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Farang Girls


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Just wondered what other women (any nationality) here think of western women. Of course thats a very broad spectrum, and there will be some sweeping generalisations, but leaving it fairly open.

For the most part in CM i would say my fellow farang ladies present themselves well. I have to admit i love seeing women (and men for that matter) taking pride in themselves. Even when dressed very casually or in gym gear or whatever, a womans posture and body language can say so much in how she feels about herself (big or small, tall or short).

The reason i was prompted somewhat to write this is that i noticed a farang woman the other day in her mid 30's and she had a very aggressive sort of stance (hunched back), attitude, and posture when asking about a cake in a shop. I remember thinking even though she was wearing fairly unflattering clothes, if she just straightened up a bit, and didnt look like she was ready to punch someone, she would look much more attractive. (Ironically, later with a friend, we saw her, and he said the other night she was out in a pub he was in, blind drunk and physically and verbally fighting others...but thats just an aside..) It doesnt affect my day or anything, nor do i wish to come across as superficial..its just the kind of thing i may notice occasionally, if really stands out.

The opposite end i suppose (for example) was today when i saw two very pretty young farang girls with bicycles..im pretty sure they were tourists. They were nearly causing traffic crashes because one girls top was a loose low vest singlet style top with low sides, which did not cover her at all. Her top was a see-through orange, and her bra was black, I noticed, because her bra was fully exposed...and she had a lot of boob. I realise its hot, but i think it was pretty full on for Chiang Mai (i realise thats ironic seeing as so many girls are in hot pants lol). The farang girl would have turned heads even if completely covered up. Very beautiful. But, i actually think showing quite so much took away from her beauty rather than adding to it.

God..im reading what i wrote and im sounding sort of off. Will probably get a lot of flack. I just mean that i really do love seeing fellow women take pride in themselves, and as a farang woman, i feel an affinity and pride when i see fellow farang girls taking pride in themselves. I guess that for me means appreciating who you are...enjoying your femininity...but also not needing to be too extreme in how much of your body you show.

For the record i dont always dress well! But, i do like to think i carry myself well, and that i do have some understanding of what may or may not be appropriate.

I dunno..what do you think ladies? Await to be shot!!

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Before the ladies shoot you eek...........your spot on.

Thai ladies are like meerkats when they see graceful farang ladies walking past, and that lady you saw in the shop was lacking grace. It's nothing to do with beauty, it's grace and body language.

i will now retire from this topic in case I get shot too biggrin.png

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I dont like aggressive people - period -

Aggression in a woman is so unattractive.

There has to be said a lot for mystique in your dress, far more attractive.. not forgetting also you are insulting the culture of your host country and on many occasions watching farang with g strings, topless etc makes me especially ashamed.

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In Bangkok I think it is fairly obvious who is tourist and who is not when it comes to Farang ladies. I always smile when I see someone who looks like a professional lady living and working in Thailand.

Since living here I have adapted myself accordingly. Not completely changing who I am but definitely adjusting to the culture. I meet many tourist girls who look like they're dressed for the beach in the city of Bangkok and I've actually had a few ask me why Thai people give them dirty looks. Cue the conversation of "Well, you're in a city... Not by the beach and you're dressed like a sl*t in their eyes" Sometimes they've been offended but I think it's best to tell them and be honest.

But I completely agree with appreciating yourself and having pride in your appearance. It makes me feel good about myself. I was and still am quite a young lady who has moved over here and I don't want people to think that I'm just some backpacker tourist who extended their stay and never went home. It was actually a very deep thought out process and big decision for me and I am aiming to make something of myself career wise out here. I make a conscious effort to dress nice and professional and not look like a typical farang tourist female, also I am making a huge effort to speak Thai and get to know the locals in my area. At first they all thought I was some tourist but now they're starting to realise I am working here and a professional person so they respect me for it.

Also, the same does indeed go for men. I always cringe a little when I see a blatant tourist male being rude and offensive to Thai people and their culture. I have actually pulled a few of them up about it when I've been on nights out in touristy areas.

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Its hard to generalise about "farang women" in Thailand.

Most that I see dress 'sensibly' i.e. take care not to cause offense. (I'm excluding young, female tourists - some of whom think it is acceptable to be dressed in a bikini top and 'hot pants'). Although, thinking about it, for some reason we notice this more in the women than the men - who dress in nothing but 'beach' shorts.

Perhaps the woman you met was in a thoroughly bad mood for some reason? But I agree, the number of women both here and 'at home' who dress in unflattering clothes has always suprised me (although I'm a bit envious too of women who really don't care what other people think!). It would probably be a far nicer world if we didn't 'judge' others by their clothes - as long as they're not offensive.

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Yes, women and men should look contextually appropriate for their environment in order to encourage better service, fewer stares, and a good rep for their country etc...... This is where I quibble with other posters; those people donning beachware in BKK DO think they are at the beach. BKK is a short stop on what is, otherwise, a predominantly 'beach' vacation. Most everyone on this site are long term residents; yes WE should dress appropriately to prpogate a better reputation as the sort of people that respect the opinon's of the residents of our host country.

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  • 1 month later...

Meeting people I prefer western women over western men, Not so many mental cases and much nicer on the eyes. I don't think that western women in Thailand are poorly representing themselves here, generally. Yeah some are snags, but most are interesting. And over here they don't wear the sweatpants and tube tops with the bellys hanging out.

I don't think it is fair to judge the tourists, They are interesting, dumb, or shocking and then they leave.

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Don't get me started....here on the island [where there's lots of bars, with lots of Thai boys working] there's young girls [some as young as 18] hanging around these boys/bars, being the girlfriend.

Nothing wrong with that, it's just the attitude!!

I remember when I first came here,I was interested in meeting other people [who had lived here for longer then me] and seeing how the community was build up. [maybe this was naive of me]

So I made my friends a long time ago, it's not that I expect people to come tome or pay me respect, I have my own lifer here. Im just amazed by how they seem to think they rule the place, as in maybe some day u might need someone and then who u turn too, get what I mean?

These days you get stared down by girls half my age who have an attitude like they own the island, the sad thing I notice:

Some of them have a hard time, lots of fighting with the bf [nobody said it was easy] no money and still posting on fb how amazing your life is in Paradise, just to keep this brave face for friends & family

To me this is such a pathetic new development...why would you wanna do that?

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For the most part, I have found the falang women I have met to be very nice. Of course, there are exceptions to everything...but I try to keep an open mind. There was one falang woman I knew who was a complete drunk....couldn't live without her whiskey everyday. I felt very sorry for her children, as she didn't even bother to send them to school. It's not like she couldn't afford it, as she was quite well off. Sometimes I will smile or say hi to a falang woman and they won't reply...but I try not to take it personally. Some people just want to be left alone....and that's their personal decision, not mine. Same goes with falang men actually...

The main thing, is that many girls come and go and don't stick around for a long time, so I've found that it's hard to make long-term friendships with them. There are some young falang woman I met who slept with every single Thai guy they encountered....maybe even some falang guys too. I just hope they're careful...(use condoms...) But if that's their style and what they want to do...it's not really any of my business.

Carry: I totally understand what you're saying. I've encountered girls like that too. In a way, that's why I left the island life behind. I love going there to visit...but it's just not for me anymore. I guess you could say I've kind of outgrown it. Anyway, I have nothing against falang women (or men for that matter!) I love everyone as long as they are good people! :D Plus, now that I am a teacher (and no, I'm not a backpacker...) I tend meet less tourists and more "expats."

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  • 2 months later...

Have to agree, so many westerners forget the manners and politeness when they arrive in Bangkok, with the dreaded anything goes here attitude!

Thais don't miss a heartbeat and while they may seem to passively ignore everything, i can assure you they will be talking about it the minute you are gone!

So yes, present yourself nicely and politely, and dont forget where you are (not your own country)

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Have to agree, so many westerners forget the manners and politeness when they arrive in Bangkok, with the dreaded anything goes here attitude!

Thais don't miss a heartbeat and while they may seem to passively ignore everything, i can assure you they will be talking about it the minute you are gone!

So yes, present yourself nicely and politely, and dont forget where you are (not your own country)

yes, i fully believe they truly love to talk behind someones back and want to know all and everything...

to be honest - i dont have to "present myself"... i am naturally a nice person, polite and with good manners... and so is the majority of the women in europe...

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  • 1 month later...

That s a funny topic, so I am a fareng woman ....and I cover my self more than thai women....I am sorry but thai women, in Bangkok dont dress with long skirts...so when you say "fareng" show a lot, come on, that's a joke....thai girls skirt are 15 cm long.

And teacher 17, when you talk about fareng sleeping with many men,,,,that also sound like a joke, do you know reputation of thai women? do you know why white men come here? have you been to clubs in Bangkok to check how Thai women act?? and I know some male fareng, expats here, and they tell me how easy it is to get a thai girl and how open minded they are when it comes to have sex with a guy they talk only to 2 minutes, and I am not talking about prositutes

So no offence, but Sweep Around Your Own Front Door....

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because it is a british comedian called Matt Lucas, he is doing a skit, he also does one based on a thai woman called ting tong. Using that photo as some kind of indication of farang women was a total fail as it is a man in a bikini & I could, if I were pathetic enough, use a picture of him as a thai woman to indicate what all thai women look like. Thankfully I am not that much of a moron.

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because it is a british comedian called Matt Lucas, he is doing a skit, he also does one based on a thai woman called ting tong. Using that

But how can you be really sure? It might be Nattalie Lucas, pretending to be a man, but is trying to be a Thai lady called Ting Tong, so there, how can you be sure? It could happen

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because it is a british comedian called Matt Lucas, he is doing a skit, he also does one based on a thai woman called ting tong. Using that

But how can you be really sure? It might be Nattalie Lucas, pretending to be a man, but is trying to be a Thai lady called Ting Tong, so there, how can you be sure? It could happen

oh gawd moss, that could go on for ever & ever. A farang woman pretending to me a farang man pretening to be a farang woman, pretending to be a thai man pretending to be a thai woman. mind. blown.

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I visit Bangkok monthly and mostly see what I assume to be backpackers/holiday makers at the airport and such places. I don't really see Farang expat ladies sad.png However in the name of research I will be visiting Chiang Mai soon and will be keeping my eyes peeled for how the local female expatriate community dress.tongue.png I have to say the female expats in Vientiane are generally quite well dressed and respectful of local customs, many of these women can be seen in traditional Laos skirts and generally keep themselves well kept. I used to work with an extremely large American lady who obviously struggled in this unbearable heat, she pulled it off well by wearing the right kind of clothes and always looked good.

It's a shame the male expatriates don't take note of their female counterparts. sick.gif

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I like the woman from the West but I do not like all the tattoos it looks cheap and dirty, I think most Thai people think that too you don't see many Thai people with the tattoos.

are you serious? my husband is a tattooist & when we were in country up in his home town he was doing a booming business, all thai. men and women and not a bg in the bunch?

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I like the woman from the West but I do not like all the tattoos it looks cheap and dirty, I think most Thai people think that too you don't see many Thai people with the tattoos.

I nearly spat out my drink lol. Ive never seen so many tattooed people in other countries than Thai! !

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I like the woman from the West but I do not like all the tattoos it looks cheap and dirty, I think most Thai people think that too you don't see many Thai people with the tattoos.

You have obviously never been to Thailand smile.png

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