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That Sickening Thai-hyena Laugh


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I read the beginnings of this thread earlier in the day then had to run off to the Airport Plaza here in Chiang Mai.  When I arrived, I entered an empty lift only to be joined by seven young girls in school uniforms.  As I pushed the button for the 4th floor, they looked at me excitedly and almost immediately went into a huddle from which would glance at me and return, laughing, to the huddle.

It struck me immediately that this very situation took me back to the post I had read this morning about Thais laughing at farangs and how I could easily be convinced that this laughter could be something less than complimentary.

Finally (within seconds actually) the girls all faced me and one of them stood tall and bravely said, "Hello. How are you?"  The rest stood breathlessly expectant...

"Hello," says I, "I am fine, how are you?".

The warm smiles were so genuine and obviously grateful for the communication that I was almost reduced to tears. They simply wanted to practice their English and trusted me enough in a closed elevator box to make 'first contact' and I am honored. Especially since I am this rather tall, gnarly, long/grey-haired hippy/biker kinda dude.  Go figure.

As to the OP's post, it is likely that the Thai people were laughing before he came and they politely took care of him before resuming their happy conversation.

Or, he was wearing one of those t-shirts that say, in Thai, "Don't laugh; I'm paranoid"  :o

Oh, if only the elevator could have gotten stuck, eh :D

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I read the beginnings of this thread earlier in the day then had to run off to the Airport Plaza here in Chiang Mai.  When I arrived, I entered an empty lift only to be joined by seven young girls in school uniforms.  As I pushed the button for the 4th floor, they looked at me excitedly and almost immediately went into a huddle from which would glance at me and return, laughing, to the huddle.

It struck me immediately that this very situation took me back to the post I had read this morning about Thais laughing at farangs and how I could easily be convinced that this laughter could be something less than complimentary.

Finally (within seconds actually) the girls all faced me and one of them stood tall and bravely said, "Hello. How are you?"  The rest stood breathlessly expectant...

"Hello," says I, "I am fine, how are you?".

The warm smiles were so genuine and obviously grateful for the communication that I was almost reduced to tears. They simply wanted to practice their English and trusted me enough in a closed elevator box to make 'first contact' and I am honored. Especially since I am this rather tall, gnarly, long/grey-haired hippy/biker kinda dude.  Go figure.

As to the OP's post, it is likely that the Thai people were laughing before he came and they politely took care of him before resuming their happy conversation.

Or, he was wearing one of those t-shirts that say, in Thai, "Don't laugh; I'm paranoid"  :o

I'm the only farang in our area out in the boonies of Saraburi province. I had a similar thing happen with a group of 4 or 5 girls, maybe 10-years-old or so, approach me, all staring and giggling. Then one bravely wanted to practice her English. They didn't know much, so I kept it very simple. I'm the only farang in the area (most everyone knows me) so it was good opportunity to practice for them.

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I read the beginnings of this thread earlier in the day then had to run off to the Airport Plaza here in Chiang Mai.  When I arrived, I entered an empty lift only to be joined by seven young girls in school uniforms.  As I pushed the button for the 4th floor, they looked at me excitedly and almost immediately went into a huddle from which would glance at me and return, laughing, to the huddle.

It struck me immediately that this very situation took me back to the post I had read this morning about Thais laughing at farangs and how I could easily be convinced that this laughter could be something less than complimentary.

Finally (within seconds actually) the girls all faced me and one of them stood tall and bravely said, "Hello. How are you?"  The rest stood breathlessly expectant...

"Hello," says I, "I am fine, how are you?".

The warm smiles were so genuine and obviously grateful for the communication that I was almost reduced to tears. They simply wanted to practice their English and trusted me enough in a closed elevator box to make 'first contact' and I am honored. Especially since I am this rather tall, gnarly, long/grey-haired hippy/biker kinda dude.  Go figure.

As to the OP's post, it is likely that the Thai people were laughing before he came and they politely took care of him before resuming their happy conversation.

Or, he was wearing one of those t-shirts that say, in Thai, "Don't laugh; I'm paranoid"  :o

Very nice post. Thanks for that. :D

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"That Sickening Thai-hyena Laugh, Do You Find It Repugnant?"

I don't find it as nearly repugnant as the whiny twang out of some Wal Mart Whale checkout gal... :o

OUCH yes!, Where I work you can't throw a rock without hitting a Texan and the portable Radio's we use sound like someone's calling a cattle drive or somthing...

Give me a couple a cute Thai girls laughing at the way I stumble over their language any day!

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