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Britain to introduce legislation to monitor internet use


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England never cared too much about freedom of speech and about human rights. THey might show their finger to the rest of the world but Australia is full of descendants of children that were send there for doing nothing. Britain if full of fossils that think they know how the world works. Look at the house of Lords, it is comparable with the appointed senator in Thailand. Instead of listening in to people, they should start modernizing their country. Replacing old roads with new ones and so on.

Fascinating comments! 'Australia is full of descendants of children that were sent there for doing nothing'. Australia was a penal colony, and children there were in a minority. This, bearing in mind that the legal age for adulthood was 14. And Thailand has little to be proud of with the way it treats its dispossessed in the 21st century.

For fossils, look at Thailand's fossilised political elite, still clinging to the past with no concrete ideas for achieving the future.

Feel free to expand on the comparison between the House of Lords - which certainly needs changing - and Thailand's Senate.

And replacing roads as one example of modernisation? We are in Thailand . . .

Edited by JohnAllan
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There are two separate, but related issues. First is the issue of privacy and rights and second is the issue of terrorism.

The second issue is not going to go away simply because Western countries find alternatives to oil. The issue is complex, it is about religion and other resources. Should the Middle East not have money from the sale of oil, then there are large and growing populations which will fight for resources such as food and water. This will happen regardless of whether it is done in the name of Allah or Hunger.

I am not about the best way to tackle the problem, but we must tackle the problem.

Why do you have to portray terrorism as some sort of Middle Eastern/Muslim affair?

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There are two separate, but related issues. First is the issue of privacy and rights and second is the issue of terrorism.

The second issue is not going to go away simply because Western countries find alternatives to oil. The issue is complex, it is about religion and other resources. Should the Middle East not have money from the sale of oil, then there are large and growing populations which will fight for resources such as food and water. This will happen regardless of whether it is done in the name of Allah or Hunger.

I am not about the best way to tackle the problem, but we must tackle the problem.

Why do you have to portray terrorism as some sort of Middle Eastern/Muslim affair?

Because for the most part it is, were just supposed to pretend otherwise. whistling.gif

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Got something to hide? Well you're being watched.

Got nothing to hide, got nothing to worry about.

Dont like it, dont use the internet. Simple.

People think too highly of themselves... We're all just fuc_king ants man. Ants.

How much money do you have? What is your address? When did you last have sex? If you`ve nothing to hide, why not tell us?....

Totally agree baboon. This is nothing other than control of all individuals under the guise

of protection against " terrorists "and it's happening everywhere not just in England.

Maybe you don't have the time to see this whole documentary but if you fast forward to 1 hour 22 minutes there is a somewhat light-hearted example ( actually it's more like black comedy ) of what ordering a pizza will be like when all these databases eventually become interconnected


Edited by midas
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Midas - thank you for your agreement. As a way of thanking you, I am having installed secret cameras and microphones in your toilet and bedroom, just to make sure you are living your life as a free individual. No need to thank me; I just have your best interests at heart...Now say Cheese!

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The major financiers of Muslim terrorism is the Saudi royal family, it is a "Wag the Dog" tactic. When the west has no presence in the mid-east, (to protect the oil) the people which blindly allow themselves to be manipulated into a jihadist frenzy against the west should wake up to the fact that they have nothing, while one family has everything. This is what the Saudis fear the most, and why they finance terrorism in the first place. This Terrorism that western countries use as the excuse for eliminating your civil rights, such as this internet snooping bill in England, and the numerous internet snooping bills that have tried/are still trying to pass in America, is not about religion. Religion is simply the tool used to manipulate these knuckleheads into doing what the money people want-make trouble, blame the west for all the problems, when the problems these people have are really about being poor in a super rich country. Terrorism is simply a tool used by the Saudis and their Big Oil partners to get western countries to fight, die, and pay for their protection from their own poor people, and they do it by refocusing their poor people's hate and frustration away from their problems, and onto the west, especially America.

There are two separate, but related issues. First is the issue of privacy and rights and second is the issue of terrorism.

The second issue is not going to go away simply because Western countries find alternatives to oil. The issue is complex, it is about religion and other resources. Should the Middle East not have money from the sale of oil, then there are large and growing populations which will fight for resources such as food and water. This will happen regardless of whether it is done in the name of Allah or Hunger.

I am not about the best way to tackle the problem, but we must tackle the problem.

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Terrorism is simply a tool used by the Saudis and their Big Oil partners to get western countries to fight, die, and pay for their protection from their own poor people, and they do it by refocusing their poor people's hate and frustration away from their problems, and onto the west, especially America.

They are also kind enough to pay us to accept their hate ideology being taught in our schools and universities so our own disenfranchised misfits can also turn their frustration on us - This is political Islam in it's purest form, indeed a soon to be released book postulates Islam was really invented long after the Arabian conquests first started for political reasons.

It would be worth paying western politicians a pretty penny to stop anyone from exposing this game plan, and to bring us full circle freedom of speech would need limiting and monitoring. ph34r.png

Edited by Steely Dan
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The major financiers of Muslim terrorism is the Saudi royal family,

Unless you have something to substantiate this type of remark, I would suggest that you exercise care in what you post.

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The major financiers of Muslim terrorism is the Saudi royal family,

Unless you have something to substantiate this type of remark, I would suggest that you exercise care in what you post.

I have just Googled up ,"Which Country is the major financier of Islamic terrorism?" it would appear that Thaimats statement is not without foundation.
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The major financiers of Muslim terrorism is the Saudi royal family,

Unless you have something to substantiate this type of remark, I would suggest that you exercise care in what you post.







ABC News's MARK COLVIN: The United States Secretary of State has named Saudi Arabia as the world's most significant source of funds for Sunni terrorists.

In a diplomatic cable secretary also released by WikiLeaks, Hillary Clinton names Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan and Qatar as terrorism's major bankers.

In their wide-ranging précis of the leaked cables, New York Times reporters Scott Shane and Andrew Lehren mention in passing a key detail from one of the diplomatic dispatches: “Saudi donors remain the chief financiers of Sunni militant groups like Al Qaeda.”

The report also states, however, that Saudi Arabia ‘was a place where Al Qaeda raised money directly from individuals and through charities’ and indicates that ‘charities with significant Saudi government sponsorship’ may have diverted funding to Al Qaeda. U.S. officials remain concerned that Saudis continue to fund Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.”

The Saudi Government is the Saudi Royal family, and vice verse, is it not? The money in Saudi Arabia is controlled in whole by the Saudi Royal Family, is it not? So if S.A is the major source of terrorist funding for Islamic militant groups, as the US government believes it is, don't you think it is ridiculous to think anything other than that the money is coming from the people who have the all the money, control all the money?

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The major financiers of Muslim terrorism is the Saudi royal family,

Unless you have something to substantiate this type of remark, I would suggest that you exercise care in what you post.







ABC News's MARK COLVIN: The United States Secretary of State has named Saudi Arabia as the world's most significant source of funds for Sunni terrorists.

In a diplomatic cable secretary also released by WikiLeaks, Hillary Clinton names Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan and Qatar as terrorism's major bankers.

In their wide-ranging précis of the leaked cables, New York Times reporters Scott Shane and Andrew Lehren mention in passing a key detail from one of the diplomatic dispatches: “Saudi donors remain the chief financiers of Sunni militant groups like Al Qaeda.”

The report also states, however, that Saudi Arabia ‘was a place where Al Qaeda raised money directly from individuals and through charities’ and indicates that ‘charities with significant Saudi government sponsorship’ may have diverted funding to Al Qaeda. U.S. officials remain concerned that Saudis continue to fund Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.”

The Saudi Government is the Saudi Royal family, and vice verse, is it not? The money in Saudi Arabia is controlled in whole by the Saudi Royal Family, is it not? So if S.A is the major source of terrorist funding for Islamic militant groups, as the US government believes it is, don't you think it is ridiculous to think anything other than that the money is coming from the people who have the all the money, control all the money?

Hey Thaimat ,just done another search on Google "Wikileaks , Saudi Arabia the major financier of Islamic terrorism" there is a welter of Information enclosed to substantiate your opinion, an opinion BTW I have held for the past 5 years or so.
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There's tons of information out there that sheds light on just what this terrorism scare is all about, for anyone that really wants to educate themselves to the truth. But back to these internet censorship bills that keep popping up in western countries now. Governments the world over are quite shaken at the populist uprisings in the Middle East. Because of the internet, people from all walks of life having access to all the news and information has given the more oppressed peoples a clearer understanding of what they are missing, and have a right to, in their lives. And they're standing up and demanding it, as they should. The people in charge of countries do not like this at all! So in democracies, they are trying to legalize the government's right to censor, control or totally shut down anyone's internet that they feel is a "threat", and usually without due process of law, and without very specific and clear delineation of what poses a "threat". Whether it's simply sending emails without government snoops reading your personal life's details, or your right to peruse porn, or simply going on a blog and state your opinion, if you don't stand up and let your voice and vote be counted against government control, censorship, and snooping on the internet, you will lose your internet freedoms.

Personally writing Thaimat ,and of course no slight on your views whatsoever, I prefer to call it Islamic Terrorism ,because at the end of the day Radical Islam is the modern day Scourge to a "civilized " society ,whether it can be curtailed within the perimeters of a Democratic ideal of freedom of speech and Information is in my view doomed to failure ,what the Answer to this is totally beyond my comprehension, as it would appear that poison can be fed to the outside world under the freedom of information from person to person and to one Country to another.
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There's tons of information out there that sheds light on just what this terrorism scare is all about, for anyone that really wants to educate themselves to the truth. But back to these internet censorship bills that keep popping up in western countries now. Governments the world over are quite shaken at the populist uprisings in the Middle East. Because of the internet, people from all walks of life having access to all the news and information has given the more oppressed peoples a clearer understanding of what they are missing, and have a right to, in their lives. And they're standing up and demanding it, as they should. The people in charge of countries do not like this at all! So in democracies, they are trying to legalize the government's right to censor, control or totally shut down anyone's internet that they feel is a "threat", and usually without due process of law, and without very specific and clear delineation of what poses a "threat". Whether it's simply sending emails without government snoops reading your personal life's details, or your right to peruse porn, or simply going on a blog and state your opinion, if you don't stand up and let your voice and vote be counted against government control, censorship, and snooping on the internet, you will lose your internet freedoms.

Personally writing Thaimat ,and of course no slight on your views whatsoever, I prefer to call it Islamic Terrorism ,because at the end of the day Radical Islam is the modern day Scourge to a "civilized " society ,whether it can be curtailed within the perimeters of a Democratic ideal of freedom of speech and Information is in my view doomed to failure ,what the Answer to this is totally beyond my comprehension, as it would appear that poison can be fed to the outside world under the freedom of information from person to person and to one Country to another.

Well said Colin, and from a strategic warfare point of view, I agree, Radical Islamic Terrorism cannot be "curtailed within the perimeters of a Democratic ideal of freedom of speech and Information". But if you remove those people's reason's for fighting, which in my opinion is poverty, repression, and lack of freedom, you remove the troops, as long as there is no organized and system peer pressure to fight. What family man, who is putting more than sufficient food on the table, has his own comfortable home, and has children in a real school, is going to give that up for a violent, radical viewpoint of Islam that has him blowing himself, and other families, up? Especially so if the west has no presence in the Middle East! The foreign policy experts say that I am wrong, but where has my point been disproved?

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I think you are wrong because Islam, which started as a political ideology to aid conquest has escaped from the grasp of the tyrants who controlled it, somewhat akin to a leak from a germ warfare establishment causing a pandemic. That said I would love to road test your theories and would be wholeheartedly for disconnecting from the Arab world as much as is humanly possible. But mass immigration has already caused a demographic disaster in many European cities, which like Colin, I can't see being dealt with easily, especially when authorities are so squeamish when it comes to monitoring what is being taught in Madrassas, Mosques and on our university campuses.

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What family man, who is putting more than sufficient food on the table, has his own comfortable home, and has children in a real school, is going to give that up for a violent, radical viewpoint of Islam that has him blowing himself, and other families, up?

Osama Bin Laden was educated, wealthy, had several families, many children and gave it all up to slaughter innocent men, women and children that he considered "infidels."

True enough, but his stated reason was infidels on Islamic soil. Remove the infidel encroachment, meaning no westerners in Islamic lands, (and sans the oil, there'd be no westerners, per se), and you remove the reason for Jihad. Plus there are always going to be a few whackos, in any culture or religion.

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What family man, who is putting more than sufficient food on the table, has his own comfortable home, and has children in a real school, is going to give that up for a violent, radical viewpoint of Islam that has him blowing himself, and other families, up?

Osama Bin Laden was educated, wealthy, had several families, many children and gave it all up to slaughter innocent men, women and children that he considered "infidels."

Actually poverty causing jihad is a myth, though the converse is certainly true.


Perhaps this is something to consider and monitoring of those resident in the UK should perhaps focus on those with the means to travel and study, say chemistry, in a UK university, as oppose to someone working at McDonalds.

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Surely the most insulting part of all this is that the Brits themselves

have to cough up the £2 billion for this surveillance and they haven't even been asked

if they would like their tax pounds to be spent this waybah.gif

Revealed, snoopers charter will cost YOU £2bn: Huge price of plan to let state spy on websites, emails and texts

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What family man, who is putting more than sufficient food on the table, has his own comfortable home, and has children in a real school, is going to give that up for a violent, radical viewpoint of Islam that has him blowing himself, and other families, up?

Osama Bin Laden was educated, wealthy, had several families, many children and gave it all up to slaughter innocent men, women and children that he considered "infidels."

True enough, but his stated reason was infidels on Islamic soil. Remove the infidel encroachment, meaning no westerners in Islamic lands, (and sans the oil, there'd be no westerners, per se), and you remove the reason for Jihad. Plus there are always going to be a few whackos, in any culture or religion.

Maybe there would be an end to this never ending problem if all Muslims did not "encroach" on "Infidel soil", unfortunately this is never ever going to happen when a Muslim with a wife and 5 kids who have never paid a penny into the "system" can live rent free in a house worth half a million quid, whilst collecting 300 quid a week in social security benefits , whilst our OAP's who have paid into the system all their lives have to struggle through on their pitiful state "allowance" ,and when people such as myself and thousands like me point this out we are branded as xenophobes and extremists by the left wing PC brigade , so sad ,so sad ,and has Pamela Geller writes, "truth is the new hate speech" .
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Surely the most insulting part of all this is that the Brits themselves

have to cough up the £2 billion for this surveillance and they haven't even been asked

if they would like their tax pounds to be spent this waybah.gif

Revealed, snoopers charter will cost YOU £2bn: Huge price of plan to let state spy on websites, emails and texts

Maybe if they had the "Snoopers Charter" some while back the "London transport" bombings could have been spotted and averted ,or do you put a price on National security which saves massive loss of life and limb ,plus the pain of loved ones of the dead and injured and the terror which was quite evident after the "event",
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Surely the most insulting part of all this is that the Brits themselves

have to cough up the £2 billion for this surveillance and they haven't even been asked

if they would like their tax pounds to be spent this waybah.gif

Revealed, snoopers charter will cost YOU £2bn: Huge price of plan to let state spy on websites, emails and texts

Maybe if they had the "Snoopers Charter" some while back the "London transport" bombings could have been spotted and averted ,or do you put a price on National security which saves massive loss of life and limb ,plus the pain of loved ones of the dead and injured and the terror which was quite evident after the "event",

I put a far higher price on freedom and liberty which generations have fought wars for. And these people who are trying to introduce these Orwellian standards won't be happy with anything until they achieve absolute control of every citizen like this


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Maybe there would be an end to this never ending problem if all Muslims did not "encroach" on "Infidel soil", unfortunately this is never ever going to happen when a Muslim with a wife and 5 kids who have never paid a penny into the "system" can live rent free in a house worth half a million quid, whilst collecting 300 quid a week in social security benefits , whilst our OAP's who have paid into the system all their lives have to struggle through on their pitiful state "allowance" ,and when people such as myself and thousands like me point this out we are branded as xenophobes and extremists by the left wing PC brigade , so sad ,so sad ,and has Pamela Geller writes, "truth is the new hate speech" .

Ain't that the truth, and we can't even deport the ones with ties to terrorism due to our friends running the central Eurabian rights for terrorists court. I hope at least his house is more wired for sound than celebrity big brother.


A radical cleric once described as "Osama bin Laden's right-hand man in Europe" was freed from a British prison to live under virtual house arrest on Monday after a court ruled that his detention without trial was unlawful.

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