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Looking For Bar With Decent Pool Table And Atmosphere?


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I read some of the other threads about places with decent pool tables, the latest one seemed to recommend sidespin at the back of Central Plaza but looked locked up and closed when i went by yesterday.

Im basically looking for somewhere with a decent pool table, with no obvious rolls or holes in the cloth, doesn't have to be championship or full size, just somewhere for a few drinks, nice atmosphere and a few cold drinks.

Location im open to, prefer somewhere around nimmanhaemin, thae pae gate or night bizarre so please suggest away. If they have a couple of pool tables or show the footie then that's a bonus

Edited by mrireland
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night bizarre

Every night's bizarre inThailand!

The tables at Number One are OK (in a side-street off Loi Kroa), certainly not pro level but playable, and they have good beer (Belgian) and atmosphere. OTOH, the cues leave something to be desired...

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Thanks, keep the suggestions coming, its not as if i havent tried a bunch of places, i know there is a row of them as you turn off at Tha Pae Gate heading towards night bizarre and ive tried a few but i wanted to narrow it down, theres a place of nimmanhaemin if you drive up the soi beside tesco lotus and there there is a couple of isolated looking buildings across from infinity that seems to have a few snooker tables, looks ok but a bit isolated and probably not much atmosphere and there doesnt seem to be any decent pool venues out nimmanhaemin direction from what ive seen and im sick of playing on tables with huge rolls, crap pool cues (if they have 2 good cues thats fine, my experience is hard to find 1 ok cue) and cramped spacing around the pool table. So while not looking for something amazing just wanted somewhere with something half decent and dont want to be the only 2 in the place at the same time. The wall off Tha Pae Gate is alright, nice table, bit worn but good cues, might go back or try Number 1 as suggested but was hoping for some other suggestions.

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Cant find that place:

schwein on canal road

if youve got more directions would be great, since half moon and blue sky bar are close to eachother i might try those tonight, thanks for the suggestions guys, does the red lion or olde bell have a pool table, whats that like for a few drinks, its a bit out of my way since im out on nimmahaemin and i cant believe i havent been to either being here a few months but been trying out all the locations out my directions and really only hit town on weekends.

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Down Under Bar near the end of Loi Khroh before the iron bridge. Stewart has just had the table recovered, leveled and has new cues.

I agree with sticklee. The table is quite good and you can actually finesse a ball instead of just blasting it. The music isn't too loud and there are a variety of televisions for sports enthusiasts. It's located at the foot of Loi Kroh road near the bridge over the river, and it's out of the main traffic area. It's open in the afternoon for various sporting matches.

Also mentioned being the Number 1 bar that has reasonable tables and the Blue Sky bar that often has pool tournements.

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Give Sidespin another try, it's the only real pool table in CM.

Failing that, Warm Up has a decent 8ft table up the back near the toilets. 20B/game. Cues aren't brilliant though.

Edited by keo
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Jackie bar by the boxing ring, ok the table isnt that great but they aren't shy about alcohol in your mixed drinks. I lalways tell them to put more in and they do ;) Nice bunch of ladies, atleast until mama boss gets there. thats when i leave.

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The Wild Boar on Loi Kroh has a brand new table. The bar is owned by a Canadian (if that makes a difference), it is not a girl bar, good food, good waitstaff, not overpriced etc.

But what about the cues? An awful lot of places neglect this essential piece of equipment (as noted in various posts above).

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The Wild Boar on Loi Kroh has a brand new table. The bar is owned by a Canadian (if that makes a difference), it is not a girl bar, good food, good waitstaff, not overpriced etc.

But what about the cues? An awful lot of places neglect this essential piece of equipment (as noted in various posts above).

Why not bring your own, as the cue thing seems to be be the important thing for you. smile.png

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Why not bring your own, as the cue thing seems to be be the important thing for you. smile.png

I do not often go out with the sole intention of playing pool, but if the mood so takes me, I would prefer to do it with a decent cue; especially if the place is charging you for the privilege of using their table!

"Here, look at out brand new walnut bar, and out icy cold beer taps pouring the freshest beer in town! Glasses without holes or jagged edges?!? No no no, just lick it off the floor... Or bring your own glass"

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especially if the place is charging you for the privilege of using their table!

Good point. However, I don't think there are too many bars doing that.

Warm Up has a decent 8ft table up the back near the toilets. 20B/game. Cues aren't brilliant though.

Some are...

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