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Best Way To Make A Living?

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Let your money work for you..it's called passive income.

ie: rental income on property, interest on cash investments, dividends on stock etc..

Then you can simply do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want, for as long as you want etc.......your money makes the living, so you can have a life.

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You sure got that right,Rental property is a real good one,and it keeps you in top physical condition what with chasing bouncing checks,running to court with eviction notices,,repairing things that are destroyed and just maintaining the rental property is a full time job. Damm I sure enjoyed it,don't know why I ever sold the property,now I got nothing to do. :o

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You sure got that right,Rental property is a real good one,and it keeps you in top physical condition what with chasing bouncing checks,running to court with eviction notices,,repairing things that are destroyed and just maintaining the rental property is a full time job. Damm I sure enjoyed it,don't know why I ever sold the property,now I got nothing to do. :o

That's why property managers were invented.I give them a tiny fee and they take away all the hassle.

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You sure got that right,Rental property is a real good one,and it keeps you in top physical condition what with chasing bouncing checks,running to court with eviction  notices,,repairing things that are destroyed and just maintaining the rental property is a full time job. Damm I sure enjoyed it,don't know why I ever sold the property,now I got nothing to do. :D

That's why property managers were invented.I give them a tiny fee and they take away all the hassle.

you hope :o

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You sure got that right,Rental property is a real good one,and it keeps you in top physical condition what with chasing bouncing checks,running to court with eviction  notices,,repairing things that are destroyed and just maintaining the rental property is a full time job. Damm I sure enjoyed it,don't know why I ever sold the property,now I got nothing to do. :D

That's why property managers were invented.I give them a tiny fee and they take away all the hassle.

you hope :o

Well I've not had a single problem in the last 10 years I've outsourced to the same property managers(touch wood). So I would say I KNOW, but I HOPE for the future.

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"I don't really care if we become rock stars. I just want to sell enough records so that we can tour the world. I've never been to Thailand, I'd like to go. Just so long as we sell that many, that would be okay with me." -- Marilyn Manson

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In my occupation I deal with property managers and consultants on a regular basis, some people get value, some are very ordinary and some outright incompetent. You also need a crystal ball when tenanting properties as they are the unknown quantity.

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I dont think this guy is talking about property ownership.stocks.dividends etc. He wants to know if he can make a livng and have a good life here.

The answer is yes mate you can. The canoe/kayaking business will work if you want it to work,, Make sure you market to your hotels etc and create a website, get it well ranked in search engines and all other markeing styles pertaining to this business.

You can make a great living here and yes you can start from nothing and make fortunes - its just how bad you want it. Do not get caught up in the bar scene, with all the other pessimists, hang around postive people and become friends with the like. Also Krabi is a small place, so if you want to live there, do the right thing from day one and be private in your other activitys to do with the bar side(as you stated you wanted to do in a previous post).

Thai people want to do business with with people who seem professional and your tourist market also wants the same.

Good luck!

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Your options....

1) No Thai company will ever hire you. You can write to a million Bangkok Post ads and you won't get a reply.

2) There are a lot of professional b*llshitters in Asia. Lots of conmen who will allow you to work for free in return for a small percentage of the profits you make for them. (They usually have a flashy website which is full of lies about their integrity and quality)

3) Boiler-room (if you're a bit of a spiv)

4) English Teacher.

5) Wash up in Pattaya, drink yourself silly, and one fine day fall off the balcony in an inexplicable accident.

6) Kayaking, and get hassled by the Thai mafia like that Farang guy in Phang Nga.

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I dont think this guy is talking about property ownership.stocks.dividends etc. He wants to know if he can make a livng and have a good life here.

The answer is yes mate you can.

You can earn income off all of what I mentioned in LOS.I earn rental income by proxy through my wife's property rentals in Bang Na.Thai banks pay interest and private/public Thai companies pay dividends. Of course it is a little more bureacratic as a foriegner here in LOS, but if you have a trustworthy Thai associate(wife,friend,grown child etc...)..easy peasy !!

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If one farang guy wants to come work here and he just graduated...no work experience yet and he's not professional enough to be sth like engineer or biz consultant. Still, the eng teaching job is the easiest way to go in the 1st step?


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You sure got that right,Rental property is a real good one,and it keeps you in top physical condition what with chasing bouncing checks,running to court with eviction  notices,,repairing things that are destroyed and just maintaining the rental property is a full time job. Damm I sure enjoyed it,don't know why I ever sold the property,now I got nothing to do. :o

Im still owed over £3000 in rent from the scum bags i had living in my flat.And that was all done via a letting agent.Had to go threw the courts to get the low lifes out..Need a change in the law in England..

ps = he was a estate agent & she was a nurse,with full refrences.

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Our net yield on average over all our rental residential propertys in Aussie,New Zealand and LOS is about 5.8% (and only 1 property still has money owing on it, but the tenancy more than services that current interest). So the yield provides good cashflow, but more importantly the equity in the propertys is appreciating well and outpacing inflation (which cash investments do not do).

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Alright, I was exaggerating. I myself work for a Thai company.

What I meant to say was that there are many companies that see themselves as 'Thai only' for employment possiblilities.

Sure, there are a minority who are more open. This chap is interested in the tourism sector, which is more accommodating of course.

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Seems property is a way to go then.

I wish to work as well as own property. How is the property market in thailand doing? are housing prices rising rapidly or not?

How safe is iit to put money into thai property. i will purchase it through a thai tourist company.

Cheers to all.


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Seems property is a way to go then.

I wish to work as well as own property. How is the property market in Thailand doing? are housing prices rising rapidly or not?

How safe is to put money into Thai property. i will purchase it through a Thai tourist company.

Cheers to all.


You need some luck if you make an investment based on the input from forum replies.

Anyway, I have heard these stories and I am not into Property Business.

1. Some get caught to over exaggerated prices.

2. Some get caught to Property located in Flood areas or sometimes, suddenly closer of one Canal will change the total appearance of the place. (It was the situation in the previous Condo I stayed)

3. Sudden change of Govt plan to put up a new road and acquire the land.

4. You can not own land as a foreigner. So your Thai Partner play out for you.

5. Buy a property where no one will want to live.

6. Property Market will turnaround and rent prices will come down when the existing ongoing big projects gets over.

7. Condo Market is 90% depended on Foreigners living in Thailand and Mr T's policies make them leave the Country or relocate to another.

8. The Management Company of your Property gets bankrupt or blind.

Despite all the above points, I am planning to buy a Condo thinking of living in Thailand but not as an Investment.

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Geeit heres my advice for what it's worth.

Go down Nana Plaza and tell one of the nice girls their your a property investor but need someone to help ou as you cant own land in thailand.

I'm sure they will be only too glad to help you invest in their sacred soil and may

even fight at the opportunity presented to them.

Best of luck :o

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Finding a well paid job in Thailand is well nigh impossible unless you have a skill which is in demand but very few Thais or other foreigners possess. The main problem is there are too many foreigners willing to work for low wages. Well paid expats tend to be appointed before they arrive in Thailand.

Assuming you don't have some highly-sought-after skills, the best way to make a good living is to start your own business. For that, you need investment capital, at least one Thai partner you can trust, and a business idea that will work. Beer bars, language schools, restaurants and massage parlours rarely make enough to justify being called successful, though.

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One industry definitely worth an investment these days is undertaking/dead body disposal. The Government will ensure a steady stream of drug dealers and chickens to dispose of, while the private sector is an excellent source of careless motorists.

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Seems property is a way to go then.

I wish to work as well as own property. How is the property market in thailand doing? are housing prices rising rapidly or not?

How safe is iit to put money into thai property. i will purchase it through a thai tourist company.

Cheers to all.


Kwiz has a few things there to consider, but all is not that bad on a general scale.

The Thai property market in Phuket, Krabi and surrounding Islands continues to boom every year. In Phuket at the moment, there is another 10 5 star hotels getting underway in the next two years, many housing developments and lots of property reselling at twice the price as it sold last year.

I still think investing in Southern Thailand would be the better option, than to invest in any other country, I can think of. You buy a piece of land in Phuket, build a house and sell it for double what it cost you, within the year - it is happening here all the time. Make sure you dont rush into anything, check all your land papers and learn to wait, as some negotiations take months. If you are bringing 100,000 pound, you can double it every year if your shrewd.

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