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Over 1 Million Thais Are Infected With Hiv/Aids

Lite Beer

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I was at a similar (or the same?) orphanage in Khon Kaen, run by Assies.

Seeing the innocent, infected and mostly sick kids made me feel miserable, which I think is normal and al-right.

Unfortunately, in order to be admitted, the kids HAD TO convert to Christianity, and for every single drink, snack and meal they had to pray to and thank Jesus Christ. That brainwashing, extortion of the soul and mind of helpless toddlers and kids, made me puke. Some call it conditional love. I call it abuse.


I have to agree with you, it is discusting to think that kids have to pretend to believe in something just to have food and a bed to sleep in, I wonder if contributions to this organisation would continue if it was known what they are up too.....disgrace

What is the organization?

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I was at a similar (or the same?) orphanage in Khon Kaen, run by Assies.

Seeing the innocent, infected and mostly sick kids made me feel miserable, which I think is normal and al-right.

Unfortunately, in order to be admitted, the kids HAD TO convert to Christianity, and for every single drink, snack and meal they had to pray to and thank Jesus Christ. That brainwashing, extortion of the soul and mind of helpless toddlers and kids, made me puke. Some call it conditional love. I call it abuse.


I have to agree with you, it is discusting to think that kids have to pretend to believe in something just to have food and a bed to sleep in, I wonder if contributions to this organisation would continue if it was known what they are up too.....disgrace

What is the organization?

It's been 8 years since I visited it, don't remember the name. If I remember well, It was in or near the centre, not far from the main railway crossing.

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Those figures seem way to high and very worrying.

They say over 1 million and 25% of new cases are between the ages of 30 to 35 (which is about 8% of thailands population i guess). So with such massive figures now surely even b4 roughly that age group of 30 to 35 where previously infected with hiv/aids. So they are saying 1 in 18 or so people at the age group have hiv/aids. Then bare in mind those that dont know they have it. Surely that would make it about 1 in 15??

The figures sound way to high.

Oh and sex workers are 20 or so more times at risk? In that case its got to be 1 in 1 or 2 sex workers have it?

Or have i completey got my figures and thoughts wrong?

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I hear you. You make good points. Again though, Who, UNAIDs and etc. all indicate that Thailand was underreporting to these agencies and that obtaining information from certain communities in Thailand was an impossible proposition. Perhaps Thailand has actual figures and data not previously reported to UNAIDs and other agencies.

Possibly, but irrelevant if they're not making them public.

What is relevant is that whatever the numbers affirmed in public, it is very likely to be an underestimation. How large you estimate the difference between the public figures and real numbers to be would depend on how much trust you put in accuracy of Thai government statements.

If the truth could be known accurately to tenths of a percent, I'd put a lot more odds on 2+% of the overall adult population being infected than on anything under a million.

Wear your condoms boys. . .

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So if these figures are correct--how many are there that havent been diagnosed ??? most folks will not go to check as they are frightened to know the truth, it's not until they get bad symptoms that they will go-then they are added to the list. Most people are better not knowing or they would crack up if told---knowing they couldn't afford the treatment, and the shame on their families. This is the crunch time when you learn who your real friends are. So many will still not protect even when knowing, the better feeling comes first, live for today here.

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how many are there tha have been tested/diagnosed.............. I'd guess very few

The message that is out there is very simple............test and treat........end of

Thailand would rather spend money on stupid costly election promise than spend money on the 10's of thousands that are suffering an uneducated and unessary death, it's a disgrace, as cynical as this sounds - I'd say that there is even a hidden agenda in thailand not to tell those people that have had positive tests and not tell them because treatment doen't fit the budget agenda, I have heard of a few Thais being diagnosed with HIV and it always seems to be a private hospital with a falang involved somewhere

I just don't trust that there is a will from the authorities to .....test and treat.......I could be way off here and hope that someone with experience of such things will step up and tell me I'm wrong.....

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So if these figures are correct--how many are there that havent been diagnosed ??? most folks will not go to check as they are frightened to know the truth, it's not until they get bad symptoms that they will go-then they are added to the list. Most people are better not knowing or they would crack up if told---knowing they couldn't afford the treatment, and the shame on their families. This is the crunch time when you learn who your real friends are. So many will still not protect even when knowing, the better feeling comes first, live for today here.

This is nonsense - it really displays both the poster's and other's ignorance of being HIV.

It DOES show how badly educated both TV members AND the general public are on this.

furthermore this is exacerbated but the incompetent Thai medical industry that is totally devoid of ethics and believes in testing people without any counselling pre or post test....v. the number of testing places that advertise around Bkk and Pattaya.

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well since yinglucks job as a puppet to the most damage ridden face loosing power hungry tosser that has ever been in the history of of Thailand - the sooner this very rich man tells the good honest people of this wonderful country that he robbed them blind and deserves to go to prison and stays away - this country will remain heading towards disaster, I really feel sorry for the Thai people that believe in this phsyco

Reminds me of a few other well known evil men from the last 100 years

Edited by smedly
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well since yinglucks job as a puppet to the most damage ridden face loosing power hungry tosser that has ever been in the history of of Thailand - the sooner this very rich man tells the good honest people of this wonderful country that he robbed them blind and deserves to go to prison and stays away - this country will remain heading towards disaster, I really feel sorry for the Thai people that believe in this phsyco

Reminds me of a few other well known evil men from the last 100 years

Thai government has to make some sense of all these opinions and they only have a finite amount of money.

Same same any government.

King of Thailand looks after his people the best he can. That's why the Thais love him.

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Is it true that one has to wait 3 months from time of unprotected sex before a test can be made.

Yeah something to do with the time it takes for antibodies to show up... I'm sure someone will correct me with the full shabang but I think it might well be up to 6 months.

The time taken for the virus to show is variable. It can be as low as a week or as long as six months.

To counter a statement made in an earlier post the virus is never (at this time) eradicated. The viral load is hard to detect below 40 copies per mililitre and that is because although the blood after suitable treatment is clear, or at least almost clear, the virus hides away in the lymph nodes in a body. This is what one of, if not THE foremost authority in Thailand who treats patients, some of whom have been infected for more than 20 years, told me. With a CD4 count about 1100 my wife's blood, according to him, is in better shape than his or mine, but at the present there is no complete cure in sight.

One of the prime problems with viral infections is that the medications can play havoc with liver and/or kidneys. Regular CBC tests at 6 monthly internals are essential so that alternative, less harmful treatments be prescribed.

WARNING. As most here know, the private hospitals may well provide effective treatments but at a significant cost. Anybody wanting to know where to get exactly the same medications, or testing for that matter, at a most lower cost, please feel free to PM me.

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Kamaladreamer, Yingluck is a part time P.M. the times she is missing from debates- avoidance-others having to make her decisions for her, trying to look pretty and helping the family cause seems the norm, now I wouldn't mind that kind of job.  Limited funds--I wonder why ??   it wouldn't be corruption ??  vast amounts of money's collected by the Bib, and not handed over to the Thai government, big spending on rubbish equipment for school kids, and coming back to topic, all the money's NOT collected from corrupt deals would easily pay for the aids epidemic,cancers, etc---SHAME

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Kamaladreamer, Yingluck is a part time P.M. the times she is missing from debates- avoidance-others having to make her decisions for her, trying to look pretty and helping the family cause seems the norm, now I wouldn't mind that kind of job. Limited funds--I wonder why ?? it wouldn't be corruption ?? vast amounts of money's collected by the Bib, and not handed over to the Thai government, big spending on rubbish equipment for school kids, and coming back to topic, all the money's NOT collected from corrupt deals would easily pay for the aids epidemic,cancers, etc---SHAME

Running a country is not easy for anyone.

It is very difficult for all politicians. You can't keep all the people happy all of the time.

King of Thailand provides love and stability for all.

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Your fist sentence is true-BUT it should be transparent as much as possible--and they are paid to do the job-don't forget that. With the best of the M.P.in jobs they are totally familiar with. My impartial-bash when needed posts try to point out the failures, and discuss them, for interest as I live here. You seem to sympathize with the coalition giving me the impression they are doing their best===most of them are at feathering their own nests.

Your 3rd sentence is the absolute truth, it's a pity the government do not do the same

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Your fist sentence is true-BUT it should be transparent as much as possible--and they are paid to do the job-don't forget that. With the best of the M.P.in jobs they are totally familiar with. My impartial-bash when needed posts try to point out the failures, and discuss them, for interest as I live here. You seem to sympathize with the coalition giving me the impression they are doing their best===most of them are at feathering their own nests.

Your 3rd sentence is the absolute truth, it's a pity the government do not do the same

Thank you.

I deal in the truth. Politicians can't.

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As with most countries this is the figure that they are fairly confident about. The real figure is much higher.

What a shame something so pleasurable and so much fun...sex, can now be like playing Russian Roulette.

With two bullets in the gun.
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HIV patients or road traffic accidents? Uneducated and unneccesary death. Promote safe sex. Leave the rta victim lying at the side of the road in a pool of blood. Thai government money is limited. Same everywhere. Let's not get too sentimental about HIV.

In other words the lives of Thais are cheap and not worth protecting?

Sure the government could save a lot of lives by implementing proper driver training, testing and enforcement, and improving EMT practices. And they should do so.

As well as doing its best to provide quality sex education to prevent the spread of HIV and reduce single teen pregnancies.

Maybe if politicians didn't divert so much money into their own pockets there would be more for effective government. Then maybe people wouldn't mind broadening the tax base and cracking down on the rich avoiding taxes.

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Not wanting an argument.....but.....

I remember reading an article a few years ago that said that the profession in Thailand with the highest incidence of Aids / HIV was actually long distance lorry drivers who haul Thai goods across all the neighboring countries in SE Asia.

And their wifes.

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HIV patients or road traffic accidents? Uneducated and unneccesary death. Promote safe sex. Leave the rta victim lying at the side of the road in a pool of blood. Thai government money is limited. Same everywhere. Let's not get too sentimental about HIV.

In other words the lives of Thais are cheap and not worth protecting?

Sure the government could save a lot of lives by implementing proper driver training, testing and enforcement, and improving EMT practices. And they should do so.

As well as doing its best to provide quality sex education to prevent the spread of HIV and reduce single teen pregnancies.

Maybe if politicians didn't divert so much money into their own pockets there would be more for effective government. Then maybe people wouldn't mind broadening the tax base and cracking down on the rich avoiding taxes.

Point taken BJBKK.

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1 million in official stats. = 3 to 4.000.000 in real. You must use ur brain and think by yourself in this Country! Everything is corrupted. Bear it in mind. The 23-28 y old bitches dont use condom unless you insist.

Oh yes - it's the woman's fault - apart from the obvious!

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