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What S Your Solution In The Morning After...


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get up in the morning with a massive headache, what would you do???

i usually take a Vitamin B and C, and loads of cordial drinks or things like that.. sometimes Codipont helps too but it s pretty hard to get one over the counter at the mo.....what do you guys do??? i would like to try other things that really help... :o

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Normally I always have big bottle of Panna or Evion at home. After get home so drunk around 2.30 am, take shower and drink at least 2 big glasses of those. Believe it or not ,those water make so much different than normal ones ( when it come to this situation). ( me) Hardly get hang over in the next morning

In the worst case, hot Jusmine tea in the morning and follow up with fresh orange juice :o

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I don't drink anymore (I mean I'm on a wagon).

But what I used to do is simple:

- Every two drinks or so I had a glass of water

- before going to bed 2 tablets of paracetamol

- in the morning, 2 fresh coffees ( instant coffee doesn't work)

I almost never got a hang-over !

Before partying you can have a tablet of "citrate de bétaïne". As far as I know it' s a french drug but maybe it's available in Thailand. If you know some french people, you can order from them. It's very cheap and no country has ever invented a better solution to a hang-over, believe me.

(hang) over to you.

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yeah the best bet is drinking water as you go.......say two beers one water or even better one for one. Eat as you drink also...the Thai way......just have continual snacks coming past. Also, one of the best cures for a hangover (scientific proof of anti oxident properties ) - is Tom Yum soup !! One of these will sort you out but you have to get used to having them for breakfast. The other thought is to check which beers you drink ! Beer Chang - and other Thai beers give filthy hangovers as they are strong and who knows what other bad chemicals they include. Not so long ago Beer Chang was about 8% !! One bottle and big headache !! Toxic stuff.

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beer chang and singa give me stinking headaches, also might be coincedence but I reckon singa give me sinusitus. :D

Don't know about food Ned got told "you shouldn't eat on empty stomach"

Have big drink of water before going to bed, that works for me, dont know about while drinking cause I tried drinking beer with ice in and didn't make much difference :D

These days if I mix drinks that is recipe for disaster feel like am dying next day :o

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george, tried 2.5 mg vallium and a few shots of whiskey in the morning.. well, the feeling of 1am last night came back.. it was good though when i had a few days of excessive drinking in the country with my old mates....

i guess water did the tricks for me too but i woouln't mind get some chemicals in me after all.... :o

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Lots of fluids like water and juice, and occasionally some paracetamol or equivalent.

On the other hand, if drinking the same thing all night, there is usually no hangover.

Mixing beer and liquor and shots and other crazy concoctions, well, that's surefire recipe for a nasty head-banger.

Alcohol is a diuretic (as are caffeine and some other things we like). When you take a lot of it, it makes you want to go more. So you have to replenish.

Shall we have a drink then and test our theories? :o

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As an acknowledged expert in the field of alcoholism and drunkeness, I can attest there are only two scientificly proven ways to avoid hangovers.

1. Stay drunk, as soon as you wake up start drinking again, does not matter what as long as it has alcohol in it. In a pinch even aftershave will work.

2. Do not drink, quit drinking, go on the wagon and stay there, absolutely no booze.

After many years of intensive research I have found these are the only 2 fool proof ways. All the other''s like drink olive oil befor you go out. Drink lots of water, 2 asprins with a coke, don't mix your drinks, make sure you eat ect arre just old wives tales. If there were a cure for hangovers it would be on the shelf right next to Viagara.

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Ok so Mr IIrbus or whatever , said either dont drink or stay drunk. he reckons all these ideas are old wives tales. But what works for one is good enough for me.

What I propose is to open a bar in an area where all you drunkards get the hangovers eg Pattaya.......the bar would be a morning opener and would be focused on hangover remedies from around the world. it would become the world research centre for hangovers....imagine it......you could have dimmed lighting, soothing music, all sorts of medications, fresh water, pure oxygen on tap with a mask at every table or lounger, fresh fruit juices etc etc. In addition for those who need it......lovely young female company to massage your neck and shoulders and yes for those dirty buggers who need it....maybe a BJ if thats your cure.

I reckon this bar would be a goer.......If anyone opens it I want 10% of your profits for 5 years ok....it's my idea !!! :o

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I'm not a doctor, but I hope you all realize that consuming paracetamol (aka acetaminophen or Tylenol) while drinking can cause catastrophic damage to the liver. By catastrophic I mean exponentially worse than even heavy drinking. Even taking Tylenol without drinking is very unhealthy and should be done rarely if ever as a means of fever reduction. :o

The #1 cause of liver failure in the U.S. is acetaminophen Tylenol overdose, not alcoholism. Please be careful and use Advil (ibuprofen) if possible.

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Ok so Mr IIrbus or whatever , said either dont drink or stay drunk. he reckons all these ideas are old wives tales. But what works for one is good enough for me.

What I propose is to open a bar in an area where all you drunkards get the hangovers eg Pattaya.......the bar would be a morning opener and would be focused on hangover remedies from around the world. it would become the world research centre for hangovers....imagine it......you could have dimmed lighting, soothing music, all sorts of medications, fresh water, pure oxygen on tap with a mask at every table or lounger, fresh fruit juices etc etc. In addition for those who need it......lovely young female company to massage your neck and shoulders and yes for those dirty buggers who need it....maybe a BJ if thats your cure.

I reckon this bar would be a goer.......If anyone opens it I want 10% of your profits for 5 years ok....it's my idea !!! :D

There'll be a queue at the door Ned. Lotsa pissheads hereabouts :o

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I agree with the people who say drinking water is the best thing for MINIMISING the bad effects of drinking. Just before you hit the bed, you should drink as much water as you can. Also, DO drink water AS you are drinking alcohol. For beer drinkers like me, this can be a bit unpleasant as it is not really nice to drink much water as you are drinking beer after beer. But don't forget...it does help a lot.

I guess preferably a medium-sized glass of water after each small sized (or at least after each large-sized bottle of beer) bottle of beer should be more than sufficient. Try drinking the water in one gulp if you feel that it is not pleasant drinking the water in between the beers.

But of course you'd go to the toilet more often, with all this water-drinking on top of all the alcohol :o

Soda water is also good...before you hit the bed, a small bottle of it also helps.



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jjrbus; You have hit the nail right on the head.

After 40 years of experimental drinking,like staying drunk 24/7 for a few years along towards the end, I came to the same things you did, Either stay drunk or stay sober,You can't mix em.

And taking Valium and alcohol is a ###### good way to end up dead,your liver will not metabolize Valium and alcohol at the same time,alcohol is easiest to work on ,so the drug just goes around in your bloodstream and before you notice it,you have OD'd on very little Valium,, and TYLENOL and alcohol is a sure way to liver damage,alcohol in its self is not as bad as Tylenol.

But if you must drink,then the best thing the next morning is a few cups of coffee laced with a double hooker of good brandy,after 3 or 4 of these,you can go right back to beer or what ever and never puke more than a few times.

As to drinking a lot of water before going to sleep after a lot of beers, that is a sure way to end up in a bed that some bastard has pissed in for sure.

After 40 yrs of drinking and 20 years of continuous sobriety,I will vote for the sober every time.

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One thing I have found is I can drink some types of drink all night and not get a hangover, no matter how much I have drunk. One of these is Scotch and Diet Coke, it is probably terrible for the liver with all that Phenelaneline (sorry for the spelling) and alcohol since I often feel drunk the next morning. But that covers up well with a cheap after shave like old-spice, so the boss doesn't smell the booze coming out of your skin whilst you are doing your "Fair Days Work for a Fair Days Pay...". Normally the feeling is gone by morning tea time.

But other times I have had a small amount of certain brands of local beer, usually 6 or less in an evening and I feel like my head has split in half. It is obviously some of the presevatives and other flavour enhancers they put in it like formaldahyde.

But to keep it on topic, water and lots of water is the best answer. I find it really difficult to start drinking again the next morning, maybe my body is telling me something. :-)

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Just to add to my earlier post about the hangover bar.......a few additions may be in order for those who simply cannot get rid of the hangover using all these 'conventional methods' above.

Such as: a seperate sound proof room for self flagellation....this will take ones mind of the hangover for sure; an in house doctor who will inject pure adrenalin into your veins to wake you up; a room full of pictures of boy george, george michael, michael jackson, george bush and johnny howard - just to scare the crap out of you and make you realise that you are not so bad after all.

Add to this one of the best hangover cures of all time......only some of us have experienced this one..........an articial surfing beach complete with surfable waves in an air con pavillion so it feels like cool water........surfing is THE best hangover cure. Not many waves in Thailand though.

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Uh-oh, looks like the 12-step nazis are taking over this thread. Achtung!

So alcohol = tainted food? Sorry guys, but the evidence suggests that problem drinkers practicing abstinence are more at risk to themselves and those around them than those who practice moderation management. AA is a religious cult. Lots of relgions provide comfort and I'm sure yours does, too. Whether they provide truth is another matter.

It's like avian flu. People who don't really understand the epidemic believe you can get it from eating chicken. Therefore, don't eat chicken and you won't get the flu. Yet there's not a shred of evidence showing that eating meat from chickens that have had the virus can transmit the virus. But better not eat any chicken. Religious fanaticism and superstition can't abide rational thought or empiricism ...

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Uh-oh, looks like the 12-step nazis are taking over this thread. Achtung!

So alcohol = tainted food? Sorry guys, but the evidence suggests that problem drinkers practicing abstinence are more at risk to themselves and those around them than those who practice moderation management. AA is a religious cult. Lots of relgions provide comfort and I'm sure yours does, too. Whether they provide truth is another matter..[as posted with errors intact]

It looks like you have been listening to the guys in the bar and have not read the instruction manual to the operation of AA.

AA is not anti-alcohol,some people that are ill informed think that this is the case,but are very wrong.

AA says that those that can not handle alcohol should practice absolute abstinence,that is the only way for me and a lot of others,If I have even 1 drink,then I will continue on til I am drunk,so it works for me and I have no desire to drink.And there are millions more just like me.So if you have a way to control your alcoholic consumption easily and never become drunk and sick,then more power to you,but I can't so therefore I never drink any and never have to exert the time and energy to police my actions.

AA has returned millions of drunks to a happy and productive life,so if it works then you should be happy for these people instead of running and whistling in the dark like the scared little boy,trying to convince people that you are a very brave lad.

And they also say that alcohol is for those that can have a drink without getting drunk and in trouble,So for those people it is fine to drink and enjoy it,some can and some can't and as members of AA we have no problems with the production and sale of alcohol and consumption of alcohol,it is for others and not us.

So if you have no problems,then why are you afraid of what works for others and badmouthing a lifestyle that you seem to know nothing about, which works for others,but seems to me that you are afraid of as you might have a problem,but that is your business and none of mine. AA is not on a membership drive,never is and is only for those that want it and not trying to get you in as we really do not need you. We have over 100,000 AA groups in more than 150 country's with millions of members and one more is not important to us,but it is important to those that have a problem and want to do something about it.

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