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Bus 14 Stops On Rail Tracks While Train Is Coming


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I was already quite frustrated, because the driver waited for 15-20 minutes at both Siam and Victory Monument to fill up the whole bus.

This in itself is something he probably shouldn't do, but what came next was what really made me open this topic: he didn't stop at a red light, instead drove the bus right onto the railway tracks to wait there.

There are no railway crossing lights or any other safety devices at this crossing, only a normal traffic light, but nobody should stop over tracks here. There were no cars in front or behind us.

A train was approaching from our left however, and its headlight could already be seen when we stopped over the tracks. There was almost a minute left from the red sign, and the driver just waited there, not caring that the back of the bus (where I was sitting) could be hit by the train. There were other passengers also sh*tting their pants, and at least one girl was about to shout when we finally moved. I just simply can't believe how such morons can drive a bus and be given responsibility over so many people. This could very easily have been a tragic accident if we had to wait for longer, as I am certain he didn't see the train. (or if he did... well, what can I say.)

It was a long white-blue bus, and I do remember its number - where can I report it??

Edited by shatteredreams
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You should definitely report this incident to the number tombkk mentioned. Too many people (on this forum, at least) are of the assumption that complaining or reporting things never does any good over here, but actually it makes a difference more often than you might realise.

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I would encourage you to call and complain for two reasons. Firstly, it is absolute nonsense that complaints are ignored, especially by the bus companies. Indeed, many of the companies have competitions which employees enter to win prizes and bonuses. Any negative customer complains will be registered, and dealt with provided the complainant properly identifies the bus, the incident date and time.

I have personal experience of such. Once, several years ago I tried to board a bus at LadPhrao outside The Mall. As was their annoying practice, the driver didn't actually stop, but rather kept rolling forward expecting all passengers to run with the bus and alight whilst the bus was in motion. Having a knee injury at the time from a motorbike accident I banged on the open door of the bus and shouted "Stop, stop". ("Yut, yut" -in Thai obviously!). The bus immediately stopped and I got on, berating the driver for not stopping. The driver apologised, but the ticket lady who turned out to be the driver's wife became very abusive saying, "Did you fall yet? Why did you make such a noise? You think the bus must stop just for you? Why you so special?"

I had my secret weapon with me fortunately....my wife. I shouted back just as loudly in Thai " What part of the sign "Bus Stop" don't you understand? Bus, or Stop?". While all this was going on my secret weapon was on the phone to the bus company and the company was able to hear the full conversation as it happened. After this the driver and ticket lady were reprimanded but denied the incident even happened. However, their denial fell on deaf ears as the bus company staff had heard everything and we had a recording too.To cut a very long story short, the ticket lady ended up several days later, apologising and grovelling to my wife and I with the most ingratiating wai possible.

Secondly, the more the public complain, the more likely things will improve. The action taken in my case which was trivial by comparison with the OP was very professional on the part of the bus company.

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Call 1184. I hope you have the date/time and the number painted on the outside of the bus, alternatively the licence plate will do.

Thanks, I will give it a try. Good thing I remember that painted number. (14-06)

Would be good to know the outcome. NB you might have to communicate in Thai for that number, I'd guess.

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Call 1184. I hope you have the date/time and the number painted on the outside of the bus, alternatively the licence plate will do.

Thanks, I will give it a try. Good thing I remember that painted number. (14-06)

Good! smile.png

I also see a lot of similar-minded people here. Complaining over here does not change anything, BMTA is most likely not reading this forum. However, they do act upon qualified complaints.

It would be most appreciated if you also posted the outcome here.

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Riley'sLife is right - some things cannot just be left without even trying to correct them. There loads of whinging foreigners sure, because things aren't how they like them in their own country, but there are also times when rudeness, danger and malpractice REQUIRE the more assertive of us to actually TRY and do something about it. Hell, even if we don't succeed it's worth them knowing that we'd do it...which might just make them think "oops, my Thai customers just accept it but I'd better not try this on so much".

Bad taxi drivers can be reported. I had a bad one (no, I've had loads, but only one bad enough to report) who doubled the charge for just taking my luggage which he deemed heavy and then speeding on ahead and not following my taxi to my apartment. So he was lost somewhere with ALL my luggage in Bangkok. I reported him, central line listened and even followed up the next day telling me what disciplinary action they dished out.

When it's bad enough, complain. Forget the "nothing will happen so I won't bother" rhetoric. Nothing will change for you next time then.

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Everyone can complain after it happened. Why bother in the first place and instead do something about it at the moment of trouble. I don't like complaints

"Everyone can complain after it happened."

Eh??? Bit difficult to complain before it happens don't you think?

"Why bother in the first place..."

Because if no-one complained nothing would ever change.

"...and instead do something about it at the moment of trouble."

Do what, get out and push because the driver clearly doesn't give a toss?

"I don't like complaints"

Say whaaaaat!!!

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Tell them you have caught the whole event on video with your phone and it will be going viral on You Tube soon unless the company issues an infraction to the driver.

I probably would have fired up my camera as soon as I noticed the driver was approaching a RR crossing box where there was no clear exit on the other side.

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You need to complain. No complaints change nothing, complaints *may* change something.

Had a mad van driver cutting me short on the high way a while ago, needed to break really hard to avoid a crash.

He had his company's number written on the back. Guess what, a mile or so down the road he was driving on the left lane slowly and talking on the phone. I waived at him when I overtook ...

sent from my Android phone

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You need to complain. No complaints change nothing, complaints *may* change something.

Had a mad van driver cutting me short on the high way a while ago, needed to break really hard to avoid a crash.

He had his company's number written on the back. Guess what, a mile or so down the road he was driving on the left lane slowly and talking on the phone. I waived at him when I overtook ...

sent from my Android phone

OMG, you are actually internationally civilized. Shocking

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