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Two To Three Weeks In The Uk


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Thank you again for all advice. It is helpful

We have budget of about 4000 pounds. If it is enough for more two weeks then better. Or we only stay two weeks. Can stay witha friend for three or four days. In Bristol.

I looked on britrail pass ticket but if I don't know which city I want to go then hard to check how much will cost me smile.png

Yes I am slow and don't plan quick enough. I want to travel early May or end of May. Because don't want be there during Olympics

I think that Britrail has a pass that is countrywide and can be used for several days or weeks, maybe check it out?

Train tickets in the UK are cheapeest outside of commuting hours, after 10am and before 4 pm etc.

4000 Pounds for two people for two weeks may be tight, if that includes airfare? If not, it's dooable, other posters may view things differently.

EDIT: just checked and a two week Britrail pass for tourists (standard class) costs 309 Pounds, look for the Britrail flexi pass for 15 days - 8 days costs 209 Pounds and since you wont be travelling everyday, perhaps that's the one to get?


A friend and his wife did 3 weeks last December for GBP 5,000 - that included 2 nights in Dubai.

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Yes I will share some photos. But maybe not when there ? but when I am come back

I thin expensive Internet?

But maybe I need get local uk number for my phone

I have flight ready smile.png best price with Eva air. 30,000 return.

That is a great price from EVA - decent airline as well.

When do you actually travel ?

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London to Bristol, visit Bath, then south Wales (my favourite would be Cardiff).

North to Cheltenham, and the Cotswolds and Oxford.

Then north to Chester (a must), train to Scotland (Glasgow, Fort William then Edinburgh)

Down to York, through Derbyshire an to Cambridge.

Then London and home.

I personally think this covers the most beautiful towns in the UK - of course there are many more but time ........

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that sound nice

but dificult

public transport to cotswold is hard. and I check train from Glasglow to Fort William - very few in one day, and one way is more than 5 hours. so will need 1 full day travel, from glasglow. then stay, then return. then edinbrugh. all maybe i need 5-6 days in Scotland? someone tell me train trip Glasglow to Fort William very very beauty. I think may be i do train, come back same day. but for 10 hours back and return, it is too much. i wish i can see. but :(

my rough plan

Bristol - 4 days

visit Bath, Stonehenge, Salisbury and Wells (I discover new place, not Wales, Wells. Look very nice)

London - 3 days

Oxford and Stratford upon Avon - 2 days (may need 3 because less train/bus option)

that is 9 days. have 5 more

2 days Edinburgh

1 day travel from somewhere in England to Edinburgh (4.5 hrs from London by train)

2 days spare - can do maybe York, or maybe something on west coast of England, then train to Glasglow, and Edinburgh (just pass Glasglow only)

something like this.....

(will check Chester now) there are many places, but now I decide to relax, move less, rest more and see more in one place or near one place smile.png

more question:

Internet and phone

what should I use?

I want to use more internet, less phone calls

I will have phone, and ipad for internet log in

thank you everyone for patience and share with me so much information

Edited by MsClueless
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If you can only be in Glasgow for a few hours , store your luggage and walk aong from Central station to Drury Lane and sup a pint in the Horseshoe Bar . Bon voyage .

edit - or go to Great Western Auctions on Dumbarton Road and buy a souvineer .

ps Stef the chef does a not bad somtam .

Edited by onionluke
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Ms Clueless,

A peculiar username?

However, assuming you are genuine (but this thread has been on life support for some time now), a bit of a head's up...from a born and bred Londoner.

The UK is very busy this year, especially London. Queen's Jubilee, Wimbledon, the Olympics etc... Prices for tourists have gone through the roof.

If you haven't booked your accommodation by now, then forget it. Everywhere is taken already. In London, by foreigners coming for the events and outside London, by Londoners escaping the events...

Internet is free in public libraries. You will find internet cafe's in a few places but bring your own laptop - plentiful free wifi hot-spots (especially in London).

England is FULL! Come next year. I really can't believe you know so little about....wink.png

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Ms Clueless,

A peculiar username?

However, assuming you are genuine (but this thread has been on life support for some time now), a bit of a head's up...from a born and bred Londoner.

The UK is very busy this year, especially London. Queen's Jubilee, Wimbledon, the Olympics etc... Prices for tourists have gone through the roof.

If you haven't booked your accommodation by now, then forget it. Everywhere is taken already. In London, by foreigners coming for the events and outside London, by Londoners escaping the events...

Internet is free in public libraries. You will find internet cafe's in a few places but bring your own laptop - plentiful free wifi hot-spots (especially in London).

England is FULL! Come next year. I really can't believe you know so little about....wink.png

This had been a really good thread, until your post that is, why did you bother, the only remotely useful comment you made was that internet is free in libraries! And you manage to end your post with, "I really can't beieve you know so little about...", were you born all knowing about everything! I guess from the time of your post and its content that you're in the UK but wishing you weren't, England is full it seems, full of unpleasant and sad people like you.

Could you not find it in yourself to provide just a little support to a local who's going to holiday in England for the first time.

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Ms Clueless,

A peculiar username?

However, assuming you are genuine (but this thread has been on life support for some time now), a bit of a head's up...from a born and bred Londoner.

The UK is very busy this year, especially London. Queen's Jubilee, Wimbledon, the Olympics etc... Prices for tourists have gone through the roof.

If you haven't booked your accommodation by now, then forget it. Everywhere is taken already. In London, by foreigners coming for the events and outside London, by Londoners escaping the events...

Internet is free in public libraries. You will find internet cafe's in a few places but bring your own laptop - plentiful free wifi hot-spots (especially in London).

England is FULL! Come next year. I really can't believe you know so little about....wink.png

This had been a really good thread, until your post that is, why did you bother, the only remotely useful comment you made was that internet is free in libraries! And you manage to end your post with, "I really can't beieve you know so little about...", were you born all knowing about everything! I guess from the time of your post and its content that you're in the UK but wishing you weren't, England is full it seems, full of unpleasant and sad people like you.

Could you not find it in yourself to provide just a little support to a local who's going to holiday in England for the first time.

I hope you have fun Ms Clueless....don't be put off by the naysayers....the UK is worth a visit! smile.png

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Khun simond

Thank you for warn me. I understand and I hear the underground normally very busy.

I hope I go after peak hours

I dont know what you mean thread on support?

But u know. I am from bangkok. Here we have 12 million people. All Thailand 66 million. So means 20% of Thailand live in bangkok!!

One time someone told me when I ask if their city safe they tell me if you can ssurvive bkk u can live many place in the world :)

I dont know if true

I book some night's in London. Not every night. If too full I will go somewhere else. Can be Scotland. Can be Wales. Maybe less busy?

Thank you chiangmai and also Smokie. I hope and look forward. I check weather today to get idea. Still cold for me 10 degrees to max 17. So maybe I.bring winter clothes :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I did make it to the UK.

Every place was lovely. Many days good sunshine and warm but some days I felt like I was in the movie with Tom Cruise where the world is ending.

I visited many places in England a little bit of wales and a tiny bit of Scotland.

Without each of your help my trip would not be this smooth. So thank you to all of you.

I met lots of nice people on my trip, and one very special one. Everyone was friendly and helpful wi th lots of smiles.

I hope I can go back again but when it's not raining or cold.


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I did make it to the UK.

Every place was lovely. Many days good sunshine and warm but some days I felt like I was in the movie with Tom Cruise where the world is ending.

I visited many places in England a little bit of wales and a tiny bit of Scotland.

Without each of your help my trip would not be this smooth. So thank you to all of you.

I met lots of nice people on my trip, and one very special one. Everyone was friendly and helpful wi th lots of smiles.

I hope I can go back again but when it's not raining or cold.


I am delighted that you had an enjoyable time. I do sympathise about the weather, I have been back in the UK for a couple of weeks and it has been COLD - I can't wait to back to Thailand next week.

If you have time to post some of the highlights (and even low points) of your trip I am sure many of us would like to hear more about your trip.

A 'special friend' wub.png

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I will write more. I did so many things now not sure where to start :)

Every place was nice in different way. I like the small towns very much. But London so much to do. I think I just need more time.

I will think and share on what I find good easy tips too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone

I want to share a bit more about my trip and how I travel. So others can get some tips if they are clueless like I was. Maybe they will then be less clueless before they travel :)

I booked only some hotels in advance. Not all. This was more expensive, but more flexible.

My plan didn't change too much, so would be better if book ahead to save money. But I want that if I like one place more, I can stay one extra night and not lose what I paid at next place.

For same reason above, I decide to get the Brit rail flexi pass. I got the 8 day pass. Flexi means you can use any 8 days within two months.

They have different price for people from different countries (so yes Europe also has dual pricing :)

If you live in Europe, it is cheaper. I could have given some friends address in Europe. But then they have to mail to me. In the end I decide to just pay more.

You can not have the pass sent to address in uk.

I looked at advance fare and add up total would be cheaper than paying flexi pass. But I pay more for being able to change.,

Do I think good value? maybe not best for me, because I only stay two weeks. I'm not doing too much travel. When I do it is short distance for many day trips. So the pass is more expensive than buying return fare.

But, it make my life easier. And maybe save money on some parts. Eg. I had to change train in one city, the station very busy and not organized. They change platform of train last minute, and I miss the train. I don't think they would let me use advance ticket on different train. If I buy new one on day I'm sure more expensive..

So overall, more expensive. But again, peace of mind. And flexibility. I don't need to rush to catch only one train.

What else


Yes expensive, but because we don't eat that much. Many time we order one meal and enough for two of us :)

So is not too bad

By the way many hotels we book breakfast not included. But again it's ok. We don't eat big meal at breakfast and not always need big buffet. So we go eat at Cafes and sometime pubs. Sometime we get to hotel late night, and tired to go out, so we just buy bakery for next morning.

I ate some Brit food in many pubs. Some are ok, some not :P

What I liked were: middle eastern... Lebanese and Moroccan.

We had Korean, was ok.

Had one Chinese take away. Cheap but two dishes taste the same. Just look different color

Had one French meal. Very nice

Had some Indian, and once Nepalese. Nepalese place I ask them please make very spicy. And they did. Was nice


Somebody here recommend me to get giffgaff. You have to order sim online and they mail to you. So I ask friend to do for me..but it took many days before it arrived. So I decide to get one two days after I'm there. The shop said..get 3 if you want to use lots of Internet. She said, 10quid is enough (ohh I learn new word for pounds :) ) so I buy 10 quid. But then I activate and find I should get 15. Better deal. So I go back to 3 and ask if I can change because I didn't use yet. Answer: no

Can I buy extra 5? Answer: no :(

But anyway, I use that and it's ok.

At some hotel, Internet is free. At others it's not. Some are free in lobby. So overall my 10 quid was enough


I saw many. Maybe a bit too many. First few days was ok because we do one day trip from one city. But after we start to move, maybe too much. But, I thought I go all this way, I want to see a few things :)

If I have to change, then maybe cut out one town on the way to Scotland

Thank you again to everyone. I had a good trip

Ohh I cannot forget to mention, yes it rained :P

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Hi Ms C, happy to hear that you had a good holiday and that you made it back safetly, can you tell us which towns/cities you visited and whether or not you would go back to any of them? Also, is there anything/anywhere that you didn't do/go that you regret not seeing/doing?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi ChiangMai

sorry I did not come back to this thread after my last update.

my trip feel like so long ago, because after I come back it is work and work, and very busy.

My itinerary almost exact like my plan

I went from london to Bristol

saw Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Wells, and Cardiff. ohh and Oxford too, and Bath.

I like Bath very much. but favorite is Wells.

I didnt go to Cheddar Gorge, and didnt see much of Bristol town (just suspension bridge, and eating and a bit of shopping).

then we go back to london. It was very busy, and the rain started here. I think I should have planned more days for London, but was difficult

london we went to Stratford on Avon - maybe you can guess now I like small towns. this one also another favorite. I like it very much.

from there we take train to York - here I think we should skip. not because its not nice, but we have little time, and travel from Stratford to York was difficult.

we also went to Edinburgh, but only for 3 days. again not enough time because we cannot really see Scotland properly.

so, what will I change? I have to choose more careful, and give up one or two towns I think.

what I would want to see more and regret I can not? Scotland, and the highlands, but I hope it is when warm. I dont know when that is, or they have any summer :P

Total I travel there 15 days. 5-6 days is nice sunshine, but after it rain, and is cold. some days 11 degrees! I wish it stayed warm all the time.

thank you for asking, it remind me of good memory of my trip again and bring a smile to my face thinking of the nice part of trip. :)

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Liverpool Manchester and Newcastle, on a holiday, you are joking surely! I think some posters are winding up the OP with some of these suggestions.


I don't agree..........Manchester United and Liverpool are two of the greatest football teams in the world, people fly in every week in life to watch matches at their stadiums, the suggestion was to go in and do stadium tours. Liverpool have a scheme where they withhold 500 tickets per match for overseas people to come watch games.

Can you imagine getting to watch a match at these stadiums, especially if you are a Man U or Liverpool fan?

The added benefit of Liverpool is the link with the Beatles, the greatest pop group in world history. Once again people fly in every week in life to visit the home of the Beatles.

This is the problem with not thinking like a tourist, too fast to condemn the city and forgetting the worldwide allure of the places.

liverpool is a fantastic city it was one off the worlds most famous water fronts bustling shopping in the city centre there are the two football clubs numerous musems ohh and not to mention it was european carital of culture 2008 so im sure theres something there for everybody !!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bath was my wife and MIL's favourite, and also Street (Clarks Village).

My wife also enjoyed London as we got free entrance to many attractions.

Next time we plan to go to London, Alton Towers, Yeovil (my hometown), Street (for shopping) and maybe upto Inverness (to see my Brother, his wife and kids).

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Yes I will share some photos. But maybe not when there ? but when I am come back

I thin expensive Internet?

But maybe I need get local uk number for my phone

I have flight ready smile.png best price with Eva air. 30,000 return.

Use a local library and the cost is very low for the internet.

edit to add....

If you want to phone Thailand from the UK look on the internet for 'cheap phone calls' while there.

The local library will also have a lot of local information about where you are staying and they are very helpful and usually free.

Edited by pattayadingo
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