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After 11 Years In Englnad, Great To Be Back To Bangkok


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My name is Witty from Bangkok. I am Thai who lived in England for 11 years. I so got used to living in England and life is more ordered there. I enjoyed so many places around Europe. Although I have been growing up and living in the west, what I never forget is Thainess.

My life changed when I decided to come to Bangkok to live (March 2012). I am surprised that I adjust myself to Bangkok so quickly. I always know so well how to jump on the bus and cross the dangerous roads. I hope to find many friends and good time like I did in England.


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I’m glad you enjoyed Europe – it’s an interesting place. My Thai wife has had enough after a few visits and refuses to go back! Her main problem is the weather.

Lucky, that I prefer Thailand too. I could not live in ‘ordered’ England again. England, Germany and some coutries in the north of Europe are very ordered but the south of Europe is very relaxed. I lived in Spain before coming here and found it very easy.

I’m quite sure you will enjoy yourself here much more than Europe. Dare I say ‘Welcome home’!

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Youre in for a shock when you see the poor state and smells of Thai gulf beaches. Better beaches in the UK and Ireland for sure.

But of course people dont come to Thailand for the beaches anymore than they do in the UK...lolgiggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

Errr...couldn't really be more wrong. Thai Gulf beaches are way better than anything England or Ireland has to offer that's for sure. So, there won't be any shock. Enjoy Thailand once more Witty and ignore the depressing farang who try to drag us all down.

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