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Speak English, For Goodnes Sake!


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Naw, I just find another guy from Scotland and ask him what he is on about.

But how are you supposed to understand a Scott, a Welshman, or some Cockney from London?

Indeed Ian, and why would you want to?

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Naw, I just find another guy from Scotland and ask him what he is on about.

But how are you supposed to understand a Scott, a Welshman, or some Cockney from London?

Je Ne dinnae ken pas

Love it,

Don't know if you have seen the elevator sketch.

Google you tube elevator scottish accent, you'll find it

Edited by overherebc
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Naw, I just find another guy from Scotland and ask him what he is on about.

But how are you supposed to understand a Scott, a Welshman, or some Cockney from London?

Indeed Ian, and why would you want to?

of course 99.999% of the time no one would want to.

however just maybe that 0.001 % chance ( bit of immagination needed ) they offered to get a round in...drunk.gif

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Naw, I just find another guy from Scotland and ask him what he is on about.

But how are you supposed to understand a Scott, a Welshman, or some Cockney from London?

Indeed Ian, and why would you want to?

of course 99.999% of the time no one would want to.

however just maybe that 0.001 % chance ( bit of immagination needed ) they offered to get a round in...drunk.gif

So why do you need to understand? Its more of a problem with the English, who are remarkably slow to get a round in, unless pushed (or pished)


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Everyone should just learn how to speak blethergy.

You wouldn't get much work done though, everyone loves a good blether.

Aye, Yir haeverin laddie haeverin

You'll be getting us all closed down on the unnumbered 3rd para rule, so you will, by the way.

And, I suppose, rule 21, now. And I suppose my post #20 sails close to rule 7. In fact, it would seem this thread is a rank hotbed of flagrancy with respect to accepted social norms on this forum...

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quote ''So why do you need to understand? SC''

wouldn't want to miss a first

It would be a first if a Scotsman was to ask you what you wanted. You'll drink what's put in front of you, and be grateful for it.


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The most important rule with foreign languages is, Never learn the swearwords. Then anyone can swear at you as much as they like, but it doesn't matter because you don't understand. I used this strategy in Hong Kong (Cantonese is immensely rich in swearwords), and it worked a treat.

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The most important rule with foreign languages is, Never learn the swearwords. Then anyone can swear at you as much as they like, but it doesn't matter because you don't understand. I used this strategy in Hong Kong (Cantonese is immensely rich in swearwords), and it worked a treat.

I agree; we are wont to misuse swear words in foreign languages because we don't really appreciate them; better not to learn them.

Anyway, with swear words, its better to use your own; people will normally understand the general intent, if not the full specific meaning.

Of course, as others have said often enough, it soon becomes apparent if you learnt your vocabulary at SCU or Nana Poly


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quote ''So why do you need to understand? SC''

wouldn't want to miss a first

It would be a first if a Scotsman was to ask you what you wanted. You'll drink what's put in front of you, and be grateful for it.


it would need to be a stiff one to get drunk.gif over the shock

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Everyone should just learn how to speak blethergy.

You wouldn't get much work done though, everyone loves a good blether.

Aye, Yir haeverin laddie haeverin


A wee bit of haeverin goes a long way.........it allows we Scots to take advantage of the greatest benefit our native tongue has bestowed upon us.

Plausible deny-ability.

I've extricated myself from many a scrape by merely saying, "No, no, that's not what I said, it's my accent, you see, you must have mis-understood me".

Usually met with a nod of the head and an acknowledgement.

I love being Scottish. biggrin.png

The English haven't sussed it out that we do all the naughty stuff and blame them. The Chinese are still going off on one about the Opium Wars and they blame the English, when in reality it was caused by two Scotsmen, Jardine and Matheson. The English don't know that we Scots are taught to phrases when still in nappies.

"A big boy did it and ran away" and

"It wiznae us, it wiz thame"

The "thame" referred to are invariably the English. happy.png

Cunning, very cunning.

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quote ''So why do you need to understand? SC''

wouldn't want to miss a first

It would be a first if a Scotsman was to ask you what you wanted. You'll drink what's put in front of you, and be grateful for it.


it would need to be a stiff one to get drunk.gif over the shock

You can away home to think again if you think I'm going to give you a stiff one

Edited by StreetCowboy
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