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The Thai Visa Clique


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I know I shouldn't, but I'm bored, so I'll hit the 'add reply' button. :D

Anyone coming out with 'white trash' comments deserves to be beaten up, let alone banned. The validity or not of the rest of your views and opinions is irrelevant. Civilised behaviour is expected in any community, else it degenerates into a crap hole.

Problem I see on TV is more a case of some mods that have let power go to their heads. Hard to keep an even and fair balance when you can post your views and just switch off the opposition.... This sometimes puts a bit of a straightjacket on the forum. Of course rules have to be followed to keep the ship floating, but arrogance can easily get the better of one when everyone has to jump at your growling.

The cliques will always exist. It's natural. TV seems to actually be less so these days than a while back.

Oops... I didn't preview the post  :o

We get the "power hungry, etc" comments almost everytime someone disagrees with a decision we make. However I must take exception with your accusation that we use moderator tools to win arguements. It's well accepted among the mod team that we don't moderate discussions we're engaged in unless a serious thing happens and nobody else is online.

None of us are so unbalanced as to let our minimal "power" go to our heads as I do not know another member of the team who doesn't have much more important and serious things that occupy the majority of their day that far exceeds the so-called "power" of being a forum moderator.

When we are here we try as best we could to find that balance between where you contend that civilised behaviour should be expected, and where you accused us of letting the "power" go to our heads. If anyone has a formula to keep both sides of that equation satisfied without upsetting any one of thousands of unique members then please tell us because pleasing everyone all the time is something thats sadly beyond our "power" :D


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I suspect that if the OP is a TV regular, mods will be more lenient, is this true?

anyone? mods?

Not necessarily rio... if you re-read my first post in this particular thread you will note that I was trying to be helpful and supportive to a not-so-regular member who aired his/her concerns.

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I've been a member for almost a year now but, have only started posting recently.

I see the cliques that some are talking about and understand the OP's problem. I have never let it bother me and, I'd like to think I've struck up a couple of friendships out there.

I've never once been jumped on or felt bullied, by anyone on TV, as I never will do in life. I enjoy the forum for what it is and, use it as so. If I feel a topic is going in the wrong direction for me I either don't enter or get out.

Maybe OP could just try dipping your toe in for a while, it could be worth it. There's quite a few cool cats on here, (as you'll already know).


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I'm new as new can be, but you seem to be bloody great bunch, very fair, balnced and reasonable like.

It can't be too easy modding a forum this big.

Keep up the good work.

Great first post :D

You know the non-mods are gonna severely rip on you now right? :D

Welcome to Thaivisa. :o


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I suspect that if the OP is a TV regular, mods will be more lenient, is this true?

anyone? mods?

Not necessarily rio... if you re-read my first post in this particular thread you will note that I was trying to be helpful and supportive to a not-so-regular member who aired his/her concerns.

OK Ive re-read it and yes, thanks JD, I understand what you were saying... maybe the last bit of my post was unhelpfull, its the rest of my post that i am hoping for a response from.

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Rio you're probably partially right inasmuch as we'll give a veteran member the benefit of the doubt if they have a bad night and maybe flame someone if they haven't caused trouble before. Someone who just joins and starts flaming immediately we will be much more wary of, as they have no track record to go by.


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Warning me.... about what?

Hey buddy..... this is my experience including the feed back and comments I receive many times.

I wish I could true fully say it differently but it isn’t the case!

Hey I am going to warn you now!

One day absolutely I will be known as the first TV member to raise truthfully the environmental conciseness of this web site, possibly the country and planet which is heading smack into an extremely dire environmental catastrophe.

The "real leader" (cant use his name here or it wont be posted!) of Thailand has been doing this on his own now for many years and its time we joined in on his urgent calling! He is practicing and promoting permaculture for as long as I have know about him anyway.

I will continue to work to save Thailand and the environmental aspects of this reality and you can just drink another Chang (full of all kinds of additions that will

rot your body) and get a little bit more out of touch with reality.

YES I hope the change in the moderator’s conciseness will lead the way here because they now finally respect the environment and support environmental causes and concerns; this would do wonders to lead the way for great change within the TV community as well.

It’s not just about stopping smoking folks…. come on.....the whole system is sick and polluting.

Not only our own bodies but the whole planet as well.

Yes Ok start in your own bodies but let’s not stop there!

There is a lot of work to do for the next 7 generations to enjoy and save this wonderful Earth, before its too late!


I have always been quite worry about recicling, using chemicals free cleaning products, move around by bus, bike...

I have study plant nursing and ecology...at one point I was so overwhelmed about all the horrible things that were going on relating to environment that I could not take it anymore...I can´t save everything...

After lots of thinking, feeling bad, useless...I understood that the issue is too big and that it wasn´t my fault.

I had a great teacher who once said to me

if you think 1 year ahead plant a seed

if you think 10 years ahead plant a tree

if you think 100 years ahead educate your people

That´s why I want to be a teacher. I am part-time teacher but in the future I will like to be full-time teacher.

however there is people that is not concern about the environmet and like it or not, is their choice and I have to respect it.

Look here there is people who is concern about what is going on but we only have different ways of fighting.

Just to add that i don´t believe in fanaticisms, that´s why I don´t choose that way of fighting.

So please don´t assume that we don´t care because talking of myself

I DO CARE and I have done it for many years.

Glauka :o

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I'm new as new can be, but you seem to be bloody great bunch, very fair, balnced and reasonable like.

It can't be too easy modding a forum this big.

Keep up the good work.

I'd like to offer my welcome too ChiangMai noon.

:D to :o

How come it's taken you more than a year to post your first comment on the Forum?

Don't be scared... we don't bite. :D

Although Wolfie does now and then... :D

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Why post on this thread if you are just trying to drag it off topic. I can see from some of the replies that other members have felt the same way about the forum and yet you want to drag it off topic with some environmental propaganda.

Do it somewhere else not here.

well I was just replaying a previous post in this same topic...

and it was´t environmental propaganda quite the opposite...

And you should read what I have post about your OP...on page 1...

Again I was replaying someonelse´s post not trying to dragg anything off topic...

sometimes this things happen you know? :o

o.k back on topic now...

Edited by Glauka
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Well, I can see this has all the makings of a very interesting thread.

I'm rather a newbie myself (just a little over a year) and I wish I had found this site much earlier. In my humble opinion I can't say enough good things about TV. I feel gratitude towards George, the admin and the mods for creating and maintaining what I feel to be an outstanding and exceptional forum. And thanks to the OP for providing me the opportunity to express my grats for the first time.

I give the mods a lot of credit :D ; it's not always an easy job. And yes, there are rules to follow but I don't find them confining at all. There are a lot of posters who show little or no respect for others, are antagonistic, rude, derogatory, demeaning, and even vilifying throughout their posts and not inclusive of any particular thread, either. That's just the way they are, period. At some point a line does need to be drawn; after all, what's the fun in or the benefit of a flame fest or mindless spewing? The worthwhile contributions cease.

I've never been afraid to post here and don't mind if and when I do get flamed. I don't feel the heat. The only heat I feel is when I'm standing outdoors under the blazing tropical sun, or I'm with my wife. :o I agree that you can't be thin-skinned, but that's the general case in life, period.

I've never had a problem expressing anything in particular on this forum, even though some of my thoughts do create some controversial opinions. But I do respect other member's opinions, no matter the form they chose to deliver it; diss me hot and nasty or give me a pat on the back - mai pen rai. If it's strictly ranting and raving I'll just ignore the poster, same as I would if I were face to face with him/her in public. I don't feel insulted by it or feel the need to banter on the same level.

As far as cliques, some of the posters are "old-timers" on this site and have developed a rapport amongst themselves. They've become birds of a feather in a sense and share a certain comraderie. I wouldn't call that a clique at all, rather friendship. And I highly doubt that they're purposely intending to exclude anyone else. If you fit in, you do. If you don't, you don't. That, too, happens outside of forums. Nothing wrong there.

And the posters who like one-liners, well, that's simply their style. Quite frankly, I enjoy the one-liners because these guys or girls have the knack to express a great deal with only a few chosen words . . . very refreshing as opposed to mine, which happen to be overbearing and droning posts such as this one is developing into. :D

'Nuff said.

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I got it Glauka. I welcome you and your valuable comments.

Thanks to you for expressing and stating that you really care about our world and the environment. So simple yet so profound!

To me you are a shinning example for this forum.

I hope the tide of caring, understanding and action turns and we all work towards a healthy, clean and safe environment.

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I personally think that the occasional skirmish is actually healthy for any forum, as it not only lets people express themselves openly, it encourages further discussion.

I also believe that by and large a forum should police itself without the need for Moderator intervention.

There are obviously times when the Moderators need to step in, but they should be few and far between provided members have a fair idea of where the lines are.

When people start getting personal, superciliously intolerant of newbies or are obvious trolls, spammers and so forth then by all means give them a warning, a holiday or the boot.

Over-reacting or letting things go too far are equally destructive.

In my view, at the end of the day it all comes down to a question of balance. :o

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I'm quite a newbie myself and have never really had a problem with any of the members, apart from one and that flame was extinguished quite quickly :o Just need to get a little thick skinned.

I think the problem with this method of communicating (like text/SMS) is that it is only your writing skills that come across as your personality and not body language or facial expressions etc. This can lead to people mis-interpreting posts, especially those done jest.

This is why attending get togethers or piss ups is an advantage, as people put a face to your avitar/nick and see you as a complete "rounded" person. I have been to a few now (in the UK) and met some top posters and their partners. Some could interpret this as a "clique" but i just think it's the next natural step, in bonding as friends. I'm still hoping that i can make the piss up in Bangers next week and meet a few more :D

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On the topic of not discussing moderator decisions, I can understand why that rule is there, because by definitition such discussions would distract from the topic at hand.

However I wouldn't mind discussing it in a separate sub-forum, or indeed private messages. I always try to give a good reason before doing something, and am very willing to discuss it in private messages, and even adjust or change decisions after such discussions.

(Especially discussions that contain profound apologies, promises to never doing it ever again, and/or transferring a tidy sum to my bank account. :o



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Who comprises what cliques?

There's the "Kayo-Bambina-Ice Maiden" clique

The "Lampard-Thomas Merton" Clique

The "Gentleman Sucmp and.......um....nobody else" clique.

you forgot the boon me - buttefly clique.....

after running for 3 years it should not be surprising that some members have developed friendships that exist outside the online forum.

and as posted previously , some one with a bit of a track record will probably be treated with a little more leniency than a poster with minimal form.

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If you compare this forum to others (not just Thai related) you'll see that this is a fantastic forum - one of the best!

Regarding cliques, I wouldn't use that word as it has such negative conotations. People will get on in forums. There are some posters I will read because I enjoy their style. There are some topics I will always check. Overall this is a great forum and that, at the end of the day, is what matters...

Be happy.

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At times, I have felt the rude people are the moderators. Especially if they disagree with your comments.

Then when you insist that you are correct, they give you a warning and tell you not to comment on the subject anymore.

I don't see the "god like" moderators admit too often if they make a mistake. I don't have to mention who they are. Everyone knows who they are already.

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Simply put you are at the mercy of the forum ownership - if you don't like the rules then you certainly have the ability of going elsewhere. It's not personal, but just the way it is. I think the mods do an outstanding job considering all the rubbish that goes on which most membership have naught a clue about.

As for clickish - going to be at some point when you've known each other for a long time, actually met and drank together. However everyone is given a faire shake and grief when they first join. Right of passage so to speak and weed out the trolls/troublemakers.

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"considering all the rubbish that goes on "

exactly what I was refering to when I said "white trash"!

britmaveric yes exactly

If you had not been so long. I'd say you were a troll.(maybe you still are) But what makes you say things like white trash? No wonder some new members dont want to post when you get stupid comments like that. BTW to the OP. I have met many people from here and i have yet to meet someone i dont like. Feel free, jump in and dont be scared of anyone. BTW i'll be at the pissup for a few hours if anyone fancies a beer or 10. :o:D

Edited by Jockstar
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I got it Glauka. I welcome you and your valuable comments.

Thanks to you for expressing and stating that you really care about our world and the environment. So simple yet so profound!

To me you are a shinning example for this forum.

I hope the tide of caring, understanding and action turns and we all work towards a healthy, clean and safe environment.

:o thank you...for trying to understad me...

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