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Hat Yai And Yala Bombings Not A Long-Term Threat To Tourism: TAT


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Bombings not a long-term threat: TAT




BANGKOK: -- Saturday's bomb blasts in Hat Yai and Yala, which killed 14 people and injured more than 500 others, will damage tourists' sentiment in the short term, but the country is expected to maintain its status as a leading tourist destination in the long run and attract at least 20 million foreign visitors this year, according to the Tourism Department.

Meanwhile, three leading private-sector organisations - the Federation of Thai Industries, the Board of Trade of Thailand and the Thai Bankers Association - have urged the government to ease the conflict in the deep South as soon as possible, or the series of blasts would also affect investment sentiment in the country.

As regards the upcoming Songkran Festival, Tourism Authority of Thailand governor Suraphon Svetasreni said yesterday that if there were no repeat of the past weekend's extreme violence, he believed there would be no impact on the event, and in particular on the number of foreign tourists who normally take part.

Moreover, the Tourism Department will not revise its projection of foreign visitor arrivals of between 20.5 million and 20.8 million for the year, up from 19.09 million in 2011.

Despite the deadly explosions in the South, foreigners will remain confident that Thailand is a safe place to visit, said Arnupap Gaesornsuwan, deputy director of the agency, which is part of the Tourism and Sports Ministry.

Following the blasts, Arnupap said the number of foreign tourists entering the country through Songkhla's Sadao district had dropped by 1,212 people on Sunday.

On Saturday, 11,316 people in total, both Thai and foreign, had passed through the district's Immigration post. Of the total, 3,984 foreigners entered the district and 3,177 left.

On Sunday, 10,104 people passed through Immigration. The number of foreign tourists coming in was 3,978, with 4,368 going out.

At Suvarnabhumi Airport, 43,040 foreign tourists arrived on Sunday, up from 37,114 the day before, reflecting continued confidence among foreign visitors, said Arnupap.

Foreigners entering via Suvarnabhumi make up 65 per cent of the Kingdom's foreign arrivals, followed by 12-13 per cent entering via the southern border provinces, 10-11 per cent via Phuket and 1 per cent via Chiang Mai. Some 70 per cent of the visitors arrive without having arranged their trips using a travel agency.

Boonchuay Changsirivathana-thamrong, chief consultant at the Songkhla Chamber of Commerce, said the tourism industry in the province had undoubtedly been hit by Saturday's blasts. Sixty per cent of the rooms booked by foreign tourists to celebrate the Songkran Festival have already been cancelled, he said.

"This year, it is expected the foreign tourist numbers will drop by a half, especially among Malaysians," he said, adding that the situation would however improve after the government launched additional measures, especially beefing up the security forces in the area.

Surachai Jitpukdeebodintra, president of the Songkhla Chamber of Commerce, said more than 18,000 foreign tourists had visited the province for last year's Songkran Festival. There are 25,000 rooms available for visitors.

The chamber will be working with all parties to rebuild tourists' confidence and to promote the business sector through the launching of a number of measures, which will be discussed today, he said.

Meanwhile, Arnupap said Thailand still stood out as a major tourist destination despite a spate of unpredictable situations in recent years, such as the yellow- and red-shirt political demonstrations, last year's flood crisis and recent explosions in the Sukhumvit area of Bangkok.

Despite these events, foreign tourist numbers had been on the rise in the past three years, he said, adding, "Confidence in the safety of Thailand among foreign tourists remains strong. It takes place by word of mouth."

Yesterday, the Tourism Department set up a 24-hour call centre in cooperation with CAT Telecom to help tourists concerned about the situation following Saturday's blasts.

Board of Trade chairman Phongsak Assakul warned that the recent explosions in Hat Yai, as well as in Yala, would affect not only tourism in the South, but also nationwide tourism, foreign direct investment and confidence of Thai businessmen to conduct business in the southern part of the country.

"The bomb blasts occurred in the trading area [of Hat Yai] and very close to the centre of the city. All involved sectors should urgently seek out measures to solve the problem," said Payungsak Chartsuthipol, chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries.


-- The Nation 2012-04-03

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Nice to see they have their priorities in order. As long as they keep coming, eh TAT; lets not let the inconvenience of bombs and deaths put them off! Just get them in the door, keep them in the dark as to how it really is, bank that all-important baht, get them out. Wonder what Buddha would think.

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I have to agree with the TAT.

Nothing short of a nuclear holocost will stop foreign men coming to Thailand to engage in cheap prostitution,narcotics and wife buying.

Its also a busy time of the year (songkran) for the old Germans,Tyroleans and Swiss to visit rural NE Thailand with their agrarian wives and stay with the local villagers. Very busy time for Tesco ,Makro and The Mall. Villagers love those Bravia 52" flatrons....thanks farang.

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Not a long term threat - stupidity does not get any better. Doesn't anyone get it. This is escalating to Phuket, Pattaya and other prime spots. Innocent tourists are seen as fair game. First step Hat Yai. Expect a Bali style bomb soon enough. The Tak Bai massacre with no one being held accountable will lead to suicide bombers if security becomes impenetrable. I have seen police checking for bombs in motorcycles outside discos in Phuket where all the tourists congregate. Unless the government past and present man up to past and present massacres there will be no peace for anyone. Put reconciliation on the agenda for the South and payout for the victims of massacres, torture and wrongful deaths (poisoning) in custody - and what has kicked this all of - soldiers (mistakeningly) shooting and killing 4 muslims coming home from prayer. Think of the poor families who have to live with lost ones because of all of these massacres and wrongful killings. Vietnam revisited - Thai style. And don't mess with the drug lords of the South or we are going the way of Mexico. And most importantly give the ethnic Malays of the deep South self rule. They are not Thai and they don't want to be. They resisted the Japanese invaders when the others waved the white flag. Viva la difference.

Yesterday a Thai friend of mine said the talk was about Silom road ,Pattaya and Phuket being targetted over songkran festival week. Maybe the Songkla bombing was a test run. It was certainly a big one executed obviously by professionals.

Im not going out over Songkran. Too hot anyway.

Regardless, terrorist attacks will not stop men coming here for vice. Its too established and cheap to ignore. Where else are they going to get it ???

Edited by jalansanitwong
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How long do the authorities (TAT) think it is going to be until the terrorists in the South realize that the headlines are going to be from attacks in Bangkok and other tourist destinations

Anyone remember Bali !!!!

Exactly - but in the karmic circle whatever will be will be - Que sera sera. Everyone gets what they deserve. By making steps to prevent bombings would only delay the inevitable karmic punishment. And of of course they live in abject poverty for karmic debts of a former life so there is no need for the Bangkok government to share in the wealth of the region with the locals. Foreigners just remember to cross your fingers. Edited by heiwa
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How I wish Shakespeare was here. There is a Muslim Buddhist dimension to this. Buddhists awarded 7.5 million baht compensation for red massacres in Bangkok. Muslims offered nothing for Tak Bai massacres and very little for other massacres. Only 400,000 baht given for the death of four Muslims coming home from prayer - shot by soldiers. I guess they don't feel a Muslim life is worth very much. Injustice begets violence. Obviously those in the Thai government would do well to read Shakespeare and take concrete measures to put a stop to the needless slaughter - It needs someone in government with intelligence. Real reconciliation for the deep South would go a long way to stopping innocents killed, maimed and receiving burns to 90% of their bodies. Bali revisited.

I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

Edited by heiwa
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Over 15,000 maimed. Guess 17,000 by now. The numbers are increasing rapidly. Very costly for society another reason for it to end soonest. How does one eat maimed with no arms, no legs, no eyes unable to work. I see this all around me in the deep south. What do you do when the only bread winner your husband is killed by Thai soldiers. This is not the land of milk and honey. There is no social security. Money equals rice and shelter. If you find that appalling then you better return to your grande mansion. This also applies to soldiers maimed and killed of which there are many. How long could you eat and sleep on 400,000 baht with no chance to work. However you can see the maimed selling lottery tickets - this is a form of social security - Thai style.

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On the other way I don't understand why they set up the bombs against civilians instead of police, army or politicians; Probably easier but sucks.

Perhaps they have come to the end of their tether with their sorrow and hold a grudge for the international community who remains silent about these massacres. Perhaps they feel it is their only way to stop these massacres. John Paul Satre would argue we are guilty by our silence. Martin Luther King has also said the same. We come here for holidays while ethnic minorities are being targeted and massacred. Isn't that a bit like sending postcards from the gas chambers of a german concentration camp? We are saying it is not OK to exterminate Jews but it is OK to exterminate ethnic Malay Thais. Is this not a double standard beyond unimaginable shame. Have we not learnt from the past. Where is our humanity in being the silent good people of the world.

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Let's follow Ghandi's lead. The only way to stop this if you have a conscience is for everyone to boycott Thailand's merchandise. Boycott their products. Boycott their holidays. Bring them to their knees economically to stop the massacres of ethnic Malay Thais. Our silence and lack of action will only protract this problem for decades to come. I suggest we also do this with Chinese products for the massacres of Tibetan people. You may save yourself becoming a charred remain in the process like the poor souls in Hat Yai by boycotting Thailand as a holiday destination. This is a peaceful way to achieve an end to the needless slaughter of ethnic Malays and Thai soldiers. Join the peace train. I am not hopeful that the Thai government will be able to bring an end to it.

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I have to agree with the TAT.

Nothing short of a nuclear holocost will stop foreign men coming to Thailand to engage in cheap prostitution,narcotics and wife buying.

Its also a busy time of the year (songkran) for the old Germans,Tyroleans and Swiss to visit rural NE Thailand with their agrarian wives and stay with the local villagers. Very busy time for Tesco ,Makro and The Mall. Villagers love those Bravia 52" flatrons....thanks farang.

My my, do you have a positive image of foreign men? You probably forget it takes two to tango? And that Thai men are probably worse... karaoke bars for example are not aimed at foreign men at all, prostitution is definitely the oldest profession, and arguably the most popular (easy money?) profession here. Glad you do thank us for the money we bring and which is enabling you to drive a bike, or borrow money to buy an overly expensive pickup so that the donkey-riding times are over. Edited by simonphuket
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I have to agree with the TAT.

Nothing short of a nuclear holocost will stop foreign men coming to Thailand to engage in cheap prostitution,narcotics and wife buying.

Its also a busy time of the year (songkran) for the old Germans,Tyroleans and Swiss to visit rural NE Thailand with their agrarian wives and stay with the local villagers. Very busy time for Tesco ,Makro and The Mall. Villagers love those Bravia 52" flatrons....thanks farang.

My my, do you have a positive image of foreign men? You probably forget it takes two to tango? And that Thai men are probably worse... karaoke bars for example are not aimed at foreign men at all, prostitution is definitely the oldest profession, and arguably the most popular (easy money?) profession here. Glad you do thank us for the money we bring and which is enabling you to drive a bike, or borrow money to buy an overly expensive pickup so that the donkey-riding times are over.

Little harsh maybe about the elderly Europeans, but not that inaccurate.

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How long do the authorities (TAT) think it is going to be until the terrorists in the South realize that the headlines are going to be from attacks in Bangkok and other tourist destinations

Anyone remember Bali !!!!

Exactly - but in the karmic circle whatever will be will be - Que sera sera. Everyone gets what they deserve. By making steps to prevent bombings would only delay the inevitable karmic punishment. And of of course they live in abject poverty for karmic debts of a former life so there is no need for the Bangkok government to share in the wealth of the region with the locals. Foreigners just remember to cross your fingers.

Hmmm everyone gets what they deserve? So you are approving what is happening tand that innocent teachers and children get killed? They deserve that too? And if everyone gets what they deserve, the muslim who died... they deserved it as well? Thats what you are saying here? I really hope you are not condoning what is happening, violence will not resolve anything but only create more hatred and less understanding. I hardly believe that the outside world will feel much sympathy for the South if innocent people gets targeted, or worse, the violence is spreading to other parts. Fact is, and you are right there, compensation for the casualties are way off in the case of the red shirts, compared to those who suffer in the South.
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I have to agree with the TAT.

Nothing short of a nuclear holocost will stop foreign men coming to Thailand to engage in cheap prostitution,narcotics and wife buying.

Its also a busy time of the year (songkran) for the old Germans,Tyroleans and Swiss to visit rural NE Thailand with their agrarian wives and stay with the local villagers. Very busy time for Tesco ,Makro and The Mall. Villagers love those Bravia 52" flatrons....thanks farang.

My my, do you have a positive image of foreign men? You probably forget it takes two to tango? And that Thai men are probably worse... karaoke bars for example are not aimed at foreign men at all, prostitution is definitely the oldest profession, and arguably the most popular (easy money?) profession here. Glad you do thank us for the money we bring and which is enabling you to drive a bike, or borrow money to buy an overly expensive pickup so that the donkey-riding times are over.

Little harsh maybe about the elderly Europeans, but not that inaccurate.

Sure there is a considerable percentage, but it also depends where you are looking? Saying all foreign men come here for prostitutes is like saying all women here are prostitutes or all Muslim in the south are terrorists... Generalizing and therefore discriminating statements.
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I really fear some type of escalation around this. The guys who blew themselves up only a month or so ago, now a big bomb down south, a largely ineffective internal security service that is completely unaccountable, inept and corrupt, means in my mind it is only a matter of time before something big goes off in Bangkok.

I am truly amazed that there isn't a travel warning about public places in Bangkok and major tourist areas during Songkran from the embassies. The Thai's would have a s**t fit if it happened, but it is absolutely the the simplest thing in the world to arrange this exact same type of attack anywhere in the country if you are willing to die trying. There appears to be absolutely no tactical intelligence connections between the goodies and the baddies and absolutely no dialogue at all, and with the army largely ineffective, who the hell is going to be brave enough to tip anyone off about something coming?

They (by that I mean all law enforcement/army) have largely no idea who is in the country at any one time, and the system is so corrupted that it wouldn't matter anyway if osama had been hanging out in pattaya for years, he would have been able to hide himself for a fee, meanwhile they make every foreigner give a piece of paper ever 30 days as though that provides some security.

I for one will be up country at a friends house for songkran, and would advise people to keep their eyes very open to what is going on around them in bangkok and the major resorts over songkran.

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How long do the authorities (TAT) think it is going to be until the terrorists in the South realize that the headlines are going to be from attacks in Bangkok and other tourist destinations

Anyone remember Bali !!!!

Exactly - but in the karmic circle whatever will be will be - Que sera sera. Everyone gets what they deserve. By making steps to prevent bombings would only delay the inevitable karmic punishment. And of of course they live in abject poverty for karmic debts of a former life so there is no need for the Bangkok government to share in the wealth of the region with the locals. Foreigners just remember to cross your fingers.

Hmmm everyone gets what they deserve? So you are approving what is happening tand that innocent teachers and children get killed? They deserve that too? And if everyone gets what they deserve, the muslim who died... they deserved it as well? Thats what you are saying here? I really hope you are not condoning what is happening, violence will not resolve anything but only create more hatred and less understanding. I hardly believe that the outside world will feel much sympathy for the South if innocent people gets targeted, or worse, the violence is spreading to other parts. Fact is, and you are right there, compensation for the casualties are way off in the case of the red shirts, compared to those who suffer in the South.

You must be American. Why do you Americans always fail to see British sarcasm. However, the teachers are brainwashing them to be Thai rather than Malay - this is why they are being killed from the research I have done. I do not agree that they should be killed. I myself am a teacher and I don' t deserve to die. And I have taught in the deep South. And I have seen the ridiculous stupid flag waving patriotism. Celebate differences like Great Britain does - Wales, Ireland, Scotland. Why turn it into monotone. Nazi style forcing everybody to being German in Europe and the world did not work either. It was defeated. Far more beautiful to enjoy the rich diversified flavours of culture. When I lived in Japan after seeing many John Wayne movies in my youth I told a Japanese that the Japanese soldiers deserved to die - she replied nobody deserved to die. I repeat nobody deserves to die, nobody. Soldiers are just doing their job down there. They don't deserve to die. Teachers are just doing their job down there - they don't deserve to die. However would it be fair for Jews in Israel to be forced to learn Arabic as their first language and adopt the Arabic Muslim culture through the barrel of a machine gun - I think not. Justice and freedom should apply to all indigenous people including the Jews. To me it the decimation of Maoris, aboriginines and the American Indian are a disgace to our barbaric civilisation. It is the belief of some religions that everyone gets what they deserve due to karma. This I belileve is why this problem will never go away and more teachers like myself sadly will be killed along with soldiers, innocent tourists, public officials - all who do not deserve to die. I think it is God's decision who's turn it is to die. Not mine. Edited by heiwa
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Hat Yai And Yala Bombings Not A Long-Term Threat To Tourism: TAT

Not even when occuring at regular intervals?

It would be interesting to run the numbers on in-bound tourism to the UK and London in particular during the IRA bombing campaign (especially after they twigged that a bomb in London was worth 20 in Ulster in terms of coverage and publicity).

For instance the Harrods bombing in 1983 that killed 6 including an American tourist. In total the IRA murdered 125 people in mainland Britain during their campaign and injured more than 2000 in some 500 separate attacks. The impact on tourism......

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How I wish Shakespeare was here. There is a Muslim Buddhist dimension to this. Buddhists awarded 7.5 million baht compensation for red massacres in Bangkok. Muslims offered nothing for Tak Bai massacres and very little for other massacres. Only 400,000 baht given for the death of four Muslims coming home from prayer - shot by soldiers. I guess they don't feel a Muslim life is worth very much. Injustice begets violence. Obviously those in the Thai government would do well to read Shakespeare and take concrete measures to put a stop to the needless slaughter - It needs someone in government with intelligence. Real reconciliation for the deep South would go a long way to stopping innocents killed, maimed and receiving burns to 90% of their bodies. Bali revisited.

I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

It is usually considered good form to attribute your quotes. Thank you Shylock & Master Shakespeare.wai.gif

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Most important to Thailand is making money off the tourists.

If the terrorists spend more per person per day who needs cheap tourists. rolleyes.gif

The Thai locals down here - Muslim and Buddhists in the South say that the gun trade and drug trade is so big that self government would be the loss of so much money that peace will never happen. I guess its probably true. The root of all evil is money as my Grandma used to say. Time to move to Laos. I am sick of seeing all this needless murder on a daily basis.
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Hat Yai And Yala Bombings Not A Long-Term Threat To Tourism: TAT

Not even when occuring at regular intervals?

It would be interesting to run the numbers on in-bound tourism to the UK and London in particular during the IRA bombing campaign (especially after they twigged that a bomb in London was worth 20 in Ulster in terms of coverage and publicity).

For instance the Harrods bombing in 1983 that killed 6 including an American tourist. In total the IRA murdered 125 people in mainland Britain during their campaign and injured more than 2000 in some 500 separate attacks. The impact on tourism......

These insurgents are fighting to the death. The Tak Bai reminds them of what will happen if they ever get into police custody = suffocation to death. There is no British style policing. They know if they get caught they get their balls cut off (as reported by human rights groups) literally. This is why the fighting and murdering is so much more ferocious and the numbers so much more deadly. Talk about fanning the flames. Edited by heiwa
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Most important to Thailand is making money off the tourists.

If the terrorists spend more per person per day who needs cheap tourists. rolleyes.gif

The Thai locals down here - Muslim and Buddhists in the South say that the gun trade and drug trade is so big that self government would be the loss of so much money that peace will never happen. I guess its probably true. The root of all evil is money as my Grandma used to say. Time to move to Laos. I am sick of seeing all this needless murder on a daily basis.

I think you have forgotten the innocents like the buddist monks, the school children that were beheaded the teachers that are murdered, the rubber tree workers murdered, the innocent people that are just shopping in the towns that are blown to pieces and maimed for life, what have they got to do with money and drugs?

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Most important to Thailand is making money off the tourists.

If the terrorists spend more per person per day who needs cheap tourists. rolleyes.gif

The Thai locals down here - Muslim and Buddhists in the South say that the gun trade and drug trade is so big that self government would be the loss of so much money that peace will never happen. I guess its probably true. The root of all evil is money as my Grandma used to say. Time to move to Laos. I am sick of seeing all this needless murder on a daily basis.

I think you have forgotten the innocents like the buddist monks, the school children that were beheaded the teachers that are murdered, the rubber tree workers murdered, the innocent people that are just shopping in the towns that are blown to pieces and maimed for life, what have they got to do with money and drugs?

Your English is very good but I guess English is your second language. I do not say that in a disparaging tone. I said no one deserves to die. This covers everybody. So I did not forget these poor souls. How could anyone deserve to die. You would have to be insane to think that people deserved to die.
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