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Kold In Korat


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Danm, is it cold this morning....

Cold enough for there be a significant ground fog when got up at 6:30.

Yahoo weather reports the temp was 13C at 7:00 AM.

And, as Ms. B and I sat on the front porch drinking our coffee we could see our breath. Ms. B said she'd never experienced that before; except in the chiller at the restaurant where she used to work.

On my morning run my legs felt like heavy wooden logs rather than the flesh and bone that usually propels me down the road. And, the streets were nearly empty. No one waiting at the usually crowded bus stops.

I guess it was just too cold to go out.

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Danm, is it cold this morning....

Cold enough for there be a significant ground fog when got up at 6:30.

Yahoo weather reports the temp was 13C at 7:00 AM.

And, as Ms. B and I sat on the front porch drinking our coffee we could see our breath. Ms. B said she'd never experienced that before; except in the chiller at the restaurant where she used to work.

On my morning run my legs felt like heavy wooden logs rather than the flesh and bone that usually propels me down the road. And, the streets were nearly empty. No one waiting at the usually crowded bus stops.

I guess it was just too cold to go out.

I agree with your sentiments Buadhai. Yesterday in Buriram it was the same. The wind has been blowing up to 30 knots for the last 2 weeks at least as well. This morning its not any better and I have decided to have a "day off" and stay inside :D I was here 12 months ago at this time, and it was HOT!! Everyone in Buriram is rugged up (those that have ventured outside) and Mrs Daddy has 2 jumpers and socks on :D:D The local weather experts (read any Thai over 20yo) reckon it will stay like this for at least another month :o

I remember when Ray posted about "Heaters" here. I had a good laugh at that one. But I am glad I didnt go ahead and call him a nancy boy for feeling the cold at the time :D:D:D

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Danm, is it cold this morning....

Cold enough for there be a significant ground fog when got up at 6:30.

Yahoo weather reports the temp was 13C at 7:00 AM.

And, as Ms. B and I sat on the front porch drinking our coffee we could see our breath. Ms. B said she'd never experienced that before; except in the chiller at the restaurant where she used to work.

On my morning run my legs felt like heavy wooden logs rather than the flesh and bone that usually propels me down the road. And, the streets were nearly empty. No one waiting at the usually crowded bus stops.

I guess it was just too cold to go out.

Mike that is where you are going wrong, you are getting up too early! It was much warmer when I got up at 10.30am.

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Just got back from an outdoor restaurant a short walk from our home. They actually had a small fire burning out front. The extra warmth was quite welcome.

I think Lampy's right. Get out there and produce more greenhouse gases so we can warm this place up a bit.

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Well, got to admit it was f'n cold on the motorcyle trip to Korat this morning for the monthly VFW meeting. I actually dug out some long trousers and socks for the "big ride" in. Still, my hands were cold and I need to buy some gloves....ouch. I made my first stop at the Korat immigration at 9 AM for my 90 day report. I walked in and I was shivering and they asked me if I was "cold". :o Good news is they were very nice, got the reporting done within a few minutes and proceeded to the VFW meeting. Wondering if we will have "snow" tomorrow. :D

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Two advantages to the cold:

1 - No need for mosquito coils. The mosquitos have all died from frostbite.

2 - No need to put beer in the fridge. Stays plenty cold out on the porch.

In fact, I was thinking of putting a few in the microwave to warm them up to drinking temperature....


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so in my planned move to korat i should keep my jerusalem winter gear (autumn gear for new england americans)... micro fibers, sweaters etc... im freezing here and my partner still showers in cold water, and goes w/o socks and shoes, i;m wearing gloves and a hat!! i say cold showers in winter means getting sick, he says sleeping with head uncovered makes u sick... go figure....

definately will read about purchasing space heaters...

he told me there is strong winds in korat area and cold..... and houses are probably like israeli houses, not built for real winter cold

is this typical winter cold??? like here, every year people say, oh, its never been so cold (we all have weather altzheimer or something)....

definately pushing for hot water thing for the shower, not just heating water on the gas to add to the cold.... brrrrrrrrrrrr........never................added to my list of things i cant do without (internet, toaster oven, space heater, hot shower boiler thing, dog, buffalo, goat)


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Today at Wangnamkeaw, Korat is 11 oC

My orchid farm close to JICA(Japanese research centre) Cold climate impact to some orchids such as Vanda, Oncc but good for Pal.

So, what do we do about the orchids? I've got plenty of dendrobium, but also vanda, cymbidium and phalanopsis?

Water as normal? More? Less?

Fertilize as usual, or not?


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:o last year my parents went here (quite old) and i advised them to visit me in the winter time because it wont be to got (good for them).

But like the most know, it was hooooot.

This year i didnt checked the temeratures and i though hmmm now after 5 years i may be adapted to the heat ( good so, because the next summer will come soon).

:D but 10 and lower, it cant be normal.

My father in law told me too, it will last a month.

The hammer is that we had rain last night (Cold and rain in isaan :D normaly impossible)


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