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Having Left Los


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Hi Ladies

Just thought I would share my thoughts and experiences having been a female expat in TH and having left TH. I left TH for Europe more than 3 months ago after having been in TH for 3 years. Hubby was transferred, so naturally I gave up my career and moved on too. Not to say I was not happy to go, I was, especially after 3 years in TH.

I must say it is a semi-relief to be out of TH. I, for one did not like the congestion, pollution, loudness and hustle and bustle of TH. I had to get out of BKK at least once a month or I would go mad.

I personally have found some very nice friends and some people who are real hypocrites. When I was getting ready to leave, there were mixed-feelings. One part of me was sad to leave and the other was relieved to go.

Being back in Europe and having adjusted to the life here, I must say I am glad to be here. The only thing I miss is the real Asian cuisine. Asian cuisine in Europe sucks, big time. It has been adapted to European taste buds, hence....yucks.

What I noticed the most in Europe was that most of the women are very confident and if they are single, they are fine with it. I also do not see any begging, crying or wailing for the man not to leave. I would say it is much different in Asia. Sure, a lot of people say they are fine with it but inside, most are not.

That's my 2 bits for today. I am sure I am gonna get shot for saying the last bit.

Have a great weekend.

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My father's cousins from Denmark (sort of, distant family relationship) are coming to Thailand in January and staying with him- they say they really love Thai food.

...I'm worried what they're going to think of actual Thai food, outside fried rice and maybe pad thai (minus the chilli)

Edited by nephron
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Thanks for sharing that contrast, SK. Over the last week, I've actually started thinking very seriously about leaving LOS by mid-yer. I'm not sure where I'm going or what I'll be doing, but I'm going to start arranging my life so that I can leave. But you're right, the cuisine is hard to leave, as well as the cheap and short trips throughout Asia. I may stay in the region but work and live elsewhere - we'll see.

I'm glad everything is working out for you in Germany.


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