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Night Spots To Close Nationwide For Thai Princess' Funeral April 8-10

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The question is do they have a choice in the matter-- answer no! Do they get compensated for loss of earnings-- answer no! is there any consideration for the effect that this will have on businesses-- answer no! Has this been particularly well thought out-- answer no!

Kindly clarify why you feel this has not been "particularly well thought out."

Out of respect for the Royal Family during a Royal period it is reasonable to request that these businesses close. There are many places in the world where businesses are closed by law on official holidays.

In reality we all know that it is not a 'request' but an order! That is why is not so well thought out. Naturally any business owner would be aware of the usual holiday religious and those pertaining to the birthday of the King and Queen, this holiday does not fall within that remit, perhaps if it were on the day of the funeral itself (10th) but the two days prior to that! As I said it is an order, see if you can open your bar by saying it was a request.

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I fell sorry for most of you lot that have to drink 365 days a year. Don't you realise that you have a serious problem. Just because you drink every day, don't make the mistake of thinking that everyone else does. The majority of tourists won't mind not having alcohol. Maybe you've never been outside the red light districts, so you probably haven't noticed that there are millions of tourists that don't drink alcohol, or who don't mind not having alcohol for a few days.

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There are some stupid laws about selling alcohol in Thailand and some weird customs as to how long someone dies before having the funeral but the custom is not to sell alcohol on days like these and religious holidays and we should respect those customs. No reason you can't have your mates over for a few pre-purchased beers. I assume foreigners can plan ahead? As for visitors well they might be fed up and it would be hoped that hotels can cater to their registered guests on their premises but not sure.

Part of the issue is that the actual details are not fully explained

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Show some respect people. This is Thailand for gods sake so respect the Royal family. If the tourists don't like it then tuff luck, go to Cambodia for a few days or Laos etc. or try to actually do something else rather then bar monger.

You people claim to live in this wonderful country that is ruled by a great Family yet you can't even respect when one of it's members dies and has a ceremony? King Rama 5 is and was a greatly respected King bye everyone including the present King so yes the Princess if their family also.

The article forgot to mention that they are asking that everyone dress in black on those days to show respect.

Do something positive for a change and if you do live here and see tourists that are a little discouraged try and help them by pointing them to venues that you might know of or suggest some other things for them to do. Make this a positive issue NOT a bar closer issue.

You should apply for a job at the tourist board, as to respect surely it comes down to choice rather than enforced!

I am unclear why you feel it should not be enforced.

Many aspects of societal respect are enforced by law.

When the Queen Mother reached 100 years of age many shops closed out of respect for her birthday, there was no request, when Princess Diana was buried many shops closed out of respect, there was no request, there was no enforcement, it was entirely voluntary. That is the point I am trying to make, this 'request' is not voluntary, its an order with the possibility of LM being enforced for those who didn't comply.

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I am sorry for those people who will not party during those 3 days ... come on its only 3 days ...and there are other things to do in life than going to party, getting drunk. Even for tourists. This is Thailand and we have to respect .

fully agree with you laurent , You can party every day in Thailand> I little bit respect for the royal family and the thai tradition if you all want to stay in this beautiful country

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All those people who had saved all year for your one week holiday in Thailand, ha ha a lot of sex tourist will have to buy a magazine and spend thier time in the hotel rooms alone. No girls, no booze and no party for you.

Even during a "bar closed" day, a porn magazine would be harder to acquire than a girl, booze or a party.

I highly concur....................


Should read "half staff" not "half mast".

A well known American dictionary, Webster's, considers the words interchangeable, pointing out that half-mast (from the 1620s) is older than half-staff (which first appeared in the early 1700s.)

The Oxford Guide to Canadian English Usage rejects the argument that one of the terms should be restricted to ships. It says "half-mast and half-staff are both in common use for flags on land, and both terms are perfectly acceptable."


When I mentioned this story to my Thai girlfriend, I found it interesting that she had no idea who this Princess was. Guess the Royal family must be large.... Regarding the popular imagery by the upcountry guys of a sexpat alcoholic in Pattaya going into withdrawal for three days, I am not really sure that is valid. But I am pretty sure the first time tourists will be confused.... :-) But look at the bright side, the tourists will save millions of baht !!!!

Since all thinking people here know that 90 % of the sex/drinking trade is by and for Thai people, I will be curious to see what the big Thai entertainment places do regarding closure. Think I will have to have a drive around during those three days and see for myself.....

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its not good, i wont be able to hang around the farang bars conversing with the experts on thailand, or the broken by a bargirl mob, the village barber wont be cutting hair, mum & pops stores in the village will not be selling 10 baht shots of lao.


Show some respect people. This is Thailand for gods sake so respect the Royal family. If the tourists don't like it then tuff luck, go to Cambodia for a few days or Laos etc. or try to actually do something else rather then bar monger.

You people claim to live in this wonderful country that is ruled by a great Family yet you can't even respect when one of it's members dies and has a ceremony? King Rama 5 is and was a greatly respected King bye everyone including the present King so yes the Princess if their family also.

The article forgot to mention that they are asking that everyone dress in black on those days to show respect.

Do something positive for a change and if you do live here and see tourists that are a little discouraged try and help them by pointing them to venues that you might know of or suggest some other things for them to do. Make this a positive issue NOT a bar closer issue.

Laying it on a bit thick there. People are in this country for many reasons. Often probably not the same as yours.


If they ban alcohol for 3 days in mourning for someone very few people have ever heard of (including Thais by the way) how long will the period last when someone even more important passes away?


Already got a street party's worth in the loft, said CalgaryII. tongue.png

I reckon Calgaryll might be off to Laos for Songkran!


Show some respect people. This is Thailand for gods sake so respect the Royal family. If the tourists don't like it then tuff luck, go to Cambodia for a few days or Laos etc. or try to actually do something else rather then bar monger.

You people claim to live in this wonderful country that is ruled by a great Family yet you can't even respect when one of it's members dies and has a ceremony? King Rama 5 is and was a greatly respected King bye everyone including the present King so yes the Princess if their family also.

The article forgot to mention that they are asking that everyone dress in black on those days to show respect.

Do something positive for a change and if you do live here and see tourists that are a little discouraged try and help them by pointing them to venues that you might know of or suggest some other things for them to do. Make this a positive issue NOT a bar closer issue.

You should apply for a job at the tourist board, as to respect surely it comes down to choice rather than enforced!

I am unclear why you feel it should not be enforced.

Many aspects of societal respect are enforced by law.

When the Queen Mother reached 100 years of age many shops closed out of respect for her birthday, there was no request, when Princess Diana was buried many shops closed out of respect, there was no request, there was no enforcement, it was entirely voluntary. That is the point I am trying to make, this 'request' is not voluntary, its an order with the possibility of LM being enforced for those who didn't comply.

I agree. Respect is given, not taken. No one will know just how much respect Thais have if businesses are closed because they have to be. If it's up to the individual, then we would see the respect as it really is.


All those people who had saved all year for your one week holiday in Thailand, ha ha a lot of sex tourist will have to buy a magazine and spend thier time in the hotel rooms alone. No girls, no booze and no party for you.

Good they can pray at the Wat.

I expect to spend time praying at the Wat it is good for the soul


If they ban alcohol for 3 days in mourning for someone very few people have ever heard of (including Thais by the way) how long will the period last when someone even more important passes away?


Long enough for most of them to get good and drunk, just like they will this time, but catch a farang with a leo in his hand and katy bar the door.


When I mentioned this story to my Thai girlfriend, I found it interesting that she had no idea who this Princess was. Guess the Royal family must be large.... Regarding the popular imagery by the upcountry guys of a sexpat alcoholic in Pattaya going into withdrawal for three days, I am not really sure that is valid. But I am pretty sure the first time tourists will be confused.... :-) But look at the bright side, the tourists will save millions of baht !!!!

Since all thinking people here know that 90 % of the sex/drinking trade is by and for Thai people, I will be curious to see what the big Thai entertainment places do regarding closure. Think I will have to have a drive around during those three days and see for myself.....

My guess is your going to see lots of drunk Thai's, I don't know about the Big Thai entertainment places, but every mom and pop place you pass will have drunk Thai's laying around enjoying their forced holiday.


Most Thais will be drinking their Chang beer as usual, in their local neighbourhoods, hole-in-the wall restaurants and small karaoke bars. A tourist family who want to enjoy a nice cool beer or glass of wine to accompany their meal, on the other hand, will be banned from doing so. It's just going to ruin people's holiday. How is it disrespectful to enjoy a few beers in the evening? Drunks will be drunks no matter what. It's the law-abiding family tourist - the very "quality" tourist that Thailand wants to attract - that will be hit.

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Most Thais will be drinking their Chang beer as usual, in their local neighbourhoods, hole-in-the wall restaurants and small karaoke bars. A tourist family who want to enjoy a nice cool beer or glass of wine to accompany their meal, on the other hand, will be banned from doing so. It's just going to ruin people's holiday. How is it disrespectful to enjoy a few beers in the evening? Drunks will be drunks no matter what. It's the law-abiding family tourist - the very "quality" tourist that Thailand wants to attract - that will be hit.

What you have successfully described in your last sentence is, as you well know, Thai logic.

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They sure don't give much thought to the Thais that will do it tough without the revenue of these 3 trading days.

..... Make this a positive issue NOT a bar closer issue.

But the very headline in this headline grabbing post by Thai Visa is 100% about bar closures !


Can't believe no one commented on the crappy photo - is that supposed to represent the wild nightlife here?

I think it's a bit much to ask foreigners, especially those for whom the whole idea of royalty is anathema, to respect that instititution more than the locals do in practice. Those that put money above everything else are IMO just as unbalanced as those that think alcohol is so important, but no need to panic punters!

Perhaps some of the bigger massage and night clubs might close, but believe me, alcohol will be freely available at the smaller places that pay off the BiB, and there won't be any shortage of ladies offering their wares in the usual public places, and most of the behind-closed-doors front operations as well - coffee shops, barber shops and hair salons, smaller massage places, short-time hotels, blatant brothels, blow-job bars etc will still be operating as normal.

Just as true a face of Thailand as those (I suspect very few) genuinely mourning the loss of a princess.

If you choose to live here then you respect the laws of the country; you just have to not disrespect the institution of royalty.


Looks like the year 2555 equates to 1812 in the West

They are so backwards looking they can almost see the future..drunk.gif

This is an unkind comment. If you don't like it here, why do you stay?
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If they ban alcohol for 3 days in mourning for someone very few people have ever heard of (including Thais by the way) how long will the period last when someone even more important passes away?


I wonder why you are asking this question. What difference could it possibly make?

Of course, I would imagine with tea money paid, many venues will be open anyway. Money talks here as usual.

Disagree. Not this time, not for a Royal funeral.

I was in Pattaya for the first anniversary of the Queen Mother's passing. Everything related to partying was closed for something like 5 days and I mean everything.


Three rehearsals of the April 9 funeral service for HRH Princess Bejaratana have been scheduled for this month.

Will alcohol be banned during the rehearsals???

I wonder why you ask this question. What difference could it possibly make to you?

At the end of the day the smart people will stock up and drink privately. It doesn't say you can't drink, only that drink can't be sold.

I asked the girl at a bar on an alcohol free day what I could have to drink, and I was told "no alcohol today, only beer".

Amazing Thailand indeed.


That is right before Songkran. There will be some unhappy tourists that have come here for a party.

Why? Songkhran sets off on the 12th in Pattaya and a day later in other parts so it is not affected by this ceremony.


The concept of National Mourning must be dating back to medieval times. "Though shall mourn". The world have moved on, people can make their own decisions on these concepts. The back side of the National Mourning medal is that lots of people are very unhappy about it as they make probably a substantial part of their income in the weeks to come. It erodes the support for certain institutions. I bet that Chamlong disagrees with me, although in those circles they proposed a dictatorial government because it would be more honest.. a bit like his partner Sondhi I suppose.

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