in the taxi within an hour from the planes arrival and stopped and smoked before going to immigration ... also it was a plane that didn't arrive at a gate). That was about 3-years ago and I have never seen anything close to that since and average wait on arrival is probably 10 minutes or at arriving at the luggage collection area as bags are still coming down the chute.

As for leaving. Those lines appear longer but it is also a faster process. So many times have I got into those lines to worry about being late for my flight only to see the line moving quickly and my arriving at the gate well before the plane boards. Again, never have checked how long but usually hut the line 30-minutes before my scheduled departure and have never even come close to getting to the gate well before boarding even after the long walk to the gate and stopping to get a coffee.

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If I am due a 30 Day visa exempt stamp, but get 60 days by mistake - Its my fault for not checking and clearing it up at the time, if I stay 60 days it would be classed as a 30 day overstay.

I think you are mistaken. If you get a stamp in your passport stating you can stay in country for 60-days then that is how long you can stay... it is your official permission to be in the country. The same is true if they make a mistake and stamp you for only 15-days when you are entitled to 30-days ... unless you get the mistake corrected the recognized permissible stay in the country is only going to be 15-days.

I could be wrong in terms of technicality with the laws but this is the practice I have seen and heard about. Think about it, it is the official at the immigration desk who can grant or deny you access to The Kingdom and whatever he puts in your passport is what you have been granted. Of course he is supposed to follow guidelines and rules but ultimately he/she is our permission grantor.

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I have never even come close to missing a flight from Bangkok, but have had to be re-booked on another flight 3 times due to missed connections in the US, these were because of long immigration lines and inflexible staff.

I have missed 2 connections at swamp so now I avoid it and fly chiangmai to Singapore to Aust. Swampy is by far the worst airport on the planet with the long lines, lack of ammenities, terrible waiting longes and extreemly hard to navigate around. What Thailand needs is a new modern user friendly airport not some out dated tin shed. This current airport is well past it's use by date and should have been replaced years ago at least 50 years ago.

The airport is a disgrace and a totally outdated ugly eyesore. The funny thing is that it is only about 6 yrs old but was not built with foresight. Thailand does need a new modern airport urgently and they need to take into consideration the travelling public and not just build a couple of sheds. Swampy is the laughing stock of Thailand, bulldoze it now and start again from scratch and don't be afraid to ask for outside help in the planning and construction because when it comes to projects like this and planning for the future the Thai's are well out of the picture they just can't do it.

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Of all the people saying they have been in line for 45-minutes, I bet the vast majority are great exaggerations. Even when immigration lines were longer and I ran into a rare incident where in coming immigration lines went all the way down the ramp and into the arrival hallway .. I was only in line about 30 or 40 -minutes (I know for sure I was in the taxi within an hour from the planes arrival and stopped and smoked before going to immigration ... also it was a plane that didn't arrive at a gate). That was about 3-years ago and I have never seen anything close to that since and average wait on arrival is probably 10 minutes or at arriving at the luggage collection area as bags are still coming down the chute.

It's no exaggeration to claim that the wait was more than 2 hours. It happened to me during Feb. I was stuck in the queue from 12.30 and only managed to clear immigration at 2pm.

The recent situation was really appalling! Maybe that's why they are doing something now.

Coming back again in two weeks' time and I pray that the situation will improve. It's no fun to start a holiday on a bad mood!!!

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Fact is, if the 70 riot police are going to be dealing with visa's and stamps: check whether you got the correct stamp. At least the first few months.

Furthermore.........at the moment: 1045 immigration employees? Amazing....what are they doing and more important, where are they?

It might be gin khao time again.

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I have never even come close to missing a flight from Bangkok, but have had to be re-booked on another flight 3 times due to missed connections in the US, these were because of long immigration lines and inflexible staff.

I have missed 2 connections at swamp so now I avoid it and fly chiangmai to Singapore to Aust. Swampy is by far the worst airport on the planet with the long lines, lack of ammenities, terrible waiting longes and extreemly hard to navigate around. What Thailand needs is a new modern user friendly airport not some out dated tin shed. This current airport is well past it's use by date and should have been replaced years ago at least 50 years ago.

The airport is a disgrace and a totally outdated ugly eyesore. The funny thing is that it is only about 6 yrs old but was not built with foresight. Thailand does need a new modern airport urgently and they need to take into consideration the travelling public and not just build a couple of sheds. Swampy is the laughing stock of Thailand, bulldoze it now and start again from scratch and don't be afraid to ask for outside help in the planning and construction because when it comes to projects like this and planning for the future the Thai's are well out of the picture they just can't do it.

It was once described in an international travel publication as an avant garde shopping centre surrounded by aeroplanes.

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I have never even come close to missing a flight from Bangkok, but have had to be re-booked on another flight 3 times due to missed connections in the US, these were because of long immigration lines and inflexible staff.

I have missed 2 connections at swamp so now I avoid it and fly chiangmai to Singapore to Aust. Swampy is by far the worst airport on the planet with the long lines, lack of ammenities, terrible waiting longes and extreemly hard to navigate around. What Thailand needs is a new modern user friendly airport not some out dated tin shed. This current airport is well past it's use by date and should have been replaced years ago at least 50 years ago.

The airport is a disgrace and a totally outdated ugly eyesore. The funny thing is that it is only about 6 yrs old but was not built with foresight. Thailand does need a new modern airport urgently and they need to take into consideration the travelling public and not just build a couple of sheds. Swampy is the laughing stock of Thailand, bulldoze it now and start again from scratch and don't be afraid to ask for outside help in the planning and construction because when it comes to projects like this and planning for the future the Thai's are well out of the picture they just can't do it.

Are you actually aware of all the foreign involvement in the building and planning of the airport ... right down to the the design being done by a US firm? By the way it also has one of the largest terminals in the world. It has the current capacity to handle 45-million passengers and the next phase of expansion estimated to be completed by 2016 ( a year early) will increase this level to 65-million. In addition there is also a new domestic terminal being built that will add another 20 million to the capacity in a year. The original plans designed to be done in phases includes a total capacity of over 100 Million people a year (currently busiest airport in the world serves 85 Million) which also includes the addition of another runway. It currently is in the top 20 for busiest airports (passengers) in the world. Of the 20 busiest Thailand (17th) is one of the very few that is not an "advanced" nation while also having one of the lowest GDP of them all. The airport is considered and often rated as one of the best in the world despite all the complaining people here on Thaivisa do about it ... not a bad accomplishment for a country at Thailand's economic place in the world.

Clearly airports and international travel is a pain and lines and waits are expected and there is no doubt BKK has room for improvement but it is actually a very modern airport, considering the country, with plenty of planned room for expansion.

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Actually first and business class passengers do pay for fast track - it forms part of the ticket price. The airline pays the Thai Government. And I think it highly unlikely that the airlines will allow the Thais to do away with fast track on a whim, even if it's just at peak times. And to those who want equal treatment for all, well life just isn't like that. Especially in Thailand. I don't pay for a business class ticket because I want a bigger seat and better food - I pay because I don't want to check in with sex tourists, I don't want to sit crammed in with dozens of fat farangs with their ugly Thai wives and I don't want to stand in an immigration queue with fat bastards in flip flops and wife-beaters. I have never waited more than five minutes at immigration in or out and I doubt that will change. And for the idiot who thinks that you should dress up to avoid the touts when you do arrive - what???? Not everyone wants to sit in a public taxi, I actually prefer to pay for a limo.

I feel for you my Prince, it is hard to walk amongst the common folk.

Yes it is "hard to walk amongst the common folk", especially when they are the ".. sex tourists, ... fat farangs with their ugly Thai wives ... fat bastards in flip flops and wife-beaters." as he points out. But of course chooka, if you are one of them, you wouldn't understand the discomfort us others feel. Never mind. However, the discomfort includes embarrassment, as these shit-bags are highly visible everywhere, giving foreigners over all a bad image. Is it any wonder the government don't want us to own land or whatever ...

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I have never even come close to missing a flight from Bangkok, but have had to be re-booked on another flight 3 times due to missed connections in the US, these were because of long immigration lines and inflexible staff.

I have missed 2 connections at swamp so now I avoid it and fly chiangmai to Singapore to Aust. Swampy is by far the worst airport on the planet with the long lines, lack of ammenities, terrible waiting longes and extreemly hard to navigate around. What Thailand needs is a new modern user friendly airport not some out dated tin shed. This current airport is well past it's use by date and should have been replaced years ago at least 50 years ago.

The airport is a disgrace and a totally outdated ugly eyesore. The funny thing is that it is only about 6 yrs old but was not built with foresight. Thailand does need a new modern airport urgently and they need to take into consideration the travelling public and not just build a couple of sheds. Swampy is the laughing stock of Thailand, bulldoze it now and start again from scratch and don't be afraid to ask for outside help in the planning and construction because when it comes to projects like this and planning for the future the Thai's are well out of the picture they just can't do it.

Are you actually aware of all the foreign involvement in the building and planning of the airport ... right down to the the design being done by a US firm? By the way it also has one of the largest terminals in the world. It has the current capacity to handle 45-million passengers and the next phase of expansion estimated to be completed by 2016 ( a year early) will increase this level to 65-million. In addition there is also a new domestic terminal being built that will add another 20 million to the capacity in a year. The original plans designed to be done in phases includes a total capacity of over 100 Million people a year (currently busiest airport in the world serves 85 Million) which also includes the addition of another runway. It currently is in the top 20 for busiest airports (passengers) in the world. Of the 20 busiest Thailand (17th) is one of the very few that is not an "advanced" nation while also having one of the lowest GDP of them all. The airport is considered and often rated as one of the best in the world despite all the complaining people here on Thaivisa do about it ... not a bad accomplishment for a country at Thailand's economic place in the world.

Clearly airports and international travel is a pain and lines and waits are expected and there is no doubt BKK has room for improvement but it is actually a very modern airport, considering the country, with plenty of planned room for expansion.

Nisa, where are you getting your data from in terms of Swampy being awarded accolades.

In 2011 Skytrax awards it didnt even rate even in Asia category.

In fact pertinent to this thread Korea/ Beijing and Malaysia all came in top three for immigration service.

It didnt even come in on the global top 10 list ??

ACI 2010 awards didnt even rate it. It didnt rate mention in ACI' most thrilling airports and didnt rate mention in worlds fastest growing airports so what awards has it won.

I dont give a rats backside if it was designed by Americans/ Germans or Da Vinci.. in fact design is irrelevant... once again foreigners had to do it and it was left to the Thai's to execute... thats why shortly after opening massive tracks of apron concrete had to be ripped up and replaced as it was found that substandard concrete and rebar was used , bribery takes its toll again.. gate seating on metal chairs which were recently upgraded on public protect.. I think only the US Chiropractors association objected to the upgrading.

Lets face it a disused aircraft hanger packed with efficient immigration agents and reliable baggage service would probably rate higher in most folks opinion than gleaming halls with mouldy canvas ceiling lining and an air con system which my mate at Trane Air-conditioning reckons is the worst in the world.... it apparently was specified differently but never quite made it as per the design.. go figure.

Im just not sure what makes you want to defend the indefensible.

Again.. I don't care what the airport looks like but rather how the process of getting me " the passenger" to and from the plane efficiently is executed.

Please someone get Singapore involved and let the Thai management play around with somtam carts or maybe slap up a few juniors at the metal detection points...

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The airport is a disgrace and a totally outdated ugly eyesore. The funny thing is that it is only about 6 yrs old but was not built with foresight. Thailand does need a new modern airport urgently and they need to take into consideration the travelling public and not just build a couple of sheds. Swampy is the laughing stock of Thailand, bulldoze it now and start again from scratch and don't be afraid to ask for outside help in the planning and construction because when it comes to projects like this and planning for the future the Thai's are well out of the picture they just can't do it.

Are you actually aware of all the foreign involvement in the building and planning of the airport ... right down to the the design being done by a US firm? By the way it also has one of the largest terminals in the world. It has the current capacity to handle 45-million passengers and the next phase of expansion estimated to be completed by 2016 ( a year early) will increase this level to 65-million. In addition there is also a new domestic terminal being built that will add another 20 million to the capacity in a year. The original plans designed to be done in phases includes a total capacity of over 100 Million people a year (currently busiest airport in the world serves 85 Million) which also includes the addition of another runway. It currently is in the top 20 for busiest airports (passengers) in the world. Of the 20 busiest Thailand (17th) is one of the very few that is not an "advanced" nation while also having one of the lowest GDP of them all. The airport is considered and often rated as one of the best in the world despite all the complaining people here on Thaivisa do about it ... not a bad accomplishment for a country at Thailand's economic place in the world.

Clearly airports and international travel is a pain and lines and waits are expected and there is no doubt BKK has room for improvement but it is actually a very modern airport, considering the country, with plenty of planned room for expansion.

Nisa, where are you getting your data from in terms of Swampy being awarded accolades.

In 2011 Skytrax awards it didnt even rate even in Asia category.

In fact pertinent to this thread Korea/ Beijing and Malaysia all came in top three for immigration service.

It didnt even come in on the global top 10 list ??

ACI 2010 awards didnt even rate it. It didnt rate mention in ACI' most thrilling airports and didnt rate mention in worlds fastest growing airports so what awards has it won.

Suvarnabhumi came in around the top 5% of SkyTrack's Best Airports in the world in 2011. Of more than 240 airports Skytrax rated for the 2011 World's Best Airport list, BKK came in 13th, down from 10th in 2010.

Although this page hasn't been updated for 2011 awards yet, here are some of the recognition for 2010 ...

  • 3rd Rank World’s Best Airport, “ Best in Travel Poll 2010 ” by Smarttravelasia.com, Asia online travel magazine
  • 5th Rank Best Airport by Size (Over 40 million passenger), Airport Service Quality Awards 2010 by ACI
  • 10th Rank World’s Best Airport, World Airport Awards 2010 by Skytrax
  • “ Airport of the year 2010 ”, CAPA Aviation Awards for Excellence by Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA)

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No number of awards will assuage one dissatisfied customer, who has an individual and personal experience. Take a look at sites like TripAdvisor. Range of experiences from horrid to ecstatic. Different experiences, different expectations, etc.

Exactly!! One needs to step out of their own world and look at reality (big picture) if they are going to factually condemn something and not rely on their personal experience or preferences. Not only that but it is clear a great many posters here are very biased when it comes to anything Thai but one needs to consider ... even if somebody has spent a combined total of 24 hours in the airport since its opening it certainly doesn't qualify them to know how things, such as lines, operated the other 50,000 hours ... especially when others have a tendency to complain about bad airport experiences and not relate uneventful experiences.

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Isn't passport control part of immigration which falls under the The Royal Thai Police? The airport can set up as many check points as they want but if the police don't have the manpower to support those desks, how is that the Airport's fault?

There are over 200 passport control checkpoints at the airport.

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It is not strictly about fact, it is about perception. The bad experience at immigration, the taxi trip, the cold coffee, the long treks to the departure terminal all coalesce into an overall impression and a memory, and a willingness to repeat the experience, regardless of whose fault it actually is.

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It is not strictly about fact, it is about perception. The bad experience at immigration, the taxi trip, the cold coffee, the long treks to the departure terminal all coalesce into an overall impression and a memory, and a willingness to repeat the experience, regardless of whose fault it actually is.

Again you are absolutely correct but it should be pointed out that blaming and bad mouthing an airport for something that is "possibly" not under their control is kind of silly.

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There are over 200 passport control checkpoints at the airport.

Very few of which are manned when they are needed!giggle.gif

Take off your rose-tinted specs for a moment and accept the fact that customer satisfaction comes a poor second to greed and corruption (King Power encroaching onto public areas, blocking off access to toilets, etc.) and sheer incompetence. It can be the best designed airport in the world, but if the people running it are total prats, then it's going to be a disaster.

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Nothing worse than people whining about whining ;-)

Or ppl whining about ppl whining about whining. wink.png

Or ppl whining about ppl whining about ppl whining about whining laugh.png


sorry I just couldn't resist ... thankfully you ended it.

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There are over 200 passport control checkpoints at the airport.

Very few of which are manned when they are needed!giggle.gif

Take off your rose-tinted specs for a moment and accept the fact that customer satisfaction comes a poor second to greed and corruption (King Power encroaching onto public areas, blocking off access to toilets, etc.) and sheer incompetence. It can be the best designed airport in the world, but if the people running it are total prats, then it's going to be a disaster.

Are you suggesting they take some of those Passport Inspection points the Police are not staffing and install toilets behind the desk? wink.png Suggest it to them, maybe they will go for it. Certainly not like the new fancy seat warmed and auto crack washing toilets with adjustable stream and temp. control that you will find at the Terminal 21 Mall on Asoke (or some of the bathrooms at Tokyo airport) but I am sure they would consider those hole in the floor toilets you can squat over.

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If I am due a 30 Day visa exempt stamp, but get 60 days by mistake - Its my fault for not checking and clearing it up at the time, if I stay 60 days it would be classed as a 30 day overstay.

I think you are mistaken. If you get a stamp in your passport stating you can stay in country for 60-days then that is how long you can stay... it is your official permission to be in the country. The same is true if they make a mistake and stamp you for only 15-days when you are entitled to 30-days ... unless you get the mistake corrected the recognized permissible stay in the country is only going to be 15-days.

That is not correct. If you want to debate it I suggest you ask any of the knowledgeable moderators in the Visa sub-forum.

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If I am due a 30 Day visa exempt stamp, but get 60 days by mistake - Its my fault for not checking and clearing it up at the time, if I stay 60 days it would be classed as a 30 day overstay.

I think you are mistaken. If you get a stamp in your passport stating you can stay in country for 60-days then that is how long you can stay... it is your official permission to be in the country. The same is true if they make a mistake and stamp you for only 15-days when you are entitled to 30-days ... unless you get the mistake corrected the recognized permissible stay in the country is only going to be 15-days.

That is not correct. If you want to debate it I suggest you ask any of the knowledgeable moderators in the Visa sub-forum.

What part is a mistake? If things didn't go by what is in your passport then there really would be no reason for getting incorrect information (that is almost always to your disadvantage) corrected. One could simply not worry about any over stay fines when leaving the country because they could just show immigration the day they came in is within 30-days despite the guy stamping the passport a couple days short on entry. As I stated, "I think" this is wrong but I certainly could be wrong. I am just going by incidents I am aware of that were both mistakes in favor and not in favor of people. I've actually seen a two incidents a few years ago when I was doing border runs where people had to pay more when it was clear there passport was stamped incorrectly including one where the person clearly had a visa but the immigration official stamped it with a 30-day entry stamp ... he had to pay the 20k fine.

Interesting side note is that we all know we are granted up to (or is 30 a guarantee?) 30-days stay upon arrival at the airport but I don't think I have ever received a stamp with the full 30-days. Not sure if it is because I usually arrive on an 11:50pm and get to immigration after midnight but they always stamp me for 28 or 29 days from the time I actually enter the country (go through passport control). I don't think I have ever got a stamp that gave me a full 30-days.

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