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What sort of Projector are you after, The New Panasonic AE900 and the Sanyo Z4 have both got rave reviews recently, The verdict is that the newer LCD's beat the more expensive DLP's.

Both are bound to be expensive in Thailand, although in Hong Kong US$1500 gets you either.

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Got a Z4 from the shop in HK that Ben suggested. 74,000B. The Z3 is still being sold here from sanyo direct for 110,000B Couldn't find the Z4 here.

There is a relatively new? hi-fi shopping centre behind big-C near world trade centre called Hi-fi centre that has a score of shops, some sell projectors, most sell high quality amps and speakers.

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Thanks for your replies. I want a projector to watch DVD's, connect the computer, maybe watch tv also... It should be a gift for my husband, I know he would like that but not sure about what kind of specifications I should look for. It will be used in a dark room, about 15m2. The size and weight are not that important. You say prices in Hong Kong are better, how can I buy it there? what about the warranty? I want to spend around 1500$. I would preffer to buy it in Bankok unless the price difference is big.


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Most HK Warranties are international, the price difference is rather large.

Try www.Projector.co.th


This Optoma looks like a fairly good bet, considering the wide range of uses you want it for and its 60,000 baht. If not see if you can pick up a Sanyo Z2 somewhere for 70,000 baht (you'll have to check the stereo/video magazines).

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