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Denmark to legalize same-sex marriage this year


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Denmark to legalize same-sex marriage this year

2012-03-13 22:36:02 GMT+7 (ICT)

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (BNO NEWS) -- Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt on Tuesday said the government will introduce draft legislation this week to legalize same-sex marriages later this year, a move which had been expected for years.

Denmark was the first country in the world to legalize same-sex unions in 1989 but, despite a generally tolerant society towards homosexuality, politicians repeatedly rejected bills to legalize same-sex marriage. The previous Danish government also rejected a same-sex marriage bill last year.

But Thorning said the Danish government will submit a draft legislation on Wednesday which will allow same-sex couples to get married at both City Hall and the Church of Denmark if they find a priest who is willing to perform the wedding. Although some church leaders have spoken out against same-sex marriage, previous surveys have suggested that as many as 70 percent of priests are willing to marry same-sex couples.

"It will be up to each priest whether he or she will perform gay marriages, but the government gives all members of the church the right to get married in church, whether they want to marry a person of the opposite or same sex," Thorning said during her weekly press conference on Tuesday.

Thorning, who said the new legislation will come into force on June 15, said the government's solution respects both positions in the debate. "We found a good solution where we maintain the openness within the church, where priests can refuse to marry gay couples," she said, adding that the bill respects each citizen's choice.

Last year, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community marked the 10th anniversary of the first ever same-sex marriage in the world. The Netherlands was the first country in the world to officially recognize and allow same-sex marriages after Queen Beatrix signed the marriage bill into law on December 21, 2000. It went into law on April 1, 2001.

If Denmark legalizes same-sex marriage as expected, it will become the eleventh country in the world to perform them. Same-sex marriages are currently performed in Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, and Sweden. Same-sex marriages are also performed in parts of the United States, Mexico and Brazil.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-03-13

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The state has no right to dictate how people that love each-other can and can not live together.

Remove all the nonsense tax-incentives for married couples and replace it with civil contracts.

Would also open up for polygamy if anyone so wish.

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The state has no right to dictate how people that love each-other can and can not live together.

Remove all the nonsense tax-incentives for married couples and replace it with civil contracts.

Would also open up for polygamy if anyone so wish.

You forgot that all churches need to be closed too, it would most certainly simplify life in a lot of aspects.

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'if they find a priest who is willing to perform the wedding'

lets hope the priests are hiding. Homophobic? Yes

I guess it's still OK to come out as bigoted against gays, but not OK to be openly bigoted based on race. Progress still to be made.coffee1.gif
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Disclosure: I'm not gay. I'm not religious. I'm not married. I think this issue is just a massive waste of government's time that they should be spending on more important issues that affect closer to 100% of the population and not just 5-10%. If you TRULY love someone, you don't care what your "union" is called as long as you are together. Period.

but the government gives all members of the church the right to get married in church,

No separation of Church and State in Denmark apparently.

The state has no right to dictate how people that love each-other can and can not live together.

But the State apparently has the right to tell religions how to do their business.

You forgot that all churches need to be closed too, it would most certainly simplify life in a lot of aspects.

Nice to see people so tolerant of those with religious views.

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The state has no right to dictate how people that love each-other can and can not live together.

But the State apparently has the right to tell religions how to do their business.

No, it has not. The above is just a showing of people thinking that the government has then right to force things upon people. Be it pro or anti gay-marriage - the state should force neither upon anyone.

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The state has no right to dictate how people that love each-other can and can not live together.

But the State apparently has the right to tell religions how to do their business.

No, it has not. The above is just a showing of people thinking that the government has then right to force things upon people. Be it pro or anti gay-marriage - the state should force neither upon anyone.

I agree, The State/govt should stay out of it.

"Gay marriage" is one of those issues used by politicians to distract voters from more serious, tough, high priority issues that touch ALL citizens (jobs, war, economy, health care, etc).

Now, I'm sure to two people who love each other so much that they require a label that is recognized by a government in order to be happy, the issue of marriage is very important. But for the overwhelming majority of people it never will be.

Yes, in some cases the rights are different. But then again, there are a lot of people who are very happy just living together - outside of marriage or civil unions - and I've never heard them complain about not having the same rights. Maybe that's because they are happy just being together, which is the most important thing anyway.

For the record, I have no problem with two people of the same sex getting married if that's what makes them happy. Just get out of the way and let the gov't work on the serious stuff.

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You forgot that all churches need to be closed too, it would most certainly simplify life in a lot of aspects.

Nice to see people so tolerant of those with religious views.

Well I am sorry koheesti, but it is not like they are the ones showing a lot of that themselves now are they, and not only concerning the subject at hand in this topic.

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You forgot that all churches need to be closed too, it would most certainly simplify life in a lot of aspects.

Nice to see people so tolerant of those with religious views.

Well I am sorry koheesti, but it is not like they are the ones showing a lot of that themselves now are they, and not only concerning the subject at hand in this topic.

I think organized religion is BS too but I understand that for many people it is very important so I wouldn't close houses of worship down. Same with this topic - the idea of sexual relations with another man is repulsive to me personally but I understand not everyone feels that way and I don't object to them having fun. And even though gays can be very intolerant of others just like some religious people can - I don't paint all of them with the same brush. Live and let live.

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It isn't always a naming issue only. In some countries, it is also an equal rights issue. In other words, when civil unions don't give the couples the same civil rights as married people.

Well, the laws should be changed so that civil unions give the couples the same civil rights as married people. That would leave marriage as a union between a man and a woman and not violate anyone's religious beliefs or civil rights.

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You forgot that all churches need to be closed too, it would most certainly simplify life in a lot of aspects.

Nice to see people so tolerant of those with religious views.

Well I am sorry koheesti, but it is not like they are the ones showing a lot of that themselves now are they, and not only concerning the subject at hand in this topic.

I think organized religion is BS too but I understand that for many people it is very important so I wouldn't close houses of worship down. Same with this topic - the idea of sexual relations with another man is repulsive to me personally but I understand not everyone feels that way and I don't object to them having fun. And even though gays can be very intolerant of others just like some religious people can - I don't paint all of them with the same brush. Live and let live.

I support the equal right quest for gay people, just like I support other situations which are not balanced.

The reason I have a problem with religion and what most of it represents, is that it is organized, organized and dogmatic intolerance.

Intolerant like I said before, not just concerning the subject at hand. The individuals I can handle and even respect, not the "organization" or the ones using and abusing what ones maybe even seemed to have some good ideas.

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A lot of people miss a big issue on marriage/civil unions and that has to do with certain rights. If there is no legally sanctioned relationship then lots of problems can occur. If you are gravely ill, who decides on your medical treatment? Who has access to your home? Your bank accounts? If you die, who determines what happens with your body?

The person you may have spent a significant part of your life with may well be totally excluded from even visiting you in the hospital. They may be left homeless. Many disapproving families are not very caring at these times.

It's true you can visit an attorney and do the paperwork, however, let's hope that car crash that puts you in a coma doesn't happen on the way to the attorney's office.

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I am by no means an expert regarding the existing laws; well other than being married a few times, I know very little about the legal side but it seems to me that governments are always looking for ways to 'introduce new legislation'. One of the main faults with today's world is that there are far too many laws.

Would it not be simpler for them to take out any reference to sex in the current laws? If they are going to legalize same-sex marriage are there still going to be differences?

If so then they are just pandering and gay people should not accept this. IMHO of course.

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I am by no means an expert regarding the existing laws; well other than being married a few times, I know very little about the legal side but it seems to me that governments are always finding ways to 'introduce new legislation'. One of the main faults with today's world is that there are far too many laws.

Would it not be simpler for them to take out any reference to sex in the current laws? If they are going to legalize same-sex marriage are there still going to be differences?

If so then they are just pandering and gays should not accept this. IMHO of course.

Methinks you are over-thinking this one too much. I reckon they did what is possible under Danish law. It sounds good to me. I would be thrilled if my government "pandered" to me in this way to change my citizenship status from second to first.
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There are two types of news on the site; Thai news and World News. This story isn't Thai related, so I guess by default it's world news.

I am well aware of that. To be more explicit then Scott, why is this subject of such importance it is deemed to be worthy of global attention? Anywhere? I am not talking about it's labeling on a Thai chat forum. It is a non starter with the present array of current affairs issues. If such massive issues were not made of such minor stories, then certain minority groups would cease to be minority groups wouldn't they. The fact that things like this are publicized when there are much more serious issues in the world only serves to prolong the status of a minority group. If Gays wish to be married, then cool, get on with it and stop making a fuss. If we want normality and acceptance as a group, then don't make a regular thing abnormal. Even if Gays have been fighting for 100 years for these rights, when they get them, just crack on and live life. So in summary, marriage is a normal event, the Gays in Denmark can now participate in the normal event, so keep it normal and don't sensationalize it. I am simply not interested in what people do in their personal lives and it is not worthy of global news in general.

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