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God Finds Converts In Wake Of Tsunami


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Thaibebop wrote: Justifying your own path by condemning another’s isn’t acceptance and isn’t love. And what may I ask are the missionaries doing?

They are doing what they think is right for them, their choice. Whatever methods they choose to preach their message, as long as it doesn't harm anyone or not illegal, should not bother you. All preachers, of whatever path they are on, justify or preach their message in various ways, often very subtle. It's up to the listener to accept or reject and take from it whatever they see is the truth for them at that time. This truth, as you see it, changes overtime so you shouldn't concern yourself with missionaries and their message and how they preach it but the messages you are not hearing at this time. If one was more open and accepted anothers path, and be loving towards those on that path, would one not be so agitated on their own path?

I'm not sure about this bit, Christian missionaries deliberately target the vunerable and try to get them to join in an exclusive group, sometimes even estranging people from their family and friends. I think this can lead to detrimental consequences, I say this as someone who thinks most religions are superstitious nonsense though.

As I have said before, if the above was the case it would be wrong! However, to condemn all Christians or all Missionaries from whatever faith would equally be wrong! I don’t know what has or is going on there, how many of us do?

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I think this thread has run just about long enough, and everyone has had a chance to voice their opinions. The fact is none of us posting here really knows what this Christian group is up to in the Khao Lak area, whether it's for the greater good or is somehow exploitative.

If anyone has a chance to travel to Khao Lak and find out anything substantive, perhaps we could get another thread going -- perhaps in General Topics rather than Buddhism, as the latter isn't getting much play here. :o

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