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True 50% Iphone Advert?


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I saw an advert in a Thai TV channel in Thai that appeared to state that the Iphone 4S had 50% off with True.

Is this True and is it 50% off the price of the phone or the monthly charge?

Anyone heard of this deal?


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The requirement is one year customer of True internet or TV and to buy 18 month subscription at 899 baht per month True Move service with 7 months paid in advance (which covers full cost of phone). Believe actually discount on phone is about 7k or 33% rather than 50% if based on Apple Store price and for the 4s models.

For heavy uses likely a good deal as True has good coverage but you are tied to a high price plan for 11 months longer than initial payment so those not using heavy (and would have actually paid for less) will likely not cover that added cost.

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Also seems they require payment using a credit card rather than in cash and contract tied to card from report back from someone who just did today.

Suspect 5 may be awhile as 4s just came out and they were expecting that to be called 5.

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