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Poor No Longer Willing To Be Told To Sacrifice By Wealthy: Theerayuth


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Agreed, the poor shouldn't have to sacrifice. It is time for others to sacrifice, starting with the fugitive billionaire in Dubai who refuses to pay taxes and steals the money that could be used to pay for social programs. Roll back Thaksin's tax cuts for the rich. Get rid of his coorporate income tax cuts. Make him pay the taxes he owes, the money he stole from the Thai nation. Enforce anti corruption laws and jail those who break them.

Corporations do not pay taxes. They get the money to pay the taxes by charging the customer.

Education is the key for people to rise up on the economic ladder. Not socialist policies that lower the bar for everyone.

Socialism only works until the other guys money is gone.

In Socialism, only the mediocre do their very best.

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'While praising Yingluck for her "smart" fashion sense and photogenic quality - he predicted that by year's end the PM would be named one of the best-dressed female leaders in the world'

Actually this line seems to be taking the piss,

while pretending to complement her.

Facetious mocking directly from the month's earlier story...

Newsweek Names PM One of World's 150 Fearless Women


The nuance was also missed in another media piece on the topic of Teerayuth's talk

Fugitive Ex-Leader Accused of being the Country's Troublemaker

The director of the Sanya Dharmasakti Institute for Democracy blames the fugitive former leader for being the root cause of political conflicts.

Director of the Sanya Dharmasakti Institute for Democracy at Thammasat University, Teerayuth Boonme, has pointed out that crises have broken out due to an inequality in society.

Teerayuth reiterated that fugitive former leader Thaksin Shinawatra's corruption schemes, including tax evasion, concealing shares, and greed is the cancer of Thailand's bitter political conflict. He insisted that Thaksin is far more appropriate as a market leader, rather than a country leader.

Teerayuth said Thaksin lacks the spirit of democracy, accused him of abusing his power and democratic principles to empower his political life and for economic benefit.

He said there is no short-term solution to Thailand's ongoing political conflict, since it arose from differing political views.

Teerayuth added that all parties must broaden their thinking to accept opposing ideas.

He suggested that the country could experience violence once Thaksin and the ruling Pheu Thai Party allow all stakeholders to express views regarding the governance.

Meanwhile, he said Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva are the new-generation leaders.

Teerayuth praised Yingluck for her smart fashion sense, predicting that the premiere would be named one of the best-dressed female leaders in the world this year.


-- Tan Network 2012-03-19


Edited by Buchholz
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He does this intentionally. His sole purpose on this forum to post propaganda in favor of Thaksin. He wants for his posts to be high profile. Hence his 'unique' posting and quoting style. It's designed specifically for propaganda purposes so that his posts stick out on the page among all the others. Scrolling down the page your eye is drawn to his post because it is huge and formatted different from every single other poster on this forum.

So that's why he puts in double spaces. That's why instead of the standard quote button, he takes quotes and puts them in in the center of the page with large spaces on each side. Make the Thaksin propaganda stick out on the page amongst all the hundreds of other posts. It is all marketing

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Thammasat University sociology lecturer:

'While praising Yingluck for her "smart" fashion sense and photogenic quality - he predicted that by year's end the PM would be named one of the best-dressed female leaders in the world'

The man is a clown. Doesn't exactly impress one with the quality of some faculty members working at Thammasat these days does it?

Ad hominem abuse. Hardly helpful. How is the man "a clown" precisely? (One thing is certain, though it doesn't make the speaker a clown, and that is that Yingluck will indeed be one of the best-looking politicians worldwide.)

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Agreed, the poor shouldn't have to sacrifice. It is time for others to sacrifice, starting with the fugitive billionaire in Dubai who refuses to pay taxes and steals the money that could be used to pay for social programs. Roll back Thaksin's tax cuts for the rich. Get rid of his coorporate income tax cuts. Make him pay the taxes he owes, the money he stole from the Thai nation. Enforce anti corruption laws and jail those who break them.

Corporations do not pay taxes. They get the money to pay the taxes by charging the customer.

Education is the key for people to rise up on the economic ladder. Not socialist policies that lower the bar for everyone.

Socialism only works until the other guys money is gone.

In Socialism, only the mediocre do their very best.

"Socialism" accounts for the wealth of George Dubya Bush, that well known mediocrity, does it? Or is it more that under certain forms of greed, mediocrity rises to the top. And then we taxpayers get stuffed with having to bail out the banking mediocrities of Wall St, when their greed over-reaches itself, right?

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He does this intentionally. His sole purpose on this forum to post propaganda in favor of Thaksin. He wants for his posts to be high profile. Hence his 'unique' posting and quoting style. It's designed specifically for propaganda purposes so that his posts stick out on the page among all the others. Scrolling down the page your eye is drawn to his post because it is huge and formatted different from every single other poster on this forum.

So that's why he puts in double spaces. That's why instead of the standard quote button, he takes quotes and puts them in in the center of the page with large spaces on each side. Make the Thaksin propaganda stick out on the page amongst all the hundreds of other posts. It is all marketing

I f
















Edited by animatic
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He does this intentionally. His sole purpose on this forum to post propaganda in favor of Thaksin. He wants for his posts to be high profile. Hence his 'unique' posting and quoting style. It's designed specifically for propaganda purposes so that his posts stick out on the page among all the others. Scrolling down the page your eye is drawn to his post because it is huge and formatted different from every single other poster on this forum.

So that's why he puts in double spaces. That's why instead of the standard quote button, he takes quotes and puts them in in the center of the page with large spaces on each side. Make the Thaksin propaganda stick out on the page amongst all the hundreds of other posts. It is all marketing

Well, thanks for telling us all about this muppet [ a word that will come more into vogue now, I think], but really I thought his post was so incoherent I did not have the faintest idea what the eff he was talking about. (Normal for Calgary, perhaps.) Far from drawing my attention to his post, its formatting distracted me and I stopped reading as soon as I saw what kind of mind was operating here.

I would never have seen him as a Thaksin supporter if you had not drawn our attention to it. And I am not totally convinced that this is indeed what he is up to.

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Agreed, the poor shouldn't have to sacrifice. It is time for others to sacrifice, starting with the fugitive billionaire in Dubai who refuses to pay taxes and steals the money that could be used to pay for social programs. Roll back Thaksin's tax cuts for the rich. Get rid of his coorporate income tax cuts. Make him pay the taxes he owes, the money he stole from the Thai nation. Enforce anti corruption laws and jail those who break them.

Corporations do not pay taxes. They get the money to pay the taxes by charging the customer.

Education is the key for people to rise up on the economic ladder. Not socialist policies that lower the bar for everyone.

Socialism only works until the other guys money is gone.

In Socialism, only the mediocre do their very best.

"Socialism" accounts for the wealth of George Dubya Bush, that well known mediocrity, does it? Or is it more that under certain forms of greed, mediocrity rises to the top. And then we taxpayers get stuffed with having to bail out the banking mediocrities of Wall St, when their greed over-reaches itself, right?

I would say the amoral rise to the top, some percentage are also mediocre,

and that amorality is the only reason the rose at all.

Amorality is the fallback zone of the greedy,

it just cones so naturally to them

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He does this intentionally. His sole purpose on this forum to post propaganda in favor of Thaksin. He wants for his posts to be high profile. Hence his 'unique' posting and quoting style. It's designed specifically for propaganda purposes so that his posts stick out on the page among all the others. Scrolling down the page your eye is drawn to his post because it is huge and formatted different from every single other poster on this forum.

So that's why he puts in double spaces. That's why instead of the standard quote button, he takes quotes and puts them in in the center of the page with large spaces on each side. Make the Thaksin propaganda stick out on the page amongst all the hundreds of other posts. It is all marketing

Not to mention that he has the mission statement posted in plain view on another forum.

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The one thing I will give him credit for is the flak he received from a PTP MP:

Pheu Thai MP Pracha Prasopdee strongly attacked Theerayuth yesterday for having an outdated view of politics and blaming Thaksin. He said the current political problems were caused by those who wielded influence from behind the scenes, so Theerayuth should have attacked these influential people instead of criticising Thaksin.

That wouldn't include Thaksin, would it? Now that's funny.

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Thai history, he said, was too royal-centric and commoners were not adequately honoured, as they were in foreign countries, with statues, streets and public buildings named after them. "The stress is on a royal historiography. There exists no history of society as a whole. It's as if people in various professions played no role in building the nation," said Theerayuth, who blamed bureaucrats for this imbalance, saying they appeared too eager to please royalty.
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He does this intentionally. His sole purpose on this forum to post propaganda in favor of Thaksin. He wants for his posts to be high profile. Hence his 'unique' posting and quoting style. It's designed specifically for propaganda purposes so that his posts stick out on the page among all the others. Scrolling down the page your eye is drawn to his post because it is huge and formatted different from every single other poster on this forum.

So that's why he puts in double spaces. That's why instead of the standard quote button, he takes quotes and puts them in in the center of the page with large spaces on each side. Make the Thaksin propaganda stick out on the page amongst all the hundreds of other posts. It is all marketing

If he would bother to put his text in properly instead of double spaces I MIGHT consider reading it.........now I just cant be bothered.Must be the one of the worst examples of "propaganda and marketing" I`ve come across tongue.png !!

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The problem stems from absurd ideas like the sufficiency theory. After Thaksin the poor have woken up, the ghost will not go back in the bottle and the sufficiency theory should be changed in a theory that says to the elite that they have sufficient means and need to pay more taxes to develop the country. It is a great thing the poor have woken up and go after what is really theirs.

After Thaksin? After Thaksin paid his taxes? When did that happen?

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If everybody in the world had a ton of gold, what would it be worth? If every Thai had a billion baht, what would the exchange rate be?

Mt Dad said that if excreta was valuable, poor people would be born without an anus (words to that effect anyway). Which is to say that no matter what you do for, or give to some, they will blow it and end up right back where they started. In the old ants and the grasshopper parable, if the ants fed the grasshopper, where would he be next winter - at their door asking for a handout.

Which is NOT to say that many Thais aren't working hard and still remain poor, with or without taxpayer subsidies. Dad (again) also said if your doing your best and not making enough money, change your job. Educate yourself, attain new skills and you get paid more. Half of Thailand seems to think the answer is to get more government handouts; and then they complain about lack of infrastructure.

Where did this unrealistic attitude come from? From the man who said you will all be rich in 6 months, and from his mercenary agitators raising expectations of reward without effort to achieve it. Half of the people believe it, and he (or his proxies) are in government. Now comes the crunch, fulfilling the expectations.

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This guy, Theerayuth, is exactly the kind of guy to comment authoritatively on the changes threatening Thailand ... a sociologist.

Politics will follow the sociology ... and the tectonic shift in Thailand's sociology is huge ... think, Arab Spring ... or, French Revolution 1789 ... or, Romanian overthrow of Ceausceau ... I just can't imagine the inbred Thai elites continuing to hold command over a no-longer passified peasant nation.

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Agreed, the poor shouldn't have to sacrifice. It is time for others to sacrifice, starting with the fugitive billionaire in Dubai who refuses to pay taxes and steals the money that could be used to pay for social programs. Roll back Thaksin's tax cuts for the rich. Get rid of his coorporate income tax cuts. Make him pay the taxes he owes, the money he stole from the Thai nation. Enforce anti corruption laws and jail those who break them.

I feel exactly the same, why are the Thai people hurting when so many are so rich and have blatant disregard for the rules and laws.

Surely though if Kun Joe Bloggs started doing as he pleased then Thai justice would be done to him and severely.

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Agreed, the poor shouldn't have to sacrifice. It is time for others to sacrifice, starting with the fugitive billionaire in Dubai who refuses to pay taxes and steals the money that could be used to pay for social programs. Roll back Thaksin's tax cuts for the rich. Get rid of his coorporate income tax cuts. Make him pay the taxes he owes, the money he stole from the Thai nation. Enforce anti corruption laws and jail those who break them.

Agreed, the poor shouldn't have to sacrifice. It is time for others to sacrifice, starting with the fugitive billionaire in Dubai who refuses to pay taxes and steals the money that could be used to pay for social programs. Roll back Thaksin's tax cuts for the rich. Get rid of his coorporate income tax cuts. Make him pay the taxes he owes, the money he stole from the Thai nation. Enforce anti corruption laws and jail those who break them.

The money he stole from the Thai nation . . . coffee1.gif Him and countless others - who still do so without problems - your blind anti-Thaksin rants to the exclusion of anyone else make you look the fool time and again

Have you thought that it might be easier to do that to the thousands of Thaksin-like Thais who live IN Thailand? nah, too complicated a concept for you.

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Agreed, the poor shouldn't have to sacrifice. It is time for others to sacrifice, starting with the fugitive billionaire in Dubai who refuses to pay taxes and steals the money that could be used to pay for social programs. Roll back Thaksin's tax cuts for the rich. Get rid of his coorporate income tax cuts. Make him pay the taxes he owes, the money he stole from the Thai nation. Enforce anti corruption laws and jail those who break them.

Agreed, the poor shouldn't have to sacrifice. It is time for others to sacrifice, starting with the fugitive billionaire in Dubai who refuses to pay taxes and steals the money that could be used to pay for social programs. Roll back Thaksin's tax cuts for the rich. Get rid of his coorporate income tax cuts. Make him pay the taxes he owes, the money he stole from the Thai nation. Enforce anti corruption laws and jail those who break them.

The money he stole from the Thai nation . . . coffee1.gif Him and countless others -

None of whom come near to matching his trillionaire status.


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I f
















"I would say the amoral rise to the top, some percentage are also mediocre,

and that amorality is the only reason the rose at all.

Amorality is the fallback zone of the greedy,

it just cones so naturally to them"

I'm at a loss as to which is the more unreadable, but on reflection, I think Animatics nonsense Haiku attempts edge it every time.

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None of whom come near to matching his trillionaire status.


His what? In Indonesian rupiah?

I'm not saying he didn't enrich himself to an astonishing degree but to solely focus on his is to ignore all the other massively corrupt people in Thailand . . . from the local beat-cop to the ex PM

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None of whom come near to matching his trillionaire status.


His what? In Indonesian rupiah?

I'm not saying he didn't enrich himself to an astonishing degree but to solely focus on his is to ignore all the other massively corrupt people in Thailand . . . from the local beat-cop to the ex PM

In Thai Baht....

Thaksin Shinawatra total wealth placed at 400 Billion Baht

UPDATE:Subtract 3.6 Billion Baht amid claims it was stolen from him by a Dubai lawyer

UPDATE:African gold and platinum mines valued at 1.63 Trillion Baht

No one is calling to ignore other corruption from the beat cop on up, but I fail to see what's wrong with addressing things in a top-down manner beginning with the worst.


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African gold and Platinum mines unsubstantiated value - if you have facts to support that . . . I couldn't find any - it would be interesting to see.

As to why not only concentrate on the top down with one man? Easy - it has taken, and will take more, years to get anything from the guy . . . whereas corruption can be cleaned from the bottom up, the most sensible way. You drain the pond and the big fish can't swim. (I just made that up! :) )

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<<Thai history, he said, was too royal-centric and commoners were not adequately honoured, as they were in foreign countries, with statues, streets and public buildings named after them. "The stress is on a royal historiography. There exists no history of society as a whole. It's as if people in various professions played no role in building the nation," said Theerayuth, who blamed bureaucrats for this imbalance, saying they appeared too eager to please royalty.>>

This is one of the most depressing things about Thai society, the insistence that the only people who should be celebrated for having done good and noble things are the aristocracy. It's such a stultifying attitude, and quite shocking to anyone brought up in a western democracy.

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Thammasat University sociology lecturer:

'While praising Yingluck for her "smart" fashion sense and photogenic quality - he predicted that by year's end the PM would be named one of the best-dressed female leaders in the world'

The man is a clown. Doesn't exactly impress one with the quality of some faculty members working at Thammasat these days does it?

You might have missed the fact that he was being sarcastic.

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Thammasat University sociology lecturer:

'While praising Yingluck for her "smart" fashion sense and photogenic quality - he predicted that by year's end the PM would be named one of the best-dressed female leaders in the world'

The man is a clown. Doesn't exactly impress one with the quality of some faculty members working at Thammasat these days does it?

Ad hominem abuse. Hardly helpful. How is the man "a clown" precisely? (One thing is certain, though it doesn't make the speaker a clown, and that is that Yingluck will indeed be one of the best-looking politicians worldwide.)

You're both missing the point. The man was being sarcastic, for god's sake.

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the only way out of poverty is thrue education, and that takes at least a generation...

lazy uneducated farmers who did not study at all and keep on burning forest and making babies by the dozen without being able to support them or even themselfves (drinking, gambling away the money) surely are not helping at all

they send their uneducated daughters to pattaya to send them their stash each month or pray they find a good buffalo farang to help out the sick buffalo

i think i understand the point your trying to make , but to call the farmers of thailand lazy takes the biscuit to put it politely , i lived in the jungles of isaan for 2 years and did what i could to help with planting and harvesting rice and some fruits , if i could last more than 1 hour without a 30 min break i would be chuffed , that sort of work in blistering heat is no joke , other villagers that came to help were paid 100b a day , ........on top of that you imply its the poor farmers fault that they have had a poor education ,... .. i suggest it maybe the gov;ts fault not the poor farmers ??, ....and so this sub-standard education is also in turn thrust upon the next generation that end up not being able to support the new baby from the village romeo , and hence the journey south as you have mentioned , ...... all down to the education that you blame the poor farmer for !,.......... smell the coffee , in your ivory tower can you ?

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