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I really enjoyed it and feel 2012 may have the makings of one of the best season's in years. I'm sure lots of you have a strong opinion about today.

Let's get started then..............

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I did too when I had a chance to watch it was nice to see a mixture of potential new or even old faces in the running..

On a side note I hope this new commentator to join Slater is only temporary because they need someone with real knowledge to counter Slaters nonsensical remarks and this guy is just adding to it..Honestly though I didn't take to Yoong much as a driver he is a good counter commentator and displays a lot of knowledge when he's done it before. Problem is it seems that whenever they get someone who openly contradicts Slaters nonsense he usually goes by the way side and I'm not sure if that's due to Slaters position with ESPN or due to the fact that they just get tired of his Slaterisms and finally move on in short order..


Yet another dodgy start by Webber and the TV coverage of mainly showing Webber following Hamilton was over the top. And I agree with others about commentary. They feel the need to constantly banter on and their constant gloating about how great Button was also annoying. If it were Hamilton leading they would have gloated about him and put Button down.

In my opinion Button is like Webber. Both good tradesmen, but not the natural talents of Alonso, Vettel and Hamilton. Remembering Button only won the championship because the total dominance of the double diffuser their cars had that year.

Looking forward to a good year.


Agree with the remarks about Slater, he really has no clue.

Excellent race from Alonso, Hamilton is losing it (or himself maybe better). Looks like a race between Button and Vettel this season, Mercedes unknown as of yet, but doubt they'll be able to match Button or Vettel.


Agree with the remarks about Slater, he really has no clue.

Excellent race from Alonso, Hamilton is losing it (or himself maybe better). Looks like a race between Button and Vettel this season, Mercedes unknown as of yet, but doubt they'll be able to match Button or Vettel.

It appears we have consensus in our view of Steve Slater. He gets right up my nose with his inane comments too. However I did think Tim Harvey and Mark Gallagher were very good and worked together well.

Lewis Hamilton needs some urgent help to keep his emotions in check or else he will fall down the order rapidly. Have to say he was a little unlucky with the safety car though. Maybe Vettel had the pace to pass him, but I doubt it. Roll on Sepang!


Gave up with the Star version some time ago. Suggest watching the BBC / Sky broadcasts, far better and no stupid comments or commercials during the race.


Being an old Tifosi (Ferrari fan), i was of course diappointed - once more, I might add - by Massa's performance and enjoyed Alonso's charge. Amazing what he does with a not so good car. Like someone forgot to tell him that the new car is crap.

Good also to see Schumi back, too bad his gearbox gave up.

But I was really happy for the Sauber team. (I am Swiss, so entitled to some national chauvinism).

Looks like the front runners are the same as last year: MacLaren, Red Bull, then Ferrari. But after the top 3, some new faces like Mercedes, Williams (no kidding) and even Torro Rosso. Of course also Sauber, but their lack of funding might hinder further development.

All in all, a promising start to a new season.

Gave up with the Star version some time ago. Suggest watching the BBC / Sky broadcasts, far better and no stupid comments or commercials during the race.

I would love to watch BBC coverage, but have always struggled. What's the secret to it please?


Regarding coverage ALL broadcasters show the same race footage, its only the interviewers and the commentators that change.

As for the race and prospective champion, at the moment i would go for Button. Personally i think he is a much more complete driver to Hamilton. Lewis has some fantastic races, but is far too inconsistant.

And yes that Slater guy is a complete numpty!


Remember Slater at last years Canadian. Re the Freight train? I did agree with race comments about Massa. Since his accident, he is not the same driver.


I think Massa is the same. He can be fast, very fast infact, but his race craft is very poor - he cant defend or overtake.


Enjoyable opening race, seems to be a lot of potential quick ones. Slater is a worthless blabber, agreed.

Yes and my feeling is that the problem with ESPN's coverage is that they have no drivers in the booth, engineers are fine but you need a drivers perspective the engineers lack, I don't know of any pro series except maybe WRC that doesn't have former driver as an analyst color commentator possibly with the engineers.. I'd even rather have Matthew Marsh doing some commentating if not Alex as at least he's had some pro level experience albeit not in open wheel nor F1..

Not to pick a bone here but these engineers aren't even former engineers from top tier programs..

I'm not being flippant here, my take is that Fillipi Massa's head injury is beginning to show the damage done as those type of injuries take their toll over time just as well and his decision making and reactions seem to have been compromised and it's not really anything that can be really comprehensively tested for..


I think Massa is the same. He can be fast, very fast infact, but his race craft is very poor - he cant defend or overtake.

Yes and I have always liked Fillipi but see my post above, there is strong medical evidence that traumatic brain injuries show more deterioration over time and his injury was in the frontal lobe which is responsible for reasoning and decisions.. The damage from traumatic brain injury never really fully heals and actually causes other issues over time..

The frontal lobes are involved in motor function, problem solving, spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgement, impulse control, and social and sexual behavior.


He is showing signs of problems in all of the racing related functions that go with this injury quite critically, I can't speak to other social and sexual issues but lets hope for his sake with his honey he's not failing in that dept too giggle.gif ...


Downloaded and watched the Star Coverage; well up to the standards of the BBC. Best moment: Kimi complaining about the blue flags!

Nowhere near the BBC standard - Star is hopeless - Adverts and that idiot Slater


Downloaded and watched the Star Coverage; well up to the standards of the BBC. Best moment: Kimi complaining about the blue flags!

Nowhere near the BBC standard - Star is hopeless - Adverts and that idiot Slater

If we had the best of Sky, BBC & Star all in one package with no Ad's, everyone would be happy! biggrin.png


The race coverage is the same. Do you think every tv channel has a camera crew on the track???


The race coverage is the same. Do you think every tv channel has a camera crew on the track???

True, actually it's a pool feed from the local networks who hold the exclusive contracts but the major international networks do have their own editing and production staffs back at the network to give a sense of different feeds..


Unless things have changed recently Formula One Management supply all the track cameramen and camera positions. Some of the countries have a director to errr direct, but the images are identical for everyone. The only footage that will be different is the pre-rac, post race and pit lane footage. This is where the different companies may have their reporter/interviewer.


Unless things have changed recently Formula One Management supply all the track cameramen and camera positions. Some of the countries have a director to errr direct, but the images are identical for everyone. The only footage that will be different is the pre-rac, post race and pit lane footage. This is where the different companies may have their reporter/interviewer.

The quality of the commentary is the important part for me. I do miss Brundle's pre start walk about.


Unless things have changed recently Formula One Management supply all the track cameramen and camera positions. Some of the countries have a director to errr direct, but the images are identical for everyone. The only footage that will be different is the pre-rac, post race and pit lane footage. This is where the different companies may have their reporter/interviewer.

No they don't the live pool feed is provided from the local networks by contract, F1 has little to do with it except to contract the highest bidder.. But then the coverage supplied is the same to all International markets from there and edited or produced accordingly by the given network.


Thats not how it was when i worked there from 1999 - 2003. :-)

Well 2012 is a few years later a lot has changed in the world, as I recall F1 has gone through about 6 complete transformations since then..


6 transformations? Really? What are they?

I wonder too. Think warpy's insider knowledge should be revealed. huh.png

Now now T/A lets not regress, sorry though I thought it was obvious and common knowledge that F1 has not began a season for virtually the last decade in the same light as it ended the previous one either with major rules changes or some other political or contractual changes including race venues.. That's transformations..

Since the definition of transformations seems to be an obstacle here I've included the defination for you..


   [trans-fer-mey-shuhn] Show IPA



the act or process of transforming.

2. thestateofbeingtransformed.

Just a few examples:

-Tire rules/suppliers.

-Engine rules..

-Aero rules.

-Venue changes..

-KERS on again off again on again.

-Engine sizes and displacement fall sunder engine rules but being more specific..

-Not 2 years in a row has the rules applied with minor to no changes..

Where nearly EVERY other professional race series makes few to no changes for multiple seasons and remain stable, Bernie has no clue as to what "stable" actually means and makes significant changes at a whim just because he can which also includes contracts of other services such as TV coverage..

BTW Just so there's no confusion I'm not saying I agree with his claims about how it was before in 2003 either, just making a point as I know for certain from MY insiders who I give far more credibility then some new nik on an Internet forum, the local networks have had contracts for the coverage for at least the last 20 years whether he worked there or not? coffee1.gif I guess he wasn't in on the pertinent details.. He can change my mind though with something more substantial then just HIS claims of working there and knowing the inner workings of the ACTUAL network coverage contracts..

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