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Girlfriend For Sale


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I referred to it a couple of days ago in "The Folly" thread........I agree with you it is an interesting documentary, not sensational and I found it to be a bit unsettling.

That "Husband of the Year" section in episode 5/6 is car crash TV, and the whole series made me think.

edit for ps......

I thought there was some real pathos and humour in it too......that bit when the professional writer said to the girl, " Thai men don't think you are beautiful, but farang men do, I don't know why " (paraphrase ) was hysterical.......look at the girls face when she says it. biggrin.png

Edited by theblether
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I referred to it a couple of days ago in "The Folly" thread........I agree with you it is an interesting documentary, not sensational and I found it to be a bit unsettling.

That "Husband of the Year" section in episode 5/6 is car crash TV, and the whole series made me think.

edit for ps......

I thought there was some real pathos and humour in it too......that bit when the professional writer said to the girl, " Thai men don't think you are beautiful, but farang men do, I don't know why " (paraphrase ) was hysterical.......look at the girls face when she says it. biggrin.png

The whole series made you think what exactly? Sounds like you had an epiphany.

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This is a very misleading headline.

I was willing to go to 102,000 baht all in without even seeing her.

Ah well, your loss. angry.png

We still might be able to cut a deal... tongue.png

My favourite bit was when they were talking about the girls losing interest in Thai men and the picture was of the guys in the karaoke joint, 1 saddo with a bottle of whiskey looking like a tramp. Quite amusing.

As for Fons BF from Birmingham UK who can drink 3 bottles of Hennessy in one day? what a catch!

Your not joking!! another high point was when that young lady got on the bus and went home.......good on her!!!......

I asked in the other thread has anyone ever participated or witnessed one of these "Husband of the Year" contests?....I found that to be astounding on many levels.

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Haven't watched yet but I've never seen one of these farang made documentarys about bar girls that wasn't complete and utter BS. The hookers look at these film dudes as just another customer to peddle their BS to.

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Out in the country (and elsewhere) you meet many women like the one in the documentary. They get married to a Thai man, have children and then the man moves on. The women are then left to fend for themselves and their children because little or no financial help comes the womans way.

The vast majority live in what we would class as sub-standard housing and live from day to day, if you can call it living. Their young, fresh bodies have been used by a man (men) before they are discarded. Most of these women will not get a second Thai husband.

Then they see or hear about a Thai woman who has a Farang husband and her life can be financially transformed. This financial transformation does not have to be a big house or car or whatever, it can simply be the difference between living from hand to mouth and now having money to help buy the basic neccessities in life.

All people dream of a better life - is that not why many of us come to Thailand? So though many foreigners slag these women off, they tend to forget these women are quite desperate. Hell, yes, they even go off to sell their bodies to foreigners in the hope of being seen as beautiful enough and good enough to hook a man. For many women brought up as they are, this is against all they believe in. If they use this method and do not bring back a man they are seen as even bigger failures.

Forget for a moment about the rip offs, the scams and such like, but remember the deep down desperation most mothers have to take care of their children and see what drives them on.

The majority of men who come here to Thailand visit the main tourist areas and cities and they never see the reality of what lies behind these beautiful and exotic women they see in the bars, the women they take back to a room for a quick shag.

I totally agree with you.......that is why I found the documentary to be unsettling.

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Haven't watched yet but I've never seen one of these farang made documentarys about bar girls that wasn't complete and utter BS. The hookers look at these film dudes as just another customer to peddle their BS to.

It will be interesting to see your opinion after you have watched it.

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This financial transformation does not have to be a big house or car or whatever, it can simply be the difference between living from hand to mouth and now having money to help buy the basic neccessities in life.

If they wanted to just buy the basic necessities in life, they would get a normal job like the other 99% of the population that doesn't spend their time whoring in Pattaya. This is just something they tell farang and farang tell themselves so they don't feel like they're being scammed.

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This financial transformation does not have to be a big house or car or whatever, it can simply be the difference between living from hand to mouth and now having money to help buy the basic neccessities in life.

If they wanted to just buy the basic necessities in life, they would get a normal job like the other 99% of the population that doesn't spend their time whoring in Pattaya. This is just something they tell farang and farang tell themselves so they don't feel like they're being scammed.

I would tend to agree to a certain extent . . . why does the very small percentage of women sell themselves when there are other opportunities around - and if the answer is the amount of money to be made then any great deal of sympathy is lost.

I was watching a BBC documentary recently about sulphur collectors in the Philippines - their bodies are ruined by the heavy lifting, their lungs are whacked by the fumes . . . and one feels sorry for them or at least their plight . . . until it is revealed that there are many other things they could be doing, but collecting sulphur gives them a greater income.

You can often choose your paths in life

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Oh good for them! I always tell these girls to get as much out of these stupid old men as they can, while they can.

After all, it's not as though any of these sad sacks are going to part with thousands of baht for any other 'charity' is it? Nothing in it for them ...

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This is a very misleading headline.

I was willing to go to 102,000 baht all in without even seeing her.

Ah well, your loss. angry.png

i have a girlfriend you can have ,il even deliver her for free wink.png

I'll throw in my wife as well.

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This is a very misleading headline.

I was willing to go to 102,000 baht all in without even seeing her.

Ah well, your loss. angry.png

i have a girlfriend you can have ,il even deliver her for free wink.png

I'll throw in my wife as well.

And mine. That's three for one. I'll throw in the LED TV too if you are willing to pick her up within the next 48 hours.

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Out in the country (and elsewhere) you meet many women like the one in the documentary. They get married to a Thai man, have children and then the man moves on. The women are then left to fend for themselves and their children because little or no financial help comes the womans way.

The vast majority live in what we would class as sub-standard housing and live from day to day, if you can call it living. Their young, fresh bodies have been used by a man (men) before they are discarded. Most of these women will not get a second Thai husband.

Then they see or hear about a Thai woman who has a Farang husband and her life can be financially transformed. This financial transformation does not have to be a big house or car or whatever, it can simply be the difference between living from hand to mouth and now having money to help buy the basic neccessities in life.

All people dream of a better life - is that not why many of us come to Thailand? So though many foreigners slag these women off, they tend to forget these women are quite desperate. Hell, yes, they even go off to sell their bodies to foreigners in the hope of being seen as beautiful enough and good enough to hook a man. For many women brought up as they are, this is against all they believe in. If they use this method and do not bring back a man they are seen as even bigger failures.

Forget for a moment about the rip offs, the scams and such like, but remember the deep down desperation most mothers have to take care of their children and see what drives them on.

The majority of men who come here to Thailand visit the main tourist areas and cities and they never see the reality of what lies behind these beautiful and exotic women they see in the bars, the women they take back to a room for a quick shag.

I totally agree with you.......that is why I found the documentary to be unsettling.


Blethering good documentary and quite touching. And, if you've ever spent time in some of the small villages like I have I can say for certain that I didn't see anything unusual or out of place in the first episode.

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saw this a while back but didn't watch all parts - am intrigued to see this husband contest now!!

i also downloaded and watched Bangkok Girl which was hilarious due to this English guy in the bar who was up to all sorts of drunken behaviour and claimed to be a school teacher - hope his school never got FWDed a copy of that doc

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IMHO there are too many people who come here with their education, their money, their nice warm, comfy lifestyles back home who slag these Thai people off without ever seeing how many of them live. I am not a Thai apologist but I have seen the other side of Thai life to that in the cities and better off areas. Some epeople need to get out more.

I've been to rural Thailand many times. And to Pattaya as well, with open eyes as to what things cost and what these women in Pattaya are doing and how much they are making. You can live on almost nothing in rural Thailand. 6000 isn't much but you can live on it in rural Thailand, but it would NEVER be even remotely enough for your average bar girl. 10,000 a month is a decent salary, how many bar girls in Pattyaa would be willing to work an honest job 8 hours a day for 10,000? Hardly any, because that it peanuts compared to what they make whoring every night and scamming farang boyfriends. Most of them are already getting that per month from a boyfriend yet they continue to work. The idea that bar girls would just work a normal job if only given a chance is fiction. It's precisely because I know a huge number of Thais living on low salaries, many divorced with kids and with other financial problems, that I find the BS peddled by bar girls so ridiculous.

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I would actually like to work the job of writing the emails for these girls to the fanangs; would be a great laugh. it was funny how that lady doing this started out by saying how much she hated prostitutes....right up until the moment that these girls were willing to pay her shed loads of cash each month. I didn't stick it up because I think all of the girls are like this. Actually, I just thought it was balanced and an interesting insight not least into life of the farang living in the village being paraded like kwai. You just know that those guys are members on here smile.png

The mamasan reminded me of Yingluck in a strange way.

But how many bar girls are there working at any one time in Thailand? with a 6-12 month turn around before they give up / get married / get promoted / or whatever, the percentage of Thai ladies that have hooked at one stage in their life must surely be considerably higher than 1%. The NGO's put the number at 1-2 million at any given time which actually one drive around Pattaya makes you think they could be close which over a rolling 5 year period would get the % closer to 10% of the complete population, 20% of all women....

Edited by AdamBanks
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This is a very misleading headline.

I was willing to go to 102,000 baht all in without even seeing her.

Ah well, your loss. angry.png

i have a girlfriend you can have ,il even deliver her for free wink.png

I'll throw in my wife as well.

And mine. That's three for one. I'll throw in the LED TV too if you are willing to pick her up within the next 48 hours.

I take the TV.
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This financial transformation does not have to be a big house or car or whatever, it can simply be the difference between living from hand to mouth and now having money to help buy the basic neccessities in life.

If they wanted to just buy the basic necessities in life, they would get a normal job like the other 99% of the population that doesn't spend their time whoring in Pattaya. This is just something they tell farang and farang tell themselves so they don't feel like they're being scammed.

Then you may not have seen much of rural Thai life. Many of these people do not have much formal education to begin with to go out and get a 'normal' job unless you class working 12 hours a day out in the rice paddies for so little money.

Au, she worked in a restaurant for 3,500 Baht a month and during her time off she helped her mother make flowers to be sold at the roadside. Au and her family live in a ramshackle wood hut on the edge of the river. No electric light, no t.v. or other things we take for granted in life. Yet she would never sell herself.

Nui. Her husband turned out to be an alcoholic and a wife beater. She lost everything. When I last saw her she was living and sleeping beneath a stilted house all year round. No bed, no electric or other basic neccessities in life. She also had little education to get a 'normal' job yet she did what she could to raise and feed her family.

Santi. Working as a manager in a hotel and on 6,000 Baht a month. He could not afford a woman, a car or a house. He lives with his sister so they can make ends meet by the time they have paid rent and electric and othe basics in life. He took a government computer repair course while also working 12 hours a day in an effort to improve himself then found there was no work in that line. Between him and his sister they were doing a lot better than the former 2 I mentioned.

The guy at the top of the mud road who lived in a ramshackle corrugated tin hut. Every day at dawn he was up and out working until dusk. You knew he was at home by the flickering light in that shack he lived in.

These are but a few examples of people I met while I was living out in the country. Au had the looks to go and work a bar but she refused. All of them had their pride. And at least one of these ate a small bag of sticky rice each day and it was a luxury for him to have a hot meal.

BUT if they were given the opportunity to be with a foreign man or lady that could enhance their lifestyle at least 3 of those would have jumped at the chance.

IMHO there are too many people who come here with their education, their money, their nice warm, comfy lifestyles back home who slag these Thai people off without ever seeing how many of them live. I am not a Thai apologist but I have seen the other side of Thai life to that in the cities and better off areas. Some epeople need to get out more.

What you are talking about is their first 2 weeks in Pattaya,after that the whole story drastically changes.
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IMHO there are too many people who come here with their education, their money, their nice warm, comfy lifestyles back home who slag these Thai people off without ever seeing how many of them live. I am not a Thai apologist but I have seen the other side of Thai life to that in the cities and better off areas. Some epeople need to get out more.

I've been to rural Thailand many times. And to Pattaya as well, with open eyes as to what things cost and what these women in Pattaya are doing and how much they are making. You can live on almost nothing in rural Thailand. 6000 isn't much but you can live on it in rural Thailand, but it would NEVER be even remotely enough for your average bar girl. 10,000 a month is a decent salary, how many bar girls in Pattyaa would be willing to work an honest job 8 hours a day for 10,000? Hardly any, because that it peanuts compared to what they make whoring every night and scamming farang boyfriends. Most of them are already getting that per month from a boyfriend yet they continue to work. The idea that bar girls would just work a normal job if only given a chance is fiction. It's precisely because I know a huge number of Thais living on low salaries, many divorced with kids and with other financial problems, that I find the BS peddled by bar girls so ridiculous.

DP25, I have to agree with you to a certain extent; but it is extremely difficult to come down from a high to existing for a living, financially speaking. This is with reference to your bargirl working for less than she is currently earning.

I have to agree that the majority of the girls do what they do for a reason, whether it be providing for children, family, the hope of meeting the "saving" Farang, financial gain, etc, etc, etc.

I realise that this is obviously a Thailand forum, but expanding the topic to the "civilized western ideal", how many girls/boys do you have doing exactly the same? And where is their excuse for it? These are countries with all the safety nets, the education systems, the health systems; everything that Thailand is generally slated for not having.

If you don't know the figures of your native country, look them up and multiply by ten to get realistic numbers. I think you will be surprised. But that is easy to overlook.

It is a way of life, the oldest profession in the world, and it happens in every country on this earth in one form or another. Thailand gets a bad rep for it because it is open and hasn't as yet been driven into the ground, ie, underground. But as seen in the documentary, not everyone adopts that life, there is pride everywhere.

This is not pro-Thai or anti-Thai, this is just the way it is.

Edited by chrisinth
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This is a very misleading headline.

I was willing to go to 102,000 baht all in without even seeing her.

Ah well, your loss. angry.png

i have a girlfriend you can have ,il even deliver her for free wink.png

How many miles are on the clock ?

Does she use much oil ?

is there a lot of smoke from the back end ?

Will it be C.O.D. or swap ? clap2.gif

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This is a very misleading headline.

I was willing to go to 102,000 baht all in without even seeing her.

Ah well, your loss. angry.png

i have a girlfriend you can have ,il even deliver her for free wink.png

I'll throw in my wife as well.

Just throwing in your wife without knowing my terms raises a red flag immediately.

It sounds like you an expensive model there or an old model that burns too much oil and is hard on parts.

However, I wont discard your suggestion as yet.

May I have an opportunity to have a quick look under the hood before commiting or a test drive at the very least ? licklips.gif

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